CSHB 226(FIN)-REPEAL TERMINATION OF STEP PROGRAM  1:40:05 PM CHAIR ELLIS announced CSHB 226(FIN) to be up for consideration. He said that the Palin administration intended to make the STEP program a permanent part of state statute. The CS in their packets extends it to 2018. 1:41:48 PM RYNNIEVA MOSS, staff to Representative Coghill, sponsor of HB 226, agreed the original intent was to make STEP permanent, but the current bill gives it a 10-year extension (it is repealed June 30, 2009), which the sponsor supports. He also supports leaving language in that says the commissioner of the Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD), Click Bishop, will work with all the stakeholders to review the program to look for more improvements. Since Commissioner Bishop took over the Department of Labor he had been reviewing the program, making revisions and making it more accessible to the public. CHAIR ELLIS said the department needed to address the integrity of the program and the commissioner assured the committee that those reviews were being made. He asked her to apprise them of what is actually happening. Some folks suggested moving the program out of the DOLWD, but he couldn't think of another place that would make more sense. MS. MOSS responded that she hadn't heard that suggestion. The sponsor thinks the DOLWD is where the program should be because it is about training labor. 1:46:30 PM GUY BELL, Assistant Commissioner, Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD), supported Ms. Moss's comments and the 2018 extension that should carry through the new gas line construction. He said Commissioner Bishop had appointed David Stone, the new deputy commissioner, to lead a task force to review the STEP program for potential improvements. That process has already begun. 1:47:37 PM SENATOR STEVENS and SENATOR HOFFMAN joined the committee. 1:48:46 PM SENATOR BUNDE said he shared the sponsor's confidence in Commissioner Bishop and that he would keep his word on investigating this issue. He thought 2018 was a good compromise. 1:49:43 PM SENATOR BUNDE moved to adopt SCS CSHB 226(L&C). There were no objections and it was adopted. 1:50:29 PM SENATOR STEVENS moved to pass SCS CSHB 226(L&C) from committee with individual recommendations and attached fiscal notes. There were no objections and it was so ordered.