Legislature(2001 - 2002)
03/22/2001 10:45 AM Senate RLS
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE SENATE RULES COMMITTEE March 22, 2001 10:45 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Senator Drue Pearce, Chair Senator John Cowdery, Vice Chair Senator Randy Phillips Senator Johnny Ellis MEMBERS ABSENT Senator Gene Therriault COMMITTEE CALENDAR SENATE BILL NO. 65 "An Act requiring a study to determine if gender is a determinant in state employee compensation." APPROVED FOR CALENDARING CS FOR HOUSE CONCURRENT RESOLUTION NO. 7(HES) am Relating to proclaiming April 2001 as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. APPROVED FOR CALENDARING CS FOR HOUSE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 10(FSH) Relating to the management of the Bering Sea/Aleutian Islands and Gulf of Alaska groundfish fisheries and the protection and restoration of the Steller sea lion. APPROVED FOR CALENDARING HOUSE BILL NO. 100 "An Act establishing the third Saturday of each June as Juneteenth Day." APPROVED FOR CALENDARING PREVIOUS COMMITTEE ACTION SB 65 - See State Affairs minutes dated 2/13/01, Finance Report dated 3/13/01 and Rules minutes dated 3/20/01. HCR 7 - No previous Senate committee action. HJR 10 - See Resources minutes dated 3/16/01. HB 100 - See State Affairs minutes dated 3/8/01. ACTION NARRATIVE TAPE 01-4, SIDE A Number 001 CHAIRWOMAN DRUE PEARCE called the Senate Rules Committee meeting to order at 10:45 a.m. Present were Senators Cowdery, Phillips and Pearce. CHAIRWOMAN PEARCE announced a revised fiscal note for SB 65-PAY EQUITY FOR STATE EMPLOYEES was before the committee. The amount for FY 2003 was reduced to zero because it is not known, at this time, whether a full-scale study will be necessary. SENATOR COWDERY moved to adopt the March 20, 2001 fiscal note for SB 65. There being no objection, the motion carried. CHAIRWOMAN PEARCE announced that CSHCR 7(HES)am -APRIL 2001 SEXUAL ASSAULT AWARENESS MONTH was before the committee with a new fiscal note. SENATOR PHILLIPS moved to calendar CSHCR 7(HES)am and to adopt the zero fiscal note dated 1/24/01. There being no objection, the motion carried. SENATOR COWDERY moved to calendar CSHJR 10(FSH)-GROUNDFISH FISHERIES AND STELLER SEA LION. There being no objection, the motion carried. SENATOR ELLIS arrived. CHAIRWOMAN PEARCE announced that HB 100-JUNETEENTH DAY was before the committee. SENATOR COWDERY asked what Juneteenth Day is. CHAIRWOMAN PEARCE explained it is the third Saturday in June each year. SENATOR COWDERY moved to calendar SCS CSHB 100(STA) and asked for unanimous consent. There being no objection, the motion carried. SENATOR ELLIS asked whether the fiscal note for SB 65 is for $50,000 or $500,000. CHAIRWOMAN PEARCE said the cost will be $50,000. That money will be used to determine whether a full scale study is necessary. There being no further business to come before the committee, CHAIRWOMAN PEARCE adjourned the meeting at 10:50 a.m.
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