02/08/2022 03:30 PM Senate STATE AFFAIRS
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ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE SENATE STATE AFFAIRS STANDING COMMITTEE February 8, 2022 3:31 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Senator Lora Reinbold, Vice Chair Senator Roger Holland Senator Scott Kawasaki MEMBERS ABSENT Senator Mike Shower, Chair Senator Mia Costello COMMITTEE CALENDAR SENATE BILL NO. 156 "An Act relating to COVID-19 immunization rights; and relating to objection to the administration of a COVID-19 vaccine." - HEARD & HELD SENATE BILL NO. 145 "An Act requiring the Department of Administration to allow individuals to execute an anatomical gift when renewing a driver's license; and establishing April of each year as Donate Life Month." - SCHEDULED BUT NOT HEARD HOUSE BILL NO. 148 AM "An Act requiring the Department of Administration to allow individuals to execute an anatomical gift when renewing a driver's license; and establishing April of each year as Donate Life Month." - SCHEDULED BUT NOT HEARD SENATE BILL NO. 147 "An Act requiring the Department of Administration to allow individuals to execute an anatomical gift when renewing a driver's license; and establishing April of each year as Donate Life Month." - SCHEDULED BUT NOT HEARD PREVIOUS COMMITTEE ACTION BILL: SB 156 SHORT TITLE: PROHIBIT COVID-19 VACCINE DISCRIMINATION SPONSOR(s): SENATOR(s) REINBOLD 01/18/22 (S) PREFILE RELEASED 1/7/2201/18/22 (S) READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRALS
01/18/22 (S) STA, HSS 02/03/22 (S) STA AT 3:30 PM BUTROVICH 205 02/03/22 (S) Heard & Held 02/03/22 (S) MINUTE(STA) 02/08/22 (S) STA AT 3:30 PM BUTROVICH 205 WITNESS REGISTER ANTHONY [FISCHER] RAGO, representing self Juneau, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. KELLY FISHLER, representing self Juneau, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. KELLY NASH, representing self Fairbanks, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. KENDAL CRUSE, representing self Palmer, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. SARAH DAVOLL, representing self Kodiak, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156 on behalf of a friend, Roman Russo. PAMELA SAMASH, representing self Nenana, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. MICHAEL RYAN, representing self North Pole, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. JAMIE FAGAN, representing self Kodiak, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. KAREN PERRY, representing self Chugiak, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. ROD PERRY, representing self Chugiak, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. IRENE QUEDNOW, representing self Anchorage, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. CANDY MILLER, representing self Wasilla, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. JAMES SQUYRES, representing self Rural Deltana, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. DANIEL HARRINGTON, representing self Anchorage, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. LOUIS IMBRIANI, representing self Eagle River, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. DUSTIN DARDEN Candidate for U.S. Senate Anchorage, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. SHERRY STRIZAK, representing self Chugiak, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. MICHAEL POTTS, representing self North Pole, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. FRANCESCA ALLEGREZZA, representing self Anchorage, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. GAIL LIMBAUGH-MOORE, representing self Soldotna, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. SONDRA TOMPKINS, representing self Anchorage, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. JORDAN HARARY, representing self Anchorage, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. DONALD THOMPSON, representing self Fairbanks, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. ELAINE HEDDEN, MSPT, representing self Eagle River, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. ANTONIA HAGEN, representing self Wasilla, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. EDWARD MARTIN, representing self Kenai/Soldotna, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. BERT HOUGHTALING, representing self Big Lake, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. LISA GENTEMANN, representing self Eagle River, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. RONALD DOWNEY, representing self Chugiak, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. CRAIG DOWNING, representing self Anchorage, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. DENNIS WADE, representing self Homer, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. BETTY MACTAVISH, representing self Kodiak, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. MATTHEW CAMPBELL, representing self Soldotna, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. LILAHLEE BORLAND, representing self Palmer, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. CORT NEFF, representing self Kodiak, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. CAILA BUERGER, Owner Alaska Probiotics Juneau, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 156. ACTION NARRATIVE 3:31:21 PM VICE CHAIR REINBOLD called the Senate State Affairs Standing Committee meeting to order at 3:31 p.m. Present at the call to order were Senators Kawasaki, Holland, and Vice Chair Reinbold. SB 156-PROHIBIT COVID-19 VACCINE DISCRIMINATION 3:32:37 PM VICE CHAIR REINBOLD announced the consideration of SENATE BILL NO. 156 "An Act relating to COVID-19 immunization rights; and relating to objection to the administration of a COVID-19 vaccine." She recapped the bill section by section. [The sectional analysis may be found on BASIS.] 3:35:58 PM VICE CHAIR REINBOLD opened public testimony on SB 156. 3:36:29 PM ANTHONY [FISCHER] RAGO, representing self, Juneau, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He recounted his medical issues chronologically after receiving COVID-19 vaccinations. In March 2020, he contracted COVID-19 and fully recovered. A year ago his employer mandated that employees be vaccinated against COVID-19. After receiving his first COVID-19 dose, Lot number EN9581, on February 11, 2020, he experienced diarrhea, and he was bleeding by the end of the week. In an office visit, his primary care doctor indicated he had an adverse reaction to the vaccine, recommended he not proceed with the series, and provided him with a note. MR. RAGO said his symptoms persisted. He had a colonoscopy, was diagnosed with colitis, and received three rounds of steroids. He was asked to get the second dose of COVID-19 vaccine during a procedure, although he begged and pleaded [with his employer] not to have it administered. After a second colonoscopy performed at Virginia Mason, he was diagnosed with Crohn's disease. He offered his view that the second vaccine aggravated his symptoms. In the past year he lost 35 pounds, cannot work, is no longer enrolled in school, and his family has suffered financial difficulties. He said this is not a sustainable lifestyle. No one is being held accountable for his medical issues. 3:39:24 PM VICE CHAIR REINBOLD asked if his former employer helped after mandating the COVID-19 vaccinations. MR. RAGO replied that his employer supplied an airline ticket to Seattle. He requested financial assistance when he gave notice, but his employer responded that he lacked proof that his health issues were caused by the vaccines and they wouldn't help. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD asked whether he had any prior gastrointestinal (GI) problems. MR. RAGO answered no. He said he has no history of GI-related conditions, especially not Crohn's disease. He has never suffered GI issues that persisted for more than a day or two. 3:40:32 PM SENATOR HOLLAND asked whether his employer was in the public or private sector. MR. RAGO answered private sector. SENATOR HOLLAND asked whether Crohn's disease is a chronic disease. MR. RAGO answered yes. His medical providers recommended two monthly injections, which cost approximately $5,000 per shot. He said his doctors recommended he receive these medications for the rest of his life. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD asked whether the injection was a monoclonal antibody. MR. RAGO responded that he received HUMIRA injections, but he cannot afford them. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD said she was interested because she previously worked for a pharmaceutical company. SENATOR HOLLAND related his understanding that Crohn's disease is an autoimmune disease and the injections attempt to keep the body from attacking itself. MR. RAGO answered that is correct. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD thanked him for his testimony. 3:42:38 PM KELLY FISHLER, representing self, Juneau, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She said supports the bill for two reasons. First, she planned to open a tourism-related business serving the cruise industry in March 2020, but she did not open it as intended. She did not want to discriminate against customers based on their immunization status. She hoped that future business owners would not have to do so. Second, she said she is a US Navy and US Army Air National Guard veteran. As members may know, the military requires immunizations for active-duty service members. She stated that she had had minor adverse reactions to smallpox and anthrax vaccinations. MS. FISHLER said she had a bad reaction to an inter-muscular flu shot she received in 2017 while on a temporary military assignment at Joint Base Elmendorf Richardson (JBER). Everyone in her unit received the flu shots on the same day. At the time, she experienced a heart rate of over 200 beats per minute for about 20 to 25 minutes. She wondered if she would die and never see her nine-month-old daughter again. She decided that she would not get the COVID-19 vaccine. She highlighted that she could not receive benefits, services, or patronize businesses because she was unwilling to risk her health. For example, one athletic fitness center will not allow people to attend classes unless they are immunized against COVID-19. She said she was unwilling to risk her health. As important as fitness is to her, she decided to go somewhere else. She offered her view that it is unethical for a business to require her to undertake a risk. Even if people were compensated for adverse reactions to vaccines, the medical professionals, the US Department of Veterans Affairs, or employers do not suffer the symptoms; instead, the people and their families must shoulder this burden. 3:46:10 PM VICE CHAIR REINBOLD stated that the COVID-19 vaccinations were developed in a short timeframe without the benefit of data. She surmised that about 22,000 people have died, and over a million people have experienced adverse reactions to COVID-19 vaccinations. 3:47:53 PM KELLY NASH, representing self, Fairbanks, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She stated that as a sole proprietor she has not been forced to vaccinate but acquaintances have, or they have resigned from their employment. People are no longer accepting of the public health emergency that was enacted April 30, 2021. COVID-19-19 has been propagandized. Alaskans should not be required to vaccinate. The shedding of the COVID-19 virus happens from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated. Nurses who are COVID-19 positive are working in hospitals. Legislation should not be necessary to protect people's rights and bodies. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD stated her belief that there is an executive order but opined that having it in statute is important. 3:50:57 PM KENDAL CRUSE, representing self, Palmer, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She stated she is a mother and healthcare provider who supports SB 156. There is consensus in the medical industry that COVID-19 vaccines do not stop transmission. Vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals transmit equal amounts of the virus. MS. CRUSE said that in August she was fired for refusing to vaccinate even though she had worked through the pandemic, transitioned to a remote position, and had both religious and medical exemptions. Although her work is entirely remote, her current employer required a signed acknowledgement that she is a potential life-threatening risk to others. She questioned why unvaccinated workers must sign documents to stay employed when it has been established that vaccinated and unvaccinated healthcare workers transmit equal amounts of the virus. MS. CRUSE testified that her daughter experienced life- threatening reactions from vaccination and that her daughter should not be vaccinated. Her daughter's pediatrician refused to provide a medical exemption for vaccinations. The only universally accepted exemption for the COVID-19 vaccine is anaphylaxis from a COVID-19 vaccine injection. Exemptions were written into law to be utilized but they are nothing but arbitrary. Alaska needs to stop the unscientific and political acceptance of discrimination and segregation. Exemptions should be accepted, and civil rights upheld. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD said that was intense testimony and asked her to email the doctor's name to her directly or the committee. 3:56:21 PM SARAH DAVOLL, representing self, Kodiak, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156 on behalf of a friend, Roman Russo. She related that last year her friend was shocked when he read an editorial in the Kodiak newspaper that suggested vaccine apartheid by taking away the rights of unvaccinated people to work, travel, attend school or participate in public activities. Last week, the FDA approved Spikevax, a vaccine not yet proven to protect against Omicron. Recent data shows that a person vaccinated for COVID-19 is just as likely to catch and spread the disease as an unvaccinated person. Therefore, vaccine mandates are discriminatory against people who chose to not be injected with a product that does not stop the spread, while allowing vaccinated people to enjoy their freedoms as they continue the spread. Legislation is the way to stop the insane threats to Alaskans' freedoms. MS. DAVOLL said she empathizes with the testifiers who have experienced vaccine injuries. She stated her aunt was diagnosed with lymphocytic colitis that resulted in a colostomy bag. Her doctor refused to submit her vaccine reaction to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS). VICE CHAIR REINBOLD said a lot needs to be investigated because these reactions are real. She said the committee is listening. 3:59:55 PM PAMELA SAMASH, representing self, Nenana, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She stated pharmaceutical companies do not assist people who experience adverse reactions to vaccinations. Furthermore, Pfizer admitted to Dr. Anne Zink that it plans to influence free speech through social media and advocate for the removal of doctors' licenses who do not promote its vaccines. She stated it is unfortunate that a law is needed to afford Alaskans' God given freedoms. Alaska supported medical freedom in the past and it should continue to do so by not requiring COVID-19-19 vaccination. Village clinics are refusing medical interventions to patients who have not received three COVID-19 vaccinations. Senator Ron Johnson's five-hour panel revealed one million people have experienced side effects or death from the COVID-19 vaccination. No other vaccine with that many side effects would have been allowed to continue. People have literally died on television after taking the shot, yet it is still distributed. Autoimmune reactions and bleeding disorders in nursing babies and miscarriages are among reported side effects. An entire generation of people have been lost through miscarriages caused by the COVID-19 vaccination. This is a violation of the Nuremberg Code and crimes against humanity. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD requested the Pfizer information mentioned be sent to her office. 4:03:20 PM MICHAEL RYAN, representing self, North Pole, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He stated he supports what other testifiers have said. It is time to end the charade. 4:04:16 PM JAMIE FAGAN, representing self, Kodiak, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He said mandates are antithetical to the freedoms this country was founded on. Unelected health bureaucrats should not be allowed to dictate what individuals inject into their bodies. The following countries have announced an end to all COVID-19 mandates: England, Spain, France, Switzerland, Ireland, Scotland, Norway, Denmark, Netherlands, Finland, Lithuania, and Italy. He stated the issue is about freedom versus authoritarianism. He quoted from a John Hopkins University study that said, "We find no evidence that lockdowns, school closures, border closures, and limited gatherings have a noticeable effect on Covid mortalities." The claim that triple vaccination would be 98 percent effect at stopping the spread of COVID-19 has been disproven. He rhetorically asked how mandates would help stop the spread of COVID-19 if vaccines do not stop people from catching or transmitting the disease VICE CHAIR REINBOLD commented that Alaska is still in a public health emergency, for no justifiable reason other than money. She stated that Commissioner Crum received that power from House Bill 76; it was for public welfare. 4:07:06 PM KAREN PERRY, representing self, Chugiak, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She imagined that most members of the committee would oppose the bill, and reminded them that they took a sworn oath to uphold the state constitution. That includes Art. I, Sec. 22, which expressly safeguards the Right of Privacy. She read, The right of the people is recognized and shall not be infringed. She said exemptions are not necessary because it is in the Constitution of the State of Alaska. She said she appreciates and supports the bill because it reiterates this right. On behalf of "We the people" she demanded the committee vote yes on SB 156. As a side note, she advised that the term "vaccine" was a misnomer in this context. A vaccine is supposed to prevent an individual from getting a disease, but that has not happened with COVID-19. People who have received multiple jabs still get sick. Furthermore, she said the mandate completely disregards natural immunity. She encouraged everybody to stand up for the right to medical freedom and medical privacy and advocated for a roll call vote on the bill. She concluded that if the bill reaches the floor, she and many others will be watching. 4:09:33 PM VICE CHAIR REINBOLD cautioned against crossing the line. She stated her belief that most members of the committee support the bill and she hopes it reaches the finish line. She clarified that Alaska is an opt-in state so there are some statutes that provide protection. She said unfortunately the CDC changed the definition of "vaccine" in 2015 and 2021, but the definition in state statute has not changed. 4:11:12 PM ROD PERRY, representing self, Chugiak, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He urged the committee to hold a roll call vote in favor of protecting his life, liberty, private healthcare information, and vaccine status. 4:12:27 PM IRENE QUEDNOW, representing self, Anchorage, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She stated her view that private citizens and entities were never required to submit their medical information before they could enter restaurants, stores, be employed, or be eligible for medical transplants. It is unconstitutional and against Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) regulations to ask these questions. She compared it to someone asking patrons if they had undergone a colonoscopy in the past six months before they could enter a grocery store. She supposed that most people would be appalled because this information is private. She said it is against the law for employers, lodge owners, assembly members, or senators to mandate treatment or require people to provide information about their medical treatment, such as a vaccine. She stated that only a patient's private physician has the medical authority to make those requests. She stated her view that requiring a vaccine passport was discrimination. She expressed concern that no one talks about accepting natural immunity, only the vaccine. She said she hopes that members vote in favor of the bill. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD agreed with her testimony. 4:15:19 PM CANDY MILLER, representing self, Wasilla, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She reported that a relative's spouse died two weeks after taking the Pfizer vaccine in Alaska. Several friends had severe reactions that either occurred immediately or months later causing debilitating conditions. Luckily, some of them were recovering from their symptoms. Through her prayer group connections, she learned that some people lost their jobs because they were denied religious exemptions. She expressed gratitude for websites providing information on COVID-19 and listening sessions to obtain the truth about it. She said she was aware of parental rights being violated when parents of children in foster care were not offered an opportunity to decline to have their children vaccinated. She thanked members for doing everything possible to move SB 156 forward. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD talked about heart-wrenching listening sessions. 4:18:38 PM JAMES SQUYRES, representing self, Rural Deltana, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He stated that Alaska should set an example as a place where the right to life is protected, including the right to make health care decisions privately without coercion from employers, schools, the health care establishment, or the government. He cited Art. I, Sec. 22 of the Constitution of the State of Alaska: The right of the people to privacy is recognized and shall not be infringed. MR. SQUYRES stated legislators are sworn to protect Alaskans from privacy violations; it is an oath of office obligation pursuant to Art. XII, Sec. 5 of the state constitution. MR. SQUYRES took a moment to pitch his support for SB 119, Oath of Office bill. He stated that he hopes the bill makes it to the Senate State Affairs Committee soon for consideration. He refocused on SB 156, stating Alaskans should never be coerced to reveal personal health care information or vaccine status; neither should Alaskan's fear loss of income, employment, services, travel, or other services for refusing to reveal medical information. 4:20:08 PM DANIEL HARRINGTON, representing self, Anchorage, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He stated that the sponsor's office asked him to relay his story. He is in his early 60s, is asthmatic, and diabetic. He knew he had COVID-19 when he was unable to breathe so he sought medical care at Providence Hospital. He testified that Providence denied him medical treatment because he refused to be vaccinated. He was denied oxygen for six hours as well as water and a restroom. He stated that he was put in a closet with a glass wall which was adjoined to another room. He was repeatedly offered the vaccine but was not offered medical treatment. He demanded to be released from the hospital and was able to survive without medical care using boost-in-a-can oxygen and over-the-counter medication. He said it took 10 days to find a doctor with the courage to help because he was unvaccinated. MR. HARRINGTON stated that the Hippocratic Oath needs to be made real legislation with some "teeth" to it. He expressed a belief that the healthcare system leverages medical care against a person's willingness to be vaccinated. He emphasized that he will never get the vaccine. He referenced SM102 and said it is a poison contained in the vaccine. Mr. Harrington reiterated his support for SB 156. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD stated that Providence not only denies hydroxychloroquine, but also refuses treatment to those who refuse the vaccine. She questioned the hospital's motivation for denying treatment to patients who refuse the vaccine and for pushing the COVID-19 vaccination. MR. HARRINGTON opined that Providence should be held accountable for refusing to offer medical treatment, especially to someone at death's door. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD agreed that people need to be held accountable. She advised him to channel his energy positively. 4:26:28 PM LOUIS IMBRIANI, representing self, Eagle River, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He drew attention to the COVID- 19 monthly update that was released in January. It indicated a 35.7 percent breakthrough rate for vaccinated individuals for November/December In December alone the breakthrough rate was 47 percent. Omicron surfaced in December, so vaccine breakthroughs occurred prior to the arrival of that variant. MR. IMBRIANI said the COVID-19 vaccine has a great individual impact, but the social and community impact is less than anticipated. Unlike the polio and smallpox vaccine, COVID-19 does not halt the virus. The virus remains transmittable, so it fails to have the desired social impact. MR. IMBRIANI stated that he supports SB 156 because it keeps with the country's anti-discrimination and progress tradition. It is a step in the right direction and a return to the principles this country was founded on: the right to privacy, the right to liberty, the right to the pursuit of happiness, and that all are created equal. 4:28:39 PM DUSTIN DARDEN, Candidate for U.S. Senate, Anchorage, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He stated that this bill will: crush the tyrannical dictate of a biological-warfare injection which was created to cull the world's population by a global eugenic program by individuals like Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, The World Economic Forum, the United Nations, the Communist Chinese, and those alike. MR. DARDEN stated that all federal, state, municipal and locally elected government officials who have coerced, bribed, intimidated, or blackmailed a person to take the COVID-19 vaccine, will be held accountable. He stated that SB 156 answers many prayers to stop the tyrannical mandates of employers, hospitals, and establishments that coax someone to take the jab. Mr. Darden called on all to cease and desist all methodologies to coerce the vaccine; it is not right. MR. DARDEN relayed a documented incident which occurred at a Boys and Girls Club this past December. A public health advisor and nurse offered twelve-year-old children $50 to be vaccinated. This was funded through the state of Alaska/Alaska Chamber of Commerce. He described this as clear coercion, a crime against humanity, and a conspiracy against human rights. He noted that the maximum penalty for a conspiracy against rights is death. MR. DARDEN advised against the vaccine, but expressed his belief that Jesus can heal those who were vaccinated. 4:32:54 PM SHERRY STRIZAK, representing self, Chugiak, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She stated that she is an air traffic controller at Merrill Field. She prefers to keep her medical affairs private, so she submitted a religious exemption for all medical interventions, COVID-19 or otherwise, on November 8, 2021. For the past three months, she has been placed on absent without official leave (AWOL) status because she refused to mask, test, or vaccinate. She related that she would show up for work, refuse to wear a mask, and be sent home. She wanted to work, so she did not submit leave slips and was put on AWOL status. In December 2021, she was suspended for 10 days because she was AWOL for more than five days, even though she showed up for work each day. Today she received notice that she will be removed from federal service unless this is resolved. She requested a reasonable accommodation, which has been denied. The FAA failed to show the cost analysis of any accommodation. In addition, she was denied further up the chain of command. She stated that she is currently in the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) process. She said she is looking for legal assistance because she anticipates that she will be fired. She stated that she is a veteran, having served in the US Air Force for from 1990 to 1999, and she has worked for the FAA since 2001. She was slated to retire in July 2022 but that is not likely to occur. She expressed concern that she would lose her benefits. She stated her intention to see this through because she believes in the right to speak up for herself, all Alaskans, and United States citizens. MS. STRIZAK relayed that her aunt got COVID-19, recovered, and later received a COVID-19 vaccine. She suffered from severe blood clots in her leg about a month to three months after receiving the vaccine. Her left leg was amputated. This is one reason she refuses the vaccine. She stated that she believes patients have the right to make decisions on all medical interventions, including vaccinations. She recalled meeting Senator Reinbold at Bed and Breakfast in Eagle River when she refused to wear a mask. She spoke in support of SB 156. 4:36:23 PM VICE CHAIR REINBOLD said that testimony increases her conviction to protect individual liberties. An individual should not have to choose between a job and a big pharma vaccine. It is fundamentally wrong. She said that some physicians estimate up to 50 percent of people get the D-dimer test post COVID-19 vaccination due to the unprecedented number of problems caused by the vaccine. Historically, she said this vaccination would not have made it to market without long-term safety trials and 20 percent efficacy. She said state and federal law is on your side. She urged Ms. Strizak to reach out to her office for help. 4:37:54 PM MICHAEL POTTS, representing self, North Pole, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He asked for the penalties for violating provisions of this bill. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD stated that the bill does not have any penalty provisions at this time. MR. POTTS acknowledged that the sponsor knows the magnitude of the problems with the COVID-19 vaccine, besides the privacy issues regarding vaccinations. He offered his view the COVID-19 vaccines have led to deaths. He encouraged the sponsor to use the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Prevention Vaccine Tracking SYSTEM (VTrckS). He reported 1,091,142 adverse events in the system, which has led to 23,342 deaths worldwide. He related that Steve Kirsch reviewed the CDC data and concluded that the CDC figures should be multiplied by 41. 4:40:54 PM MR. POTTS cautioned that if SB 156 is almost pointless if it does not have any "teeth" for those willing to challenge the rights of Alaskans. He suggested that state employees who violate someone's right to choose not to be vaccinated should be removed from their positions and subject to civil penalties. He surmised that if asked, the CDC would say nobody has died, but their database says otherwise. He speculated that the CDC refuses to look at the numbers because the numbers are alarming. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD said she would consider the penalty suggestion. 4:43:07 PM FRANCESCA ALLEGREZZA, representing self, Anchorage, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She expressed concern that there is no informed consent or data in the vaccine inserts for people to review, including contraindications. She offered her view that the Alaska State Chamber of Commerce incentivized vaccinations in September and October [2021]. She referred to a report on COVID-19 breakthrough by month for Alaska residents older than age 12. She cited statistics, including that in January, there were 2,001 COVID-19 cases with a breakthrough rate of .01. In February, there were 2,948 cases of COVID-19 with a breakthrough rate of 1.6 percent. She remarked that a huge uptick occurred during September [2020] and October [2020] when vaccinations were incentivized. She reported that there were 19,891 COVID-19 cases in September with 7,000 breakthrough cases. In October [2020], there were 18,008 COVID-19 cases with 6,970 breakthrough cases. She concluded that the vaccines were not doing what they were supposed to do, as shown by the number of breakthrough cases. MS. ALLEGREZZA expressed concern that people were being discriminated against for making a choice for their bodies. She related that her doctor would no longer see her as a patient because she would not wear a mask or get vaccinated. When she tried to pick up her medical records, she was not wearing a mask. Medical personnel refused to provide her medical records and escorted her from the hospital. She said, "Say no to drugs" should also apply to vaccinations. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD said informed consent is federal law. 4:47:06 PM GAIL LIMBAUGH-MOORE, representing self, Soldotna, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She related her personal story of being hospitalized in December 2020 and again in December 2021. She compared the staff between her two visits and characterized the latter as battle weary. She stated that doctors missed apparent medical issues. She suggested that someone should create some laws and rules to ensure that doctors and staff can get back to being doctors and nurses. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD thanked her for her testimony. 4:48:51 PM SONDRA TOMPKINS, representing self, Anchorage, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She stated that she is a nurse, a former military officer, and a mother of two young men. She has worked as a vaccine researcher for 17 years and she believes that the term immunization is highly misleading because it implies immunity. When someone is vaccinated, immunity is assumed. Few people receive the information they need to know unless they are involved in clinical trials. The data shows that up to 10 percent of people who receive vaccines are considered primary non-responders. This means that no matter how many times they are vaccinated, they will never develop immunity. She stated that her family had COVID-19 in September 2020. Her son is on immunosuppressants and must have tests to check his liver function about four times per year. She also decided to analyze his COVID-19 antibodies. She discovered that he still has natural immunity 17 months after getting COVID-19. She wondered if it was more problematic for people to get vaccinated after contracting COVID-19. She advocated for more recognition of natural immunity. In closing, she said that she refuses to discriminate against anyone for any reason as a business owner. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD asked her to stay in touch with her office. She gave a shout out to Senator Holland who introduced an amendment on the Senate floor relating to natural immunity. 4:51:20 PM SENATOR HOLLAND expressed his desire to let the public fill the time and not focus on his efforts. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD responded that she held the gavel and she was giving credit where it was due. 4:51:52 PM JORDAN HARARY, representing self, Anchorage, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He stated that SB 156 was introduced to remind citizens and government that the government in this country was founded on the premise of supporting citizens in governing themselves. He posited that government should seek ways to lessen its power and influence and never purposefully enlarge itself. He maintained that mandates related to masks and vaccines represent a large step in the other direction and are unconscionable. He stated support for the bill but recommended it be amended to address future epidemics. It should prohibit discrimination based on vaccine status regardless of the disease, criminal or financial penalties should be attached to give "teeth" to the legislation, and enforcement should be retroactive to find bad actors who enforced bad policy. 4:54:17 PM DONALD THOMPSON, representing self, Fairbanks, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He recited an excerpt from a statement by U.S. Senator Ron Johnson from Wisconsin who maintained that the vaccine "was causing multiple deaths and diseases and many injuries." Mr. Thompson offered his belief that not only Alaskans but citizens across the country support this idea and that it was therefore necessary to pass the bill to enforce citizen rights. 4:55:48 PM SENATOR HOLLAND shared that he had the document from Senator Ron Johnson. He noted that members of the military are being tracked in an epidemiology database to look at reactions to the COVID-19 vaccine. It reports the increases in 2021 for the following medical conditions: 2,000 percent for hypertension, 1,000 percent for diseases of the nervous system, almost 900 percent for malignant neoplasm of the esophagus, almost 700 percent for multiple sclerosis, 625 percent for malignant neoplasm of the digestive organs, and 487 percent for breast cancer, among many others. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD asked for that information to be part of the official record for this committee. 4:57:12 PM ELAINE HEDDEN, MSPT, representing self, Eagle River, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She stated that she has been a physical therapist for more than 20 years and in late March and early April last year she began seeing bizarre symptoms in some patients in the lymphatic system, the neurologic system, and the cardiovascular system. For example, one patient received the Johnson and Johnson vaccine on April 1 and knew something was not right within 24 hours. On April 13 the patient was unable to walk due to pain in the pelvic area and her inguinal lymph nodes were enlarged. The patient attempted to report this to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) but was unsuccessful. Another patient received the second Pfizer shot and three weeks later she experienced central vision loss. An MRI showed no lesions. This patient is recovering slowly but refuses to get a booster. In fact, four out of five of her patients who received the vaccine refuse to get more because of adverse symptoms. MS. HEDDEN reported that from 2012 to 2019 Pfizer dropped from a $74 billion company to a $41 billion company and was on the brink of going out of business. Thanks to the COVID-19 vaccine it was an $84 billion company in 2021. She called this ridiculous and voiced total support for SB 156. 5:00:14 PM ANTONIA HAGEN, representing self, Wasilla, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She thanked the sponsor for standing up for Alaskans' rights and fighting the mask mandates. She related that when she was in Juneau she too struggled with the mask mandates. Despite having a medical exemption, she was discriminated against when she wanted to enter municipal buildings and was told she would be denied entry to assembly meetings. The Capitol building was closed to the public and she felt closed out of the process. She said she supports this legislation but believes it is absurd that it is needed because Alaska citizens' rights are already protected by the Constitution of the State of Alaska. She agreed with the suggestion to add "teeth" to the bill, posited that Nuremberg 2.0 had begun, and voiced support for the Canadian truckers. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD advised that the committee only had the room until 5:30 p.m., so it would be helpful if everybody tightened their testimony. 5:04:10 PM EDWARD MARTIN, representing self, Kenai/Soldotna, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He highlighted that those who have sworn to uphold the U.S and Alaska constitutions have sworn to uphold the right of privacy under the Constitution of the State of Alaska. He said we can look at the U.S. Constitution and whether or not a state can deprive any person of life, liberty, or due process. He said Jacobs [no citation] says a municipality and state can do certain things, but that was about a $5 fine or $158 in today's money. He questioned how many jobs will be lost because of the deprivation of rights under the color of law through mandates that in most cases have not been legislated. He thanked the sponsor for introducing the bill. He added that putting "teeth" in the bill is a simple as inserting a statement that says, "This bill is in support of individual rights to take civil action upon violations." VICE CHAIR REINBOLD thanked him for fighting for individual liberties. 5:07:01 PM BERT HOUGHTALING, representing self, Big Lake, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He voiced support for the right to choose whether or not to get the vaccine. He emphasized that employers should not be allowed to hire, fire, or charge additional fees to any Alaskan based on vaccine status. He shared that he is neither for nor against the vaccine but he is against government forcing people to get the vaccine or lose their job or enter a place without proof of vaccination. He described himself as fortunate to not live in Juneau because it has restrictions similar to those in New York City. People cannot go anywhere without a vaccine card or proof of a recent negative test. He maintained that this was just the newest form of discrimination by people who brought the KKK, Jim Crow, stood against what Martin Luther King stood for, and was on the wrong side of the Civil War, among other examples. He agreed with previous testimony that the bill needs "teeth" that includes consequences for those who infringe on constitutional rights. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD said she believes there will be amendments that address concerns with the bill. 5:09:06 PM LISA GENTEMANN, representing self, Eagle River, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She stated the reasons for her support include 1) health information needs to remain private unless the person in question gives their permission; 2) this is not a real vaccine because it does not provide immunity from a disease and the COVID-19 injection does not do so; 3) the injection has caused severe physical problems such as heart inflammation, neurological damage, and death. She emphasized that no Alaskans who choose to not subject themselves to these risks should be discriminated against. She said she has heard of other vaccines that were halted after 50 deaths and questioned, "What's up with this one?" She maintained that Alaskans should be allowed to rely on natural immunity and asked listeners to let Commissioner Crum know that receiving federal money is not worth risking the health of Alaskans. She opined that all manufacturers and people who advise others to take the injection should be held personally accountable for adverse reactions. She emphasized the need to protect members of the military from further injury from this injection. These adverse reactions have reduced military readiness and releasing military personnel who have refused to receive the injection has made the country more vulnerable to outside attacks. She emphasized the need to protect the health and lives of precious Alaskans. 5:12:17 PM RONALD DOWNEY, representing self, Chugiak, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He stated that he is a father and a 40-year Alaska resident who supports SB 156 but believes it does not go far enough. He agreed with the suggestion to add a retroactive provision that includes sanctions. He shared that he is a specialized neurologist and his wife is a microbiologist, and they have seen the incredible strength and resiliency of the human immune system. He stated his belief that there should be a political solution. What is happening in Alaska right now is on the brink of rendering the state no longer the Great Land. He opined this has occurred through betrayals of the chief medical officer. He said the issue goes beyond COVID-19 and rises to subjugation of the citizenry, which he believes is a broad global agenda. He concluded that SB 156 represents a modicum of the pushback that is needed to shut down this large agenda. He mentioned earlier testimony from the air traffic controller and opined that this issue is a powder keg and SB 156 or similar legislation may well be the match that strikes the fuse. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD said all the testifiers should to feel free to supplement their testimony by email. 5:16:49 PM CRAIG DOWNING, representing self, Anchorage, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He said there has been tons of testimony over the last two years about the lies the public has been told, the suppression by the media, and inaccurate data on the adverse reactions. He expressed hope that legislators would see that this is not about a conspiracy; the vaccine is an effort to cull the herds. 5:17:57 PM DENNIS WADE, representing self, Homer, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He stated that he and his wife support the bill because mandates are unconstitutional and immoral. 5:19:04 PM BETTY MACTAVISH, representing self, Kodiak, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She stated that she is a teacher who has not been in the classroom since the school closed on March 12, 2021. She emphasized that she would have no part in masking children or separating them. It is a direct violation and it meets the Amnesty International definition of torture. Alaskans are being forced to choose between employment and education and anyone who is forced to get an immunization or injection is experiencing an assault on their body. She read the definition of assault from the Webster dictionary and said it is a criminal offense that can be prosecuted. She urged the committee to pass SB 156. 5:20:35 PM MATTHEW CAMPBELL, representing self, Soldotna, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He stated that his family moved to Soldotna after being exposed to lockdowns in a large city and to enjoy the natural beauty and free spirit of Alaska. He directed attention to the website globalcovidsummit.org for anybody who is interested in the underlying concerns and why many people have chosen to decline the COVID-19 vaccine. It shows that over 17,000 doctors and medical scientists worldwide signed a document outlining a strong medical and scientifically based case for not vaccinating. He said our system of government is based on the right of the individual and the limited delegated constitutional authority of the government. In addition, the standard of medical ethics is based on informed consent. He said opinions on the vaccine may differ but everybody should agree on these core moral principles. He emphasized that the government does not have the right to impose vaccine mandates, and the Supreme Courts largely agrees. He pointed out that while the federal executive mandate was mostly struck down, residual mandates from schools, businesses, and employers remain. To the argument that a private business may do as it wishes, he asked if a business is able to discriminate based on race, force customers to adopt a certain religion, or force customers to undergo any other medical procedure. The answer of course is "No" because that is not the sphere of business. These matters are up to the individual or the parent or guardian of minors. If businesses are able to mandate these things they must be held accountable for any injuries. Finally, he counseled that anybody who has suffered injury after being coerced to take a vaccination, or been denied medical treatment, been fired from their jobs should retain an attorney who agrees only to be compensated based by a percentage of the winnings of the lawsuit. He urged the committee to pass SB 156 to protect individual rights and the freedoms of Alaskans. 5:23:47 PM LILAHLEE BORLAND, representing self, Palmer, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She stated agreement with most of the previous testimony and offered her belief that SB 156 was a good bill. It addresses vaccine mandates but does not go far enough to address mask mandates, lockdowns, or accountability. She questioned trusting the state epidemiology office to handle COVID-19, mentioned not being able to visit loved ones in a facility, and related that she was denied access to a child for eight months based on unscientific mandates. She said nobody is being accountable for the damage that is being done to children and she would like the bill to address that. She maintained that in America today there is government-sanctioned hate and segregation based on masking and vaccine status and a lack of trust in the medical community. She urged passage of SB 156. 5:27:06 PM CORT NEFF, representing self, Kodiak, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. He related that a number of people in Kodiak had approached the school board and given overwhelming testimony against face masks. They were told that the way to get rid of them was to vaccinate children. He opined that SB 156 would help do away with that type of blackmail. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD commented that kids are suffering. 5:27:59 PM CAILA BUERGER, Owner, Alaska Probiotics, Juneau, Alaska, testified in support of SB 156. She stated that she started this business in 2017 to support microbial gut health, nervous system support, immune support, body detox, and overall holistic wellbeing. She explained that she focuses on the use of plant medicines, medicinal mushrooms, and probiotics to support the immune system that is bound to the gut flora and to calm the nervous system. MS. BUERGER shared that many of her customers have divulged their battles with health conditions. Many cannot wear a mask or take vaccines. She understands that her customers need alternative support systems and have begun the journey of exploring health and wellness outside of Western medicine. She emphasized that Alaska Probiotics will not comply with mandates, does not condone discrimination, and will never turn anyone away. It is and will remain a business rooted and grounded in health, wellness, and medical freedom for all people. She stated support for SB 156 and urged anyone who has found their hospital treatment unsatisfactory to report it to the hospital human resources office and request their charts and nurse notes. 5:30:56 PM VICE CHAIR REINBOLD expressed appreciation for the testimony and advised that the committee had run out of time today. She asked anyone who did not get an opportunity to testify to send their comments to her directly, to [email protected], or the next committee of referral at [email protected]. She expressed her desire to incorporate some of the suggestions into the bill as it moves through the process. VICE CHAIR REINBOLD held SB 156 in committee. 5:32:35 PM5:32:37 PM There being no further business to come before the committee, Vice Chair Reinbold adjourned the Senate State Affairs Standing Committee meeting at 5:32 p.m.