HB 214-BREE'S LAW; DATING VIOLENCE PROGRAMS  CHAIR STEVENS announced the consideration of HB 214. PATRICK FITZGERALD, Staff, Representative Harriet Drummond, Alaska State Legislature, presented HB 214 on behalf of the sponsor. 8:00:49 AM CHAIR STEVENS noted a recent letter in support of HB 214 from Dr. Michael Johnson, Commissioner of the Department of Education and Early Development (DEED). 8:01:18 AM CHAIR STEVENS opened public testimony. 8:01:26 AM MARTIN STEPETIH, Representing Self, supported HB 214. He said all states are starting to put laws into place about dating violence. Young people need to be educated. A law that wouldn't otherwise be known is when associated with a name and a face. People remember better when there is a face and a story. Brie's Law goes along with AMBER alerts and Erin's Law. 8:03:32 AM PATTY OWEN, Representing Self, supported HB 214. She said she is a health educator who worked with the the Alaska Safe Children's Act Task Force. Brie's Law came into being as Brie's Law and still is known as Brie's Law informally. To make it formal honors her memory and parents' work. Brie's Law has that name recognition that all can relate to. 8:04:50 AM CHAIR STEVENS closed public testimony. 8:05:08 AM SENATOR HUGHES said people, especially young people, probably perceive laws as dry and technical. It's more real tied to a lesson demonstrated through a story, a tragedy, a lovely person's life. 8:05:50 AM SENATOR COGHILL joined the meeting. 8:05:56 AM At ease. 8:06:10 AM SENATOR COGHILL moved HB 214, Version 30-LS0781\O, from committee with individual recommendations and attached zero fiscal note. 8:06:33 AM There being no objection, HB 214 moved from the Senate Education Standing Committee.