Legislature(1993 - 1994)
02/02/1993 09:01 AM Senate CRA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SENATE COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS COMMITTEE February 2, 1993 9:01 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Senator Randy Phillips, Chairman Senator Rick Halford Senator Al Adams Senator Fred Zharoff MEMBERS ABSENT Senator Robin Taylor, Vice Chairman COMMITTEE CALENDAR SENATE BILL NO. 15 "An Act relating to the village public safety officers program." PREVIOUS SENATE COMMITTEE ACTION SB 15 - See Community & Regional Affairs minutes dated 1/26/93. WITNESS REGISTER Dean Guaneli, Criminal Division Department of Law P.O. Box 110300 Juneau, AK 99811-O300 POSITION STATEMENT: Offered information on proposed CSSB 15 (CRA) Commissioner Richard Burton Department of Public Safety P.O. Box 11200 Juneau, AK 99811-1200 POSITION STATEMENT: Supports CSSB 15 (CRA) ACTION NARRATIVE TAPE 93-3, SIDE A Number 001 The Senate Community & Regional Affairs Committee was called to order by Chairman Randy Phillips at 9:01 a.m. CHAIRMAN RANDY PHILLIPS brought SB 15 (VILLAGE PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS PROGRAM) before the committee. Number 015 DEAN GUANELI, Criminal Division, Department of Law, speaking to a draft committee substitute dated 2/1/93, said the proposed language was requested by Commissioner Burton, and the changes in the statute would more accurately reflect and codify the Village Public Safety Officer program as it exists today. One major change in the committee substitute is that it restricts the grants that can be made to regional nonprofit corporations. The change was made at the suggestion of a number of the regional nonprofits corporations who thought it was more appropriate that they be the funding mechanism on a regional basis rather than the Department of Public Safety dealing with villages on a village-by-village basis. Mr. Guaneli said it makes sense in terms of efficiency, as well as in terms of more uniformity in services throughout regions. Mr. Guaneli noted the question had arose of whether the phrase "regional nonprofit corporations" is sufficiently understood to limit it to the Native corporations, or whether some other corporation could form itself as a nonprofit group and come under the provision. Number 085 SENATOR ADAMS stated his support for the committee substitute, saying it achieves the same goal as the original bill. Number 088 CHAIRMAN RANDY PHILLIPS asked Senator Adams if he thought there should be a definition section to define "regional nonprofit corporations." SENATOR ADAMS answered that he wanted to limit it to a regional nonprofit and he thought including a definition section would be appropriate. Number 105 There was brief discussion and it was agreed that the appropriate language would be drafted into a new committee substitute and that the bill would be back before the committee at its next meeting on Thursday. There being no further business to come before the committee, Chairman Randy Phillips adjourned the meeting at 9:10 a.m.
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