Legislature(2023 - 2024)BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)

03/24/2023 01:30 PM Senate LABOR & COMMERCE

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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
Heard & Held
-- Invited & Public Testimony --
<Time Limit May Be Set>
Heard & Held
-- Public Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> --
Heard & Held
-- Public Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> --
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
**Streamed live on AKL.tv**
                    ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                                                                  
          SENATE LABOR AND COMMERCE STANDING COMMITTEE                                                                        
                         March 24, 2023                                                                                         
                           1:33 p.m.                                                                                            
MEMBERS PRESENT                                                                                                               
Senator Jesse Bjorkman, Chair                                                                                                   
Senator Click Bishop, Vice Chair                                                                                                
Senator Elvi Gray-Jackson                                                                                                       
Senator Kelly Merrick                                                                                                           
Senator Forrest Dunbar                                                                                                          
MEMBERS ABSENT                                                                                                                
All members present                                                                                                             
COMMITTEE CALENDAR                                                                                                            
SENATE BILL NO. 89                                                                                                              
"An  Act  relating  to   tobacco,  tobacco  products,  electronic                                                               
smoking  products, nicotine,  and  products containing  nicotine;                                                               
raising the minimum  age to purchase, sell,  exchange, or possess                                                               
tobacco, a product containing nicotine,  or an electronic smoking                                                               
product; relating to the taxation  of electronic smoking products                                                               
and vapor products; and providing for an effective date."                                                                       
     - HEARD & HELD                                                                                                             
SENATE BILL NO. 51                                                                                                              
"An  Act exempting  veterinarians  from the  requirements of  the                                                               
controlled substance prescription database;  and providing for an                                                               
effective date."                                                                                                                
     - HEARD & HELD                                                                                                             
SENATE BILL NO. 93                                                                                                              
"An  Act  relating to  claims  against  protection and  indemnity                                                               
insurance  policies  of  vessel  owners;  and  providing  for  an                                                               
effective date."                                                                                                                
     - HEARD & HELD                                                                                                             
PREVIOUS COMMITTEE ACTION                                                                                                     
BILL: SB  89                                                                                                                  
SHORT TITLE: AGE FOR TOBACCO/NICOTINE/E-CIG; TAX E-CIG                                                                          
SPONSOR(s): SENATOR(s) STEVENS                                                                                                  
03/01/23       (S)       READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRALS                                                                        
03/01/23       (S)       L&C, FIN                                                                                               
03/24/23       (S)       L&C AT 1:30 PM BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)                                                                      
BILL: SB  51                                                                                                                  
SHORT TITLE: CONTROLLED SUB. DATA: EXEMPT VETERINARIAN                                                                          
SPONSOR(s): SENATOR(s) TOBIN                                                                                                    
02/01/23       (S)       READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRALS                                                                        
02/01/23       (S)       HSS, L&C                                                                                               
02/28/23       (S)       HSS AT 3:30 PM BUTROVICH 205                                                                           
02/28/23       (S)       Heard & Held                                                                                           
02/28/23       (S)       MINUTE(HSS)                                                                                            
03/09/23       (S)       HSS AT 3:30 PM BUTROVICH 205                                                                           
03/09/23       (S)       Moved SB 51 Out of Committee                                                                           
03/09/23       (S)       MINUTE(HSS)                                                                                            
03/10/23       (S)       HSS RPT 5DP                                                                                            
03/10/23       (S)       DP: WILSON, TOBIN, KAUFMAN, DUNBAR,                                                                    
03/24/23       (S)       L&C AT 1:30 PM BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)                                                                      
BILL: SB  93                                                                                                                  
SHORT TITLE: FISHERMEN'S FUND: VESSEL OWNER CLAIMS                                                                              
SPONSOR(s): LABOR & COMMERCE BY REQUEST                                                                                         
03/08/23       (S)       READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRALS                                                                        
03/08/23       (S)       L&C                                                                                                    
03/24/23       (S)       L&C AT 1:30 PM BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)                                                                      
WITNESS REGISTER                                                                                                              
SENATOR GARY STEVENS, District C                                                                                                
Alaska State Legislature                                                                                                        
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT: Sponsor of SB 89.                                                                                         
TIM LAMKIN, Staff                                                                                                               
Senator Gary Stevens                                                                                                            
Alaska State Legislature                                                                                                        
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT: Gave a presentation on SB 89.                                                                             
KAREN BLOXSOM, Assistant Principal                                                                                              
Wasilla High School                                                                                                             
Wasilla, Alaska                                                                                                                 
POSITION STATEMENT: Offered invited testimony on SB 89.                                                                       
KATIE STEFFENS, Deputy Program Manager                                                                                          
Tobacco Prevention Control Program                                                                                              
Division of Public Health                                                                                                       
Department of Health                                                                                                            
Anchorage, Alaska                                                                                                               
POSITION STATEMENT: Offered invited testimony on SB 89.                                                                       
JOE DARNELL, Chief Investigator                                                                                                 
Tobacco Enforcement Program                                                                                                     
Division of Behavioral Health                                                                                                   
Department of Health (DOH)                                                                                                      
Anchorage, Alaska                                                                                                               
POSITION STATEMENT: Offered invited testimony on SB 89.                                                                       
BRANDON SPANOS, Deputy Director                                                                                                 
Tax Division                                                                                                                    
Department of Revenue (DOR)                                                                                                     
Anchorage, Alaska                                                                                                               
POSITION STATEMENT: Provided an explanation of the DOR fiscal                                                                 
note for SB 89.                                                                                                                 
SENATOR LÖKI TOBIN, District I                                                                                                  
Alaska State Legislature                                                                                                        
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT: Sponsor of SB 51.                                                                                         
TREVOR BAILLY, Staff                                                                                                            
Senator Löki Tobin                                                                                                              
Alaska State Legislature                                                                                                        
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT: Presented the sectional analysis for SB 51.                                                               
DR. RACHEL BERNGARTT, Chair                                                                                                     
Board of Veterinary Examiners                                                                                                   
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT: Presented a slideshow on exempting                                                                        
veterinarians from the prescription drug monitoring program                                                                     
during the hearing on SB 51.                                                                                                    
LAURA ACHEE, Staff                                                                                                              
Senator Jesse Bjorkman                                                                                                          
Alaska State Legislature                                                                                                        
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT: Reviewed the explanation of changes for the                                                               
CS for SB 51 from version A to version B.                                                                                       
DR. CIARA VOLLARO, Member                                                                                                       
Alaska Board of Veterinary Examiners                                                                                            
Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development                                                                      
Anchorage, Alaska                                                                                                               
POSITION STATEMENT: Provided invited testimony on SB 51.                                                                      
LAURA ACHEE, Staff                                                                                                              
Senator Jesse Bjorkman                                                                                                          
Alaska State Legislature                                                                                                        
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT: Introduced SB 93 on behalf of the Senate                                                                  
Labor and Commerce Committee and presented the sectional                                                                        
CHARLES COLLINS, Director                                                                                                       
Workers' Compensation Division and the Fishermen's Fund                                                                         
Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD)                                                                           
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT: Provided information about the Alaska                                                                     
Fishermen's Fund during the hearing on SB 93.                                                                                   
VELMA THOMAS, Program Coordinator and Administrator                                                                             
Fishermen's Fund Advisory and Appeals Council                                                                                   
Division of Workers' Compensation                                                                                               
Department of Labor and Workforce Development (DOLWD)                                                                           
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT: Gave invited testimony on SB 93.                                                                          
TRACY WELCH, Executive Director                                                                                                 
United Fishermen of Alaska                                                                                                      
Petersburg, Alaska                                                                                                              
POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 93.                                                                            
JERRY MCCUNE, President                                                                                                         
Cordova District Fishermen United                                                                                               
Cordova, Alaska                                                                                                                 
POSITION STATEMENT: Testified in support of SB 93.                                                                            
ACTION NARRATIVE                                                                                                              
1:33:20 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR JESSE BJORKMAN called the Senate Labor and Commerce                                                                     
Standing Committee meeting to order at 1:33 p.m. Present at the                                                                 
call  to  order  were  Senators  Merrick,  Gray-Jackson,  Bishop,                                                               
Dunbar, and Chair Bjorkman.                                                                                                     
        SB  89-AGE FOR TOBACCO/NICOTINE/E-CIG; TAX E-CIG                                                                    
1:34:02 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR BJORKMAN announced the consideration  of SENATE BILL NO. 89                                                               
"An  Act  relating  to   tobacco,  tobacco  products,  electronic                                                               
smoking  products, nicotine,  and  products containing  nicotine;                                                               
raising the minimum  age to purchase, sell,  exchange, or possess                                                               
tobacco, a product containing nicotine,  or an electronic smoking                                                               
product; relating to the taxation  of electronic smoking products                                                               
and vapor products; and providing for an effective date."                                                                       
This  was the  first hearing  of  SB 89.  Chair Bjorkman  invited                                                               
Senator Gary Stevens to introduce his bill.                                                                                     
1:34:48 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR  GARY  STEVENS,  District C,  Alaska  State  Legislature,                                                               
Juneau, Alaska, Sponsor of SB  89, paraphrased from the following                                                               
sponsor statement:                                                                                                              
                       SPONSOR STATEMENT                                                                                      
                         SENATE BILL 89                                                                                     
          Increasing the Minimal Age for Tobacco and E-                                                                         
                       Cigarettes: "T-21"                                                                                       
     Senate Bill 89  proposes two key policies:  1) to align                                                                    
     state law with  federal law in raising  the minimum age                                                                    
     to buy, sell or  possess tobacco and electronic smoking                                                                    
     products (ESPs) from age 19  to 21; and 2) to establish                                                                    
     a sales tax for ESPs.                                                                                                      
     In  December 2019,  Congress passed  and the  President                                                                    
     signed into  law a  provision raising  the age  of sale                                                                    
     for all  tobacco, nicotine and  ESP products to  age 21                                                                    
     nationally *with no exceptions*.                                                                                           
     Preventing illegal  vendor sales is a  critical part of                                                                    
     the  overall   effort  to  prevent  and   reduce  youth                                                                    
     smoking.   Alaska   has   an  active   underage   sales                                                                    
     enforcement  program   which  has  been   effective  in                                                                    
     reducing sales of smoking  products to minors. Updating                                                                    
     Alaska statutes  from 19  to 21  to mirror  the federal                                                                    
     minimum age  of sale of  these products will  allow the                                                                    
     state enforcement program to be effective.                                                                                 
     The latest   Tobacco Facts 2022  Update  issued  by the                                                                  
     Alaska  Dept.  of  Health, Division  of  Public  Health                                                                    
     shows an increasing trend among  young Alaskans in high                                                                    
     school,   indicating  26   percent  of   the  statewide                                                                    
     population as active  users of ESPs in  2019 alone, and                                                                    
     46  percent  of  students having  "tried"  ESPs.  Those                                                                    
     statewide  figures,  along   with  national  ones,  are                                                                    
     projected to have grown substantially since then.                                                                          
     Despite  claims  that  e-cigarettes  help  adults  quit                                                                    
     smoking,  or  offer  adults  a  "safe"  alternative  to                                                                    
     smoking tobacco, ESPs are  under-regulated and have not                                                                    
     been found  by the  Food and Drug  Administration (FDA)                                                                    
     to be  effective in helping smokers  actually quit, let                                                                    
         alone to be legitimately "safe." Nearly all e-                                                                         
     cigarettes contain  some amount  of nicotine,  and some                                                                    
     contain  as  much  or  more   nicotine  as  a  pack  of                                                                    
     cigarettes.  It is  not yet  known  with any  certainty                                                                    
     what   other  compounds   these   vapor  products   are                                                                    
     delivering  into users'  airways, let  alone the  long-                                                                    
     term effect these products have on human health.                                                                           
     Meanwhile,  taxes  have  been proven  to  reduce  youth                                                                    
     tobacco use, resulting in  fewer kids becoming lifelong                                                                    
     smokers,  and   thus  ultimately   reducing  healthcare                                                                    
     costs. In addition to deterring  kids from beginning to                                                                    
     use  these products,  taxes  help  adults who  actually                                                                    
     want to quit, do so.                                                                                                       
     Thank  you for  your  consideration  of this  important                                                                    
     piece of legislation.                                                                                                      
1:37:36 PM                                                                                                                    
TIM   LAMKIN,  Staff,   Senator   Gary   Stevens,  Alaska   State                                                               
Legislature, Juneau, Alaska, gave a presentation on SB 89.                                                                      
MR. LAMKIN began the E-Cigarette  presentation with slide 1, with                                                               
the explanation  that SB 89  would align Alaska's state  law with                                                               
federal law.                                                                                                                    
E-cigarettes, emerged  in the United States  in 2005-2007, though                                                               
they  were  originally  patented  during  WWII.  The  decline  of                                                               
cigarette  use  has  since  caused   the  e-cigarette  market  to                                                               
explode.  He   described  the   components  of   an  e-cigarette,                                                               
explaining that a battery is used  to heat up a liquid containing                                                               
nicotine,  flavoring,  and  a broad  swath  of  chemicals.  Users                                                               
inhale  the  aerosol  into their  lungs.  E-cigarettes  typically                                                               
consist  of  a few  basic  parts:  a  cartridge or  reservoir,  a                                                               
heating element such as a battery, and a mouthpiece.                                                                            
A  substantial part  of  the market  consists  of closed-unit  e-                                                               
cigarettes,  intended to  be  used and  then  thrown away.  These                                                               
disposable e-cigarettes are inexpensive  and readily available in                                                               
convenience  stores. Open-unit  e-cigarettes can  be taken  apart                                                               
and the components are replaceable and customizable.                                                                            
MR. LAMKIN  advanced to slide  2,  Cigarette Marketing.   He said                                                               
e-cigarette  manufacturers have  secured  their  position in  the                                                               
foreseeable  market by  using old  tobacco marketing  techniques.                                                               
Promoting  the   modern  e-cigarette  by   mirroring  fashionable                                                               
vintage  tobacco advertisements  has been  exceedingly effective.                                                               
These  marketing methods  are unregulated.  For instance,  unlike                                                               
tobacco,  e-cigarette commercials  play  freely  on public  radio                                                               
stations.  Marketing tactics  include highlighting  celebrity use                                                               
of e-cigarettes, also known as  vaping, aligning the product with                                                               
sex appeal and coolness.                                                                                                        
MR.   LAMKIN    advanced   to   slide   3,     Social   Media   -                                                               
Instagram/Twitter/YouTube.    He   explained   that   e-cigarette                                                               
companies manage a  wide and diverse network  of brand promotions                                                               
and campaigns  across popular social  media platforms.  This kind                                                               
of  messaging  from influencers  has  resulted  in a  substantial                                                               
population of  parents and kids  who believe that  these products                                                               
are safe.                                                                                                                       
MR.  LAMKIN  advanced to  slide  4,   Recent Confiscations.   The                                                               
slide provided images, and he  brought examples of confiscated e-                                                               
cigarette products,  to illustrate their portability  and ease of                                                               
discretion. In addition, he recently surveyed educators about e-                                                                
cigarettes  to  gather a  sampling  of  raw  data on  the  public                                                               
consensus and found that e-cigarette  use is a problem across the                                                               
1:45:32 PM                                                                                                                    
MR.  LAMKIN  advanced  to  slide  5,   Sample  Disposable  Vaping                                                               
Product Pricing - January 2023.                                                                                                 
1:45:58 PM                                                                                                                    
MR. LAMKIN  advanced to slide  6,  Cigs  in a Pod.   He discussed                                                               
how e-cigarettes  compare to traditional cigarettes.  The average                                                               
price of  a pack of cigarettes  was $16. There are  7.5 puffs per                                                               
cigarette, so  there are 150  puffs in  a pack of  20 cigarettes.                                                               
The inherent  value of  smoking is  the satisfaction  of inhaling                                                               
each puff;  that value is then  quantified at 11 cents  per puff.                                                               
E-cigarettes can have  1900-5000 hits in a single pod.  In a JUUL                                                               
pod, which  sells for $24,  one puff  is 2 cents.  When purchased                                                               
online that  drops to 0.5 cents  per puff. Though some  may argue                                                               
that this tax  might be too high,  he posited that it  may not be                                                               
high enough.                                                                                                                    
1:48:59 PM                                                                                                                    
MR.  LAMKIN advanced  to  slide 7,  1994  The "Waxman  Hearings."                                                               
After 50  years, the leading CEOs  in the United States  stood up                                                               
under oath  on record  before Congress  and avowed  that nicotine                                                               
and  tobacco  products  were neither  addictive  nor  harmful  to                                                               
Tobacco  and  e-cigarette  industry manufacturers  are  presently                                                               
claiming that their products are safe, non-addictive, and non-                                                                  
He  said that  e-cigs  might  be a  pathway  to quitting  smoking                                                               
traditional  cigarettes.  However,  these  e-cigarettes  are  not                                                               
outright safe and  do not end addiction; they  merely replace the                                                               
delivery system.                                                                                                                
An 18-year-old can  join the military, but cannot  use tobacco or                                                               
e-cigarette products  on the  base; recruits  need to  be healthy                                                               
enough to perform physical activity without losing their breath.                                                                
MR.  LAMKIN relayed  a personal  story about  his father  passing                                                               
away from lung  cancer, intimating that he wanted  to protect his                                                               
son from the same fate.                                                                                                         
1:52:12 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR DUNBAR commented that when  the Anchorage Assembly passed                                                               
a similar  ordinance, there  were 19-  and 20-year-olds  who were                                                               
going to be put out of work. He asked Mr. Lamkin whether a 19-                                                                  
year-old who  worked at a  gas station  that happened to  sell e-                                                               
cigarettes would lose their job if SB 89 passed.                                                                                
1:53:24 PM                                                                                                                    
MR.  LAMKIN referred  to the  text on  page 22,  lines 19-22  and                                                               
said,  grandfathering is specifically included  in this bill as a                                                               
result of a compromise.                                                                                                         
SENATOR DUNBAR offered his understanding of the answer.                                                                         
MR. LAMKIN  clarified that employees of  establishments that sell                                                               
e-cigarettes and tobacco products who are  19 and 20 years old on                                                               
the  date the  bill  becomes effective  may  continue working  at                                                               
those jobs.                                                                                                                     
SENATOR DUNBAR  asked if that was  only for the tobacco  shops or                                                               
all places that may sell these products.                                                                                        
MR.  LAMKIN answered  yes,  however, when  a  vendor sells  these                                                               
products, especially with  alcohol sales, a manager  will step in                                                               
to execute the transaction.                                                                                                     
1:55:10 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR BJORKMAN segued to invited testimony.                                                                                     
1:55:41 PM                                                                                                                    
KAREN   BLOXSOM,  Assistant   Principal,  Wasilla   High  School,                                                               
Wasilla, Alaska,  offered invited  testimony on SB  89, declaring                                                               
that the number  of students caught vaping or in  possession of a                                                               
vape is on  the rise each year. Students start  to vape in middle                                                               
school and are addicted by  the time they are first-year students                                                               
in high  school. The Wasilla  Police Department has given  out 31                                                               
citations  for students  caught  vaping. Students  in the  Mat-Su                                                               
school district who  are caught vaping a second time  are given a                                                               
$500 citation.                                                                                                                  
More students are choosing to  get nicotine from vapes because of                                                               
the  flavoring.  They  do  not realize  they  are  inhaling  more                                                               
nicotine in  a day  from a  vape than  if they  smoked a  pack of                                                               
cigarettes. Most  students tell her  that they would  never smoke                                                               
cigarettes, but they would use a  vape or an e-cigarette if there                                                               
weren't the threat of citation.                                                                                                 
1:57:35 PM                                                                                                                    
KATIE  STEFFENS,  Deputy   Program  Manager,  Tobacco  Prevention                                                               
Control  Program,  Division  of   Public  Health,  Department  of                                                               
Health, Anchorage,  Alaska, offered  invited testimony on  SB 89,                                                               
speaking  to how  tobacco and  nicotine  products affect  Alaskan                                                               
youth and  proven strategies for  preventing youth  from starting                                                               
use of such products and reducing their current use.                                                                            
Tobacco  is the  leading cause  of preventable  death in  Alaska.                                                               
Smoking is linked to about 600  deaths each year. Alaska loses an                                                               
estimated  $400   million  because  of   smoking-related  illness                                                               
effects on workers unable to perform their duties.                                                                              
There is  an ongoing  epidemic of  e-cigarette use.  According to                                                               
the 2019 Alaska Youth Risk Behavior  Survey, one out of four high                                                               
school  students in  Alaska were  using  e-cigarettes and  almost                                                               
half had tried them. Only one  in twenty adult Alaskans use these                                                               
products.  The National  Youth Tobacco  Survey indicated  that in                                                               
2022, 2.5 million youths nationwide were using e-cigarettes.                                                                    
During the  2021-22 school year,  there were  964 tobacco-related                                                               
suspensions  among  students  in   grades  1-12.  The  number  of                                                               
suspensions has  increased 232 percent  since the  2015-16 school                                                               
She stated that  increasing the price of tobacco  products is the                                                               
single  most  effective  way to  prevent  initiation  and  reduce                                                               
consumption. Young  adults are  more likely  to respond  to price                                                               
increases on  tobacco products, which  prove even  more effective                                                               
when  implemented in  combination with  other strategies  such as                                                               
increasing  the minimum  legal  age to  purchase  tobacco and  e-                                                               
cigarette products.                                                                                                             
She  stated  that SB  89  includes  both approaches  and  creates                                                               
additional  protection for  youth  by  restricting online  sales,                                                               
implementing  age verification  when  transporting products,  and                                                               
limiting nicotine content in e-cigarette devices.                                                                               
2:01:12 PM                                                                                                                    
JOE  DARNELL, Chief  Investigator,  Tobacco Enforcement  Program,                                                               
Division  of  Behavioral  Health,  Department  of  Health  (DOH),                                                               
Anchorage, Alaska,  offered invited  testimony on SB  89. Pulling                                                               
from  his field  experience,  he posited  that  the state  should                                                               
increase the  minimum legal age  for using tobacco  products from                                                               
19 to  21 to make the  law fair to retailers.  Some retailers are                                                               
opting  not  to  enforce  the federal  age  requirement  that  e-                                                               
cigarette purchasers be 21 years  of age; they are only enforcing                                                               
the state  law at 19 years  of age. Increasing the  minimum legal                                                               
age  would   also  make  it   easier  for  retailers   to  verify                                                               
identification. State  driver's licenses  are set  up so  that if                                                               
the holder  is over  21 the  license has  a horizontal  layout; a                                                               
vertical  layout gives  them  heads up  to  thoroughly check  the                                                               
The  division  collaborates with  schools  around  the state.  He                                                               
received a call from Dillingham  saying that there is an increase                                                               
in  vape products.  A  state  trooper told  him  that schools  on                                                               
Prince of  Wales Island  are being  inundated with  vape products                                                               
and they dont know what to do with them.                                                                                        
He  emphasized  the  importance   of  getting  together  the  key                                                               
stakeholders,  such   as  the  legislature,   national  partners,                                                               
schools,  and  retailers.  He  said  it  comes  down  to  working                                                               
together to protect Alaska's youths.                                                                                            
2:04:10 PM                                                                                                                    
BRANDON  SPANOS, Deputy  Director,  Tax  Division, Department  of                                                               
Revenue  (DOR), Anchorage,  Alaska, provided  an explanation  for                                                               
DOR's fiscal note for SB 89.  The tax would generate $3.2 million                                                               
in  FY24, and  $3.3  million in  FY25.  The division  anticipates                                                               
growth in  the market.  He explained that  the cost  to implement                                                               
the  tax  is high  because  SB  89 is  a  new  kind of  bill  and                                                               
additional personnel will be required.                                                                                          
2:06:20 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR BJORKMAN  asked him to  speak about  the ease of  using the                                                               
point-of-sale system to implement the tax on the retail level.                                                                  
MR. SPANOS  replied that most retailers  would have point-of-sale                                                               
software that includes a tax  line. The retailer would insert the                                                               
tax rate for  the product, the software would  calculate the tax,                                                               
and the retailer  would collect the tax.  The department's online                                                               
system is  robust and by January  2024 taxpayers will be  able to                                                               
file tax returns online, including new taxes like this one.                                                                     
2:07:59 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  BJORKMAN  announced the  committee  will  not take  public                                                               
testimony or hear the sectional analysis  today. He held SB 89 in                                                               
2:08:34 PM                                                                                                                    
At ease.                                                                                                                        
        SB  51-CONTROLLED SUB. DATA: EXEMPT VETERINARIAN                                                                    
2:10:14 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  BJORKMAN   reconvened  the   meeting  and   announced  the                                                               
consideration   of  SENATE   BILL  NO.   51  "An   Act  exempting                                                               
veterinarians from  the requirements of the  controlled substance                                                               
prescription database; and providing for an effective date."                                                                    
2:10:43 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR  LÖKI  TOBIN,  District   I,  Alaska  State  Legislature,                                                               
Juneau,  Alaska,  sponsor of  SB  51,  paraphrased the  following                                                               
sponsor statement:                                                                                                              
[Original punctuation provided.]                                                                                                
     In  2008,   in  response   to  the   nationwide  opioid                                                                    
     epidemic,  the  Alaska  State Legislature  created  the                                                                    
     Prescription  Drug  Monitoring   Program  (PDMP).  This                                                                    
     program  created   a  database  of   prescriptions  for                                                                    
     controlled  substances  in   Alaska,  with  the  stated                                                                    
     intent was  to place obstacles in  front of individuals                                                                    
     seeking opioids  from multiple providers. In  2016, the                                                                    
     Legislature   expanded    the   program    to   include                                                                    
     veterinarians.  Unfortunately,  the program  failed  to                                                                    
     account for the major  differences between the practice                                                                    
     of  human  medicine  and  veterinary  medicine.  SB  51                                                                    
     addresses  this  conflict  by  exempting  veterinarians                                                                    
     from the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program.                                                                             
     Eliminating  the   requirement  for   veterinarians  in                                                                    
     Alaska  to use  the PDMP  does not  cause deregulation.                                                                    
     Veterinarians will  continue to  be covered  by federal                                                                    
     statutes and  regulated by the Drug  Enforcement Agency                                                                    
     (DEA)  and the  Alaska Board  of Veterinary  Examiners.                                                                    
     Additionally,   provisions   in  state   statute   will                                                                    
     continue to limit the number  of opioids a veterinarian                                                                    
     can  prescribe to  a seven-day  prescription, with  two                                                                    
     exceptions.  Those exceptions  are if  the prescription                                                                    
     is  part of  long-term  chronic care,  or  if there  is                                                                    
     logistical or travel barrier  to returning within seven                                                                    
     Prescription drug  monitoring is not unique  to Alaska.                                                                    
     All 50 states have  some variation of prescription drug                                                                    
     monitoring,    with    over   30    states    exempting                                                                    
     veterinarians. Previously, 10  of those states mandated                                                                    
     veterinarians be  part of prescription  drug monitoring                                                                    
     efforts;  however,  those  states  soon  realized  that                                                                    
     including veterinarians had  no clear benefit. Instead,                                                                    
     these  states  found  that including  veterinarians  in                                                                    
     their  prescription  drug  monitoring  programs  placed                                                                    
     unnecessary  time-consuming   barriers  on   those  who                                                                    
     practice  veterinary  medicine.  In  Alaska,  the  PDMP                                                                    
     fails to  be effective  because animal patients  do not                                                                    
     have identifiers such as social  security numbers. As a                                                                    
     result,  veterinarians  must  try to  get  the  private                                                                    
     health data  of those who  seek care for  their animals                                                                    
     prior to treating the animal.  This is both inefficient                                                                    
     and an invasion of privacy.                                                                                                
     Senate  Bill 51  seeks to  correct an  overexpansion of                                                                    
     the  Prescription  Drug  Monitoring Program  to  ensure                                                                    
     continued access to veterinary care in Alaska.                                                                             
2:13:51 PM                                                                                                                    
TREVOR BAILLY, Staff, Senator Löki Tobin, Alaska State                                                                          
Legislature, Juneau, Alaska, presented the sectional analysis                                                                   
for SB 51.                                                                                                                      
[Original punctuation provided.]                                                                                                
                         Senate Bill 51                                                                                       
           "Controlled Substances Data Exemption for                                                                          
                      Version: 33-LS0339\A                                                                                    
     Section 1                                                                                                                  
     Deletes the  requirement that  the Board  of Veterinary                                                                    
     Examiners  to  notify  the Board  of  Pharmacy  when  a                                                                    
     practitioner  registers with  the controlled  substance                                                                    
     prescription database.                                                                                                     
     Section 2                                                                                                                  
     Creates a  new subsection  in the  controlled substance                                                                    
     prescription    database    statutes    that    exempts                                                                    
     veterinarians from  the requirements of  the controlled                                                                    
     substance prescription database.                                                                                           
     Section 3                                                                                                                  
     Repeals  the  subsection  that  requires  veterinarians                                                                    
     register  with  the controlled  substance  prescription                                                                    
     Section 4                                                                                                                  
     The act takes effect immediately upon passage.                                                                             
2:15:30 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR BJORKMAN invited Dr. Berngartt to put herself on the                                                                      
record and begin her presentation.                                                                                              
2:15:42 PM                                                                                                                    
DR.  RACHEL  BERNGARTT,  Chair, Board  of  Veterinary  Examiners,                                                               
Juneau, Alaska, presented a  slideshow on exempting veterinarians                                                               
from the prescription drug monitoring  program during the hearing                                                               
on SB 51.                                                                                                                       
DR. BERNGARTT displayed slides 2 and 3 and paraphrased the                                                                      
     SB  51:   AN  ACT  EXEMPTING  VETERINARIANS   FROM  THE                                                                
     REQUIREMENTS OF  THE CONTROLLED  SUBSTANCE PRESCRIPTION                                                                    
     THE   ALASKA  STATE   VETERINARY  MEDICAL   ASSOCIATION                                                                    
     (AKVMA) SUPPORTS SB 51.                                                                                                    
     THE  ALASKA   BOARD  OF  VETERINARY   EXAMINERS  (BOVE)                                                                    
     SUPPORTS SB 51.                                                                                                            
     THE  ALASKA   BOARD  OF  PHARMACY   SUPPORTS  EXEMPTING                                                                  
     VETERINARIANS FROM PARTICIPATING IN THE PDMP                                                                               
             2.18.2022 Board of Pharmacy Meeting                                                                                
             Voted and Passed Motion to Support                                                                                 
2:17:19 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. BERNGARTT reviewed slide 4, Background: The PDMP." It read:                                                                 
     2008: Alaska's PDMP established by SB 196.                                                                                 
     2017: In reaction to growing  opioid epidemic, the PDMP                                                                    
     was amended  by via  HB 159 to  include all  DEA permit                                                                    
     holders, including veterinarians.                                                                                          
     Neither AKVMA  nor BOVE  were consulted  regarding this                                                                    
     PDMP reporting  is required  for all  actively licensed                                                                    
     practitioners  who  hold  a  Federal  Drug  Enforcement                                                                    
     Agency   registration   number   and   who   prescribe,                                                                    
     administer,  or dispense  federally scheduled  II    IV                                                                    
     controlled substances in the state.                                                                                        
DR.  BERNGARTT  reported  that   the  Alaska  State  Medical                                                                    
Association  expressed  that  it did  not  oppose  exempting                                                                    
veterinarians from the  Prescription Drug Monitoring Program                                                                    
2:18:25 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. BERNGARTT spoke to the following points on slide 5, Why It                                                                  
Makes Sense to Exempt." It read:                                                                                                
           The PDMP is not an effective database for                                                                            
                 veterinarians or our patients.                                                                                 
          The PDMP was established for human medicine.                                                                          
        Querying of PDMP  data for  animals is  not possible                                                                    
        with the PDMP (and reported drugs  for an animal are                                                                    
        not visible in the PDMP database).                                                                                      
      A query is made on the individual(s) that bring the                                                                       
        animal  to  the  veterinarian  and   human  data  is                                                                    
        obtained, not animal data.                                                                                              
         Human data obtained from the PDMP query is not                                                                         
        usable for the  veterinarian. Veterinarians  are not                                                                    
        trained in  human medicine  to  understand what  the                                                                    
        dosages mean.                                                                                                           
2:20:31 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. BERNGARTT spoke to the following points on slide 6, Why It                                                                  
Makes Sense to Exempt." It read:                                                                                                
     Querying of human PDMP information is invasion into an                                                                     
                 individual's medical privacy.                                                                                  
       Clients find it intrusive when the veterinarian is                                                                       
        required to query their  private health data  in the                                                                    
         An individual's private medication information                                                                         
        becomes known to the veterinarian for certain drugs,                                                                    
        such as narcotics, sedatives, and stimulants.                                                                           
        Examples of  some common  medications seen  include,                                                                    
     but  are not  limited to:  Adderall, Ritalin,  anabolic                                                                    
     steroids  such as  testosterone, postpartum  depression                                                                    
     medications,  sex  hormones, Xanax,  Klonopin,  Valium,                                                                    
     Ativan, Domar, and sleep aids like Ambien and Lunesta.                                                                     
2:21:58 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. BERNGARTT spoke to the following points on slide 7, Why It                                                                  
Makes Sense to Exempt." It read:                                                                                                
      Veterinarians are monitored by the Drug Enforcement                                                                       
         Agency and must adhere to controlled substance                                                                         
       Veterinarians who prescribe or dispense controlled                                                                       
        substances are licensed through the Drug Enforcement                                                                    
        Agency (DEA). There  is already a  significant level                                                                    
        of accountability,  record  keeping, and  medication                                                                    
        storage requirements that veterinarians  must adhere                                                                    
         Distributors of controlled substances monitor                                                                          
        utilization   patterns    of   veterinarians.    The                                                                    
        Suspicious Order Monitoring  System is in  place and                                                                    
        data is gathered  by distribution companies  who are                                                                    
        required by the  DEA to  monitor and  report unusual                                                                    
        purchase   patterns   a   veterinarian   may   have.                                                                    
        Distributors are  required  to  flag purchases  that                                                                    
        fall outside of  norms for either  previous purchase                                                                    
        history  or  the  norms  for  practices  of  similar                                                                    
        size/type.  DEA  oversight  is   to  control/prevent                                                                    
        diversion  from   licensed  professionals   to  drug                                                                    
        dealers and users.                                                                                                      
2:23:24 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. BERNGARTT spoke to the following points on slide 8, Why It                                                                  
Makes Sense to Exempt." It read:                                                                                                
        33 other states have exempted veterinarians from                                                                        
                   participating in the PDMP.                                                                                   
      10 states formerly mandated veterinary reporting but                                                                    
        repealed  their  inclusion   due  to   the  problems                                                                  
        experienced,  lack   of   identified   benefits   to                                                                    
        veterinary  participation,  and  demonstration  that                                                                    
        exempting veterinarians does not decrease protection                                                                    
        of  public  health  and  safety.  These  states  are                                                                    
        Alabama, Arizona, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Kentucky,                                                                    
        Louisiana, New  Mexico,  West  Virginia (2021),  and                                                                    
       Missouri was the last state to implement a PDMP in                                                                     
        2021  and   did   not   require   veterinarians   to                                                                  
2:23:50 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. BERNGARTT spoke to the following points on slide 9, Why It                                                                  
Makes Sense to Exempt." It read:                                                                                                
     Veterinarians are not a source of the drugs of primary                                                                     
     Synthetic opioids  excluding methadone  overdose deaths                                                                  
     increased 97-fold                                                                                                        
     Psychostimulants   with   abuse  potential   (primarily                                                                  
     methamphetamine) overdose deaths increased 59-fold                                                                       
     Cocaine increased 6.4-fold                                                                                             
     Rx opioid deaths increased 4.9-fold                                                                                    
     Opioid   medications    prescribed   by   veterinarians                                                                    
     (728,223)  were   only  0.34%   of  the   total  opioid                                                                  
     prescriptions  (214  million)  that were  dispensed  by                                                                    
     U.S. retail pharmacies in 2017.                                                                                            
2:24:53 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. BERNGARTT spoke to the following on slide 10, Why It Makes                                                                  
Sense to Exempt." It read:                                                                                                      
     The  unwieldy  PDMP  leads  to  costly  and  burdensome                                                                    
     investigations of veterinarians by  the Alaska Board of                                                                    
     Veterinary Examiners.                                                                                                      
     Costly   and   onerous  requirements   for   monitoring                                                                    
     veterinarians  have   been  placed  on  the   board  of                                                                    
     veterinary examiners (BOVE).                                                                                               
2:25:39 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. BERNGARTT spoke to the following points on slide 11, Why It                                                                 
Makes Sense to Exempt." It read:                                                                                                
     Licensing fees for veterinarians will likely increase                                                                      
          as a result of the cost to conduct needless                                                                           
     investigations of veterinarians with DEA licenses. The                                                                     
     cost of doing business will be passed on to consumers.                                                                     
     Alaska   has    the   highest   licensing    fees   for                                                                  
     veterinarians in the country.                                                                                            
     Licensing fees  are expected to  increase in  the State                                                                    
     of   Alaska  as   a  result   of  the   cost  of   PDMP                                                                    
     Charging veterinarians  for the cost of  enforcement of                                                                    
     an  unusable PDMP  system, and  regulations with  which                                                                    
         they are unable to comply, is not responsible                                                                          
     stewardship of resources.                                                                                                  
2:26:20 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. BERNGARTT reviewed the following summary of SB 51 on slide                                                                  
            AKVMA and BOVE ASK FOR SUPPORT of SB 51                                                                             
      An Exemption of Veterinarians from participating in                                                                       
     the PDMP:                                                                                                                  
          Will   allow   veterinarians    to   provide   the                                                                  
          appropriate,     timely,    medical     management                                                                    
          appropriate for each patient.                                                                                         
          Will increase  the efficiency  of the  PDMP system                                                                  
          for   its  intended   purpose,  by   allowing  for                                                                    
          accurate  interpretation  of  data and  trends  in                                                                    
          human medicine.                                                                                                       
          Will allow  continued judicious use  of controlled                                                                  
          substances   that   is    already   practiced   by                                                                    
          Will  eliminate  unnecessary and  disproportionate                                                                  
          business burdens for veterinarians.                                                                                   
2:27:23 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR BISHOP moved to adopt the committee substitute (CS) for                                                                 
SB 51 as the working document.                                                                                                  
2:27:38 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR BJORKMAN objected for purposes of an explanation.                                                                         
2:27:45 PM                                                                                                                    
At ease.                                                                                                                        
2:28:07 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR BJORKMAN reconvened the meeting.                                                                                          
2:28:09 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR BISHOP restated his previous motion and moved to adopt                                                                  
the committee substitute (CS) for SB 51, work order 33-LS0339\B,                                                                
as the working document.                                                                                                        
CHAIR  BJORKMAN  objected  for the  purpose  of  explanation.  He                                                               
invited Ms. Achee to walk through the changes in the CS.                                                                        
2:28:42 PM                                                                                                                    
LAURA  ACHEE,   Staff,  Senator  Jesse  Bjorkman,   Alaska  State                                                               
Legislature, Juneau, Alaska, reviewed  the explanation of changes                                                               
from version  A to  version B  for SB 51.  In addition  to issues                                                               
related to  the PDMP,  the Alaska  Board of  Veterinary Examiners                                                               
has  asked that  the statute  be expanded  to include  additional                                                               
means  by which  qualified veterinarians  can be  certified. Like                                                               
many  industries in  Alaska, veterinary  medicine has  shortages;                                                               
these  changes  could   even  help  in  the   important  task  of                                                               
attracting veterinarians to the state.                                                                                          
CHAIR BJORKMAN asked Ms. Achee to review the changes in the CS.                                                                 
MS. ACHEE reviewed the following changes in the CS for SB 51:                                                                   
Section 1 would  amend AS 08.98.050(b) to authorize  the Board of                                                             
Veterinary  Examiners  to  adopt   a  certification  process  for                                                               
veterinarians to become licensed to practice in Alaska.                                                                         
Section  2 would  amend AS  08.98.165(a)  to allow  the board  to                                                             
accept certification  through the  Program for the  Assessment of                                                               
Veterinary  Education  Equivalence  in   place  of  attending  an                                                               
accredited program  in the  United States.  The language  in this                                                               
section would  also allow  the boards  the discretion  to approve                                                               
other certification processes.                                                                                                  
Section 3  would amend AS  08.98.184 to contain the  same changes                                                             
as in Section 2.                                                                                                                
The remainder of the sections are unchanged.                                                                                    
2:31:47 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. CIARA VOLLARO, Member, Alaska  Board of Veterinary Examiners,                                                               
Anchorage,  Alaska,  provided invited  testimony  on  SB 51.  She                                                               
paraphrased from the following prepared testimony:                                                                              
     In  order to  improve the  quality and  availability of                                                                    
     veterinary services  in the state of  Alaska, the board                                                                    
     is   requesting   statutory    changes   to   licensing                                                                    
     requirements   for    foreign   veterinary   graduates.                                                                    
     Currently  the  Alaska   statutes  mandate  educational                                                                    
     commission    for     foreign    veterinary    graduate                                                                    
     certification.  This program  is  the original  program                                                                    
     developed in  1971 by  the American  Veterinary Medical                                                                    
     Association   to   ensure  competency   equivalent   to                                                                    
     graduates of American  and Canadian veterinary schools.                                                                    
     The  American Association  of  Veterinary State  Boards                                                                    
     (AAVSB)   created  a   similar  certification   program                                                                    
     entitled   PAVE,   Program   for  the   Assessment   of                                                                    
     Veterinary  Education Equivalence  in  2001. The  AAVSB                                                                    
     supervises the  veterinary state  boards of  all states                                                                    
     and is an organization  Alaska actually utilizes in the                                                                    
     veterinary licensing  process. Forty-six  United States                                                                    
     states  and  territories,  all Canadian  provinces  and                                                                    
     territories, Australia  and New Zealand  recognize this                                                                    
     newer  program.  The   two  programs,  the  educational                                                                    
     commission    for    foreign    veterinary    graduates                                                                    
     certification  and  PAVE  are  very  similar  in  their                                                                    
     requirements  and require  years to  complete the  many                                                                    
     phases  to  prove  competency.  Furthermore,  like  any                                                                    
     student  from an  American credited  veterinary school,                                                                    
     Canadians  still have  to  pass  the National  American                                                                    
     Veterinary  Licensing  Exam,  which  is  mandatory  for                                                                    
     veterinary licensing throughout the United States.                                                                         
     Most  state veterinary  legislations  only specify  the                                                                    
     educational   commission    for   veterinary   graduate                                                                    
     certification   in  their   statutes  and   regulations                                                                    
     initially,   resulting   in   having  to   go   through                                                                    
     legislative  updates  to  add PAVE.  When  making  this                                                                    
     change,  states have  adopted different  strategies and                                                                    
     wording.   The  Board   of  Veterinary   Examiners  are                                                                    
     requesting the  amendment to these statutes  to include                                                                    
     PAVE or another certification  approved by the board to                                                                    
     prevent  the  need to  provide  statutes  again in  the                                                                    
     future. The wording requested mimics 23 other states.                                                                      
     In  conclusion,  the   outdated  statute  unnecessarily                                                                    
     creates a  barrier to Alaska increasing  the ability of                                                                    
     veterinarians to  provide care to the  public. To date,                                                                    
     at least  two veterinary internal  medicine specialists                                                                    
     are known who are licensed  in other US states that did                                                                    
     not  apply   for  an   Alaskan  license   because  they                                                                    
     graduated from  a foreign  veterinary college  and have                                                                    
     received  certification from  PAVE.  That  means it  is                                                                    
     unknown  exactly  how  many  veterinarians  Alaska  has                                                                    
     missed out on licensing  because state requirements are                                                                    
     outdated by not including PAVE.                                                                                            
2:34:50 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  BJORKMAN  removed  his  objection.  He  found  no  further                                                               
objection  and the  CS for  SB  51, work  order 33-LS0339\B,  was                                                               
adopted as the working document.                                                                                                
CHAIR  BJORKMAN said  the committee  would hear  public testimony                                                               
during the next hearing of the  bill. He reminded the public that                                                               
written testimony may be submitted to [email protected].                                                                           
CHAIR BJORKMAN held SB 51 in committee.                                                                                         
2:35:42 PM                                                                                                                    
At ease.                                                                                                                        
          SB 93-FISHERMEN'S FUND: VESSEL OWNER CLAIMS                                                                       
2:36:40 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  BJORKMAN   reconvened  the   meeting  and   announced  the                                                               
consideration of  SENATE BILL NO.  93 "An Act relating  to claims                                                               
against  protection and  indemnity insurance  policies of  vessel                                                               
owners; and providing for an effective date."                                                                                   
He noted there was a  committee substitute (CS) for the committee                                                               
to consider. He solicited a motion.                                                                                             
2:37:02 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR BISHOP moved  to adopt the committee  substitute (CS) for                                                               
SB 93, work order 33-LS0538\B, as the working document.                                                                         
CHAIR BJORKMAN asked Ms. Achee  to walk the committee through the                                                               
bill, including the changes in the committee substitute.                                                                        
2:37:24 PM                                                                                                                    
LAURA  ACHEE,   Staff,  Senator  Jesse  Bjorkman,   Alaska  State                                                               
Legislature, Juneau,  Alaska, introduced SB  93 on behalf  of the                                                               
Senate  Labor  and  Commerce   Committee.  The  Fishermes    Fund                                                               
Advisory  and  Repeals Council  has  requested  that the  maximum                                                               
reimbursement  that a  vessel  owner can  receive  when filing  a                                                               
claim for the  injury or illness of a crew  member be raised from                                                               
the current value  of $5,000. The council proposed  raising it to                                                               
$10,000, which  matches the  deductible on  many of  the policies                                                               
owned  by vessel  owners. In  the House  Fisheries Committee  the                                                               
House companion  bill was amended  to increase the  maximum claim                                                               
amount to $15,000,  because $10,000 isn't always  enough to cover                                                               
the   deductible.  Even   with   the   increase,  the   projected                                                               
disbursements from the fund leave the balance stable.                                                                           
2:40:03 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  BJORKMAN  removed  his  objection;  he  found  no  further                                                               
objection,  and the  CS for  SB 93,  work order  33-LS0538\B, was                                                               
adopted as the working document.                                                                                                
2:421:03 PM                                                                                                                   
CHARLES  COLLINS, Director,  Division  of Workers'  Compensation,                                                               
which  includes the  Fishermen's  Fund, Department  of Labor  and                                                               
Workforce  Development  (DOLWD),  Juneau,  Alaska,  testified  by                                                               
invitation on SB 93. He  said the Fishermen's Fund Council tasked                                                               
the division  with representing their  wishes and  protecting the                                                               
long-standing Fishermen's  Fund. The  Fund has  served commercial                                                               
fishermen since inception  and the division take  the business of                                                               
protecting the fund seriously.                                                                                                  
2:42:02 PM                                                                                                                    
VELMA THOMAS,  Program Coordinator  for the Division  of Workers'                                                               
Compensation and Administrator for  the Fishermen's Fund Advisory                                                               
and   Appeals  Council,   Department  of   Labor  and   Workforce                                                               
Development  (DOLWD),  Juneau,  Alaska, stated  that  the  vessel                                                               
owner reimbursement  portion of  the Fishermen's Fund  changed in                                                               
2010. In  2012 the benefit  cap was  $2,500 and the  vessel owner                                                               
could  be  reimbursed up  to  50  percent.  That  has not  had  a                                                               
negative effect  on the fund.  The council requested  an increase                                                               
in the benefit  cap to $10,000. She noted that  a House committee                                                               
amended  the companion  bill to  provide a  $15,000 reimbursement                                                               
for  the  vessel owner  and  also  $15,000  for an  injured  crew                                                               
member.  She reviewed  the revenue  and payouts  for nine  years,                                                               
which  included  the  highest benefit  payments  and  the  lowest                                                               
revenue   stream,  and   determined   the  Fund   would  not   be                                                               
significantly affected.  She explained that the  Fishermen's Fund                                                               
is self-funded  with a  percentage of  the money  from commercial                                                               
fishing permits and  crew licenses. She stated  that the agency's                                                               
role is  to support the council.  It reviews all claims  that are                                                               
over the fund  limit and any claims that  request benefits beyond                                                               
that. The  council also reviews  the claims that are  denied. The                                                               
council  members  are loyal  and  enthusiastic  about the  fund's                                                               
management and growth.                                                                                                          
2:46:11 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR BISHOP asked if she modeled this research herself.                                                                      
MS.  THOMAS  answered  that  she  began  the  research,  and  the                                                               
division completed the work.                                                                                                    
SENATOR  BISHOP  commented  that  he  was  comfortable  with  the                                                               
numbers. He  asked Mr. Collins whether  he would step up  to make                                                               
adjustments if the stability of the fund was threatened.                                                                        
2:46:50 PM                                                                                                                    
MR.  COLLINS  answered that  the  division  takes the  fund  very                                                               
seriously  and wants  to  make sure  the  Fishermens  Fund  stays                                                               
2:47:35 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  BJORKMAN  asked  what crew  members,  deck  hands,  vessel                                                               
owners  must  do  to  be  eligible  to  receive  money  from  the                                                               
Fishermen's Fund.                                                                                                               
MS. THOMAS answered that the  primary criteria is that the injury                                                               
must  have occurred  in Alaska,  and the  individual must  have a                                                               
valid crew member  license or permit. The injury  or illness must                                                               
be related  to commercial  fishing and  treatment must  be sought                                                               
within 120  days. The grace  period used to  be 60 days,  but the                                                               
council found  that hardy workers  like fishermen prefer  to work                                                               
through the  season, so the  treatment period was  extended. They                                                               
have one  year to file a  claim. If they  are not able to  file a                                                               
claim,  they can  then  present  their case  to  the council  for                                                               
consideration.  Crew   members  and  vessel  owners   have  ample                                                               
opportunities to  make claims.  Claims are  down and  the current                                                               
system  serves  as a  good  support  for the  commercial  fishing                                                               
2:50:39 PM                                                                                                                    
MR. COLLINS  commented that  since the  fund is  a payer  of last                                                               
resort, the vessel  owners would have had to have  filed and have                                                               
protection  and indemnity  (P&I)  insurance. They  would have  to                                                               
file  and the  Fishermens  Fund  would  reimburse a  part of  the                                                               
portion that the insurance company  was not covering. The fund is                                                               
not set up to allow a windfall.                                                                                                 
2:51:25 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR GRAY-JACKSON  asked what happens  if a fishing  vessel is                                                               
lost at sea.                                                                                                                    
MR. COLLINS  replied that  Workers' Compensation  is not  part of                                                               
the   conversation;  fishers   are   not   covered  by   Workers                                                                
Compensation under  the Jones  Act. The  Fishermen's Fund  is the                                                               
payer of  last resort. If  a vessel or  crew members are  lost at                                                               
sea, they  hopefully have insurance.  The fund would  perhaps pay                                                               
the  deductible or  some other  cost that  the insurance  did not                                                               
SENATOR GRAY-JACKSON said she asked  because she had a friend who                                                               
was on a vessel lost at sea.                                                                                                    
2:52:51 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR BJORKMAN  asked whether insurance  is required in  order to                                                               
receive money from the fund.                                                                                                    
MR.  COLLINS  answered  that  the  fund is  not  set  up  as  the                                                               
insurance  for  the  industry;  it   is  there  to  backstop  the                                                               
insurance. The impetus for the  request for this increase is that                                                               
the  deductibles  and  the cost  of  insurance  have  continually                                                               
risen. Vessel  owners have opted  for higher deductibles  to save                                                               
money. A lot of vessels work on  a shared wage/reward but it is a                                                               
dangerous  occupation,   so  while  a  vessel   owner  may  carry                                                               
insurance it  may have a  fairly high deductible. The  purpose of                                                               
SB 93 is to help the industry self-regulate and stay healthy.                                                                   
2:54:06 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR BJORKMAN opened public testimony on SB 93.                                                                                
2:54:31 PM                                                                                                                    
TRACY  WELCH,  Executive  Director, United  Fishermen  of  Alaska                                                               
(UFA), Petersburg,  Alaska, testified  in support  of SB  93. The                                                               
United Fishermen  of Alaska support the  deductible reimbursement                                                               
for  vessel owners.  The  fund  is healthy;  it  is  paid for  by                                                               
fishermen  and for  fishermen.  This is  an  opportunity to  help                                                               
fishermen and  provide an incentive  for them to  carry insurance                                                               
on their  boat and crew.  She stated  that UFA also  supports the                                                               
House companion bill.                                                                                                           
2:55:57 PM                                                                                                                    
JERRY  MCCUNE,  President,  Cordova  District  Fishermen  United,                                                               
Cordova, Alaska, testified in support  of SB 93. He believes that                                                               
$15,000 each  for the vessel owner  and crew members is  fair. He                                                               
recalled that  when the reimbursement  was raised to  $10,000 for                                                               
the fishermen, one  could barely walk in the ER  for that amount.                                                               
Insurance  rates  have  gone  up. Keeping  the  fund  solvent  is                                                               
2:57:28 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  BJORKMAN closed  public testimony  on SB  93 and  held the                                                               
bill in committee.                                                                                                              
2:57:58 PM                                                                                                                    
There being no further business to come before the committee,                                                                   
Chair Bjorkman adjourned the Senate Labor and Commerce Standing                                                                 
Committee meeting at 2:57 p.m.                                                                                                  

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
SB 89 ver B.PDF SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Sponsor Statement.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Sectional Analysis ver B.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Fiscal Note-DOR-TAX-03.20.23.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Fiscal Note-DPS-AST-03.17.23.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Fiscal Note-LAW-CJL-03.17.23.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Fiscal Note-DCCED-CBPL-03.17.23.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Fiscal Note-DOA-OPA-03.20.23.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Fiscal Note-DOA-PDA-03.20.23.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Fiscal Note-DOH-DPH-CDHPH-03.17.23.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Presentation SLAC 3.24.23.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Research AK Beacon Boom In E-Cig Use Dec 2022.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Research AK-Dept-Health Factsheet AKTeen E-Cig Use Aug 2020.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Research Case Study Anchorage Mar 2022.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Research CDC 2.5 Million Youths Oct 2022.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Research Online Resources Further Reading Feb 2023.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Research Tobacconomics Exec-Summary Dec 2022.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Public Testimony-Email Clarence Lewis 03.21.23.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 89 Public Testimony-Email Sam Johnson 03.21.23.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 89
SB 51 ver A.PDF SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 51
SB 51 Sponsor Statement 03.15.2023.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 51
SB 51 Sectional Analysis 03.15.2023.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 51
SB 51 Fiscal Note-DCCED-CBPL-02.24.23.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 51
SB 93 ver A.PDF SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 93
SB 93 Sponsor Statement.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 93
SB 93 Sectional Analysis.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 93
SB 93 Fiscal Note-DOLWD-FF-03.17.23.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 93
SB 93 Draft Proposed CS(L&C).pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 93
SB 93 Supporting Documents-Fisherman's Fund Projections.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 93
SB 51 Draft proposed CS ver B.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 51
SB 51 AK State Veterinary Medical Assoc Presentation 03.15.2023.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 51
SB 51 Public Testimony-Letter_AK Board of Pharmacy 03.20.23.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 51
SB 51 Research 2023AKVMA-PDMP Flyer 2.7.2023.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 51
SB 51 Research 2023AKVMA-PDMP WhitePaper 2.7.2023.pdf SL&C 3/24/2023 1:30:00 PM
SB 51