HB 139-CORRESPONDENCE STUDY PROGRAM FUNDING  8:43:49 AM CO-CHAIR RUFFRIDGE announced that the final order of business would be HOUSE BILL NO. 139, "An Act relating to funding for correspondence study programs." 8:44:05 AM CO-CHAIR RUFFRIDGE opened public testimony on HB 139. 8:44:56 AM RANDY WOOTEN, Site Administrator, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. He explained that both his children and grandchildren were homeschooled. He proclaimed that many students have thrived through Interior Distance Education of Alaska (IDEA), after not succeeding in the traditional school system. 8:47:15 AM LAURIE ZULLIGER, teacher, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139, as equal funding would provide needed services and resources for the educational needs of Alaska's students. 8:48:51 AM JENNIE BRYANT, School Board President, Galena School District, testified in support of HB 139. She stated how important and valuable the bill would be in supporting the correspondence program, particularly for support of special education (SPED) homeschool students. 8:50:20 AM JEN SCHUTTE, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. She stated that she is a homeschool mother of three, and what her children have in common is a tailored education that fits their needs. 8:52:26 AM DAWN COGAN, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. She stated that families seeking SPED support are funded out of [IDEA Homeschool's] general fund. She believed that if HB 139 could offer proper funding, the students would be better served. 8:54:21 AM NOLA KURBER, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. She stated that 13 of her grandchildren are being homeschooled, and as a taxpayer, she would like to see an equally balanced financial consideration between homeschool and building based schooling. 8:55:45 AM CRYSTAL WARNER, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. She stated that she has been with IDEA for seven years and has two children with special needs enrolled. Without additional SPED funding, important supports are lacking, she said, adding that additional funding would come with HB 139. 8:57:20 AM BELINDA EBEL, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139 and the additional support the bill would provide. 8:58:21 AM MICHELLE MUSTERED, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. She said the funding would ensure all the vital services so that students could reach their full potential. 8:59:37 AM TAMRA DORN, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. She stressed the challenge of meeting special needs while staying in the allotted parameters of funds received from the state. She said SPED funding would help meet those needs with HB 139. 9:00:46 AM DAN KULLENDAR, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. He stated that he is grateful for the options the homeschool program brings, adding that HB 139 would help provide resources on an equitable level, especially for students that may have unique needs. 9:03:04 AM DEB MACKIE, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139, as the full base student allocation (BSA) is vital for students to receive the education they deserve in the correspondence program. 9:05:06 AM ADELE PRIBBENOW, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. She pointed out that the statewide correspondence program has expenses, and funding SPED correspondence students in remote or outlying areas would help them reach their full potential. 9:07:11 AM LEANNE CRAIGG, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139, which would bring fair and equal funding for each student enrolled in the correspondence program. She read excerpts from a letter written by her daughter who is an IDEA homeschool graduate. 9:09:46 AM MARIAN WERTH, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. She stated that the funding for each student enrolled in the correspondence program is important to the continuation of this educational option for families in Alaska. 9:11:43 AM WALTER MARTINEZ, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. He expressed gratitude for being able to homeschool his kids and appreciated that the bill would help provide the necessary materials and tools for success in his children's education. 9:12:46 AM DEBBIE MICHAEL, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139, and urged the committee to support the bill. 9:14:43 AM WANDA REAMS, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139, and asked for full, fair, and equal funding for all students, including SPED students, for the success of all. 9:15:38 AM CHRIS REITAN, Superintendent, Craig City School District, testified in support of HB 139. He stated that correspondence students deserve the same level of support as their peers in brick-and-mortar schools. He requested that the committee pass HB 139 and move it forward to the House Finance Committee. 9:18:00 AM EMMA DEETS, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. She said she raised four boys through the homeschool program, noting that she was also homeschooled. She expressed her belief that whether a student is educated through a building-based school, or homeschooled, equal funding should be received. Each child's education is equally valuable and should be equally funded, she said. 9:20:12 AM MELISSA FRITSCH-SITE, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. She expressed her strong belief that the BSA for each student in the correspondence program should be fair and as equitable as any building-based student. Student needs, she said, are the same regardless of where they receive services and therefore funding should be equal. 9:22:03 AM CINDY MORRIS, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. She stated that she is a SPED teacher, and provided her belief that homeschooled students deserve to receive 100 percent of the BSA, adding that special needs should have equitable funding. More equitable funding, she explained, would allow teachers to individualize their services even more than they do already and provide more support groups for more students and their parents and teachers. 9:25:02 AM JAN CUMMINS, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. She provided her background in education, stating that she has now served as a special education teacher in IDEA for the past three years. She expressed her appreciation for all the support received, and said she strongly believed that students deserve to be funded at 100 percent. She shared her belief that it is essential that SPED also receive funding. 9:27:07 AM GALE THIBODAUX, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. She shared her belief that one thing the COVID-19 pandemic revealed was the need for educational options for all children. As an educator, she said, she has advocated for the best education that meets the needs of each child and their families. She explained that in her time in IDEA, she coordinated standardized testing for 14 years and saw firsthand the increased expenses that homeschool programs bear in providing mandated testing to all their students. She urged the committee to support HB 139. 9:29:29 AM LINDA TROUSIL, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. She said that 100 percent funding for each student enrolled in a correspondence program is the equitable and necessary way to serve families throughout the state. She added that some families live outside the geographical boundaries of building based schools. She stated that support becomes more costly when SPED is added, noting that fair and equal funding would reduce the financial limitation on home school children's education. 9:31:21 AM JANICE SALMAN, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. She stated that 100 percent of funding for each student enrolled in a correspondence program is vital to make sure students receive a quality education and become an asset to their communities. Fair and equal funding for curriculum, supplies, support teachers, librarians, mandated standardized testing, clubs and groups, and SPED is necessary to safeguard the quality of each child's education. The support for HB 139 is necessary for every student whether they are educated in a brick-and- mortar school, or in-house, she said. 9:33:50 AM SHERRY TUNILLA, parent, testified in support of HB 139. She offered her belief that each student enrolled in a home school correspondence program should receive 100 percent of the funding, and even more so for SPED students. She gave a personal example of her son's experience in a building-based school that she said limited his academic study and created challenges for him. She reiterated her support for HB 139 and stressed the importance of funding for students with special needs. 9:35:58 AM DEAN O'DELL, Director, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. He stated that his support for the bill is about fairness in funding Alaska's correspondence programs and their obligation to the law. He said correspondence programs not only have certain responsibilities, but some expenditures are unique to correspondence programs that are not shared by brick-and- mortar programs. He urged the committee to support HB 139. 9:37:50 AM KACINEHA MIZZETTI, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. She stated that she supports the opportunities and choices that IDEA offers to students in Alaska, and believes in fair and equal funding of correspondence programs. It is crucial to give each student in Alaska equal educational opportunities, she said, in addition to ensuring that the necessary funds are available for SPED. 9:39:29 AM VALERIE DELAP, representing self, testified in support of HB 139. She offered her belief that the bill would ensure that all children are equally educated and funded. She shared her surprise upon learning that there was no "special money" given for SPED students, which, she said, require so much more. She commended prior testifiers and thanked the committee. 9:40:25 AM MARCILLA JAVIER, representing self, testified in support of HB 139. She stated that she currently has five grandchildren in the homeschool program, and that the access to resources is why she saw the benefit in correspondence programs. With many more people homeschooling, parents and students would like to have more clubs and groups, which means more building space. She urged the committee to pass HB 139 out of committee because students deserve 100 percent of the BSA, she said. 9:42:57 AM TRACY FICK, representing self, testified in support of HB 139. She said she supported full funding for all students in correspondence programs. She believed that fair and equal funding would ensure that children have access to SPED services, which they need to flourish, adding that children would receive support from exceptional educators. 9:43:49 AM SARA LINDAMOOD, representing self, testified in support of HB 139. She stated that because of programs such as IDEA, her children had access to a wide variety of opportunities they otherwise would not have been able to enjoy, including SPED services such as speech, and tailored support for executive dysfunction. Her children, now in their adult lives, are independent and successful. A fair and just BSA for each child would allow for broader support, she said. 9:45:54 AM SCOTT GINGRICH, representing self, testified in support of HB 139. He stated he hoped the passing of HB 139 would help provide better services for families, provide funds for special needs, and provide more resources for parents, students, and teachers. He added that it could also provide better technology to connect with world knowledge. 9:46:57 AM ELLEN ANDERSON, representing self, testified in support of HB 139. She stated that she homeschooled her granddaughter, who started reading at the age of four, adding that she could not imagine putting her into a public school at that time. She expressed her gratitude to IDEA for all the opportunities made available for her granddaughter and supported 100 percent funding for the correspondence program. She offered her understanding that legally, public schools have funding, but the home school program does not. She reiterated her support for fairness to all students in Alaska. 9:48:52 AM STEPHANY FORESTER, representing self, testified in support of HB 139. She stated that she and her family have been using IDEA Homeschool for the past 12 years, adding that she supports correspondence programs getting 100 percent of the BSA as they deserve fair and equal funding. She noted that she supported SPED students being funded with IDEA, emphasizing it is vital to provide all Alaska's students equal funding. 9:50:13 AM ED MARTIN, representing self, testified in support of HB 139. He said that his wife homeschooled their children in the 1980s, and believed prior testifiers had valid points about raising the allocation amount. He offered his belief that the whole program is under attack in the state's superior court, and he suggested that the legislature "look into this." He said he hoped HB 139 will pass out of committee and that SPED kids get the funding. 9:52:22 AM LAURA LOWDERMILK, representing self, testified in support of HB 139. She said her son has five separate SPED needs, adding that when SPED is not funded, she must supply the costs out of her family's household income. She expressed her thankfulness for having the opportunity to homeschool through IDEA and said HB 139 would be an effective use of money for education. 9:55:21 AM AMBER CARNES, representing self, testified in support of HB 139. She said she is speaking today because of her son, who receives speech therapy, occupational therapy, and needs additional help with reading. The additional support requires more materials, tutors, and can "eat through" the allotment money, leading her family to pay out of pocket. With equal funding, she added, students could thrive with more help and support. 9:56:59 AM MARK JOHN, teacher, IDEA Homeschool, testified in support of HB 139. He stated that he is an educator and most of his experience has been in brick-and-mortar schools, but he wanted to speak on home schooling. He said full and equal funding through HB 139 would ensure educational equity and would support families with important educational opportunities and choices. 9:58:09 AM JIEUN MCDONALD, representing self, testified in support of HB 139. She stated that she supports fair 100 percent funding for the correspondence program to ensure that her children can reach their full potential. 10:00:08 AM CO-CHAIR RUFFRIDGE closed public testimony of HB 139. 10:00:18 AM CO-CHAIR RUFFRIDGE announced that HB 139 was held over. 10:00:42 AM REPRESENTATIVE STORY thanked the testifiers who called in. 10:00:52 AM REPRESENTATIVE PRAX commented on the "stack of amendments" regarding HB 148, and asked the sponsors of the amendments to get together to make sure the bill still works. 10:01:15 AM REPRESENTATIVE MCKAY brought up a comment a testifier had made about a legal challenge in superior court, which he thought sounded significant. He requested that it be discussed further.