HB 207-STUDENT QUESTIONNAIRES AND SURVEYS 3:47:44 PM CHAIR WILSON announced that the only order of business would be HOUSE BILL NO. 207, "An Act relating to questionnaires and surveys administered in the public schools." REPRESENTATIVE NEUMAN moved that the committee adopt CSHB 207, Version 25-LS0680\E, Mischel, 4/11/07, as the working document. There being no objection, Version E was before the committee. 3:49:47 PM REBECCA ROONEY, Staff to Representative Peggy Wilson, Alaska State Legislature, on behalf of Representative Wilson, presented the changes included in Version E: page 2, line 2, following "the right to", was inserted "grant"; and page 2, line 12, preceding "permission", was inserted "written". MS. ROONEY provided the sectional analysis, which read as follows [original punctuation provided]: Section 1. Requires a school district to get written permission to administer a questionnaire or survey. It exempts anonymous surveys. Surveys that concern public information are also exempted. Section 2. Requires a school district to provide a parent or guardian the opportunity to deny permission to take an anonymous questionnaire or survey. Written permission is not required. Section 3. Defines a 2 week time frame for school districts to notice parents of an upcoming questionnaire or survey so that they may either deny permission, for anonymous, or grant permission, for non-anonymous, surveys. Section 4. Defines what a written notice must contain. Section 5. Adds language to current statute that defines how a parent can deny permission for student to participate in an anonymous survey. 3:51:34 PM REPRESENTATIVE NEUMAN moved to report CSHB 207, Version 25- LS0680\E, Mischel, 4/11/07, out of committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying fiscal notes. There being no objection, CSHB 207(HES) was so moved.