Legislature(1999 - 2000)
05/04/1999 03:35 PM Senate STA
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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SENATE STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE May 4, 1999 3:35 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Senator Jerry Ward, Chairman Senator Lyda Green Senator Gary Wilken Senator Kim Elton MEMBERS ABSENT Senator Randy Phillips COMMITTEE CALENDAR SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 24 Relating to the Kosovo conflict and to Alaskans serving in the military forces in the area of the conflict. -MOVED CSSJR 24 OUT OF COMMITTEE HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 20 Urging the Congress to amend the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 to eliminate the marriage penalty by providing that income tax rate bracket amounts, and the amount of the standard deduction, for joint returns shall be twice the amounts applicable to unmarried individuals. -MOVED HJR 20 OUT OF COMMITTEE CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 26(WTR) Relating to establishing maritime boundaries with Canada. -MOVED CSHJR 26(WTR) OUT OF COMMITTEE PREVIOUS SENATE COMMITTEE ACTION SJR 24 - No previous Senate action. HJR 20 - No previous Senate action. CSHJR 26(WTR) - No previous Senate action. WITNESS REGISTER Robert Krogseng Staff to Senator Robin Taylor Alaska State Legislature Juneau, AK 99801-1182 POSITION STATEMENT: Testified for the sponsor of SJR 24 Judi Jordan Staff to Representative Gail Phillips Alaska State Capitol Juneau, AK 99801-1182 POSITION STATEMENT: Testified for the sponsor of HJR 20 Representative John Coghill Alaska State Legislature Juneau, AK 99801-1182 POSITION STATEMENT: Sponsor of HJR 26 ACTION NARRATIVE TAPE 99-13, SIDE A Number 001 CHAIRMAN WARD called the Senate State Affairs Committee to order at 3:35 p.m. Present were Senators Green, Wilken, Elton, and Chairman Ward. The first order of business to come before the committee was SJR 24. SJR 24-KOSOVO CONFLICT SENATOR WILKEN moved to adopt CSSJR 24 in lieu of the original bill. There being no objection, the motion carried. MR. ROBERT KROGSENG, staff to Senator Taylor, sponsor of SJR 24, made the following comments. SJR 24 will let members of the Armed Services know that Alaskans support them in their efforts to bring a halt to the atrocities being carried out by Milosevic. CSSJR 24 acknowledges the bravery and sacrifices of all military forces and, in particular, those military men and women who are Alaskans or are stationed in Alaska. While some may not agree with the methods being used to accomplish the goal of the NATO Alliance, we support our military men and women who are being asked to participate in this conflict and courageously place themselves in harm's way. The committee substitute does not contain language referring to the POWs as it is no longer applicable due to their release. He urged the committee's support of CSSJR 24. SENATOR GREEN noted some members of the public view this resolution as endorsing the President's actions and are offended by it. Number 064 CHAIRMAN WARD stated he has no problem supporting the Alaska military overseas anytime, however he is uncomfortable supporting the language on page 2, lines 21-22, because he is not sure that he supports NATO's actions. MR. KROGSENG stated the intent of the resolution is to support those "in the trenches," including troops from other NATO countries, not to support the decision to be involved. CHAIRMAN WARD stated that Senator Stevens pointed out, after returning from Kosovo, that NATO is preventing the bombers, the majority of whom are American, from bombing the necessary targets. MR. KROGSENG agreed, but said he still feels the Alaska Legislature should provide support to the troops. CHAIRMAN WARD maintained his support for American troops and said that although he agrees with Senator Stevens, he disagrees with the Senator's decision to publicly state that American troops are being put under the misguided rule of NATO. Number 120 MR. KROGSENG repeated that this resolution does not endorse NATO's actions, it supports the combat troops involved. SENATOR WILKEN clarified that NATO is not at the top of the chain of command and that no American serviceperson is taking command from one of the allied forces commanded by NATO. He clarified that American troops are taking command from US Armed Services' officers. CHAIRMAN WARD disagreed and noted that Senator Stevens expressed concern that NATO is taking easy political outs in an attempt to achieve its own political advantages to the detriment of American soldiers. MR. KROGSENG stated he flew 230 missions in Viet Nam and could relate to the frustration experienced by American troops involved in the current situation. He added it is easier for the guy doing the actual work knowing people support him even though they disagree with the overall policy. CHAIRMAN WARD noted until now, NATO has been in a defensive position in its 50 year existence, therefore we are at a crossroad in which foreign countries are dictating to American servicemen. Number 192 SENATOR WILKEN repeated American troops are taking orders from American commanders in consultation with the NATO Allied Forces. CHAIRMAN WARD stated his understanding is the opposite; American commanders are being held back from taking normal military actions because of the NATO machinery which it cannot control. SENATOR GREEN suggested the following amendment. On page 1, delete lines 8-10, and reword lines 11 and 13 to read: WHEREAS the armed forces of the United States are currently participating in the campaign against Serbian forces in Kosovo to stop the ethnic cleansing activities; and On page 2, lines 21 and 22, delete "of the military personnel of NATO countries involved". In addition, SENATOR GREEN suggested removing the reference to President Clinton and Congress on line 23 and rewording the remainder of the sentence. CHAIRMAN WARD said he would feel more comfortable including the Senator Green's suggested amendments. SENATOR ELTON stated he agrees with the sponsor's language for several reasons. First, it is clear the resolution does not endorse the choices made by NATO or its command structure. Second, the resolution expresses clear support for the troops doing the job. Number 277 SENATOR GREEN moved to delete lines 8-10 on page 1, and to change lines 11 and 12 to read: "WHEREAS the armed forces of the United States are currently participating in the campaign against Serbian forces in Kosovo;" and change lines 20-23 on page 2 to read: "FURTHER RESOLVED that the members of the Alaska State Legislature express their heartfelt concern for the safety of the United States military personnel in the conflict, and of the refugees who are fleeing Kosovo;" and to delete the remainder of the sentence. SENATOR ELTON objected to bring to Senator Green's attention that if the concern is the implication that the United States is acceding control to NATO, the language on page 2, lines 23 - 25 should be retained, because it says that final control of the mission ought to be in the hands of the President and Congress. SENATOR GREEN said so many people disagree with President Clinton's actions on this matter but that other language might be substituted regarding a quick and peaceful resolution. Number 320 SENATOR ELTON agreed that many members of Congress disagree with President Clinton on this matter but he emphasized the need to retain the language suggesting that the President and Congress work as hard as possible to bring about a long lasting resolution. He added that if the resolution does not suggest that the President and Congress do it, it could imply that NATO is the appropriate organization to find a resolution. SENATOR GREEN agreed but said she did not know how to amend the amendment. SENATOR WILKEN moved to amend Amendment 1 by deleting, on page 2, line 1, the words, "of the military personnel of NATO countries involved in the conflict,". SENATOR GREEN was agreeable to Senator Wilken's amendment to Amendment 1 and said her concern was that no one think that the Alaska Legislature tacitly approves of the President's actions by calling on him to continue those actions. There being no objection, Amendment 1 as amended was adopted. Number 344 SENATOR WILKEN asked whether Representative Don Young has been contacted about his votes last week on this issue in Congress. MR. KROGSENG thought Senator Taylor spoke with Congressman Young the previous week but was unaware of the discussion. SENATOR WILKEN noted there is no need to send a copy of the resolution to Congressman Young since he voted against supporting military activity last week. He moved Amendment 3, to delete the words on page 3, lines 7-8, "and the Honorable Don Young, U.S. Representatives, members of the Alaska delegation in Congress". SENATOR ELTON objected and again repeated that SJR 24 as amended does not endorse the military action in Kosovo, it endorses the troops. SENATOR WILKEN maintained his motion to adopt Amendment 3 on the basis that Representative Young voted against a similar resolution in Congress on two occasions. SENATOR GREEN questioned whether sending a resolution to Alaska's congressional delegation is a matter of protocol. SENATOR ELTON removed his objection, therefore Amendment 3 was adopted. SENATOR WILKEN moved to send a copy of SJR 24 as amended to Colonel Canolas, General Cash, General Cash, and the Adjutant General of the Alaska Air National Guard. There being no objection, the motion carried. SENATOR WILKEN moved to move CSSJR 24(STA) from committee with individual recommendations. There being no objection, the motion carried. HJR 20-FEDERAL INCOME TAX MARRIAGE PENALTY JUDI JORDAN, legislative aide to Representative Gail Phillips, sponsor of HJR 20, made the following comments. Married couples pay a much higher income tax rate and receive a lower standard deduction than two single individuals. The purpose of HJR 20 is to support a proposal before Congress to eliminate the marriage tax penalty. In 1996 nearly 21 million married couples paid an average of $1400 more in taxes because of the marriage penalty. With the anticipation of a federal budget surplus over the next ten years, Representative Phillips felt the time is appropriate for the removal of the marriage tax penalty. Several legislative measures to do away with the marriage tax penalty and make the standard deduction for a married couple equal to that of two single individuals are before Congress at this time. SENATOR GREEN moved HJR 20 from committee with individual recommendations. There being no objection, the motion carried. SENATOR ELTON asked Ms. Jordan to provide him with information showing that the average family now pays more in taxes than it pays on housing, food, and clothing combined. MS. JORDAN said she could provide Senator Wilken with backup information to the bills before Congress. Number 443 CSHJR 26(WTR)-ALASKA MARITIME BOUNDARY WITH CANADA REPRESENTATIVE JOHN COGHILL, sponsor of HJR 26, explained the intent of the measure is to try to keep a good working relationship with Canada. Some of the Alaskan/Canadian maritime boundaries are still in dispute. HJR 26 calls for resolution of that dispute. No negotiations are underway between Canada and the United States right now; CSHJR 26(WTR) urges the establishment of negotiations, that Alaska be included, and that the result of the negotiations be disclosed to Alaskans prior to ratification. CHAIRMAN WARD asked if the Administration has taken a position on the resolution. REPRESENTATIVE COGHILL said the Administration was not asked. Number 480 SENATOR ELTON moved CSHJR 26(WTR) from committee with individual recommendations. There being no objection, the motion carried. CHAIRMAN WARD adjourned the meeting at 4:10 p.m.
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