Legislature(1993 - 1994)
02/10/1994 03:31 PM Senate TRA
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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SENATE TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE February 10, 1994 3:31 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Senator Bert Sharp, Chair Senator Randy Phillips, Vice Chair Senator Tim Kelly Senator Georgianna Lincoln MEMBERS ABSENT Senator Jay Kerttula COMMITTEE CALENDAR SENATE BILL NO. 275 "An Act relating to the disposal of real property by the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities." SENATE BILL NO. 157 "An Act relating to the control of outdoor advertising." PREVIOUS SENATE COMMITTEE ACTION SB 275 - No previous senate committee action. SB 157 - See Transportation minutes dated 3/23/93 and 3/30/93. WITNESS REGISTER Commissioner Bruce A. Campbell Department of Transportation & Public Facilities 3132 Channel Drive, Juneau, AK 99801-7898¶465-3901 POSITION STATEMENT: in favor of SB 275 Deputy Commissioner Helvi Sandvig Department of Transportation & Public Facilities 3132 Channel Drive, Juneau, AK 99801-7898¶465-3901 POSITION STATEMENT: in favor of SB 275 Ruth Skidmore, Aide Senate Transportation Committee State Capitol, Juneau, AK 99801-1182¶465-3004 POSITION STATEMENT: prime sponsor of SB 275 ACTION NARRATIVE TAPE 94-4, SIDE A Number 001 CHAIRMAN SHARP calls the meeting of the Senate Transportation Committee to order at 3:31 p.m. Number 003 CHAIRMAN SHARP announces that SB 157 (PROHIBITED HIGHWAY ADVERTISING) has been removed from the agenda by request of the sponsor. Number 006 CHAIRMAN SHARP brings up SB 275 (DISPOSAL OF REAL PROPERTY BY DOTPF) as the only order of business before the committee today. The Chairman states the Senate Transportation Committee has introduced the bill at the request of the Department of Transportation & Public Facilities (DOT). This legislation clarifies an inconsistency in the Alaska Statutes which has resulted in the inability of DOT to dispose of property acquired for airports. The chairman calls the commissioner of DOT to testify. Number 030 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS asks Commissioner Campbell if he has seen the language the Department of Natural Resources wants to add to SB 275. Number 044 BRUCE A. CAMPBELL, Commissioner, Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, says he will let Helvi Sandvik, Deputy Commissioner of DOT, address that question. Number 046 HELVI SANDVIK, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Transportation & Public Facilities, says the language from DNR addresses cases where DOT is asking a community to swap land, and it does not seem appropriate to require that land to count towards the community's entitlements. Number 050 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS asks if DOT opposes the language DNR wants to add to SB 275. Number 052 COMMISSIONER CAMPBELL states DOT does not oppose that language. Number 059 CHAIRMAN SHARP says there are amendments prepared to add DNR's language to SB 275. Number 069 SENATOR KELLY asks what amendment #1 would do. Number 078 RUTH SKIDMORE, Aide to the Senate Transportation Committee, says amendment #1 would clarify that DOT would have the ability to dispose of lands involved with the Public Facilities sector of the department. Number 081 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS confirms amendment #1 was recommended by DOT. Number 084 COMMISSIONER CAMPBELL says the language in amendment #1 would simply enable DOT to have the same authority for all the types of land swaps DOT needs to be able to do. This will allow DOT to dispose of lands on a swap basis and a surplus basis. Number 107 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS says when the committee adopts the amendments, he would like to make SB 275 into a committee substitute. Number 114 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS moves the adoption of amendment #1 to SB 275. Number 119 CHAIRMAN SHARP explains for Senator Lincoln, who recently arrived at the meeting, that the main amendment would allow municipalities to select the land, rather than going back to DNR. Number 122 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS restates the amendment would allow municipalities and DOT to deal with each other directly, rather than going through DNR. Number 124 COMMISSIONER CAMPBELL states the amendment would allow DOT to deal directly with private parties, as well as being able to deal directly with municipalities. It would be any entity DOT deals with. Number 127 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS again moves the adoption of amendment #1. Number 130 CHAIRMAN SHARP, hearing no objection, states amendment #1 has been adopted unanimous consent. Number 132 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS moves the adoption of amendment #2. Number 134 CHAIRMAN SHARP, hearing no objection, states amendment #2 has been adopted unanimous consent. Number 137 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS asks Commissioner Campbell if revenue from land trades is considered to be program receipts and would go through the Legislative Budget & Audit Committee. Number 141 COMMISSIONER CAMPBELL says he would have to defer to Ms. Sandvik, but he believes most of the lands involved are involved in rights- of-way swaps, and there is not often any revenue involved in the trade. Number 146 MS. SANDVIK confirms what the commissioner just said. Very rarely is money actually involved. Number 151 COMMISSIONER CAMPBELL states if money is involved, it would be a program receipt and would go into the general fund. Number 157 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS makes a motion to adopt the committee substitute for SB 275 in lieu of the original bill. Number 164 CHAIRMAN SHARP, hearing no objection, states CSSB 275(TRA) has been adopted unanimous consent. Number 166 SENATOR LINCOLN asks if this bill is simply a house-cleaning measure, or if it relates to a specific problem. Number 174 COMMISSIONER CAMPBELL states though the department has encountered problems in the past, there are no current problems SB 275 would address. At this time it is simply a house-keeping measure. Number 177 SENATOR LINCOLN asks the commissioner if there is any major real estate which would be affected by SB 275. Number 180 COMMISSIONER CAMPBELL answers there is no major real estate involved to his knowledge. Number 183 SENATOR KELLY makes a motion to move CSSB 275 (TRA) from the Transportation Committee with individual recommendations. Number 185 CHAIRMAN SHARP, hearing no objections, orders CSSB 275(TRA) be released from the Senate Transportation Committee with individual recommendations. Number 187 CHAIRMAN SHARP adjourns the Senate Transportation Committee meeting at 3:40 p.m.
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