CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 90(FIN) "An Act relating to a salmon product development tax credit and a salmon utilization tax credit under the Alaska fisheries business tax; and providing for an effective date." This was the second hearing for this bill in the Senate Finance Committee. Co-Chair Wilken reminded that this bill, "recommended by the Salmon Task Force, provides two tax credits: one for salmon product development and another for salmon utilization. The purpose of the measure is to encourage industry to invest in the production of new value-added salmon products to improve marketability. It has a retroactive clause to January 1, 2003." Senator B. Stevens moved for adoption of SCS CS HB 90, 23-LS0525\B, as a working draft. Senator B. Stevens detailed the changes proposed in the committee substitute clarifying the definitions of qualified expenditures for salmon utilization. He informed that efforts were underway by the Governor's Office, himself, and industry representatives to ensure the costs could be contained to their intended purposes. Senator Bunde asked if agreements were entered into that require the retroactivity of this legislation. Senator B. Stevens responded that this legislation was drafted in November 2002 with the anticipation that it would have been passed into law earlier than May 2003. If the bill had been enacted in February 2003, he pointed out the retroactivity would have been limited to one month. CHUCK HARLAMERT, Juneau Section Chief, Tax Division, Department of Revenue, stated he was not involved in matters relating to the need for the provisions of this legislation to be retroactive. He surmised that affected taxpayers could have made business decisions based on the passage of this bill early in the calendar year. He did not expect the retroactivity to have a significant effect since the salmon fishing season does not start until the spring. There was no objection to the adoption of Version "B" as a working draft and the committee substitute was ADOPTED. Senator B. Stevens offered a motion to report HB 90 from Committee with individual recommendations and accompanying fiscal note. Without objection SCS CS HB 90 (FIN) MOVED from Committee with fiscal note #1 for $49,300 from the Department of Revenue. AT EASE 9:19 AM / 9:20 AM