HOUSE BILL NO. 206 "An Act relating to the Alcoholic Beverage Control Board; and providing for an effective date." 2:13:53 PM Vice-chair Fairclough MOVED to ADOPT Conceptual Amendment 1. Representative Wilson OBJECTED for purpose of discussion. Vice-chair Fairclough encouraged the new Alcoholic Beverage Control Board to be sure that the one year extension of the board was held in compliance. Representative Wilson WITHDREW her OBJECTION. There being no further objection it was so ordered. Co-Chair Stoltze stated that the one fiscal from the House Finance Committee would be altered to reflect the one year extension. Vice-chair Fairclough MOVED to ADOPT HB 206 (FIN) as amended with individual recommendations and the accompanying fiscal note. Seeing NO OBJECTION it was so ordered. HB 206 was REPORTED out of committee with a "do pass" recommendation and with accompanying amended fiscal note. 2:16:24 PM AT EASE 2:17:28 PM RECONVENED