HB 107-CRIMINAL LAW DEFINITIONS PERSON/LIFE  2:00:20 PM CHAIR VANCE announced that the final order of business would be HOUSE BILL NO. 107, "An Act relating to criminal law definitions." CHAIR VANCE opened public testimony on HB 107. 2:01:41 PM DONNA BELL, representing self, testified during the hearing on HB 107. She shared that she was sexually assaulted and physically abused by the father of her child while pregnant. Her abuser eventually gained joint custody of her child. She said abortion is a choice for women to make and emphasized that women should not be forced to have a child "that they cannot have." 2:04:22 PM STARLA MILLER, representing self, testified during the hearing on HB 107. She shared that she had an abortion for health reasons because of placenta attachment. She said she believed in "my body, my choice" and that [abortion] should be allowed whether it be for a medical emergency, a rape, or simply a choice. 2:06:01 PM SALIM HOUCK, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She pointed out that the Alaska Constitution protects the right to abortion, and that bills, such as 107, are expensive. She reported that the state had paid $4.1 million in legal fees defending unconstitutional, anti-abortion legislation, which is repeatedly overturned. She commented on optics, opining that spending millions on anti-abortion bans would make it clear that the legislature cares more about what women do with their bodies than the children who live and learn in Alaska. 2:07:18 PM NOAH WILLIAMS, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. He shared the following statement from a friend who had left Alaska, "If I had gotten pregnant from my rape and didn't have access to abortion, I one hundred percent would have taken twelve gauge to my head." He said Alaska's youth are leaving the state because of intrusions on their bodies. He urged a "no" vote on HB 107. 2:08:34 PM CRYSTAL JOHNSON, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She pointed out that even now, women die in childbirth. She opined that the proposed legislation would force people to go "back alley" where they can die too. She stressed that the legislature should not take away a woman's right to choose. 2:09:49 PM MUKHYA KHALSA, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She opined that voting for an anti-abortion bill and against helping people out of the womb is not convincingly "pro- life." She said she believes in choice and opposed the bill. 2:11:13 PM MEGAN BYRNE, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She shared her belief that should the bill pass, Alaskan women would suffer, and deaths would occur because physicians would be afraid of the legal repercussions for performing life saving measures. Further she believed that it would prevent many physicians from moving to Alaska to practice. 2:12:09 PM VICTORIA ROSEN, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. 2:12:34 PM AARON ROSEN, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. He opined that it would have far-reaching consequences in the areas of in vitro fertilization (IVF), abortion, and contraception matters that should remain in the domain of health professionals, not legislators pushing their political ideologies. In addition, he shared his belief that it is inappropriate for male legislators to propose the restriction of healthcare rights for their female constituents. 2:13:49 PM COLIN ROSEN, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. He stressed that [abortion] should be a woman's choice. 2:14:56 PM KC CASORT, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She characterized the bill as blatantly unconstitutional and a waste of the legislature and public's time. She urged the body not to give the bill any more of its time. 2:15:47 PM LAURA GUDSCHINSKY, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She shared her belief that the bill was put forward to criminalize doctors for performing an abortion. The bill, she said, challenges her personal beliefs as well as the Alaska Constitution. She said abortion had been protected in the state for 27 years and that she would continue to show up to assure that her children would have the freedom to make decisions about their bodies and reproductive choices. 2:17:16 PM LILY OVERLAND, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She pointed out that the bill quotes Christian ideology that is over one hundred years old. She opined that the rights of an egg or fetus are not worth more than a woman's life. She added that abortion is a constitutional right and opined that woman would not get pregnant if they are afraid of becoming a criminal. 2:18:33 PM EMMA WILSON, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She said the bill is unconstitutional and in direct opposition to Alaskan voters. She characterized the bill as anti-science, ambiguous, and dangerous. She opined that the bill threatens her liberty, her life, and makes her want to leave Alaska. 2:19:46 PM ANN DOUGHERTY, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She characterized bills like HB 107 as a "smack in the face" to Alaskan voters and an attempt at appealing to future donors. 2:20:37 PM AMBER SOUDERS, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She shared that she tried to perform an abortion on herself at the age of 14. She said the bill would endanger the life of every Alaskan and the children that it claims it's trying to protect. She opined that the bill was trying to control women and characterized it as "disgusting." 2:22:20 PM BENJAMIN PRESTON, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. He said HB 107 contradicts the Alaska Constitution and is needlessly confusing and complicated. He expressed concern that the bill would endanger Alaskans and their protected access to reproductive healthcare and fertility care. 2:23:12 PM JESSICA VAN AUSDAL, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She stated that the bill is not scientific, explaining that an embryo having unique DNA does not equate to personhood. She pointed out that the level of brain development necessary for consciousness is not present in a fetus util 24 to 28 weeks of gestations and without consciousness, one cannot participate in self-determination. She recalled that the bill sponsor had described the role of a women's body in pregnancy as "passive," which she disputed. She said the bill could lead to criminal charges being filed in cases of abortion, adding that doctors and pregnant people should never fear criminal charges while providing or receiving healthcare. 2:24:39 PM DEZARAE ARROWSUN, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She shared her belief that the bill is a clear attempt to criminalize doctors for performing abortions. She characterized HB 107 as a back door attempt at overturning the constitutional right to obtain a legal abortion. In addition, she argued that the bill would violate Article 1, Section 4 of the Alaska Constitution. 2:25:56 PM MARGO REVEIL, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She pointed out that not every sperm to egg contact is viable, nor does every division of cell support life. She said she does not trust politicians with strong religious convictions to create appropriate and effective reproductive laws that prioritize individual health and liberty. She highlighted the doctor shortage crisis, specifically in Alaska, noting that states with abortion bans were losing doctors. 2:27:26 PM MICHAEL GARVEY, American Civil Liberties Union, Alaska, testified in opposition to HB 107. He shared his belief that the bill is unconstitutional because it would add broad definitions to criminal code, which would put providers and people seeking a range of reproductive healthcare behind bars and deter the provision of care. Further, he opined that the vague definitions would create tremendous confusion with existing statute. 2:28:51 PM JAMIE TRAPP, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She shared her belief that the bill would not honor Alaska's women and healthcare providers, and that the state's people should be prioritized. 2:29:25 PM ANNIE HUGHHEY, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She said studies have shown that denying women free access to abortion does not reduce the number of abortions; however, it increases the number of unsafe abortions. She characterized the bill as a death sentence to Alaskan women. 2:30:00 PM HANNAH HOLDER, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She voiced her opinion that the bill would threaten the right of privacy for Alaskan citizens. She opined that the proposed definitions of life were written in purposely vague language, which would lead to a large degree of litigation. 2:31:23 PM JUSTIN PRESLER, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. He characterized the bill as blatantly undermining the rights of Alaskans and a backdoor method to imposing religious beliefs upon constituents. 2:32:02 PM LAURIE WALTON, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She said the bill is out of line with "mainstream Alaskans" and unconstitutional. She opined that legislators should not be interfering with the healthcare decisions of Alaskan women. 2:32:42 PM DAVID FREY, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. He opined that the bill was designed to intimidate doctors from performing lifesaving abortions. He shared that his wife underwent a lifesaving abortion and emphasized the importance of not allowing HB 107 to pass. 2:33:56 PM JACLYN RANDALL, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She shared that for someone hoping to have children, the bill is terrifying. She urged the committee to support the right to privacy and oppose the legislation. 2:34:40 PM SUE STEINACHER, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She stressed the in the U.S. there is no consensus of people's religious beliefs regarding the stage at which human life should be protected. For that reason, she argued that every woman should have the right to choose without government intervention. 2:35:52 PM SERENE O'HARA-JOLLEY, Planned Parenthood Alliance Advocates, testified in opposition to HB 107. She said the bill could criminalize doctors for providing any abortion care and blatantly violates the Alaska Constitution. She reported that personhood bills create confusion and chaos in the legal system and often result in the surveillance and criminalization of pregnant people. HB 107 could also have ramifications for those attempting to use assisted reproductive technologies, including IVF, she said. 2:37:18 PM JOSH SMITH, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. He pointed out that courts have repeatedly upheld the reproductive freedom under the right to privacy in the Alaska Constitution. He characterized the attempt to circumvent that as problematic. He believed that in a free society, it is imperative that reproductive freedom remains a personal choice. 2:38:42 PM SUSANNE BOLIN, representing self, testified in favor of HB 107. She reported that the Latin definition of "fetus" is small child and stated that the use of abortion as birth control is terrible. 2:40:05 PM DENISE MILLER, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She pointed out that a fertilized egg requires a womb to develop a baby and said the bill would put a nonviable organism on the same footing as a human being. It would adversely impact healthcare and access to contraceptives, she opined. She stated that the bill would be disastrous to women and families in Alaska. 2:41:28 PM REGAN BERRY, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She said the bill is unconstitutional and that she moved to Alaska to escape this type of legislation. She opined that the bill threatened Alaskans' privacy rights and stressed her opposition to HB 107. 2:42:34 PM ROBIN SMITH, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She reminded the committee that Alaska has the highest rate of rape in the country, arguing that women and children should not be forced to carry a child when raped. In addition, she opined that the bill is poorly written. 2:43:55 PM TERRA BURNS, Advocate, Community United for Safety and Protection, testified in opposition to HB 107. She characterized the redefinitions as part of an agenda to criminalize Alaskans and control women's bodies, which is dangerous for Alaska, public safety, and women. 2:44:39 PM MAXINE DOOGAN, President, Community United for Safety and Protection, testified in opposition to HB 107. She said the attempts to redefine terms are part of the Christian fascist movement whose real agenda is to impose their world view at any cost. She urged the committee to oppose HB 107 because it would strip the right to bodily autonomy from all women and children and is against Alaskan values. 2:46:03 PM ADRIAN WILBER, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107 for the reasons stated by many of the previous testifiers. 2:46:27 PM DAVID POPPE, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. He shared his experience as an EMT and how the bill would negatively impact his profession. Further, he said anything that can be frozen and brought back to vitality is not a person. 2:48:10 PM KIMBERLY RAMOS, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She said it's estimated that up to 20 percent of all pregnancies end in miscarriage, for which medical or surgical abortion is often the only safe and compassionate option for treatment. She said her four-month-old baby exists today because she had a medical abortion after her miscarriage. The bill is unconstitutional, she said, and threatens fertility treatments like IVF and forms of contraception. She said religious beliefs should not determine access to healthcare. 2:49:22 PM CAROLINE IMIOLEK, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She stated that abortions will continue whether legal or not and highlighted the dangers of omitting women's access to medical care. She urged the legislature to prioritize Alaskans and women's rights. 2:50:22 PM CHANCE DONOVAN, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. He pointed out that the bill would deny pregnant children as young as 12 the medical care they need. 2:51:26 PM SHANTI TREVELYAN, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She said she does not support any law that restricts a woman's' right to decide any and all healthcare matters. She reasoned that a baby cannot be frozen, and therefore, an embryo is not a baby. She characterized HB 107 as religious ideology that would violate established Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) laws. 2:52:32 PM MIKAYLA RICHARDSON, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She shared that she was four years old when she was raped by her pro-life foster dad. She opined that "taking care of the children" should start with the corrupt foster care system. 2:53:21 PM MARIAH BENNETT, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She shared her belief that the government has no business being involved in women's personal healthcare decisions. 2:53:58 PM HEIDI FROST, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She stated that the bill is against women's health and autonomy and that poor results have been demonstrated by other states. 2:54:31 PM TERRI LYONS, representing self, testified in support of HB 107. She asked how one could deny that a fetus is a separate life and reiterated her support for HB 107. 2:55:18 PM ASHLEY FRANKLIN, MD, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She shared her belief that the bill would have unintended consequences, such as the loss of physicians and other providers. She said that as an obstetrics provider in Alaska, she would be afraid to help provide care to women in Anchorage with an active fetal heartrate if the bill were to pass. 2:56:07 PM JOAN FRANZ, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She opined that the bill was unconstitutional and a waste of time. She believed that reproductive care decisions belong to women and their doctors, not legislators. 2:56:57 PM EPHRAIM FROEHLICH, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. He characterized the bill as poorly drafted, ill- conceived, regressive, counter to science, and harmful, in addition to unconstitutional. He said that he went to law school and the bill would not pass a Constitutional Law 101 class. Further, he said it is startling to have to continue to re-explain the state's core value of privacy, which was baked into Alaska's founding documents by its forefathers. 2:57:58 PM WILL MULDOON, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. He shared his belief that the bill is poorly written and urged the legislature to do better. 2:59:23 PM CARLY JENSEN, representing self, testified in opposition to HB 107. She said the bill is unconstitutional and goes against the right to privacy. She added that if the bill were to pass, she could not in good conscious, start family planning. She shared her belief that HB 107 would result in an exodus of working professionals and young couples. 3:00:43 PM MICHAEL PATTERSON, Party for Socialism and Liberation, testified in opposition to HB 107, which he characterized as an attack on Alaskans, the Alaska Constitution, children, and families. He urged legislators to stop wasting people's time by inserting religion into state law and attacking women and the constitution. 3:02:09 PM CHAIR VANCE announced that HB 107 would be held over.