Legislature(2023 - 2024)BUTROVICH 205

02/22/2024 01:30 PM Senate TRANSPORTATION

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Audio Topic
01:31:07 PM Start
01:31:42 PM Eo 131 Reorganizing the Alaska Marine Highway Operations Board
01:38:51 PM SSCR8
01:40:25 PM Adjourn
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
-- Public Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> --
Moved SSCR 8 Out of Committee
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
**Streamed live on AKL.tv**
                   BALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                                                                  
            SENATE TRANSPORTATION STANDING COMMITTEE                                                                          
                       February 22, 2024                                                                                        
                           1:31 p.m.                                                                                            
MEMBERS PRESENT                                                                                                               
Senator James Kaufman, Chair                                                                                                    
Senator Löki Tobin                                                                                                              
Senator Robert Myers                                                                                                            
MEMBERS ABSENT                                                                                                                
Senator David Wilson, Vice Chair                                                                                                
Senator Jesse Kiehl                                                                                                             
COMMITTEE CALENDAR                                                                                                            
EO 131 REORGANIZING THE ALASKA MARINE HIGHWAY OPERATIONS BOARD                                                                  
     - MOVED OUT OF COMMITTEE                                                                                                   
SENATE SPECIAL CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 8                                                                                      
Disapproving Executive Order No. 131.                                                                                           
     - MOVED SSCR 8 OUT OF COMMITTEE                                                                                            
PREVIOUS COMMITTEE ACTION                                                                                                     
BILL: SSCR 8                                                                                                                  
SHORT TITLE: DISAPPROVE EO 131                                                                                                  
SPONSOR(s): RULES                                                                                                               
02/12/24       (S)       READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRALS                                                                        
02/12/24       (S)       TRA                                                                                                    
02/22/24       (S)       TRA AT 1:30 PM BUTROVICH 205                                                                           
WITNESS REGISTER                                                                                                              
ANDY MILLS, Legislative Liaison                                                                                                 
Department of Transportation and Public Facilities (DOT&PF)                                                                     
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT: Answered questions on EO 131.                                                                             
JAN WRENTMORE, representing self                                                                                                
Skagway, Alaska                                                                                                                 
POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in opposition to EO 131.                                                                        
NANCY BIRD, representing self                                                                                                   
Cordova, Alaska                                                                                                                 
POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in opposition to EO 131.                                                                        
ACTION NARRATIVE                                                                                                              
1:31:07 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  JAMES KAUFMAN  called the  Senate Transportation  Standing                                                             
Committee meeting  to order at 1:31  p.m. Present at the  call to                                                               
order were Senators Tobin, Myers and Chair Kaufman.                                                                             
^EO 131 Reorganizing The Alaska Marine Highway Operations Board                                                                 
 EO 131 REORGANIZING THE ALASKA MARINE HIGHWAY OPERATIONS BOARD                                                             
1:31:42 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR KAUFMAN announced the consideration  of Executive Order No.                                                               
131 - Reorganizing the Alaska Marine Highway Operations Board.                                                                  
This is the second hearing of EO  131. It is the intention of the                                                               
committee to  take questions from members,  public testimony, and                                                               
look to the will of the committee.                                                                                              
1:32:38 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR TOBIN  said that from  an email she received  her current                                                               
understanding  of  the  operating  board's  leadership  had  been                                                               
incorrect;  she asked  to know  who  the current  chair and  vice                                                               
chair of the Alaska Marine Highway Operations Board (AMHOB) are.                                                                
1:33:01 PM                                                                                                                    
ANDY  MILLS, Legislative  Liaison,  Department of  Transportation                                                               
and Public Facilities (DOT&PF),  Juneau, Alaska, replied that the                                                               
current chair of  AMHOB is Shirley Marquardt,  and the vice-chair                                                               
is Ed Page.                                                                                                                     
1:33:24 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR  TOBIN apologized  for sharing  incorrect information  at                                                               
the last meeting on this subject.                                                                                               
1:33:40 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR KAUFMAN opened public testimony on EO 131.                                                                                
1:34:04 PM                                                                                                                    
JAN WRENTMORE,  representing self, Skagway, Alaska,  testified in                                                               
opposition  to  EO 131.  She  expressed  that the  Alaska  Marine                                                               
Highway  plays  a significant  role  in  the Skagway  community's                                                               
economy,  emphasizing  its  consistent  year-round  impact,  even                                                               
though it may  not attract as many visitors as  cruise ships. The                                                               
Alaska  Marine  Highway  facilitates  access  to  healthcare  and                                                               
enables businesses to plan for  the tourist season. Reflecting on                                                               
its  struggles  over  recent  decades,  she  identified  shifting                                                               
political agendas  as the primary challenge,  noting the turnover                                                               
of  governors and  Department of  Transportation officials,  each                                                               
bringing  new  perspectives.  She  advocated  for  maintaining  a                                                               
diverse and  knowledgeable board  drawn from  various communities                                                               
and disciplines  to ensure a  stable and reliable course  for the                                                               
marine highway.                                                                                                                 
1:35:57 PM                                                                                                                    
NANCY  BIRD, representing  self,  Cordova,  Alaska, testified  in                                                               
opposition  to EO  131. She  expressed worry  regarding Executive                                                               
Order 131,  citing her nearly  50-year history  as a user  of the                                                               
Alaska   Marine  Highway   system.   She   voiced  concern   that                                                               
transferring  the appointment  authority of  four members  of the                                                               
Alaska  Marine Highway  Operations Board  from the  house speaker                                                               
and  senate  president's  oversight could  restrict  rather  than                                                               
broaden  diversity  in   appointments.  Additionally,  she  noted                                                               
discrepancies between  board recommendations  found on  the AMHOB                                                               
website   and  assessments   provided   by   the  Department   of                                                               
Transportation commissioner during the last meeting.                                                                            
MS.  BIRD noted  a lack  of  specific instances  where the  board                                                               
failed  to  provide  expected  recommendations  and  advice.  She                                                               
referred  to pages  8-9 of  the  August 25,  2023, board  minutes                                                               
where  three  significant  motions were  recorded,  although  she                                                               
remains unsure  of their implications.  Despite wanting  to trust                                                               
the  DOT  commissioner's assertion  that  everyone  aims for  the                                                               
success of  the marine highway  system, she recalled  a situation                                                               
three  years prior  when the  government shut  it down,  severing                                                               
access  to Prince  William Sound.  She urged  an end  to disputes                                                               
over  board membership  to refocus  efforts  on revitalizing  the                                                               
ferry  system.  She  advocated  for   support  of  SSCR  8  while                                                               
expressing disapproval of EO 131.                                                                                               
1:38:24 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR KAUFMAN closed public testimony on EO 131.                                                                                
1:38:41 PM                                                                                                                    
At ease                                                                                                                         
                    SSCR 8-DISAPPROVE EO 131                                                                                
1:38:51 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR   KAUFMAN  reconvened   the  meeting   and  announced   the                                                               
consideration  of  SENATE  SPECIAL CONCURRENT  RESOLUTION  NO.  8                                                               
Disapproving Executive Order No. 131.                                                                                           
1:39:14 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR KAUFMAN solicited a motion.                                                                                               
1:39:20 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR  TOBIN moved  EO 131  with individual  recommendations be                                                               
reported from committee and SSCR  8, work order 33-LS1336\A, with                                                               
individual  recommendations   and  attached  fiscal   note(s)  be                                                               
reported from committee for further consideration in the Senate.                                                                
1:39:53 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR KAUFMAN  found no  objection and  pursuant to  Uniform Rule                                                               
49(a)(4),  EO 131  and SSCR  8 were  reported from  committee for                                                               
further consideration in the Senate.                                                                                            
1:40:25 PM                                                                                                                    
There being  no further  business to  come before  the committee,                                                               
Chair  Kaufman  adjourned   the  Senate  Transportation  Standing                                                               
Committee meeting at 1:40 p.m.                                                                                                  

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
EO 131 Public Testimony Recieved as of 2.22.24.pdf STRA 2/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
EO 131
EO 131 AMHOB Board Member Testimony 2.22.24.pdf STRA 2/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
EO 131