Legislature(2023 - 2024)SENATE FINANCE 532

04/22/2024 01:30 PM Senate FINANCE

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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
-- Please Note Time Change --
Heard & Held
-- Invited & Public Testimony --
-- <Time Limit May Be Set> --
Heard & Held
-- Invited & Public Testimony --
-- <Time Limit May Be Set> --
Heard & Held
-- Invited & Public Testimony --
-- Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> --
Moved SB 182 Out of Committee
Moved SB 234 Out of Committee
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
                 SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE                                                                                       
                      April 22, 2024                                                                                            
                         1:36 p.m.                                                                                              
1:36:16 PM                                                                                                                    
CALL TO ORDER                                                                                                                 
Co-Chair Olson  called the Senate Finance  Committee meeting                                                                    
to order at 1:36 p.m.                                                                                                           
MEMBERS PRESENT                                                                                                               
Senator Lyman Hoffman, Co-Chair                                                                                                 
Senator Donny Olson, Co-Chair                                                                                                   
Senator Bert Stedman, Co-Chair                                                                                                  
Senator Click Bishop                                                                                                            
Senator Jesse Kiehl                                                                                                             
Senator Kelly Merrick                                                                                                           
Senator David Wilson                                                                                                            
MEMBERS ABSENT                                                                                                                
ALSO PRESENT                                                                                                                  
Senator Cathy Giessel, Sponsor;  Paige Brown, Staff, Senator                                                                    
Cathy  Giessel;  Erin   Walker-Tolles,  Executive  Director,                                                                    
Catholic  Community   Services;  Deb   Etheridge,  Director,                                                                    
Division of  Public Assistance, Department of  Health; Jamie                                                                    
Morgan,  American Heart  Association,  Juneau; Cathy  Munoz,                                                                    
Commissioner,    Department   of    Labor   and    Workforce                                                                    
Development;  Raymie  Matiashowski,   Staff,  Senator  Jesse                                                                    
Bjorkman; Sylvan  Robb, Director, Division  of Corporations,                                                                    
Professional,   and   Business  Licensing,   Department   of                                                                    
Commerce,  Community and  Economic  Development; Ken  Alper,                                                                    
Staff,   Senator   Donny   Olson;  Kris   Curtis,   Auditor,                                                                    
Legislative Audit.                                                                                                              
PRESENT VIA TELECONFERENCE                                                                                                    
Ron  Meehan, Director  of Government  Affairs, Food  Bank of                                                                    
Alaska,   Anchorage;  Rachel   Lord,  Advocacy   and  Policy                                                                    
Director, Alaska  Food Policy  Council, Homer;  Hannah Hill,                                                                    
Executive Director, Bread  Line, Fairbanks; Duane Patterson,                                                                    
Director, Catholic  Social Services Food  Pantry, Anchorage;                                                                    
Ray Ward,  Self, Anchorage; Scott  Lingle, CEO,  Beans Cafe,                                                                    
Anchorage;  Scott Damerow,  Chief of  Mechanical Inspection,                                                                    
Department  of Labor  and Workforce  Development, Anchorage;                                                                    
Aaron Bloomquist, Chairman, Big Game Board, Palmer.                                                                             
SB 149    FOOD STAMP PROGRAM ELIGIBILTY                                                                                         
          SB  149  was  HEARD  and  HELD  in  committee  for                                                                    
          further consideration.                                                                                                
SB 182    EXTEND BIG GAME COMM SERVICES BOARD                                                                                   
          SB  182 REPORTED  OUT of  committee with  four "do                                                                    
          pass"  recommendations  and  with  one  previously                                                                    
          published fiscal note: FN 1(CED).                                                                                     
SB 204    CERT. OF FITNESS: PLUMBERS/ELECTRICIANS                                                                               
          SB  204  was  HEARD  and  HELD  in  committee  for                                                                    
          further consideration.                                                                                                
SB 234    EXTEND MARIJUANA CONTROL BOARD                                                                                        
          SB  234 was  REPORTED OUT  of committee  with four                                                                    
          "do pass" recommendations and  with one new fiscal                                                                    
          impact  note  from  the  Department  of  Commerce,                                                                    
          Community and Economic Development.                                                                                   
SB 248    BIG GAME COMMERCIAL SERVICES BOARD                                                                                    
          SB  248  was  HEARD  and  HELD  in  committee  for                                                                    
          further consideration.                                                                                                
SENATE BILL NO. 149                                                                                                           
     "An Act relating to the supplemental nutrition                                                                             
     assistance program; and providing for an effective                                                                         
1:37:23 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR CATHY GIESSEL, SPONSOR, introduced the legislation.                                                                     
1:39:21 PM                                                                                                                    
PAIGE  BROWN, STAFF,  SENATOR CATHY  GIESSEL, discussed  the                                                                    
Sectional Analysis (copy on file):                                                                                              
     Section 1. Amends AS. 47.25.980(a)(3):                                                                                     
     This section  updates the reference  to the  chapter of                                                                    
     United States code governing                                                                                               
     the Supplemental  Nutrition Assistance  Program (SNAP).                                                                    
     This section also increases                                                                                                
     the household  income limits for the  SNAP program from                                                                    
     130% to 200% of the                                                                                                        
     Alaska  poverty standard  and eliminates  the household                                                                    
     asset test.                                                                                                                
     Section  2.  Amends  uncodified law  by  adding  a  new                                                                    
     This section provides the  authority for the Department                                                                    
     of Health to adopt the                                                                                                     
     necessary regulations to implement this Act.                                                                               
     Section 3.  Provides for an effective  date for Section                                                                    
     Section 2 has an immediate effective date.                                                                                 
     Section 4. Provides for an effective date.                                                                                 
     Except as  provided in  sec. 3,  the effective  date of                                                                    
     this Act is July 1, 2025                                                                                                   
1:40:31 PM                                                                                                                    
RON  MEEHAN, DIRECTOR  OF GOVERNMENT  AFFAIRS, FOOD  BANK OF                                                                    
ALASKA, ANCHORAGE (via teleconference),  spoke in support in                                                                    
of the bill.                                                                                                                    
1:47:42 PM                                                                                                                    
ERIN WALKER-TOLLES,  EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR,  CATHOLIC COMMUNITY                                                                    
SERVICES, spoke  in support of  the bill, and its  impact on                                                                    
the services of the bill on the organization.                                                                                   
1:53:15 PM                                                                                                                    
Co-Chair Stedman  remarked that  for many seniors,  the meal                                                                    
delivery  service   was  the   only  contact   with  people.                                                                    
Therefore, the  meal delivery service  allowed for  a person                                                                    
to  check on  the  senior's wellbeing.  He wondered  whether                                                                    
there should be less workload within the fiscal note.                                                                           
Ms.  Walker-Tolles   replied  that   there  would   be  time                                                                    
eliminated per case, but the  processing of the overall case                                                                    
will see an increase.                                                                                                           
1:56:24 PM                                                                                                                    
DEB  ETHERIDGE,  DIRECTOR,  DIVISION OF  PUBLIC  ASSISTANCE,                                                                    
DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, spoke to the fiscal notes.                                                                                
1:58:17 PM                                                                                                                    
Co-Chair Olson OPENED public testimony.                                                                                         
1:58:51 PM                                                                                                                    
JAMIE MORGAN,  AMERICAN HEART ASSOCIATION, JUNEAU,  spoke in                                                                    
support of the legislation.                                                                                                     
2:00:50 PM                                                                                                                    
RACHEL  LORD,  ADVOCACY  AND POLICY  DIRECTOR,  ALASKA  FOOD                                                                    
POLICY  COUNCIL, HOMER  (via  teleconference), testified  in                                                                    
support of the bill.                                                                                                            
2:02:25 PM                                                                                                                    
HANNAH HILL, EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR,  BREAD LINE, FAIRBANKS (via                                                                    
teleconference), testified in support of the legislation.                                                                       
2:05:28 PM                                                                                                                    
DUANE  PATTERSON, DIRECTOR,  CATHOLIC  SOCIAL SERVICES  FOOD                                                                    
PANTRY, ANCHORAGE (via teleconference),  spoke in support of                                                                    
the bill.                                                                                                                       
2:07:07 PM                                                                                                                    
RAY  WARD, SELF,  ANCHORAGE (via  teleconference), testified                                                                    
in support of the legislation.                                                                                                  
2:10:07 PM                                                                                                                    
SCOTT    LINGLE,   CEO,    BEANS   CAFE,    ANCHORAGE   (via                                                                    
teleconference), spoke in support of the bill.                                                                                  
2:11:58 PM                                                                                                                    
Co-Chair Olson CLOSED public testimony.                                                                                         
2:12:12 PM                                                                                                                    
Ms. Brown thanked the committee.                                                                                                
SB 149 was HEARD and HELD in committee for further                                                                              
SENATE BILL NO. 204                                                                                                           
     "An  Act relating  to the  issuance of  certificates of                                                                    
     fitness  for  plumbers  and electricians;  relating  to                                                                    
     fees  for  certificates  of fitness  for  plumbers  and                                                                    
    electricians; and providing for an effective date."                                                                         
2:13:02 PM                                                                                                                    
CATHY MUNOZ, COMMISSIONER, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND                                                                              
WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT, introduced SB 204.                                                                                       
2:15:30 PM                                                                                                                    
SCOTT  DAMEROW, CHIEF  OF MECHANICAL  INSPECTION, DEPARTMENT                                                                    
OF   LABOR  AND   WORKFORCE   DEVELOPMENT,  ANCHORAGE   (via                                                                    
teleconference),  discussed  the  presentation,  "SB  204  -                                                                    
Certificate   of   Fitness:   Plumbers/Electricians   Senate                                                                    
Finance Committee" (copy on file).                                                                                              
Mr. Damerow addressed slide 2, "Proposal":                                                                                      
     This legislation would:                                                                                                    
     • Change trainee certificate of fitness durations from                                                                     
     two-to six-years                                                                                                           
          o No change to the $200 fee for this license                                                                          
     • Increase the fees for journey-level licenses from                                                                        
     $200 biennially to $300 biennially                                                                                         
Mr. Damerow highlighted slide 3, "Why the Change":                                                                              
     Trainee certificate of fitness holders (enrolled in                                                                        
     the federal apprenticeship program) often lapse their                                                                      
     license during their apprenticeship. This results in:                                                                      
          • Time worked that cannot be counted towards the                                                                      
          journeyman license                                                                                                    
          • Administrative delays in processing licenses                                                                        
          • Delays in becoming a journeyman                                                                                     
Mr. Damerow pointed to slide 4, "Mechanical Inspection                                                                          
Active Licenses":                                                                                                               
     Active licenses on 1/1/2024:                                                                                               
       AA Asbestos Abatement                                                                                                    
       B1-4Boiler Operator Class 1-4                                                                                            
       EJ Electrician Journeyman                                                                                                
       ER Electrician Residential                                                                                               
       ET Electrician Trainee                                                                                                   
       HP Hazardous Paint                                                                                                       
       LJ Lineman Journeyman                                                                                                    
       LT Lineman Trainee                                                                                                       
       PG Plumber Gas                                                                                                           
       PJ Plumber Journeyman                                                                                                    
       PR Plumber Residential                                                                                                   
       PT Plumber Trainee                                                                                                       
       PU Plumber Utility                                                                                                       
       XH Explosive Handler                                                                                                     
Mr. Damerow looked at slide 5, "New Licenses Issued by Type                                                                     
and Year 2019-2023."                                                                                                            
Mr. Damerow highlighted slide 6, "Plumbing Licenses Issued                                                                      
by year: 2019-2023."                                                                                                            
Mr. Damerow pointed to slide 7, "Electrical Licenses Issued                                                                     
by year: 2019-2023."                                                                                                            
Mr. Damerow looked at slide 8, "Other Licenses Issued by                                                                        
year: 2019-2023."                                                                                                               
Mr. Damerow discussed slide 9, "Trainee Requirements":                                                                          
     Requirements for a journeyman plumber or electrician                                                                       
     license are similar:                                                                                                       
      Completion of 8,000 legally obtained on-the-job hours                                                                     
          o May include 1,000 classroom hours                                                                                   
          o Hours are submitted on one or more 'Experience                                                                      
          Verification Forms'                                                                                                   
      Passing score of 70% or better on the exam                                                                                
      Payment of $200 fee                                                                                                       
Mr. Damerow addressed slide 10, "Trainee Barriers":                                                                             
     Barriers that can make it difficult to obtain a                                                                            
     journeyman license:                                                                                                        
         Employers   do   not   complete   the   'Experience                                                                    
     Verification Form' correctly                                                                                               
       Employers are not available to complete the                                                                              
     'Experience Verification Form'                                                                                             
       Some of the hours worked were not legally obtained                                                                       
          o Maintenance hours may not be counted                                                                                
          o Trainee certificate of fitness was lapsed when                                                                      
          the hours were worked                                                                                                 
Mr. Damerow displayed slide 11, "Lapsed Trainee Card                                                                            
     In the period from 2019                                                                                                    
       Electrical trainee license days lapsed:21,142(57.9                                                                       
          o Average number of licensees affected per year:                                                                      
          o Average days lapsed for each affected                                                                               
     Plumbing trainee license days lapsed:15,513(42.5                                                                           
          o Average number of licensees affected per year:                                                                      
          o Average days lapsed for each affected                                                                               
2:20:52 PM                                                                                                                    
Mr. Damerow looked at slide 12, "Trainee Card Renewal                                                                           
     Renewal of a two-year trainee certificate of fitness:                                                                      
       Pay $200 renewal fee                                                                                                     
Mr. Damerow discussed slide 13, "Impact":                                                                                       
     The proposed change to duration and fees would:                                                                            
        Lower  the  cost   of  apprenticeship  programs  for                                                                    
     plumbers and electricians                                                                                                  
       Reduce administrative requirement  to renew a trainee                                                                    
     certificate   of   fitness   in  the   middle   of   an                                                                    
       Result in much less time lost due to lapsed licenses                                                                     
        Incentivize   more  workers   to  enter   the  trade                                                                    
     apprenticeship programs                                                                                                    
        Shift  the  financial   burden  to  the  higher-paid                                                                    
     journey-level workers                                                                                                      
        Allow   apprentices  to  "journey  out"   faster  by                                                                    
     removing lapsed periods                                                                                                    
Mr. Damerow pointed to slide 14, "Proposed Fee Changes":                                                                        
     Fee change results:                                                                                                        
     •  $164.5  average increase  in  annual  fees based  on                                                                    
     2019-2023 data                                                                                                             
     • $58.75 average annual savings for trainees                                                                               
     •  Trainee  licenses  will cost  $200  for  the  entire                                                                    
     apprenticeship rather than the current $400                                                                                
Mr. Damerow looked at slide 15, "Reasoning for Proposed Fee                                                                     
     The primary purpose of the  proposed fee increase is to                                                                    
     offset  the  proposed  lack  of  renewals  for  trainee                                                                    
     This number was selected to  compensate for the lack of                                                                    
     fee increases since 2006                                                                                                   
          -$300 fee change matches the Consumer Price Index                                                                     
          from 2006-2023                                                                                                        
          Mechanical Inspection is self                                                                                         
          -funded from program receipts                                                                                         
Co-Chair Olson OPENED and CLOSED public testimony.                                                                              
SB 204 was HEARD and HELD in committee for further                                                                              
SENATE BILL NO. 248                                                                                                           
     "An Act relating to an  executive administrator for the                                                                    
     Big Game Commercial Services Board."                                                                                       
2:24:56 PM                                                                                                                    
RAYMIE MATIASHOWSKI, STAFF, SENATOR JESSE BJORKMAN, read                                                                        
from the Sponsor Statement (copy on file):                                                                                      
     Senate Bill 248 adds  an executive administrator to the                                                                    
     Big  Game Commercial  Services Board.  The addition  of                                                                    
     such a  position would support  the Board as  they look                                                                    
     at  the  licenses  they oversee,  including  registered                                                                    
     guide-outfitters,    master    guide-outfitters,    and                                                                    
     transporters.  An Executive  Administrator assigned  to                                                                    
     this Board  would be  a complex  job that  requires the                                                                    
     employee  to work  with multiple  departments, generate                                                                    
     reports,  and  assist  Investigative Services  and  the                                                                    
     Department of Public Safety in investigations.                                                                             
     The  lack  of this  position  is  felt whenever  a  new                                                                    
     individual comes  in to fulfill  these responsibilities                                                                    
     as  a licensing  examiner. Being  a licensing  examiner                                                                    
     has become a bit of  a steppingstone position, and each                                                                    
     turnover  requires training  from the  ground up.  This                                                                    
     has  led  to  some   administrative  errors  that  were                                                                    
     highlighted  in the  recent audit  of the  Board. While                                                                    
     the Board  has been sharing an  executive administrator                                                                    
     with  the Board  of  Marine Pilots,  it  has not  fully                                                                    
     resolved  the issues,  as both  boards  need much  more                                                                    
     than  half of  that persons  time. This  bill seeks  to                                                                    
     address  those  issues  by providing  a  position  that                                                                    
     would  encourage consistency  in support  of the  Board                                                                    
     and its functions.                                                                                                         
     The  Big  Game  Commercial   Services  Board  plays  an                                                                    
     important  role in  the management  of commercial  game                                                                    
     hunters  in  the  interest   of  the  State's  wildlife                                                                    
     resources.  Thank you  for your  consideration of  this                                                                    
2:26:26 PM                                                                                                                    
AARON BLOOMQUIST, CHAIRMAN, BIG GAME BOARD, PALMER (via                                                                         
teleconference), spoke in support of the bill.                                                                                  
2:30:35 PM                                                                                                                    
SYLVAN   ROBB,    DIRECTOR,   DIVISION    OF   CORPORATIONS,                                                                    
PROFESSIONAL,   AND   BUSINESS  LICENSING,   DEPARTMENT   OF                                                                    
COMMERCE, COMMUNITY AND  ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, explained the                                                                    
fiscal note.                                                                                                                    
Co-Chair Olson OPENED and CLOSED public testimony.                                                                              
SB  248  was  HEARD  and   HELD  in  committee  for  further                                                                    
SENATE BILL NO. 182                                                                                                           
     "An Act extending the termination date of the Big Game                                                                     
     Commercial Services Board; and providing for an                                                                            
     effective date."                                                                                                           
2:32:23 PM                                                                                                                    
KEN ALPER, STAFF, SENATOR DONNY OLSON, explained the bill.                                                                      
Senator Wilson  MOVED to REPORT  SB 182 from  committee with                                                                    
individual recommendations  and attached fiscal  note. There                                                                    
being NO OBJECTION it was so ordered.                                                                                           
SB  182  REPORTED  OUT  of committee  with  four  "do  pass"                                                                    
recommendations  and with  one  previously published  fiscal                                                                    
note: FN 1(CED).                                                                                                                
2:33:21 PM                                                                                                                    
AT EASE                                                                                                                         
2:34:35 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATE BILL NO. 234                                                                                                           
     "An Act relating to the Marijuana Control Board; and                                                                       
     providing for an effective date."                                                                                          
2:34:41 PM                                                                                                                    
KEN ALPER, STAFF, SENATOR DONNY OLSON, explained the bill.                                                                      
KRIS  CURTIS,  AUDITOR,  LEGISLATIVE  AUDIT,  addressed  the                                                                    
audit attached to the legislation.                                                                                              
2:36:23 PM                                                                                                                    
Senator Merrick MOVED to REPORT SB 234 from committee with                                                                      
individual recommendations and attached fiscal note                                                                             
SB 234  was REPORTED  OUT of committee  with four  "do pass"                                                                    
recommendations  and with  one new  fiscal impact  note from                                                                    
the   Department  of   Commerce,   Community  and   Economic                                                                    
2:37:05 PM                                                                                                                    
The meeting was adjourned at 2:37 p.m.                                                                                          

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
SB 149 Sectional Analysis version A 2.2.24.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SHSS 2/13/2024 3:30:00 PM
SB 149
SB149 Sponsor Statement Version A 2.2.24.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SHSS 2/13/2024 3:30:00 PM
SB 149
SB 149 Supporting Document - Alaska Food Coalition.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SHSS 2/13/2024 3:30:00 PM
SB 149
SB 149 DOH PAFS 022024.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 149
SB 149 DOH QC 022124.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 149
SB 149 Letters of Support as of 2.20.24.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 149
SB204 Sectional Analysis Ver A.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SL&C 2/26/2024 1:30:00 PM
SL&C 4/3/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 204
SB204 Sponsor Statement Ver A.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SL&C 2/26/2024 1:30:00 PM
SL&C 4/3/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 204
SB 204 Supporting Documentation 4-5-24.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 204
SB 204 Additional Documents-Jan. 2024 Dept of Labor Support Data 3.25.24.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 204
SB 149 CBPP Research on BBCE.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 149
SB 204 S Finance COF Presentation.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 204
SB 248 BGCSB Audit.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 248
SB 248 LOS Jason Bunch Chair of the Board.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 248
SB 248 SFSC DCCED Department Budget Overview pg 17 02.28.2024.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 248
SB 248 Supporting Document - BGCSB Meeting Minutes 12.04-06.23.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 248
SB 248 Ver. B Sectional Analysis.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 248
SB 248 Ver. B Sponsor Statement.pdf SFIN 4/22/2024 1:30:00 PM
SB 248