Legislature(1997 - 1998)
03/24/1998 12:00 PM Senate RLS
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SENATE RULES COMMITTEE March 24, 1998 12:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Senator Tim Kelly, Chair Senator Robin Taylor Senator John Torgerson MEMBERS ABSENT Senator Loren Leman, Vice Chair Senator Jim Duncan COMMITTEE CALENDAR CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 461(FIN) "An Act making supplemental and special appropriations and amending appropriations; and providing for an effective date." SENATE BILL NO. 262 "An Act relating to regulation of hunting and trapping and to the definition of 'sustained yield.'" SENATE BILL NO. 268 "An Act relating to the assignment to the Department of Labor of certain wage claims; and providing for an effective date." SENATE BILL NO. 284 "An Act relating to cruelty to animals." SENATE BILL NO. 341 "An Act relating to agricultural land; and providing for an effective date." CS FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 50(FIN) "An Act relating to the use of broadcasting to promote certain classics or sweepstakes; and providing for an effective date." PREVIOUS SENATE COMMITTEE ACTION HB 461 - No previous action to record. SB 262 - See Resource Committee minutes dated 2/23/98, 3/9/98, and 3/23/98. SB 268 - See Labor and Commerce minutes dated 2/24/98 and Judiciary minutes dated 3/20/98. SB 284 - See State Affairs minutes dated 3/3/98 and Judiciary minutes dated 3/20/98 and 3/23/98. SB 341 - See Resource Committee minutes dated 3/23/98. HB 50 - See State Affairs minutes dated 5/1/97 and Judiciary minutes dated 5/7/97 and 3/23/98. WITNESS REGISTER ACTION NARRATIVE TAPE 98-3 , SIDE A CHAIRMAN KELLY called the Senate Rules Committee meeting to order at 12:00 p.m, and noted the presence of Senators Taylor, Torgerson and Kelly. CSHB 461(FIN) - APPROP: SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATIONS The first item on the committee agenda was CSHB 461(FIN). CHAIRMAN KELLY requested a calendaring motion pending referral of the legislation from the Senate Finance Committee. SENATOR TAYLOR moved and asked unanimous consent CSHB 461(FIN) be approved for calendaring pending its referral from the Senate Finance Committee. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered. SB 262 - MANAGEMENT OF HUNTING SENATOR TAYLOR moved and asked unanimous consent SB 262 be approved for calendaring at the discretion of the Chair. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered. SB 268 - WAGE CLAIM ASSIGNMENTS TO DEPT. OF LABOR SENATOR TAYLOR moved and asked unanimous consent SB 268 be approved for calendaring at the discretion of the Chair. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered. SB 284 - CRUELTY TO ANIMALS SENATOR TAYLOR moved and asked unanimous consent SB 284 be approved for calendaring at the discretion of the Chair. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered. SB 341 - AGRICULTURAL LAND BILL FIX SENATOR TAYLOR moved and asked unanimous consent SB 341 be approved for calendaring at the discretion of the Chair. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered. CSHB 50(FIN) - BROADCASTING OF RAFFLES AND CLASSICS SENATOR TAYLOR moved and asked unanimous consent CSHB 50(FIN) be approved for calendaring at the discretion of the Chair. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered. There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting adjourned at 12:02 p.m.
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