Legislature(1999 - 2000)
04/14/2000 03:15 PM Senate STA
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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SENATE STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE April 14, 2000 3:15 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Senator Jerry Ward, Chairman Senator Lyda Green Senator Gary Wilken Senator Randy Phillips Senator Kim Elton MEMBERS ABSENT All Members Present COMMITTEE CALENDAR CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 292(STA) "An Act relating to student immunizations and to information relating to immunizations provided by the commissioner of health and social services." -MOVED OUT OF COMMITTEE CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 159(FIN) am "An Act permitting certain employees in state correctional facilities or employed in the Department of Corrections to convert their credited service under the public employees' retirement system to credited service as peace officers." -MOVED OUT OF COMMITTEE SENATE BILL NO. 221 "An Act relating to recruitment, selection, appointment, and promotion of state employees and the duties of the Department of Administration concerning those and other related functions; and providing for an effective date." -MOVED OUT OF COMMITTEE CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 120(STA) "An Act relating to qualifications of voters, the registration of voters, election districts and officials, the use of state seals and emblems in election campaigns, election procedures and ballots, special procedures for elections, nomination of candidates, national elections, special elections and appointments, constitutional amendments, election offenses and corrupt practices, election pamphlets, the deferral of jury service for certain election officials, an exemption from the State Procurement Code regarding election ballots, the provision and use of mailing addresses on permanent fund dividend applications for election purposes, and the inclusion of voter registration forms with permanent fund dividend applications; relating to municipal assembly forms of representation and apportionment; requiring a majority vote for certain offices and providing for a runoff election; making conforming amendments in references to 'election district' and 'chairman'; and providing for an effective date." -MOVED CSSB 120 (STA) OUT OF COMMITTEE SENATE BILL NO. 270 "An Act relating to return of contributed capital, or payment of a dividend, to the state by the Alaska Student Loan Corporation; and providing for an effective date." -MOVED OUT OF COMMITTEE PREVIOUS SENATE COMMITTEE ACTION SB 292 - See State Affairs minutes dated 3/23/00 and 4/6/00. HB 159 - No previous Senate committee action. SB 221 - No previous Senate committee action. SB 120 - See State Affairs minutes dated 4/6/00. SB 270 - See State Affairs minutes dated 4/6/00. ACTION NARRATIVE TAPE 00-08, SIDE A Number 001 CHAIRMAN WARD called the Senate State Affairs Committee to order at 3:15 p.m. All members were present. The first order of business to come before the committee was CS for SB 292 (STA). SB 292-PUBLIC SCHOOL STUDENT IMMUNIZATIONS SENATOR GREEN moved CSSB 292 (STA) out of committee with individual recommendations. SENATOR ELTON objected. The motion carried with Senators Ward, Green, Wilken, and Phillips voting "Yea," and Senator Elton voting "Nay." SB 120-DIVISION OF ELECTIONS SENATOR GREEN moved to adopt CSSB 120(STA). Without objection, the motion carried. SENATOR GREEN moved CSSB 120 (STA) out of committee with individual recommendations. Without objection, the motion carried. SB 221-STATE EMPLOYEE HIRE AND PROMOTION SENATOR GREEN moved SB 221 out of committee with individual recommendations. SENATOR ELTON objected. The motion carried with Senators Ward, Green, Wilken, and Phillips voting "Yea," and Senator Elton voting "Nay." HB 159-PERS PEACE OFFR STATUS CORRECTION EMPLOYEE SENATOR GREEN moved CSHB 159(FIN)am out of committee with individual recommendations. Without objection, the motion carried. SB 270-STUDENT LOAN CORP PAYMENTS TO STATE SENATOR GREEN moved SB 270 out of committee with individual recommendations. Without objection, the motion carried. There being no further business to come before the committee, CHAIRMAN WARD adjourned the meeting at 3:18 p.m.
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