Legislature(1995 - 1996)

03/21/1995 05:20 PM House WTR

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
                   HOUSE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON                                  
            WORLD TRADE AND STATE FEDERAL RELATIONS                            
                         March 21, 1995                                        
                           5:20 p.m.                                           
 MEMBERS PRESENT                                                               
 Representative Ramona Barnes, Chairman                                        
 Representative Gail Phillips, Vice Chairman                                   
 Representative Eldon Mulder                                                   
 Representative Gene Kubina                                                    
 MEMBERS ABSENT                                                                
 Representative Gary Davis                                                     
 Representative Bill Williams                                                  
 Representative Jerry Mackie                                                   
 COMMITTEE CALENDAR                                                            
 *HJR 30:    Relating to an amendment to the Constitution of the               
             United States prohibiting federal courts from ordering            
             a state or a political subdivision of a state to                  
             increase or impose taxes.                                         
             PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE                                           
 SJR 12:     Relating to the United States Department of                       
             Agriculture, Forest Service, relating to the United               
             States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service,                 
             strategic plan known as "Reinvention of the Forest                
             Service"; and advocating that implementation of the               
             plan be suspended pending Congressional review and                
             consultation with local governments.                              
             PASSED OUT OF COMMITTEE                                           
 (*  First public hearing)                                                     
 WITNESS REGISTER                                                              
 REPRESENTATIVE AL VEZEY                                                       
 Alaska State Legislature                                                      
 State Capitol, Room 216                                                       
 Juneau, Alaska  99801-1182                                                    
 Telephone:  465-3719                                                          
 POSITION STATEMENT:  Offered sponsor statement for HJR 30                     
 JOE AMBROSE, Legislative Assistant                                            
 Senator Robin Taylor                                                          
 Alaska State Legislature                                                      
 State Capitol, Room 30                                                        
 Juneau, Alaska  99801-1182                                                    
 Telephone:   465-4906                                                         
 POSITION STATEMENT:  Provided position statement for SJR 12                   
 PREVIOUS ACTION                                                               
 BILL:  HJR 30                                                               
 SPONSOR(S): REPRESENTATIVE(S) VEZEY,Toohey                                    
 JRN-DATE     JRN-PG               ACTION                                      
 02/08/95       271    (H)   READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRAL(S)                 
 02/08/95       271    (H)   WTR, JUD                                          
 03/21/95              (H)   WTR AT 05:00 PM CAPITOL 203                       
 BILL:  SJR 12                                                               
 SHORT TITLE: U.S. FOREST SERVICE PLAN                                         
 SPONSOR(S): SENATOR(S) TAYLOR,Pearce                                          
 JRN-DATE     JRN-PG               ACTION                                      
 01/25/95        81    (S)   READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRAL(S)                 
 01/25/95        81    (S)   RESOURCES                                         
 02/10/95              (S)   RES AT 03:30 PM BUTROVICH ROOM 205                
 02/10/95              (S)   MINUTE(RES)                                       
 02/14/95       266    (S)   RES RPT  CS  4DP          SAME TITLE              
 02/14/95       267    (S)   ZERO FISCAL NOTE (DNR)                            
 02/20/95              (S)   RLS AT 11:25 AM FAHRENKAMP ROOM 203               
 02/20/95              (S)   MINUTE(RLS)                                     
 02/22/95       367    (S)   RULES TO CALENDAR  2/22/95                        
 02/22/95       368    (S)   READ THE SECOND TIME                              
 02/22/95       368    (S)   RES  CS ADOPTED UNAN CONSENT                      
 02/22/95       368    (S)   AM NO  1     FAILED  Y8 N11 A1                    
 02/22/95       369    (S)   ADVANCED TO THIRD READING UNAN                    
 02/22/95       369    (S)   READ THE THIRD TIME  CSSJR 12(RES)                
 02/22/95       370    (S)   PASSED Y18 N1 A1                                  
 02/22/95       370    (S)   HALFORD  NOTICE OF RECONSIDERATION                
 02/23/95       386    (S)   RECONSIDERATION NOT TAKEN UP                      
 02/23/95       390    (S)   TRANSMITTED TO (H)                                
 02/27/95       479    (H)   READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRAL(S)                 
 02/27/95       479    (H)   RESOURCES                                         
 03/03/95       575    (H)   WTR REFERRAL ADDED                                
 03/21/95              (H)   WTR AT 05:00 PM CAPITOL 203                       
 ACTION NARRATIVE                                                              
 TAPE 95-5, SIDE A                                                             
 Number 000                                                                    
 The meeting of the House Special Committee on World Trade and                 
 State/Federal Relations was called to order by Chairman Ramona                
 Barnes at 5:20 p.m.  Members present at the call to order were                
 Representatives Barnes, Phillips, Mulder and Kubina.  Members                 
 absent were Representatives G. Davis, Williams and Mackie.                    
 CHAIRMAN RAMONA BARNES stated there was a quorum present.                     
 HWTR - 03/21/95                                                               
 HJR 30 - AMEND US CONSTIT. TO LIMIT FED. COURTS                             
 Number 019                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE AL VEZEY, sponsor of the measure, stated that HJR 30           
 is to petition the Congress of the United States to prepare and               
 present to the legislatures of all the states an amendment to the             
 Constitution of the United States.  This amendment would prohibit             
 the Supreme Court or any inferior court of the U.S. from ordering             
 a state or political subdivision of a state to levy or increase               
 taxes.  This resolution comes as a request from the office of                 
 Representative Bill Skaggs, from Missouri.  This effort was brought           
 about by a court case in Missouri, whereby the Supreme Court                  
 mandated the city of Kansas City to charge a tax to fund                      
 desegregation expenses ordered by the courts.  Presently there are            
 ten states which have introduced a similar resolution.                        
 Number 035                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE GAIL PHILLIPS made a motion that the committee pass            
 HJR 30 out of committee with individual recommendations.                      
 REPRESENTATIVE ELDON MULDER made a motion to move a zero fiscal               
 CHAIRMAN BARNES called for the question.  Hearing no objection, HJR
 30 passed out of committee.                                                   
 HWTR - 03/21/95                                                               
 SJR 12 - U.S. FOREST SERVICE PLAN                                           
 Number 057                                                                    
 JOE AMBROSE, Legislative Assistant to Senator Robin Taylor, stated            
 that SJR 12 is to centralize decision making in Washington, D.C.              
 Under "Reinvention," regional forest supervisors and other front              
 line leaders who now have decision making authority would be                  
 replaced with four-person "leadership" teams answerable only to the           
 Chief of the Forest Service and the Secretary of Agriculture.  Gone           
 is the pretense of involving local and state governments in United            
 States Forest Service decisions.  The plan goes so far as to                  
 consolidate the regional offices now located in Alaska and Montana            
 to a central office in Oregon.  SJR 12 calls for suspension of this           
 plan and true partnership meetings with states, communities and               
 tribal governments.  The goal would be the development of a new               
 plan, one that would involve affected entities up-front.  The                 
 "Reinvention" scheme goes far beyond the relocation of regional               
 offices.  If left to stand, it will mean a new era of Forest                  
 Service policy dictated from on high, without consulting the very             
 people most impacted by those policies.                                       
 Number 099                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE MULDER asked a clarifying question, if the resolve             
 pertained to "former" Secretary of Agriculture, Mike Espy.                    
 MR. AMBROSE said yes, and there is no objection to many elements of           
 the Reinvention Plan; it is the fact that plan, if implemented,               
 removes the decision making process even farther away than it is              
 now.  It is more than just moving a regional office from Alaska to            
 Oregon.  It's moving the decision making authority to Washington,             
 Number 114                                                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE PHILLIPS asked if the Alaska congressional                     
 delegation had been approached about this idea and what their                 
 position is.                                                                  
 MR. AMBROSE said the delegation is in full agreement with the                 
 REPRESENTATIVE MULDER made the motion to pass SJR 12 out of                   
 committee with individual recommendations.                                    
 REPRESENTATIVE BARNES called for the question.  Hearing no                    
 objections, SJR 12 passed out of committee.                                   
 Number 130                                                                    
 There being no further business to come before the House Special              
 Committee on World Trade and State/Federal Relations, CHAIRMAN                
 BARNES adjourned the meeting at 5:30 p.m.                                     

Document Name Date/Time Subjects