Legislature(1993 - 1994)

03/15/1994 05:00 PM House TRA

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
             HOUSE TRANSPORTATION STANDING COMMITTEE                           
                         March 15, 1994                                        
                            5:00 p.m.                                          
  MEMBERS PRESENT                                                              
  Representative Richard Foster, Chair                                         
  Representative Gary Davis, Vice-Chair                                        
  Representative Bill Hudson                                                   
  Representative Jerry Mackie                                                  
  Representative Eldon Mulder                                                  
  Representative Al Vezey                                                      
  MEMBERS ABSENT                                                               
  Representative Curt Menard                                                   
  COMMITTEE CALENDAR                                                           
  SB 210:   "An Act relating to disposals of state land within                 
            five miles of the right-of-way of the Dalton                       
            Highway to a licensed public utility or a licensed                 
            common carrier; relating to disposals of state                     
            land for nonresidential development in nodes of                    
            development along the Dalton Highway; requiring                    
            licensed public utilities to pay the costs of                      
            change, relocation, or removal of a utility                        
            facility due to construction of a highway project;                 
            and allowing state leases and materials sales for                  
            reconstruction and maintenance of state highways                   
            and construction or maintenance of airports."                      
            CSSB 210 MOVED OUT OF COMMITTEE                                    
  HCR 12:   Relating to the use of natural gas as a motor                      
            vehicle fuel in Alaska.                                            
            CSHCR 12 MOVED OUT OF COMMITTEE                                    
  WITNESS REGISTER                                                             
  SENATOR BERT SHARP                                                           
  Alaska State Legislature                                                     
  Capitol Room 514                                                             
  Juneau, Alaska  99801                                                        
  Position Statement:  Sponsor of CSSB 210                                     
  JILL WITTENBRADER, Staff                                                     
  Representative David Finkelstein                                             
  Capitol Room 424                                                             
  Juneau, Alaska  99801                                                        
  Position Statement:  Presented CSHCR 12 for sponsor                          
  PREVIOUS ACTION                                                              
  BILL:  SB 210                                                                
  SPONSOR(S): SENATOR(S) SHARP; REPRESENTATIVE(S) James                        
  JRN-DATE    JRN-PG                     ACTION                                
  05/05/93      2076    (S)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  05/05/93      2076    (S)   RESOURCES, FINANCE                               
  02/04/94              (S)   RES AT 03:30 PM BUTROVICH                        
                              ROOM 205                                         
  02/04/94              (S)   MINUTE(RES)                                      
  02/07/94      2718    (S)   RES RPT  CS  4DP 2NR NEW TITLE                   
  02/07/94      2718    (S)   ZERO FNS TO SB & CS PUBLISHED                    
                              (DNR, DOT)                                       
  02/15/94      2858    (S)   FIN RPT  CS  4DP 2NR NEW TITLE                   
  02/15/94      2859    (S)   FISCAL NOTE TO CS PUBLISHED                      
  02/15/94      2859    (S)   PREVIOUS ZERO FISCAL NOTE                        
                              APPLIES (DOT)                                    
  02/15/94              (S)   FIN AT 09:00 AM SENATE FINANCE                   
                              ROOM 518                                         
  02/22/94              (S)   RLS AT 00:00 AM FAHRENKAMP                       
                              ROOM 203                                         
  02/22/94              (S)   MINUTE(RLS)                                      
  02/23/94      2939    (S)   3 RULES TO CAL  1NR  2/23/94                     
  02/23/94      2939    (S)   READ THE SECOND TIME                             
  02/23/94      2939    (S)   FIN  CS ADOPTED UNAN CONSENT                     
  02/23/94      2940    (S)   ADVANCE TO THIRD READING FLD                     
                              Y9 N8 E1 A2                                      
  02/23/94      2940    (S)   THIRD READING 2/24 CALENDAR                      
  02/24/94      2960    (S)   READ THE THIRD TIME  CSSB
  02/24/94      2960    (S)   RETURN TO SECOND FOR AM 1                        
                              UNAN CONSENT                                     
  02/24/94      2961    (S)   AM NO  1     MOVED BY KERTTULA                   
  02/24/94      2961    (S)   AM NO  1     ADOPTED UNAN                        
  02/24/94      2961    (S)   AUTOMATICALLY IN THIRD READING                   
  02/24/94      2961    (S)   RETURN TO 2ND FOR AM 2 FLD                       
                              Y10 N8 E2                                        
  02/24/94      2962    (S)   PASSED Y13 N5 E2                                 
  02/24/94      2962    (S)   Duncan  NOTICE OF RECON                          
  02/28/94      2993    (S)   RECON TAKEN UP - IN THIRD                        
  02/28/94      2993    (S)   PASSED ON RECONSIDERATION Y12                    
                              N7 A1                                            
  02/28/94      3006    (S)   TRANSMITTED TO (H)                               
  03/02/94      2566    (H)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  03/02/94      2566    (H)   TRANSPORTATION, FINANCE                          
  03/02/94      2588    (H)   CROSS SPONSOR(S):  JAMES                         
  03/15/94              (H)   TRA AT 05:00 PM CAPITOL 17                       
  BILL:  HCR 12                                                                
  SPONSOR(S): REPRESENTATIVE(S) FINKELSTEIN                                    
  JRN-DATE    JRN-PG                     ACTION                                
  03/01/93       485    (H)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  03/01/93       485    (H)   O&G, RESOURCES, TRA, FINANCE                     
  04/06/93              (H)   O&G AT 05:00 PM CAPITOL 124                      
  04/07/93              (H)   O&G AT 05:00 PM CAPITOL 124                      
  04/07/93              (H)   MINUTE(O&G)                                      
  02/14/94              (H)   O&G AT 05:00 PM CAPITOL 124                      
  02/18/94      2455    (H)   O&G RPT  CS(O&G) 2DP 1DNP 1NR                    
  02/18/94      2456    (H)   DP:  KOTT, GREEN                                 
  02/18/94      2456    (H)   DNP: OLBERG                                      
  02/18/94      2456    (H)   NR:  G.DAVIS                                     
  02/18/94      2456    (H)   -ZERO FISCAL NOTE (DEC)                          
  03/04/94      2600    (H)   RES RPT  CS(O&G) 9DP                             
  03/04/94      2600    (H)   DP:  HUDSON,CARNEY,GREEN,JAMES                   
  03/04/94      2600    (H)   DP:  FINKELSTEIN,DAVIES,MULDER                   
  03/04/94      2600    (H)   DP:  BUNDE, WILLIAMS                             
  03/04/94      2600    (H)   -PREVIOUS ZERO FISCAL NOTE                       
                              (DEC) 2/18/94                                    
  03/04/94              (H)   RES AT 08:15 AM CAPITOL 124                      
  03/04/94              (H)   MINUTE(RES)                                      
  03/15/94              (H)   TRA AT 05:00 PM CAPITOL 17                       
  ACTION NARRATIVE                                                             
  TAPE 94-12, SIDE A                                                           
  Number 000                                                                   
  CHAIR FOSTER called the meeting to order at 5:00 p.m.                        
  Number 007                                                                   
  SENATOR BERT SHARP introduced himself as sponsor of CSSB
  210, and stated:  "Under current statute, the state is                       
  prohibited from disposing of or leasing state land within                    
  five miles of the right-of-way of the Dalton Highway.  The                   
  state has recently acquired several parcels of land in this                  
  area, under its land selection allocation, yet it cannot be                  
  leased or purchased.  This is in spite of the fact that the                  
  previous owner (federal BLM) did lease parcels in these                      
  "In the summer of 1992, Summit Telephone Company applied to                  
  the Alaska Public Utilities Commission for certification to                  
  provide telephone service to Coldfoot and Wiseman.  BLM                      
  assured them that they would not have any problems obtaining                 
  a long term lease for a central switching office and 60 foot                 
  radio tower in Coldfoot.  Upon receiving certification from                  
  APUC, Summit immediately went to BLM to obtain the land.                     
  They were told that the land surrounding Coldfoot had been                   
  transferred to the State of Alaska, and they would have to                   
  apply to the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to obtain                 
  land in Coldfoot.                                                            
  "The DNR informed Summit Telephone that there could be no                    
  leasing or sale of land in the Coldfoot area, because such                   
  disposal was prohibited by statute.  Also included in the                    
  land transfer was the transfer to the state of existing                      
  leaseholds and pending leasehold applications.  The state is                 
  unable to renew existing leases as they expire or to                         
  consider new applications, or accommodate legitimate state                   
  needs.  Besides the Summit Telephone application, there are                  
  existing leases, some of which are at Coldfoot to Petro                      
  Star, Inc., for a 33-acre parcel and a Uncal staging area at                 
  Franklin Bluffs.  There are several other applications                       
  "The DNR has testified that the lands involved and subject                   
  to leasing or sale are located in areas where such activity                  
  is presently allowed.  Those are the five mile Yukon River                   
  Crossing, Coldfoot-Wiseman and the Happy Valley-Franklin                     
  Bluffs areas and Deadhorse.  Senate Bill 210 would modify                    
  this ban and allow the DNR to lease land for nonresidential                  
  development.  This would enable telephone service, airport                   
  and highway maintenance activities to proceed, as well as                    
  public service needs.  I urge your favorable vote on this                    
  legislation.  Thank you."                                                    
  SENATOR SHARP brought to the committee's attention an                        
  amendment which was made on the Senate floor by he and                       
  Senator Kerttula which provides that the state will not pay                  
  for any utility relocation in the highway right-of-way; any                  
  utility getting a lease in that area is on notice that any                   
  future relocation will be at their expense.  He commented                    
  that this had been a concern of Senator Kerttula's.                          
  Number 129                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE HUDSON asked Senator Sharp if there was a                     
  letter of intent accompanying CSSB 210.                                      
  Number 135                                                                   
  SENATOR SHARP responded in the negative, stating that the                    
  only action was the amendment on the Senate floor.                           
  Number 139                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE MULDER moved that CSSB 210 be moved from the                  
  House Transportation Committee with individual                               
  recommendations and the accompanying zero fiscal note.                       
  Number 144                                                                   
  CHAIR FOSTER asked if there were any objections.  There were                 
  none, and CSSB 210 was declared moved from committee.                        
  CHAIR FOSTER thanked Senator Sharp.                                          
  Number 149                                                                   
  MS. JILL WITTENBRADER was introduced as staff to                             
  Representative Finkelstein, sponsor of CSHCR 12.  On his                     
  behalf, she stated that Representative Finkelstein felt it                   
  would be beneficial to have this resolution, since Alaska                    
  has a good natural gas resource base, and both state and                     
  federal governments have been pushing the use of natural gas                 
  vehicles.  She asked if there were any questions.                            
  Number 164                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE VEZEY stated that he didn't really have any                   
  questions, but he wondered what the sponsor was trying to                    
  accomplish with this piece of legislation.  More                             
  specifically, he added, his question was "why?"                              
  Number 170                                                                   
  MS. WITTENBRADER responded that the bill was simply an                       
  effort to show that Alaska is interested in pursuing the                     
  development of its natural gas resources and the development                 
  of natural gas vehicles.                                                     
  Number 182                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE VEZEY wondered aloud if anything could really                 
  be done to encourage the use of natural gas resources and                    
  natural gas vehicles.                                                        
  Number 192                                                                   
  MS. WITTENBRADER replied that currently the municipality of                  
  Anchorage is attempting to get a fueling station for natural                 
  gas vehicles, and in order to get a fueling station, private                 
  industry would need some incentive to put one in, which is                   
  the objective of the resolution.                                             
  Number 200                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE VEZEY commented that the zero fiscal note,                    
  and the bill itself, is an empty gesture.  He added that it                  
  would be more appropriate to have a bill with a fiscal note,                 
  recognizing that we need to do something.                                    
  Number 225                                                                   
  MS. WITTENBRADER responded that, currently, the municipality                 
  of Anchorage has one fueling station and is working on                       
  developing another with the possibility of getting federal                   
  funding to do so.                                                            
  Number 236                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE VEZEY stated that the sponsor is putting him                  
  in the position of being a hypocrite, and questioned if we                   
  really mean we support the building of an infrastructure if                  
  we're not willing to pay for it.                                             
  Number 240                                                                   
  MS. WITTENBRADER responded that there was no current effort                  
  to obtain the funding, since there was a possibility that                    
  private industry would be willing to build the                               
  infrastructure.  She added that there was also a good                        
  possibility of getting federal money.                                        
  Number 243                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE MACKIE moved that CSHCR 12 be moved from                      
  House Transportation with a zero fiscal note and individual                  
  Number 245                                                                   
  CHAIR FOSTER asked if there were any objections.                             
  Representative Vezey objected.  Chair Foster asked for a                     
  roll call, and all present members but Representative Vezey                  
  voted to move the bill, so CSHCR 12 was declared moved from                  
  committee with individual recommendations.                                   
  Number 255                                                                   
  CHAIR FOSTER adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m.                              

Document Name Date/Time Subjects