Legislature(2021 - 2022)SENATE FINANCE 532

04/08/2022 09:00 AM Senate FINANCE

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Audio Topic
09:01:57 AM Start
09:02:14 AM SB162 || SB163 || SB164
09:06:28 AM Public Testimony: Southeast, Prince Willam Sound, Kodiak, and Offnets
10:08:18 AM Adjourn
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
-- Public Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> --
+ Southeast, Prince William Sound, Kodiak, & TELECONFERENCED
Call In/Sign Up By 10:30am, Time Limit:90 Seconds
Heard & Held
Heard & Held
Heard & Held
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
**Streamed live on AKL.tv**
                 SENATE FINANCE COMMITTEE                                                                                       
                       April 8, 2022                                                                                            
                         9:01 a.m.                                                                                              
9:01:57 AM                                                                                                                    
CALL TO ORDER                                                                                                                 
Co-Chair  Stedman   called  the  Senate   Finance  Committee                                                                    
meeting to order at 9:01 a.m.                                                                                                   
MEMBERS PRESENT                                                                                                               
Senator Click Bishop, Co-Chair                                                                                                  
Senator Bert Stedman, Co-Chair                                                                                                  
Senator Lyman Hoffman                                                                                                           
Senator Natasha von Imhof                                                                                                       
Senator Bill Wielechowski                                                                                                       
Senator David Wilson                                                                                                            
MEMBERS ABSENT                                                                                                                
Senator Donny Olson                                                                                                             
ALSO PRESENT                                                                                                                  
Beth Weldon, Mayor, City and  Borough of Juneau, Juneau; Dr.                                                                    
Tim  Quigley Peterson,  Self,  Juneau;  Dan Habeger,  Juneau                                                                    
Reentry  Coalition,  Juneau;  Jay McCune,  Cordova  District                                                                    
Fishermen   United,  Juneau;   Brenda  Stanfill,   Executive                                                                    
Director,  Alaska Network  on Domestic  Violence and  Sexual                                                                    
Assault, Juneau.                                                                                                                
PRESENT VIA TELECONFERENCE                                                                                                    
Cynna  Gubatayao,  Ketchikan   Gateway  Borough,  Ketchikan;                                                                    
Lacey Simpson,  City Manager, City of  Ketchikan, Ketchikan;                                                                    
Carol  Rushmore,  Economic  Development Director,  City  and                                                                    
Borough  of  Wrangell,  Wrangell;  Cathy  Renfeldt,  Cordova                                                                    
Chamber  of Commerce,  Cordova; Nancy  Bird, Self,  Cordova;                                                                    
Pat  Branson,  Mayor of  Kodiak,  Kodiak;  Tom Brice,  Self,                                                                    
Juneau;  Tony   Jackson,  Self,  Sitka;  Ken   Jones,  Self,                                                                    
Cordova; Rowena Palomar, Advocates  for Victims of Violence,                                                                    
Valdez;  Nate Taylor,  Chief of  Cordova Police  Department,                                                                    
Cordova; Maggie  Winston, Independent Living  Center, Kenai;                                                                    
Roxanne  Murphy,  Borough  Manager, Kodiak  Island  Borough,                                                                    
Kodiak; Douglas  Olerud, Mayor, Haines Borough,  Haines; Iva                                                                    
Brand, Volunteer Caregiver,  Ketchikan; Janet Johnson, Self,                                                                    
Cordova;  Heather  Peterson,  Self, Kodiak;  David  Allison,                                                                    
Mayor,  City   of  Cordova,   Cordova;  Chief   James  Kerr,                                                                    
Petersburg  Police  Department,  Petersburg;  Dennis  Zadra,                                                                    
Self,  Cordova;   Jonathan  Estes,  Self,   Juneau;  Kristen                                                                    
Carpenter,   Prince  William   Sound  Economic   Development                                                                    
District,  Cordova;  Mike  Vieira,  Sitka  Education  Assn.,                                                                    
Sitka; Jordan  Flory, Self, Ketchikan; Jody  Tow, Petersburg                                                                    
Borough, Petersburg  LIO; Tom Williams,  City Administrator,                                                                    
Gustavus,  Gustavus;  Danny  Carpenter, Self,  Cordova;  Kim                                                                    
Phillips, Parents  As Teachers, Haines; Tyrell  Rettke, PATH                                                                    
Homelessness Shelter, Ketchikan.                                                                                                
SB 162    APPROP: OPERATING BUDGET/LOANS/FUNDS                                                                                  
          SB 162 was HEARD and HELD in committee for                                                                            
          further consideration.                                                                                                
SB 163    APPROP: MENTAL HEALTH BUDGET                                                                                          
          SB 163 was HEARD and HELD in committee for                                                                            
          further consideration.                                                                                                
SB 164    APPROP: CAP; REAPPROP; SUPP                                                                                           
          SB 164 was HEARD and HELD in committee for                                                                            
          further consideration.                                                                                                
PUBLIC TESTIMONY:   SOUTHEAST,  PRINCE WILLAM SOUND, KODIAK,                                                                    
AND OFFNETS                                                                                                                     
SENATE BILL NO. 162                                                                                                           
     "An  Act making  appropriations for  the operating  and                                                                    
     loan  program  expenses  of state  government  and  for                                                                    
     certain   programs;    capitalizing   funds;   amending                                                                    
     appropriations;    making   reappropriations;    making                                                                    
     supplemental   appropriations;  making   appropriations                                                                    
     under art.  IX, sec.  17(c), Constitution of  the State                                                                    
     of  Alaska,  from  the  constitutional  budget  reserve                                                                    
     fund; and providing for an effective date."                                                                                
SENATE BILL NO. 163                                                                                                           
     "An  Act making  appropriations for  the operating  and                                                                    
     capital    expenses   of    the   state's    integrated                                                                    
     comprehensive  mental  health program;  making  capital                                                                    
     appropriations  and  supplemental  appropriations;  and                                                                    
     providing for an effective date."                                                                                          
SENATE BILL NO. 164                                                                                                           
     "An  Act   making  appropriations,   including  capital                                                                    
     appropriations,     reappropriations,     and     other                                                                    
     appropriations;  making   supplemental  appropriations;                                                                    
     and providing for an effective date."                                                                                      
9:02:14 AM                                                                                                                    
^PUBLIC  TESTIMONY:       SOUTHEAST,  PRINCE  WILLAM  SOUND,                                                                  
KODIAK, AND OFFNETS                                                                                                           
CYNNA GUBATAYAO,  KETCHIKAN GATEWAY BOROUGH,  KETCHIKAN (via                                                                    
teleconference), spoke  in support  of the school  bond debt                                                                    
reimbursement program  and an increase  to the  Base Student                                                                    
Allocation  (BSA). She  explained  that 100  percent of  the                                                                    
area-wide property  taxes in Ketchikan were  directed toward                                                                    
education.  She  spoke  in  support   of  roads  to  support                                                                    
9:06:28 AM                                                                                                                    
LACEY SIMPSON,  CITY MANAGER,  CITY OF  KETCHIKAN, KETCHIKAN                                                                    
(via teleconference),  testified in  support of  funding for                                                                    
failing    infrastructure,    specifically    for    culvert                                                                    
rehabilitation  in Ketchikan.  She spoke  in support  of the                                                                    
raw  water project  in Ketchikan.  She spoke  in support  of                                                                    
wastewater rehabilitation projects  in Ketchikan. She stated                                                                    
that there  were many deferred capital  projects that needed                                                                    
9:08:38 AM                                                                                                                    
CAROL  RUSHMORE,  ECONOMIC  DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR,  CITY  AND                                                                    
BOROUGH  OF WRANGELL,  WRANGELL (via  teleconference), spoke                                                                    
in support of  funding for a new water  plant. She testified                                                                    
in  support  of  funding  to  meet  the  wastewater  mandate                                                                    
deadline.  She spoke  in support  of  funding for  community                                                                    
9:10:21 AM                                                                                                                    
CATHY RENFELDT,  CORDOVA CHAMBER  OF COMMERCE,  CORDOVA (via                                                                    
teleconference),  testified in  support of  funding for  the                                                                    
harbor rebuild.  She stated that  the business  community of                                                                    
Cordova almost  completely relied  on the  fishing industry.                                                                    
She  stressed  that  the harbor  rebuild  was  necessary  to                                                                    
create more  room for  vessels, and  the current  harbor was                                                                    
ten years past its lifespan.                                                                                                    
9:12:34 AM                                                                                                                    
NANCY  BIRD, SELF,  CORDOVA (via  teleconference), spoke  in                                                                    
support  of  funding  for  rebuilding  of  the  harbor.  She                                                                    
remarked  that  the  harbor  was  severely  dilapidated  and                                                                    
unsafe.  She  shared that  the  harbor  supported the  local                                                                    
economy. She  stressed that the  investment would  have long                                                                    
impact  on  the  economy.  She   opposed  the  amendment  to                                                                    
restrict  the  use  of Medicaid  for  abortions.  She  urged                                                                    
forward funding for education and transportation.                                                                               
9:14:15 AM                                                                                                                    
PAT BRANSON,  MAYOR OF KODIAK, KODIAK  (via teleconference),                                                                    
spoke in support of funding  for structural enhancements for                                                                    
the  fire station.  She remarked  that  there was  necessary                                                                    
funding needed to keep the  building safe. She remarked that                                                                    
there was already a professional  services agreement with an                                                                    
architectural firm.                                                                                                             
9:16:10 AM                                                                                                                    
TOM BRICE,  SELF, JUNEAU (via teleconference),  testified in                                                                    
support  of funding  for the  critical mineral,  energy, and                                                                    
health  care initiatives  at the  University  of Alaska.  He                                                                    
also spoke  in support  of the  deferred maintenance  at the                                                                    
9:17:11 AM                                                                                                                    
TONY JACKSON, SELF, SITKA  (via teleconference), shared that                                                                    
he was  a care provider,  and spoke in support  of Southeast                                                                    
Alaska Independent  Living (SAIL).  He explained  his wife's                                                                    
situation,  who  received a  chair  from  SAIL to  keep  her                                                                    
mobile. He  remarked that SAIL  had provided  assistance for                                                                    
many with disabilities.                                                                                                         
9:18:49 AM                                                                                                                    
KEN  JONES, SELF,  CORDOVA  (via  teleconference), spoke  in                                                                    
support  of  funding  for  harbor  replacement  project.  He                                                                    
stressed that  there had  been assured  funding, but  it had                                                                    
previously  fallen   through.  He  noted  that   the  harbor                                                                    
supported many different industries in Cordova.                                                                                 
9:19:56 AM                                                                                                                    
ROWENA PALOMAR,  ADVOCATES FOR  VICTIMS OF  VIOLENCE, VALDEZ                                                                    
(via  teleconference),  spoke  in  support  of  funding  for                                                                    
victims   of   domestic   violence   and   sexual   assault,                                                                    
specifically  for  the  emergency  shelter  in  Valdez.  She                                                                    
remarked that  the shelter were  at capacity 100  percent of                                                                    
the  time. She  shared that  there had  been an  increase in                                                                    
costs  for  utilities.  She stressed  that  there  would  be                                                                    
victims  without a  safe  place to  stay  without the  fully                                                                    
operational system at the shelter.                                                                                              
9:22:05 AM                                                                                                                    
NATE  TAYLOR, CHIEF  OF CORDOVA  POLICE DEPARTMENT,  CORDOVA                                                                    
(via  teleconference),  spoke  in  support  of  funding  for                                                                    
community  jails.  He remarked  that  the  Cordova jail  was                                                                    
almost  completely full  of pre-trial  inmates. He  stressed                                                                    
that there was not staff funded to monitor the inmates.                                                                         
9:23:13 AM                                                                                                                    
MAGGIE  WINSTON,  INDEPENDENT   LIVING  CENTER,  KENAI  (via                                                                    
teleconference), spoke in support  of funding for the senior                                                                    
disabilities  grant.  She  shared  that she  relied  on  the                                                                    
community  services,  because   she  was  almost  completely                                                                    
limited in  her mobility.  She remarked that  the disability                                                                    
services  provided many  services  to  the community,  which                                                                    
ended up saving the state money in medical costs.                                                                               
9:24:58 AM                                                                                                                    
ROXANNE  MURPHY,  BOROUGH  MANAGER, KODIAK  ISLAND  BOROUGH,                                                                    
KODIAK  (via teleconference),  spoke  in  support of  school                                                                    
bond debt reimbursement,  school construction, the community                                                                    
assistance fund, increased funding  to support villages, and                                                                    
forward-funding  K-12 education.  She  spoke  in support  of                                                                    
assistance for the high cost of fuel.                                                                                           
9:25:48 AM                                                                                                                    
DOUGLAS   OLERUD,  MAYOR,   HAINES   BOROUGH,  HAINES   (via                                                                    
teleconference),    spoke   in    support   of    the   dock                                                                    
rehabilitation  project.  He  stated that  the  borough  had                                                                    
already raised $2 million for  the project. He remarked that                                                                    
the dock was  constantly in disrepair. He was  asking for $3                                                                    
million for the completion of the project.                                                                                      
9:27:07 AM                                                                                                                    
IVA    BRAND,    VOLUNTEER   CAREGIVER,    KETCHIKAN    (via                                                                    
teleconference),  spoke in  support  of  funding for  hazard                                                                    
pay.  She   stressed  that  pay  for   caregivers  were  not                                                                    
adequately paid to take care of loved ones.                                                                                     
9:28:56 AM                                                                                                                    
BETH  WELDON, MAYOR,  CITY AND  BOROUGH  OF JUNEAU,  JUNEAU,                                                                    
spoke in  support of funding  for three projects:  the State                                                                    
Office Building parking lot; the  second crossing to open up                                                                    
housing; and the  Capital Civic Center, which  was a remodel                                                                    
of Centennial Hall.                                                                                                             
9:31:17 AM                                                                                                                    
DR. TIM QUIGLEY PETERSON, SELF,  JUNEAU, spoke in support of                                                                    
funding for  the Washington,  Wyoming, Alaska,  Montana, and                                                                    
Idaho (WWAMI) program. He stressed  that those who had lived                                                                    
here  and  gone  through  the  program  resulted  in  longer                                                                    
retention in the medical field  in Alaska. He also testified                                                                    
in support of funding for more slots in WWAMI.                                                                                  
9:32:59 AM                                                                                                                    
Co-Chair  Stedman stated  that the  WWAMI program  might not                                                                    
handle too large of an increase.                                                                                                
9:33:24 AM                                                                                                                    
DAN  HABEGER, JUNEAU  REENTRY  COALITION,  JUNEAU, spoke  in                                                                    
support  of  funding  for behavioral  health  treatment  and                                                                    
recovery grants; and behavioral  health prevention and early                                                                    
intervention. He stated that the  items would help to ensure                                                                    
the  inmate release  support for  those reentering  into the                                                                    
9:35:25 AM                                                                                                                    
JAY  MCCUNE,  CORDOVA  DISTRICT  FISHERMEN  UNITED,  JUNEAU,                                                                    
spoke in support  of funding for $7.5 million  for the South                                                                    
Harbor  in  Cordova.  He  shared  that  there  were  extreme                                                                    
drastic  issues that  have made  it difficult  to start  the                                                                    
9:36:42 AM                                                                                                                    
JANET   JOHNSON,   SELF,   CORDOVA   (via   teleconference),                                                                    
testified in support of funding  for hazard pay, and funding                                                                    
for caregivers. She remarked that  her daughter had moved to                                                                    
Anchorage,  but the  caregivers there  had been  leaving the                                                                    
field because of stress and low pay.                                                                                            
9:39:02 AM                                                                                                                    
HEATHER PETERSON,  SELF, KODIAK (via  teleconference), spoke                                                                    
in support  of funding  for caregivers  and hazard  pay. She                                                                    
remarked that there was stress  and low pay that have caused                                                                    
people to leave their care  giving jobs. She wanted to bring                                                                    
to light  of the  hardworking caregivers. She  stressed that                                                                    
most caregivers had an extremely low wage.                                                                                      
9:41:15 AM                                                                                                                    
DAVID  ALLISON,   MAYOR,  CITY  OF  CORDOVA,   CORDOVA  (via                                                                    
teleconference),  testified in  support of  funding for  the                                                                    
harbor  project in  Cordova.  He also  spoke  in support  of                                                                    
funding  for the  Alaska Marine  Highway System  (AMHS), and                                                                    
school bond debt reimbursement.                                                                                                 
9:41:54 AM                                                                                                                    
CHIEF JAMES  KERR, PETERSBURG POLICE  DEPARTMENT, PETERSBURG                                                                    
(via teleconference),  testified in favor of  community jail                                                                    
funding.  He  shared  that  cuts  made in  2016  had  had  a                                                                    
detrimental  effect  on  his community.  He  said  that  the                                                                    
Department  of Transportation  and  Public Facilities  (DOT)                                                                    
provided  48  percent  of  the  funding  and  the  community                                                                    
provided the  rest. He  spoke of actions  in the  other body                                                                    
and hoped the committee would follow suit.                                                                                      
9:43:46 AM                                                                                                                    
DENNIS ZADRA, SELF,  CORDOVA (via teleconference), testified                                                                    
in support for the south harbor  in Cordova.                                                                                    
9:44:14 AM                                                                                                                    
JONATHAN   ESTES,   SELF,   JUNEAU   (via   teleconference),                                                                    
testified in support of funding  for personal care services.                                                                    
He  relayed that  difficulties  in  retaining providers  and                                                                    
access for those in need due  to cost. He hoped that funding                                                                    
for the program would be increased.                                                                                             
9:45:34 AM                                                                                                                    
KRISTEN   CARPENTER,    PRINCE   WILLIAM    SOUND   ECONOMIC                                                                    
DEVELOPMENT   DISTRICT,    CORDOVA   (via   teleconference),                                                                    
testified in support for harbor funding.                                                                                        
9:46:31 AM                                                                                                                    
MIKE   VIEIRA,    SITKA   EDUCATION   ASSN.,    SITKA   (via                                                                    
teleconference),  testified in  support for  an increase  in                                                                    
and inflation  proofing of the  base student  allocation. He                                                                    
lamented  that the  community was  having trouble  retaining                                                                    
teachers.  He  relayed  that the  state  of  Washington  had                                                                    
recently  provided  raises  for teachers  and  hoped  Alaska                                                                    
could do  the same.  He expressed fear  that the  Sitka High                                                                    
School staff would                                                                                                              
9:48:43 AM                                                                                                                    
Co-Chair  Bishop wanted  to know  whether there  had been  a                                                                    
decrease in consumables in the loan debt programs.                                                                              
Mr.  Vieira  replied  that  there had  been  a  decrease  in                                                                    
consumables in the loan debt programs.                                                                                          
9:49:13 AM                                                                                                                    
JORDAN FLORY,  SELF, KETCHIKAN (via  teleconference), shared                                                                    
her  experience  with  caregiving   and  urged  support  for                                                                    
adequate  pay for  services provided.  She related  that the                                                                    
lack of pay  was not due to non- profit  agencies but simply                                                                    
lack  of  funding from  the  state.  She urged  funding  for                                                                    
hazard pay and increased pay for care providers.                                                                                
9:52:05 AM                                                                                                                    
JODY   TOW,   PETERSBURG   BOROUGH,  PETERSBURG   LIO   (via                                                                    
teleconference), spoke  in support  of the school  bond debt                                                                    
reimbursement.  She  stressed  the importance  of  community                                                                    
assistance  payments. She  spoke in  support of  funding for                                                                    
school major maintenance and construction projects.                                                                             
9:53:35 AM                                                                                                                    
TOM  WILLIAMS, CITY  ADMINISTRATOR, GUSTAVUS,  GUSTAVUS (via                                                                    
teleconference),   testified  in   support  of   Power  Cost                                                                    
Equalization  (PCE).  He  spoke   in  support  of  community                                                                    
assistance. He also testified in support of the AMHS.                                                                           
9:56:33 AM                                                                                                                    
DANNY CARPENTER,  SELF, CORDOVA (via  teleconference), spoke                                                                    
in  support  of  funding  for  the  harbor  in  Cordova.  He                                                                    
stressed that  the harbor is  unsafe, which would  result in                                                                    
someone getting severely injured or killed.                                                                                     
9:57:29 AM                                                                                                                    
KIM   PHILLIPS,    PARENTS   AS   TEACHERS,    HAINES   (via                                                                    
teleconference),  spoke in  support of  Parents as  Teachers                                                                    
and pre-K  education programs. She  shared that  the program                                                                    
supported  family  through  a strength-based  approach.  She                                                                    
shared that  the program provided  services and  support for                                                                    
families, and  encouraged families  to become  advocates for                                                                    
their children. She  stressed that there was a  heart to the                                                                    
home visiting program.                                                                                                          
9:59:53 AM                                                                                                                    
BRENDA  STANFILL,  EXECUTIVE  DIRECTOR,  ALASKA  NETWORK  ON                                                                    
DOMESTIC  VIOLENCE  AND  SEXUAL ASSAULT,  JUNEAU,  spoke  in                                                                    
support  of  funding  for  critical  services  for  domestic                                                                    
violence and  sexual assault. She shared  that stressed that                                                                    
victim  services programs  need adequate  funding to  ensure                                                                    
that programs  do not cut services.  She requested adjusting                                                                    
the  current numbers  to those  proposed by  the House.  She                                                                    
stressed  that  the services  can  often  be the  difference                                                                    
between life and death for many victims.                                                                                        
10:02:15 AM                                                                                                                   
TYRELL  RETTKE, PATH  HOMELESSNESS  SHELTER, KETCHIKAN  (via                                                                    
teleconference),  spoke  in  support of  the  initiative  to                                                                    
create a  state housing trust.  He stressed that  there were                                                                    
many  shortfalls  in housing,  and  hoped  that the  program                                                                    
would help  to solve the  problem. He remarked that  a large                                                                    
number of people suffered from  homelessness, because of the                                                                    
lack of affordable housing.                                                                                                     
10:03:19 AM                                                                                                                   
AT EASE                                                                                                                         
10:07:34 AM                                                                                                                   
Co-Chair Stedman discussed housekeeping.                                                                                        
SB  162  was  HEARD  and   HELD  in  committee  for  further                                                                    
SB  163  was  HEARD  and   HELD  in  committee  for  further                                                                    
SB  164  was  HEARD  and   HELD  in  committee  for  further                                                                    
10:08:18 AM                                                                                                                   
The meeting was adjourned at 10:08 a.m.                                                                                         

Document Name Date/Time Subjects