HB 62: EMPLOYEES RIGHT TO USE LAWFUL PRODUCTS REP. BEN GRUSSENDORF, PRIME SPONSOR OF HB 62, stated that the legislation basically dealt with employees' rights outside the workplace. Rep. Grussendorf believed that under the present scenario individuals have had restrictions placed on them that extend beyond the workplace. REP. GRUSSENDORF further explained that individuals should be able to use lawful products, such as tobacco or alcohol, on their own time while not associated with the company they work for without being threatened. REP. GRUSSENDORF noted that there was a provision in the bill that allowed a company to recoup the extra health insurance costs associated with hiring an individual because of the use of a lawful product was placed in a higher insurance category. REP. GRUSSENDORF pointed out that the bill would also exempt religious organizations. Number 103 RREP. JOE GREEN asked if HB 62 would cover the situation of a person taking prescribed drugs which affects their job performance. REP. GRUSSENDORF responded that the bill would not cover this situation as the drugs affect the job performance of the individual. Number 141 REP. BRIAN PORTER clarified the portion of the bill dealing with the employer's rights to pass on the increased health costs associated with a person using lawful products. REP. HUDSON pointed out page 1, line 13, to the committee in answer to the issue of increased health care costs for persons using legal substances that are determined to be harmful. Number 222 MIKE McMULLEN, MANAGER, SYSTEM SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF ADMINISTRATION, testified in opposition to HB 62. Mr. McMullen noted that there are some jobs where a person is so identified with their job that they really don't have a private life. Mr. McMullen observed, for example, that there are some jobs that place a person's off-duty behavior in direct odds with their stated job goals. For example, the lone police officer in a small village who gets publicly drunk. MR. McMULLEN offered the following amendment: Add a new paragraph after line 11 on page 2 to read: (3) discharge an individual or otherwise disadvantage an individual with respect to compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment if the individual fails to comply with an employer's reasonable standards of conduct, even during nonworking hours, where the employer can demonstrate a close relationship between the standards and the employer's business. Number 294 REP. GRUSSENDORF replied that the amendment offered by the Department of Administration was exactly the type of thing the bill hoped to eliminate. CHAIRMAN HUDSON expressed concern that the amendment offered was too nebulous. Number 356 Discussion ensued regarding the standards of conduct an employer can reasonable expect from an employee during nonworking hours. Number 452 CHAIRMAN HUDSON summarized HB 65 by saying that what a employee does on the job was completely separate from his nonworking behavior. Chairman Hudson noted that the bill seemed to be protecting the employee as well as the employer's rights. Number 452 REP. ELDON MULDER moved HB 62 with individual recommendations and two fiscal notes. There were no objections and it was so moved.