HB 211: MUNICIPAL INVENTORY TAX EXEMPTIONS: EXPORTS Number 494 REPRESENTATIVE CYNTHIA TOOHEY, PRIME SPONSOR OF HB 211, testified by reading her sponsor statement into the record. (Copies of this sponsor statement may be found in the House Community and Regional Affairs Committee Room, Capitol Room 110, and after the adjournment of the second session of the 18th Alaska State Legislature, in the Legislative Reference Library.) Number 520 SCOTT HAWKINS, PRESIDENT, ANCHORAGE ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, testified in support of HB 211 saying, "The Anchorage Economic Development Corporation has been marketing aggressively in recent years to attract warehousing distribution business to Anchorage to capitalize on the air cargo activity that came in in recent years. We are making some headway. We are getting reasonably close with some major entities in terms of working with them to establish international warehousing centers in Anchorage. Major manufacturers of high value products such as computer equipment, semiconductors, that type of thing." MR. HAWKINS continued, "This industry has tremendous long term potential for Anchorage. Now that we have the FedEx (Federal Express) and UPS (United Parcel Service) hubs, we believe this type of thing would be the next job-creating type of activity associated with our geographic location and logistics potential. But I would point out that this bill (HB 211) is not limited to air cargo, it is not limited to high value manufacturing goods. It is not limited to Anchorage. It is also a bill that would help communities with other goals, such as coastal communities wanting to build cold storage." MR. HAWKINS added, "For those communities that have seafood storage already, as it sits right now there's actually a reverse incentive in the law because current law does not allow inventories held for export to be treated any differently than any other type of inventory. This encourages businesses such as seafood companies to get their inventory out of the state early, before January first, before the tax men come around and count it. So it actually exacerbates the already existing seasonality of some industries..." Number 551 Chairman Olberg asked, "Only the municipality can charge an inventory tax at this point in time, is that correct?" MR. HAWKINS replied, "My understanding is that only the municipalities do at this point in time..." CHAIRMAN OLBERG said, "That tax is charged according to the inventory as it exists on a particular day basically, isn't it?" MR. HAWKINS replied in the affirmative. CHAIRMAN OLBERG commented, "The Municipality of Anchorage is in favor of this proposal based on the letter we have received." REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES asked about some original language in AS 29.45 regarding school districts. REPRESENTATIVE TOOHEY explained, "I understand last year when the bill went through that, that specific language was put in there because there was a person of persuasion that felt that the school districts should not be exempt." MR. HAWKINS added, "A bill went through actually in 1989. It hit the floor of the Senate in the last day or two of session. Somebody had a feeling in their heart that school districts should always be able to levy taxes on any inventory whether it is held for export or otherwise and it was pulled off the floor and forcibly amended and we had to live with it until now. That is what we are going back and trying to clean up." Number 577 REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES asked, "Am I correct, a municipality that was a school district, if we passed this, would have the option to either tax or to totally or partially exempt exports from taxes?" REPRESENTATIVE TOOHEY concurred. REPRESENTATIVE WILLIS asked why the "repeal by the voters" language currently in statute "shouldn't be continued." MR. HAWKINS said, "I believe it was just viewed as superfluous...the feeling was that any ordinance is subject to repeal by the voters and the language really was redundant and unnecessary." Number 595 REPRESENTATIVE SANDERS MOVED to PASS HB 211 out of committee with individual recommendations. REPRESENTATIVE BUNDE OBJECTED then WITHDREW his OBJECTION, and THE MOTION CARRIED. ADJOURNMENT CHAIRMAN OLBERG adjourned the meeting at 3:20.