02/12/2013 09:00 AM Senate STATE AFFAIRS
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ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE SENATE STATE AFFAIRS STANDING COMMITTEE February 12, 2013 9:03 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Senator Fred Dyson, Chair Senator Cathy Giessel, Vice Chair Senator John Coghill Senator Bill Wielechowski MEMBERS ABSENT Senator Bert Stedman COMMITTEE CALENDAR SENATE BILL NO. 1 "An Act establishing May 10 of each year as Alaska Mining Day." - MOVED SB 1 OUT OF COMMITTEE SENATE BILL NO. 2 "An Act enacting the Interstate Mining Compact and relating to the compact; relating to the Interstate Mining Commission; and providing for an effective date." - MOVED SB 2 OUT OF COMMITTEE SENATE BILL NO. 4 "An Act relating to applying military education, training, and service credit to occupational licensing and certain postsecondary education and employment training requirements; providing for a temporary occupational license for qualified military service members; and providing for an effective date." - MOVED CSSB 4(STA) OUT OF COMMITTEE PREVIOUS COMMITTEE ACTION BILL: SB 1 SHORT TITLE: ALASKA MINING DAY SPONSOR(s): SENATOR(s) GIESSEL 01/16/13 (S) PREFILE RELEASED 1/7/1301/16/13 (S) READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRALS
01/16/13 (S) PREFILE RELEASED 1/7/13
01/16/13 (S) PREFILE RELEASED 1/7/13
01/16/13 (S) STA, L&C, FIN 02/12/13 (S) STA AT 9:00 AM BUTROVICH 205 WITNESS REGISTER ED FOGELS, Deputy Commissioner Department of Natural Resources Anchorage, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Presented information related to SB 1 and SB 2. DEANTHA CROCKETT, Executive Director Alaska Miners Association (AMA) Anchorage, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in favor of SB 1 and SB 2. MICHAEL SATRE, Executive Director Council of Alaska Producers Juneau, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in favor of SB 1 and SB 2. GREG CONRAD, Executive Director Interstate Mining Compact Commission (IMCC) Washington, D.C. POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in favor of SB 1 and SB 2. CHRIS CHRISTENSEN, Associate Vice President State Relations University of Alaska Anchorage, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Provided information related to SB 4. THOMAS CASE, Chancellor University of Alaska - Anchorage Anchorage, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Provided information related to SB 4. MARC SAN SOUCI, Northwest Regional Liaison Department of Defense Tacoma, Washington POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 4. RIC DAVIDGE, National Chairman of Government Affairs Vietnam Veterans of America Anchorage, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 4. KENDRA KLOSTER, staff Senator Bill Wielechowski Alaska State Legislature Juneau, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Provided information related to SB 4 on behalf of the sponsor. DON HABERGER, Director Division of Corporations, Business, and Professional Licensing Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development Juneau, Alaska POSITION STATEMENT: Provided information related to SB 4. ACTION NARRATIVE 9:03:01 AM CHAIR FRED DYSON called the Senate State Affairs Standing Committee meeting to order at 9:03 a.m. Present at the call to order were Senators Wielechowski, Coghill, Giessel, and Chair Dyson. SB 1-ALASKA MINING DAY 9:03:16 AM CHAIR DYSON announced that the bills before the committee were SB 1, SB 2, and SB 4. He stated his preference to move the bills out of committee. 9:03:30 AM SENATOR CATHY GIESSEL, sponsor of SB 1, stated that the bill would establish May 10 as Alaska Mining Day. She said that date was chosen because on May 10, 1872, the General Mining Act of the United States was adopted. She highlighted supporting documents in members' packets. She noted that a lot of the infrastructure in Alaska was built by the mining industry. The most recent example is the Lake Dorothy Hydroelectric Dam near Juneau, which was needed because of the Greens Creek Mine. SENATOR GIESSEL pointed out that Alaska has a significant amount of rare earth elements, such as those found in Bokan Mountain. She spoke of an education program called Alaska Resource Education that provides schools with information about mined elements used for technology equipment. 9:06:53 AM CHAIR DYSON asked if other mining states have done something similar. SENATOR GIESSEL did not know. 9:07:24 AM ED FOGELS, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Natural Resources, testified in support of SB 1. He related that mining has paid a critical role in Alaska's history and economy. He shared statistics about the benefits of mining to Alaska. Mining has provided over 4,000 highly skilled jobs, each that average $100,000 per year. He talked about the tax benefits from the Red Dog and Donlin Mines. He said that a large part of his job is to ensure that the seven operating mines are in environmental compliance. He described efforts to strengthen the mining sector, such as the Strategic and Critical Minerals Initiative. He spoke of new opportunities in mining. He thought it wise to remind Alaskans of the importance of mining by having an Alaska Mining Day. 9:09:58 AM CHAIR DYSON suggested there was more mining activity in the last ten years, than in the past. He stated that some of the mines are world class. He asked if most mines are financed with Canadian money. MR. FOGELS agreed with that analysis. He said that mining has increased rapidly over the last 20 years. He recalled that 25 years ago Greens Creek and Red Dog were just starting up and the only other mine in the state was Usibelli coal mine. He said there are currently seven active mines and two more large mines in the permitting process. He agreed that a considerable amount of investment money is Canadian, but said some mines are financed by American dollars, such as Pogo and Kensington. CHAIR DYSON asked how mines are taxed. MR. FOGELS listed the number of ways the state taxes mines: a 3 percent royalty on profits, a 9 percent corporate income tax, and a 7 percent mining license tax. The royalty would only apply if the mine is on state land. He pointed out that there are localized benefits from the mines in the form of jobs and property taxes. CHAIR DYSON asked if those are taxes on profits. MR. FOGELS said yes. 9:12:40 AM DEANTHA CROCKETT, Executive Director, Alaska Miners Association (AMA), provided the background of AMA and its members. She provided data about the economic benefits the state receives from AMA. She testified in support of SB 1. SENATOR GIESSEL requested that Ms. Crockett review the economic benefits of mining to the Native Corporations. MS. CROCKETT described the economic benefits to the Nenana Corporation from the Red Dog Mine. The Red Dog Mine is the only taxpayer in the Northwest Artic Borough. She said that 60 percent of the jobs at the Red Dog Mine are Nenana Corporation shareholders and 90 percent of the jobs at Donlin will be shareholders. CHAIR DYSON shared a view that the Red Dog project was well done. He mentioned Teck Cominco mine-related benefits, such as training, low fuel rates, the clinic, the airport, and barge transportation, all which help the locals, as well. MS. CROCKETT added that the mine has been very instrumental in helping with evacuating villagers during major storms. 9:17:02 AM MICHAEL SATRE, Executive Director, Council of Alaska Producers, related that he represents large-producing metal mines. He stated full support for SB 1. He wished to recognize the individuals who contributed to the mine industry. He recognized David Stone as being a premier supporter of mining. 9:18:56 AM SENATOR COGHILL moved to report SB 1, labeled LS-0001\U, from committee with individual recommendations and attached zero fiscal note. There being no objection, SB 1 was reported from the Senate State Affairs Standing Committee. SENATOR GIESSEL noted there was a zero fiscal note. 9:19:25 AM At ease SB 2-INTERSTATE MINING COMPACT & COMMISSION 9:23:33 AM SENATOR GIESSEL introduced SB 2, which authorizes the state to join and participate in the Interstate Mining Compact Commission. The purpose of the Compact is to create and maintain a creative and productive mining industry. The bill allows Alaska to contribute to this knowledge. The dues for Alaska would be about $35,000 per year for membership. She shared dues requirements. CHAIR DYSON asked for more information about the dues. SENATOR GIESSEL explained dues are based on how much each state produces. She referred to a chart of dues in members' packets. The highest paying dues member is West Virginia. She said there is a cap on the amount of dues paid. CHAIR DYSON inferred that the $35,000 amount Alaska would pay is based on Alaska's present level of mining activity. SENATOR GIESSEL said yes. 9:24:58 AM GREG CONRAD, Executive Director, Interstate Mining Compact Commission (IMCC), testified in support of SB 2. Alaska has been an associate member of IMCC since 2006 and is now moving forward to become a full member. MR. CONRAD explained that in today's legislative and regulatory climate in Washington, D.C. it is more important than ever for state governments to be heard. He said that IMCC is recognized by many in Washington for its experience and expertise on mining issues. As an example, IMCC has been asked to testify on behalf of the states at six Congressional hearings over the past couple years on topics, such as Good Samaritan Protections for Hard Rock Abandoned Mine Clean Ups, stream protection requirements for surface coal mining operations, hard rock financial assurance requirements under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), legislation to enhance funding for states to reclaim abandoned coal and hard rock mines, and the impacts of the federal budget on state grant programs. He said that IMCC has been consulted by the General Accountability Office and the National Academy of Sciences on a range of issues affecting the states. Also, IMCC is active on several advisory bodies, steering committees, and state/federal teams on which member states generally serve in order to insure their direct input. MR. CONRAD referred to IMCC's annual report which was included in committee members' packets. He related that IMCC is regularly called upon to provide its recommendations on a plethora of issues on Capitol Hill and before the federal regulatory agencies. The recommendations are developed by the states at IMCC meetings and are communicated in the form of resolutions, testimonies, formal comments, and Congressional staff briefings. It is IMCC's ability to speak with one voice on common concerns that draws the states together and gives meaning to what IMCC does. He addressed why Alaska should become a full member of IMCC. He said that membership would allow Alaska to have a formal vote and to lead the Compact in the direction that is favorable to the state. Alaska would also be able to chair IMCC standing committees and have access to all communications, meetings, programs, and initiatives. Membership would also allow federal agencies and Congress to recognize Alaska as an important player in environmental concerns and regulatory issues. Since IMCC is focused on mining and related environmental protection issues with the federal government, it benefits Alaska to become a member. 9:30:03 AM SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI asked about Article 3 of the provision. He inquired if it currently meets Alaska's laws, or if it would need to be revised. MR. CONRAD understood that the state has robust policies and regulations in place for the mining industry. He said that IMCC would not interfere with regulations, but rather provide advice. CHAIR DYSON inquired how the Compact works regarding mining safety. MR. CONRAD said that subject is not reflected in specific Compact language, but rather in the general provisions of IMCC's authority to be involved in mining issues that impact state governments. He offered to provide that information, as it is one of the key issues that IMCC pursues on behalf of states. 9:33:09 AM SENATOR COGHILL pointed out that information is found in Article 1, subsection (b)(4). CHAIR DYSON agreed. He noted IMCC members have very large mineral zones that cross into Canada. He asked if IMCC has a working relationship with Canadian provinces. MR. CONRAD said no. 9:34:33 AM ED FOGELS, Deputy Commissioner, Department of Natural Resources (DNR), testified in support of SB 2. He said that DNR has a strong mining regulatory and permitting program, which is in line with IMCC's enabling legislation and its requirements. Under the Governor's direction, DNR is looking for ways to improve permitting and regulating of natural resource development projects. Part of this initiative is to improve collaboration with federal agencies and to dialogue with other state regulatory and permitting agencies. This is why IMCC is so important to Alaska. He recalled his work with IMCC the previous seven years when Alaska first became an Associate Member of IMCC. He shared the advantages of becoming a member of IMCC, such as the full weight it carries from its 25 member states during interactions with the federal government. He gave examples of federal issues of importance to Alaska: the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's initiative to take over bonding for hard rock mining, numerous Endangered Species Act issues, federal budgets, and Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) regulations. There is a serious concern in Alaska that MSHA is not taking into account the remoteness of some of the mine locations. He mentioned that some issues transcend the mining sector. He said he was the Governor's designee to represent Alaska at IMCC meetings. He stressed that full membership would give Alaska more power. He noted that IMCC is growing; Nevada is pursuing full membership, Montana is contemplating membership, and there is a movement to get more Western States to join. He concluded that IMCC is a valuable tool for Alaska. 9:39:05 AM SENATOR COGHILL asked what the current makeup of IMCC is. MR. FOGELS replied that IMCC consists of predominantly Eastern states, but there are some Midwestern states. There are several Western Associate Members, Wyoming, Nevada, Alaska, Colorado, and Utah. Idaho and Montana are considering membership. SENATOR COGHILL asked if water quality and small placer mines is an issue for other Compact states. MR. FOGELS noted that Alaska is unique in that respect. He opined that there were some smaller operators in other states. Also, other states have gravel and sand mines. SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI pointed out that currently there are no full-member Western states. He wondered if decisions are made on a consensus basis. MR. FOGELS deferred to Mr. Conrad to discuss voting methods. He agreed that Alaska would be the first Western state to join. SENATOR COGHILL said Article 5, subsection (b), refers to voting rights. The commissioner is entitled to a vote. Most voting is by majority. 9:42:57 AM MICHAEL SATRE, Executive Director, Council of Alaska Producers, testified in support of SB 2. He referred to written comments the Council submitted to the committee. He noted that the Council has always supported a permitting and regulatory process that is rigorous, science based, transparent, and predictable. He opined that Alaska is a leader in mine permitting and regulation, but must continue to improve on that process. One way to do that is to collaborate with other mining states by joining IMCC. 9:44:32 AM DEANTHA CROCKETT, Executive Director, Alaska Miners Association, testified in support of SB 2. She highlighted a letter of support. She testified that federal regulation has become more problematic and IMCC can be helpful in that area. She reported on the status of the Western States Mining Coalition. She stated it would be very beneficial for Alaska to join IMCC. 9:46:01 AM SENATOR COGHILL moved to report SB 2, labeled 28-LS0005\A, out of committee with individual recommendations and the attached fiscal notes. There being no objections, SB 2 was reported from the Senate State Affairs Standing Committee. 9:46:34 AM At ease SB 4-MILITARY TRAINING CREDIT 9:47:27 AM SENATOR BILL WIELECHOWSKI, sponsor of SB 4, introduced the bill. He stated that he has been working on the bill with the U.S. Department of Defense for about two years. The bill passed the Senate and House last year. It is the top priority of the Department of Defense. The bill directs state boards to accept relevant military education training and service as equivalent to some or all of the qualifications required while applying for a license or a certificate. It also authorizes issuance of temporary licenses or certificates for active duty service members who had an equivalent license or certificate issued in another state. He discussed a major concern over unemployment issues for newly separated veterans. The jobless rate for post-911 veterans was 9.9 percent as of last September, with young male veterans experiencing an unemployment rate of 18.1 percent. He noted that 25 states have passed similar legislation. He emphasized that the University of Alaska is doing a good job. SB 4 would simply codify some requirements. 9:50:40 AM CHRIS CHRISTENSEN, Associate Vice President, State Relations, University of Alaska, addressed Section 2 of the bill which directs the university's president to adopt policies and procedures to award credit for military training, education, and service. He noted that Alaska's university is already in compliance with this mandate. He related that the university is committed to offering quality educational experiences to active military, veterans, and their dependents. "GIJobs" is a magazine and web portal that exists specifically to serve people who are transitioning from the military back to civilian life. It has designated both UAA and UAF as "military friendly schools." Only 15 percent of all universities, colleges, and vocational schools in the country have earned this distinction, which is based on an institution's financial and non-financial commitment to recruit and retain military and veteran students. MR. CHRISTENSEN reported that the web portal "Guide to online schools.com," which bills itself as the most comprehensive authority on distance education and online learning, has ranked the most military-friendly online colleges in the country, and out of the multitude of schools that offer online education, UA was rated number five. He shared that the transfer of credit has been problematic at the university, and military transfer of credit is a piece of this bigger issue. He explained that the Board of Regents has adopted a written policy that says campuses must accept in transfer as much credit as is appropriate to a student's new degree and graduation requirements. All three campuses have established transfer credit policies designed to give maximum credit for courses and training taken elsewhere, including in the military. Awarding appropriate credit for military training is one of the university's responsibilities, and another way to show commitment to recruit and retain military and veteran students. He addressed misconceptions about the credit transfer process. Transfer credit processes at the university are managed at the campus level, although there is intentionally a great deal of uniformity in the system. With respect to credit for military training, all three campuses transfer credit based on recommendations made by ACE, which is the acronym for the American Council of Education. For over 65 years, ACE has had an agreement with the Department of Defense to review military training and experience for the award of equivalent college credits. Its recommendations on equivalent college credits are utilized by many colleges and universities across the country. The three Alaskan campuses have each entered into written agreements with the Department of Defense to use the ACE recommendations. He continued to say that the three campuses are also members of the SOC Consortium. He explained that SOC stands for the Servicemembers Opportunity Colleges, a consortium of over 1,000 colleges and universities that enroll military, and dependents in special degree programs, both on campus and through distance learning. Its purpose is to let the military get degrees, rather than just accumulate credits as they move from base to base. To be part of SOC, the campuses signed written agreements to, among other things, follow specific guidelines to ease transferability of credit between the member institutions and to limit the number of credits military students have to earn at UA in order to get a UA degree. For example, military students working on an Associate's Degree at UAA only need 3 UAA credits to earn the degree; UAA will take all the rest of the credits from other schools in the SOC Consortium. He said UAA is currently accepting approximately 51 credits per student from those military students who attended the Community College of the Air Force, the service academies, and other regionally accredited military institutions. At UAF, a military student can use approximately 30 credits of typical training for the Bachelor of Emergency Management Degree, or 90 credits for a General Studies Bachelor of Arts that does not require satisfying particular major requirements. He continued to say that neither UAA nor UAF have any limitation on the number of military transfer credits they will award. He said they used to, but they've done away with it as part of the continual process to review the system and make it more student friendly. 9:55:41 AM CHAIR DYSON asked how long ago the university made that change. MR. CHRISTENSEN thought that UAA made the change about two years ago. He shared that UAA awards over 15,000 hours a year of military transfer credit for training, for education, and even for time spent in the service. That number is increasing. Last year, approximately 99.5 percent of the students who requested military transfer credits received those credits. He said that Alaska is widely known to service members as a state that welcomes and appreciates the military. Alaska's university, as demonstrated by its existing transfer policies, reflects those prevailing social values. He stated that in the last 12 months UAA has done a number of things to improve the treatment of military, veterans, and their families on campus. CHAIR DYSON recalled stories of credit transfer problems within the Alaska university system. MR. CHRISTENSEN said it was an interesting question. He explained that 98 to 99 percent of all credits transfer; however, statistics can be misleading. President Gamble has engaged in the University's Strategic Direction Initiative, which is a comprehensive look at what the university is doing right, as well as wrong. It was discovered that credits do transfer, but the process is problematic, as is the amount of time it takes. In 2011 at UAA it took 45 days for the credit transfer process, but now it takes only 3 days. UAA transferred 275,000 credits last year or 41 percent more than four years earlier. They transferred in credits for 6,000 students last year, which is an increase of 65 percent. He concluded that there is a commitment to change the system. CHAIR DYSON said that was heartening. 9:59:47 AM SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI shared that his staff member has had a negative personal experience regarding credit transfer from UAS to UAA. MR. CHRISTENSEN explained that credits sometimes transfer as general education, but not as requirement credits. He suggested referring problems to him. SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI said he would. CHAIR DYSON recalled President Hamilton saying that each discipline within the university has its own credit standards. He asked if that is still a problem. 10:01:47 AM MR. CHRISTENSEN agreed that has been a problem in the past, but he said the situation continues to improve. For example, 100 percent of general education credits are now accepted between UAA and UAF. CHAIR DYSON said he had an impression that the university was monolithic. MR. CHRISTENSEN countered that the opposite is true; he said it is the least monolithic institution he has been exposed to. SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI asked if there is a policy in place for National Guard members attending school. MR. CHRISTENSEN offered to find out. 10:03:48 AM CHAIR DYSON shared a story about a military person's problem with receiving credit. He voiced appreciation for the ability to adjust credits for military members. He requested information about allowing military experience for credit. MR. CHRISTENSEN could not speak to that issue. 10:04:41 AM THOMAS CASE, Chancellor, University of Alaska - Anchorage, stated the importance of his deep personal commitment, and the University's commitment, towards the good treatment of military veterans. He spoke of his 33 years of active duty military service and said that Alaska is the most military-friendly state he has served in. He predicted Alaska's commitment to veterans would increase due to the pending "draw down of engagement" around the world and the return of more veterans. He shared statistics about how many veterans are currently enrolled. There are 1,850 active duty and veteran students in the UAA system. The university has established a Military and Veteran Student Task Force in order to take a close look at each of the programs. He referred to the example Chair Dyson mentioned and said that an attempt is being made to see what will work for that individual. He shared that UAA is one of eleven campuses nationwide to be accepted to participate in Vet Success on Campus. The university has a new Military and Veterans Student Resource Center. Much of the progress the university is making is impacted by legislative support. Aspects of the budget that go toward building up the counseling program are making a difference. He said the university is working very hard on the transferability of credits and making great progress. 10:07:54 AM CHAIR DYSON requested information about how military work experience, or "hands on," translates to credits, such as in the medical profession. CHANCELLOR CASE offered to provide specific examples. CHAIR DYSON requested specific examples of military experience that is considered for credits. He said he was impressed with the progress the university has made. CHANCELLOR CASE said, "We have only begun to fight." 10:09:14 AM MARC SAN SOUCI, Northwest Regional Liaison, Department of Defense, testified in support of SB 4. He related that in September of 2012, the unemployment rate for young, male veterans 18 to 24 was 18.1 percent. He said in 2012 a study reported that Alaska had 1,231 military veterans separate or retire back to Alaska. In the last two years, over 2,500 veterans returned to Alaska. He emphasized that he is not asking for direct occupational licensure if it is not equivalent. He is only seeking credit where credit is due. The public has already paid for veterans' training within the "Department of Defense (DOD) School.' The DOD recognizes the need to make credits easier for credentialing bodies to process and accept. Six pilot states are reviewing military occupations to see whether training and experience qualify for credits. He said there is a new Joint Service Transcript (JST), which will validate and document military credits so institutions can review them. He added that DOD is also working on determining which credentials relate to which military occupations. 10:14:21 AM RIC DAVIDGE, National Chairman of Government Affairs, Vietnam Veterans of America, talked about the crucial 90 days between separation and the start of school or training or finding a job. He reported that his organization aims to shorten the 90-day period and provide training or work for returning veterans. He said SB 4 will help with this goal. He described the placement of two Veteran Services Officers on campus in Fairbanks and Juneau to help meet the needs of veterans. 10:17:38 AM CHAIR DYSON thanked all of the testifiers. SENATOR GIESSEL wished to focus on Section 1 of the bill which has to do with licensing boards and temporary licensing. She explained that subsections (b - e) on page 2 deal with activities of the professional regulatory boards. She said she appreciates (b)(2) which holds in place the criminal background check for licensing. She voiced concern about subsection (d) regarding a temporary license being issues for 180 days and potential for another 180 days. She said when she reviewed statutes for the Board of Medicine and the Board of Nursing where competence is paramount, she discovered that they both provide for a 180 day temporary license, which is non-renewable. She wondered why the extra six-month period was provided for in this legislation. SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI requested his staff, Kendra Kloster, to explain. 10:20:32 AM KENDRA KLOSTER, staff to Senator Bill Wielechowski, sponsor of SB 4, explained that the language was written with the help of the Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (DCCED). She said the language Senator Giessel is referring to is similar to language used for transferring temporary licenses for spouses. She emphasized the word "may" is used, so it is up to the boards on whether they want to extend the period. SENATOR GIESSEL informed the committee that there are boards that have temporary license limitations of only 30 days. She related her concern that if an individual is not qualifying for a permanent license after six months, it calls into question their ability to meet the requirements. It also creates additional administrative activity for the board. MS. KLOSTER deferred to DCCED to answer. 10:21:45 AM DON HABERGER, Director, Division of Corporations, Business, and Professional Licensing, Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development, explained that the Division views it as a policy call. There are a variety of temporary licenses, either through statute or adopted by regulation from a professional board. The Division does not have a specific comment on the extra 180 days. CHAIR DYSON asked if regulations are run by the professional boards. MR. HABERGER said yes. He explained that the 40 professional licenses are split into "boarded" and "unboarded" categories. The legislature has given the boards authority to regulate their professions. The Division only sets regulations for those programs that do not have boards. SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI agreed it was a policy call. He recalled a previous bill that provided similar provisions for spouses. He said the legislature is free to change that language. 10:23:29 AM At ease 10:25:21 AM SENATOR GIESSEL offered a conceptual amendment: On page 2, line 19 Add a period after "180 days" Delete the rest of subsection (d) There being no objection, the conceptual amendment was adopted. SENATOR GIESSEL moved to report SB 4, labeled 28-LS0016\U, as amended, out of committee with individual recommendations and attached fiscal notes. There being no objection, CSSB 4(STA) was reported from the Senate State Affairs Standing Committee. 10:26:51 AM There being no further business to come before the committee, Chair Dyson adjourned the Senate State Affairs Standing Committee at 10:26 p.m.