Legislature(1993 - 1994)

05/06/1994 08:00 AM House STA

Audio Topic
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
             HOUSE STATE AFFAIRS STANDING COMMITTEE                            
                           May 6, 1994                                         
                            8:00 a.m.                                          
  MEMBERS PRESENT                                                              
  Representative Al Vezey, Chairman                                            
  Representative Pete Kott, Vice-Chairman                                      
  Representative Bettye Davis                                                  
  Representative Gary Davis                                                    
  Representative Harley Olberg                                                 
  Representative Jerry Sanders                                                 
  Representative Fran Ulmer                                                    
  MEMBERS ABSENT                                                               
  COMMITTEE CALENDAR                                                           
  SB 190:   "An Act relating to income withholding and other                   
            methods of enforcement for orders of support;                      
            relating to medical support orders; amending                       
            Alaska Rule of Civil Procedure 90.3(d); and                        
            providing for an effective date."                                  
            MOVED FROM COMMITTEE WITH NO RECOMMENDATION                        
  SB 357:   "An Act relating to certain study, publication,                    
            and reporting requirements by and to state                         
            agencies; relating to certain fees for reports;                    
            and providing for an effective date."                              
  SB 70:    "An Act establishing a loan guarantee and interest                 
            rate subsidy program for assistive technology."                    
  SB 228:   "An Act relating to bail after conviction for                      
            various felonies if the defendant has certain                      
            previous felony convictions."                                      
  SB 377:   "An Act relating to state agency fiscal                            
            procedures, including procedures related to the                    
            assessment and collection of certain taxes; and                    
            providing for an effective date."                                  
            NOT HEARD                                                          
  SB 365:   "An Act amending, and repealing laws providing for                 
            state agency functions and services related to                     
            transportation and capital improvement planning,                   
            workers' compensation, motor vehicles and motor                    
            vehicle insurance, medical care for prisoners,                     
            state building leases, and review and approval of                  
            water and sewer systems, for the purpose of                        
            reducing state government expenditures; and                        
            providing for an effective date."                                  
            NOT HEARD                                                          
  SB 376:   "An Act relating to fees charged by state agencies                 
            for certain services and to reimbursement for                      
            expenses incurred by the state in providing                        
            certain services; and providing for an effective                   
            NOT HEARD                                                          
  WITNESS REGISTER                                                             
  PHIL PETRIE, Operations Manager                                              
  Child Support Enforcement Division                                           
  Department of Revenue                                                        
  550 West 7th                                                                 
  Anchorage, AK  99501-3556                                                    
  Phone:  269-6800                                                             
  POSITION STATEMENT:  Commented on HCSCSSB 190                                
  REPRESENTATIVE JOHN DAVIES                                                   
  Alaska State Legislature                                                     
  Alaska State Capitol, Room 418                                               
  Juneau, AK  99811-0460                                                       
  Phone:  465-4457                                                             
  POSITION STATEMENT: Commented on proposed amendment to CSSB
                      190, Sponsor of HB 458                                   
  DARREL REXWINKEL, Commissioner                                               
  Department of Revenue                                                        
  P.O. Box 110400                                                              
  Juneau, AK  99811-0400                                                       
  Phone:  465-2300                                                             
  POSITION STATEMENT: Answered questions on proposed amendment                 
                      to CSSB 190                                              
  KARL LUCK, Director                                                          
  Division of Occupational Licensing                                           
  Department of Commerce & Economic Development                                
  P.O. Box 110806                                                              
  Juneau, AK  99811-0806                                                       
  Phone:  465-2534                                                             
  POSITION STATEMENT: Answered questions on proposed amendment                 
                      to CSSB 190                                              
  JUANITA HENSLEY, Chief, Driver Services                                      
  Division of Motor Vehicles                                                   
  Department of Public Safety                                                  
  P.O. Box 20020                                                               
  Juneau, AK  99802-0200                                                       
  Phone:  465-4335                                                             
  POSITION STATEMENT: Commented on the proposed amendment to                   
                      CSSB 190                                                 
  LINDA REXWINKEL, Program Budget Analyst                                      
  Division of Budget Review                                                    
  Office of Management & Budget                                                
  P.O. Box 110020                                                              
  Juneau, AK  99811-0020                                                       
  Phone:  465-4694                                                             
  POSITION STATEMENT:  Addressed CSSB 357(FIN)                                 
  JAY HOGAN, Contract Employee                                                 
  House Finance Committee                                                      
  Alaska State Capitol, Room 502                                               
  Juneau, AK  99811                                                            
  Phone:  465-6590                                                             
  POSITION STATEMENT:  Answered questions on HCSCSSB 357(STA)                  
  EARL CLARK                                                                   
  Southeast Alaska Independent Living Center                                   
  9163 Parkwood                                                                
  Juneau, AK  99801                                                            
  Phone:  789-9665                                                             
  POSITION STATEMENT:  Commented on HCSCSSB 70(STA)                            
  ROXANNE STEWART, Staff                                                       
  Senator Jim Duncan                                                           
  Alaska State Capitol, Room 119                                               
  Juneau, AK  99811                                                            
  Phone:  465-4766                                                             
  POSITION STATEMENT: Addressed CSSB 70 for Senator Jim                        
                      Duncan, Sponsor                                          
  STAN RIDGEWAY, Deputy Director                                               
  Division of Vocational Rehabilitation                                        
  Department of Education                                                      
  801 W. 10th St.                                                              
  Juneau, AK  99801-1894                                                       
  Phone:  465-6932                                                             
  POSITION STATEMENT:  Answered questions on CSSB 70                           
  SENATOR JUDITH SALO                                                          
  Alaska State Legislature                                                     
  Alaska State Capitol, Room 504                                               
  Juneau, AK  99811                                                            
  Phone:  465-4940                                                             
  POSITION STATEMENT:  Sponsor of SB 228                                       
  PREVIOUS ACTION                                                              
  BILL:  SB 190                                                                
  SHORT TITLE: ENFORCEMENT OF SUPPORT ORDERS                                   
  SPONSOR(S): JUDICIARY BY REQUEST                                             
  JRN-DATE     JRN-PG               ACTION                                     
  04/13/93      1336    (S)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  04/13/93      1336    (S)   JUDICIARY, FINANCE                               
  02/23/94              (S)   JUD AT 01:30 PM BELTZ ROOM 211                   
  02/23/94              (S)   MINUTE(JUD)                                      
  02/28/94      2987    (S)   JUD RPT CS 3DP  SAME TITLE                       
  02/28/94      2987    (S)   FN TO SB & CS PUBLISHED (REV)                    
  03/15/94              (S)   FIN AT 08:30 AM SENATE FIN 518                   
  03/15/94              (S)   MINUTE(FIN)                                      
  03/15/94              (S)   MINUTE(FIN)                                      
  03/17/94              (S)   FIN AT 09:30 AM SENATE FIN 518                   
  04/06/94      3463    (S)   FIN RPT CS 1DP 3NR SAME TITLE                    
  04/06/94      3463    (S)   LETTER OF INTENT WITH FIN                        
  04/06/94      3463    (S)   FN TO CS PUBLISHED (REV, COURT)                  
  04/06/94              (S)   FIN AT 08:00 AM SENATE FINE 518                  
  04/08/94              (S)   RLS AT 00:00 AM FAHRENKAMP                       
                              ROOM 203                                         
  04/08/94              (S)   MINUTE(RLS)                                      
  04/11/94      3555    (S)   RULES TO CALENDAR  4/11/94                       
  04/11/94      3558    (S)   READ THE SECOND TIME                             
  04/11/94      3558    (S)   FIN  CS ADOPTED UNAN CONSENT                     
  04/11/94      3558    (S)   ADVANCED TO THIRD READING                        
                              UNAN CONSENT                                     
  04/11/94      3558    (S)   READ THE THIRD TIME                              
                              CSSB 190(FIN)                                    
  04/11/94      3558    (S)   (S) ADOPTED FIN  LETTER OF                       
  04/11/94      3559    (S)   PASSED Y17 N3                                    
  04/11/94      3559    (S)   EFFECTIVE DATE  SAME AS PASSAGE                  
  04/11/94      3559    (S)   Adams NOTICE OF RECONSIDERATION                  
  04/11/94      3567    (S)   ZERO FN TO FIN CS PUBLISHED                      
  04/12/94      3589    (S)   FN TO FIN CS PUBLISHED (REV)                     
  04/12/94      3589    (S)   RECON TAKEN UP/IN THIRD READING                  
  04/12/94      3589    (S)   HELD ON RECONSIDERATION TO                       
                              4/13 CALENDAR                                    
  04/13/94      3642    (S)   HELD ON RECONSIDERATION TO                       
                              4/14 CALENDAR                                    
  04/14/94      3679    (S)   RETURN TO SECOND FOR AM 1                        
                              UNAN CONSENT                                     
  04/14/94      3682    (S)   AM NO  1  MOVED BY TAYLOR                        
  04/14/94      3682    (S)   AM NO  1  ADOPTED UNAN CONSENT                   
  04/14/94      3682    (S)   AUTOMATICALLY IN THIRD READING                   
  04/14/94      3682    (S)   MOTION TO RETURN TO 2ND FOR                      
                              AM 2                                             
  04/14/94      3682    (S)   RETURN TO 2ND FOR AM 2  UNAN                     
  04/14/94      3683    (S)   AM NO  2     MOVED BY TAYLOR                     
  04/14/94      3683    (S)   AM NO  2     FAILED  Y6 N13 E1                   
  04/14/94      3684    (S)   AUTOMATICALLY IN THIRD READING                   
  04/14/94      3684    (S)   MOTION TO RETURN TO 2ND FOR                      
                              AM 3                                             
  04/14/94      3684    (S)   RETURN TO 2ND FOR AM 3 Y12                       
                              N7 E1                                            
  04/14/94      3684    (S)   AM NO  3  MOVED AND WITHDRAWN                    
  04/14/94      3684    (S)   AUTOMATICALLY IN THIRD READING                   
  04/14/94      3685    (S)   (S) ADOPTED FIN  LETTER OF                       
  04/14/94      3685    (S)   PASSED ON RECONSIDERATION Y19                    
                              N- E1                                            
  04/14/94      3685    (S)   EFFECTIVE DATE  SAME AS PASSAGE                  
  04/15/94      3732    (S)   COURT RULE CHANGE VOTE SAME AS                   
  04/15/94      3734    (S)   TRANSMITTED TO (H)                               
  04/18/94      3540    (H)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  04/18/94      3540    (H)   STATE AFFAIRS,JUDICIARY,FINANCE                  
  05/03/94              (H)   STA AT 09:00 AM CAPITOL 102                      
  05/03/94              (H)   MINUTE(STA)                                      
  05/04/94              (H)   FIN AT 08:30 AM HOUSE FIN 519                    
  05/05/94              (H)   FIN AT 08:30 AM HOUSE FIN 519                    
  05/05/94              (H)   STA AT 04:15 PM CAPITOL 102                      
  05/06/94              (H)   STA AT 08:00 AM CAPITOL 102                      
  BILL:  SB 357                                                                
  SPONSOR(S): RULES BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR                                 
  JRN-DATE     JRN-PG               ACTION                                     
  03/14/94      3193    (S)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  03/14/94      3193    (S)   STATE AFFAIRS, FINANCE                           
  03/14/94      3194    (S)   ZERO FISCAL NOTES PUBLISHED                      
  03/14/94      3194    (S)   REV, DCED-2, ADM-5, DNR, DOE-2,                  
  03/14/94      3194    (S)   DOT, DPS-2, DEC, DMVA                            
  03/14/94      3194    (S)   GOVERNOR'S TRANSMITTAL LETTER                    
  03/30/94              (S)   STA AT 9:00 AM BUTROVICH RM 205                  
  03/30/94              (S)   MINUTE(STA)                                      
  04/06/94              (S)   STA AT 9:00 AM BUTROVICH RM 205                  
  04/06/94              (S)   MINUTE(STA)                                      
  04/07/94      3502    (S)   STA RPT  1DP 4NR                                 
  04/07/94      3502    (S)   ZERO FNS PUBLISHED (DCED, ADM,                   
                              REV, GOV)                                        
  04/07/94      3502    (S)   PREVIOUS ZERO FNS (DOE-2,                        
  04/07/94      3502    (S)   ADM-5, DNR, DOT, DPS-2, DEC,                     
  04/14/94              (S)   FIN AT 09:00 AM SENATE FIN 518                   
  04/21/94              (S)   FIN AT 10:00 AM SENATE FIN 518                   
  04/21/94              (S)   RLS AT 02:15 PM FAHRENKAMP                       
                              ROOM 203                                         
  04/21/94      3836    (S)   FIN RPT CS 6DP 1NR  SAME TITLE                   
  04/21/94      3837    (S)   ZERO FNS TO CS PUBLISHED (DOT,                   
  04/21/94      3837    (S)   PREVIOUS ZERO FNS APPLY(DCED-3,                  
  04/21/94      3837    (S)   DNR, DOE-2, DPS-2, DEC, DMVA,                    
                              REV, GOV)                                        
  04/22/94      3869    (S)   RLS RPT  2CAL 2NR  4/22/94                       
  04/22/94      3871    (S)   READ THE SECOND TIME                             
  04/22/94      3871    (S)   FIN  CS ADOPTED UNAN CONSENT                     
  04/22/94      3871    (S)   ADVANCED TO THIRD READING UNAN                   
  04/22/94      3871    (S)   READ THE THIRD TIME                              
                              CSSB 357(FIN)                                    
  04/22/94      3872    (S)   RETURN TO SECOND FOR AM 1                        
                              UNAN CONSENT                                     
  04/22/94      3872    (S)   AM NO  1     MOVED BY DUNCAN                     
  04/22/94      3872    (S)   AM NO  1     FAILED  Y8 N11 A1                   
  04/22/94      3872    (S)   AUTOMATICALLY IN THIRD READING                   
  04/22/94      3873    (S)   PASSED Y14 N5 A1                                 
  04/22/94      3873    (S)   EFFECTIVE DATE SAME AS PASSAGE                   
  04/22/94      3940    (S)   TRANSMITTED TO (H)                               
  04/27/94      3745    (H)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  04/27/94      3745    (H)   STATE AFFAIRS, FINANCE                           
  05/05/94              (H)   STA AT 04:15 PM CAPITOL 102                      
  05/06/94              (H)   STA AT 08:00 AM CAPITOL 102                      
  BILL:  SB  70                                                                
  SPONSOR(S): SENATOR(S)DUNCAN, Ellis, Little, Taylor, Kelly,                  
  REPRESENTATIVE(S) Davies                                                     
  JRN-DATE     JRN-PG               ACTION                                     
  01/27/93       170    (S)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  01/27/93       170    (S)   HES, LABOR & COMMERCE, FINANCE                   
  02/10/93       322    (S)   COSPONSOR:  ELLIS                                
  03/22/93              (S)   HES AT 1:30 PM BUTROVICH RM 205                  
  03/22/93              (S)   MINUTE(HES)                                      
  03/23/93       910    (S)   HES RPT  5DP                                     
  03/23/93       910    (S)   FISCAL NOTE (DOE)                                
  01/25/94              (S)   L&C AT 01:30 PM FAHRENKAMP                       
                              ROOM 203                                         
  01/25/94              (S)   MINUTE(L&C)                                      
  01/28/94      2629    (S)   COSPONSOR(S): LITTLE                             
  02/22/94              (S)   L&C AT 01:30 PM FAHRENKAMP                       
                              ROOM 203                                         
  02/22/94              (S)   MINUTE(L&C)                                      
  02/23/94      2935    (S)   L&C RPT CS 4DP   SAME TITLE                      
  02/23/94      2935    (S)   FISCAL NOTE TO SB & CS                           
                              PUBLISHED (DOE)                                  
  03/10/94      3145    (S)   FIN RPT 5DP (L&C)CS SAME TITLE                   
  03/10/94      3145    (S)   PREVIOUS FN (DOE)                                
  03/10/94              (S)   RLS AT 00:00 AM FAHRENKAMP                       
                              ROOM 203                                         
  03/10/94              (S)   MINUTE(RLS)                                      
  03/10/94              (S)   FIN AT 08:30 AM SENATE FIN 518                   
  03/16/94      3243    (S)   RULES TO CALENDAR AND 1 DO                       
                              PASS  3/16                                       
  03/16/94      3243    (S)   READ THE SECOND TIME                             
  03/16/94      3243    (S)   L&C  CS ADOPTED UNAN CONSENT                     
  03/16/94      3244    (S)   ADVANCED TO THIRD READING UNAN                   
  03/16/94      3244    (S)   COSPONSOR(S):TAYLOR,KELLY,SALO,                  
  03/16/94      3244    (S)   PEARCE, LEMAN, RIEGER, FRANK,                    
  03/16/94      3244    (S)   ZHAROFF                                          
  03/16/94      3244    (S)   READ THE THIRD TIME                              
                              CSSB 70(L&C)                                     
  03/16/94      3244    (S)   PASSED Y18 N- E1 A1                              
  03/16/94      3244    (S)   Taylor  NOTICE OF                                
  03/18/94      3276    (S)   RECONSIDERATION NOT TAKEN UP                     
  03/18/94      3278    (S)   TRANSMITTED TO (H)                               
  03/21/94      2895    (H)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  03/21/94      2895    (H)   HES, STATE AFFAIRS, FINANCE                      
  03/21/94      2916    (H)   CROSS SPONSOR(S):  DAVIES                        
  04/19/94              (H)   HES AT 03:00 PM CAPITOL 106                      
  04/19/94              (H)   MINUTE(HES)                                      
  04/20/94      3620    (H)   HES RPT  4DP 1NR                                 
  04/20/94      3620    (H)   DP:  KOTT, G.DAVIS, TOOHEY,                      
  04/20/94      3620    (H)   NR:  OLBERG                                      
  04/20/94      3620    (H)   -PREVIOUS SENATE FISCAL NOTE                     
                              (DOE) 2/23                                       
  05/05/94              (H)   STA AT 04:15 PM CAPITOL 102                      
  05/06/94              (H)   STA AT 08:00 AM CAPITOL 102                      
  BILL:  SB 228                                                                
  SPONSOR(S): SENATOR(S) SALO,Little,Zharoff;                                  
  REPRESENTATIVE(S) Navarre                                                    
  JRN-DATE     JRN-PG               ACTION                                     
  01/03/94      2453    (S)   PREFILE RELEASED 1/3/94                          
  01/10/94      2453    (S)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  01/10/94      2453    (S)   JUD, FIN                                         
  03/30/94              (S)   JUD AT 01:30 PM BELTZ ROOM 211                   
  04/05/94      3444    (S)   JUD RPT  5DP                                     
  04/05/94      3444    (S)   ZERO FNS PUBLISHED                               
  04/05/94      3444    (S)   (CORR, ADM-2, DPS, LAW)                          
  04/13/94              (S)   FIN AT 08:30 AM SENATE FIN 518                   
  04/13/94              (S)   RLS AT 04:10 PM FAHRENKAMP                       
                              ROOM 203                                         
  04/13/94      3623    (S)   FIN RPT  5DP                                     
  04/13/94      3623    (S)   PREVIOUS ZERO FNS (CORR, ADM-2,                  
                              DPS, LAW                                         
  04/14/94      3665    (S)   RULES TO CALENDAR  4/14/94                       
  04/14/94      3667    (S)   READ THE SECOND TIME                             
  04/14/94      3667    (S)   ADVANCED TO THIRD READING UNAN                   
  04/14/94      3667    (S)   READ THE THIRD TIME  SB 228                      
  04/14/94      3668    (S)   PASSED Y19 N- E1                                 
  04/14/94      3690    (S)   TRANSMITTED TO (H)                               
  04/15/94      3458    (H)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  04/15/94      3458    (H)   STATE AFFAIRS,JUDICIARY,FINANCE                  
  04/15/94      3529    (H)   CROSS SPONSOR(S):  NAVARRE                       
  05/05/94              (H)   STA AT 04:15 PM CAPITOL 102                      
  05/06/94              (H)   STA AT 08:00 AM CAPITOL 102                      
  BILL:  SB 377                                                                
  SHORT TITLE: STATE AGENCY FISCAL PROCEDURES                                  
  SPONSOR(S): FINANCE                                                          
  JRN-DATE     JRN-PG               ACTION                                     
  04/13/94      3633    (S)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  04/13/94      3633    (S)   FINANCE                                          
  04/13/94      3650    (S)   FIN WAIVED UNIFORM RULE 23                       
  04/14/94              (S)   FIN AT 09:00 AM SENATE FIN 518                   
  04/20/94              (S)   RLS AT 06:45 PM FAHRENKAMP                       
                              ROOM 203                                         
  04/21/94      3839    (S)   FIN RPT CS 6DP 1DNP SAME TITLE                   
  04/21/94      3839    (S)   FN TO SB & CS PUBLISHED (ADM)                    
  04/21/94      3839    (S)   ZERO FN TO SB & CS PUBLISHED                     
  04/21/94              (S)   FIN AT 10:00 AM SENATE FIN 518                   
  04/21/94              (S)   RLS AT 02:15 PM FAHRENKAMP                       
                              ROOM 203                                         
  04/22/94      3870    (S)   RLS RPT  3CAL 1NR  4/22/94                       
  04/22/94      3876    (S)   READ THE SECOND TIME                             
  04/22/94      3877    (S)   FIN  CS ADOPTED Y12 N8                           
  04/22/94      3877    (S)   AM NO  1     MOVED BY KERTTULA                   
  04/22/94      3882    (S)   QUESTION: AM NO 1 GERMANE?                       
  04/22/94      3883    (S)   AM NO  1  GERMANE Y17 N3                         
  04/22/94      3883    (S)   AM NO  1     ADOPTED Y14 N6                      
  04/22/94      3883    (S)   AM NO  2     MOVED BY DONLEY                     
  04/22/94      3884    (S)   AM NO  2     FAILED  Y9 N11                      
  04/22/94      3884    (S)   ADVANCED TO THIRD READING UNAN                   
  04/22/94      3884    (S)   READ THE THIRD TIME                              
                              CSSB 377(FIN) AM                                 
  04/22/94      3884    (S)   PASSED Y16 N4                                    
  04/22/94      3885    (S)   EFFECTIVE DATE PASSED Y17 N3                     
  04/22/94      3885    (S)   Pearce  NOTICE OF                                
  04/22/94      3885    (S)   TAKE UP RECON ON SAME DAY                        
  04/22/94      3937    (S)   RECON TAKEN UP SAME DAY Y18 N2                   
  04/22/94      3937    (S)   PASSED ON RECONSIDERATION Y16                    
  04/22/94      3938    (S)   EFFECTIVE DATE  SAME AS PASSAGE                  
  04/22/94      3941    (S)   TRANSMITTED TO (H)                               
  04/27/94      3746    (H)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  04/27/94      3747    (H)   STA, O&G, JUDICIARY, FINANCE                     
  BILL:  SB 365                                                                
  SHORT TITLE: GOVERNOR'S OMNIBUS BILL                                         
  SPONSOR(S): RULES BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR                                 
  JRN-DATE     JRN-PG               ACTION                                     
  03/24/94      3345    (S)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  03/24/94      3345    (S)   STA, FIN                                         
  03/24/94      3345    (S)   FISCAL NOTES PUBLISHED                           
  03/24/94      3345    (S)   ZERO FNS PUBLISHED                               
  03/24/94      3345    (S)   (DPS, ADM, GOV, DCRA, DOT)                       
  03/24/94      3346    (S)   GOVERNOR'S TRANSMITTAL LETTER                    
  03/30/94              (S)   STA AT 9:00 AM BUTROVICH RM 205                  
  03/30/94              (S)   MINUTE(STA)                                      
  04/06/94              (S)   STA AT 9:00 AM BUTROVICH RM 205                  
  04/06/94              (S)   MINUTE(STA)                                      
  04/08/94              (S)   STA AT 9:00 AM BUTROVICH RM 205                  
  04/08/94              (S)   MINUTE(STA)                                      
  04/08/94              (S)   STA AT 9:00 AM BUTROVICH RM 205                  
  04/11/94      3553    (S)   STA RPT CS 3NR 1DNP SAME TITLE                   
  04/11/94      3554    (S)   PREVIOUS FNS APPLY (DPS, ADM,                    
                              DEC, REV)                                        
  04/11/94      3554    (S)   PREVIOUS ZERO FNS APPLY                          
  04/11/94      3554    (S)   (DPS, ADM, GOV, DCRA, DOT)                       
  04/14/94              (S)   FIN AT 09:00 AM SENATE FIN 518                   
  04/20/94              (S)   RLS AT 06:45 PM FAHRENKAMP                       
                              ROOM 203                                         
  04/21/94              (S)   FIN AT 10:00 AM SENATE FIN 518                   
  04/21/94              (S)   RLS AT 02:15 PM FAHRENKAMP                       
                              ROOM 203                                         
  04/21/94      3837    (S)   FIN RPT CS 4DP 1NR 2DNP NEW                      
  04/21/94      3838    (S)   FNS TO CS PUBLISHED                              
  04/21/94      3838    (S)   ZERO FNS TO CS PUBLISHED (DPS,                   
  04/21/94      3838    (S)   DOT, DEC, LABOR, CORR, LAW,                      
  04/21/94      3838    (S)   PREVIOUS FN APPLIES (DPS)                        
  04/22/94      3869    (S)   RLS RPT  2CAL 2NR  4/22/94                       
  04/22/94      3873    (S)   READ THE SECOND TIME                             
  04/22/94      3874    (S)   MOTION TO ADOPT FIN CS                           
  04/22/94      3874    (S)   FAILED TO ADOPT FIN CS Y10                       
  04/22/94      3874    (S)   MOVED TO BOTTOM OF CALENDAR                      
  04/22/94      3916    (S)   AM NO  1   NOT OFFERED                           
  04/22/94      3916    (S)   AM NO  3   MOVED BY PEARCE                       
  04/22/94      3930    (S)   AM NO  3   ADOPTED UNAN CONSENT                  
  04/22/94      3930    (S)   AM NO  2A  MOVED BY DONLEY                       
  04/22/94      3931    (S)   AM NO  2A  ADOPTED Y11 N9                        
  04/22/94      3931    (S)   RESCIND ACTION IN ADPTG AM 2A                    
                              Y11 N9                                           
  04/22/94      3932    (S)   AM NO  2A    FAILED  Y9 N11                      
  04/22/94      3932    (S)   AM NO  4     MOVED BY RIEGER                     
  04/22/94      3934    (S)   AM NO  4     FAILED  Y9 N11                      
  04/22/94      3934    (S)   ADVANCED TO THIRD READING UNAN                   
  04/22/94      3935    (S)   READ THE THIRD TIME  SB 365 AM                   
  04/22/94      3935    (S)   PASSED Y17 N3                                    
  04/22/94      3935    (S)   EFFECTIVE DATE  SAME AS PASSAGE                  
  04/22/94      3935    (S)   Taylor  NOTICE OF                                
  04/22/94      3935    (S)   RECON TAKEN UP SAME DAY                          
                              UNAN CONSENT                                     
  04/22/94      3936    (S)   PASSED ON RECONSIDERATION Y17                    
  04/22/94      3936    (S)   EFFECTIVE DATE  SAME AS PASSAGE                  
  04/22/94      3940    (S)   TRANSMITTED TO (H)                               
  04/27/94      3745    (H)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  04/27/94      3746    (H)   STATE AFFAIRS, FINANCE                           
  BILL:  SB 376                                                                
  SHORT TITLE: STATE AGENCY FEES AND COLLECTIONS                               
  SPONSOR(S): FINANCE                                                          
  JRN-DATE     JRN-PG               ACTION                                     
  04/13/94      3633    (S)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  04/13/94      3633    (S)   FINANCE                                          
  04/13/94      3650    (S)   FIN WAIVED RULE 23                               
  04/14/94              (S)   FIN AT 09:00 AM SENATE FIN 518                   
  04/20/94              (S)   RLS AT 06:45 PM FAHRENKAMP                       
                              ROOM 203                                         
  04/21/94              (S)   FIN AT 10:00 AM SENATE FIN 518                   
  04/21/94              (S)   RLS AT 02:15 PM FAHRENKAMP                       
                              ROOM 203                                         
  04/21/94      3838    (S)   FIN RPT CS 6DP 1DNP SAME TITLE                   
  04/21/94      3839    (S)   FISCAL NOTES TO SB & CS                          
  04/21/94      3839    (S)   (DPS-2, DEC, REV)                                
  04/21/94      3839    (S)   ZERO FN TO SB & CS PUBLISHED                     
  04/22/94      3870    (S)   RLS RPT  3CAL 1NR  4/22/94                       
  04/22/94      3874    (S)   READ THE SECOND TIME                             
  04/22/94      3874    (S)   FIN  CS ADOPTED UNAN CONSENT                     
  04/22/94      3875    (S)   MOTION TO ADVANCE TO 3RD RDG                     
  04/22/94      3875    (S)   AM NO  1     MOVED BY FRANK &                    
  04/22/94      3875    (S)   AM NO  1     ADOPTED Y11 N9                      
  04/22/94      3875    (S)   ADVANCED TO THIRD READING UNAN                   
  04/22/94      3876    (S)   READ THE THIRD TIME                              
                              CSSB 376(FIN) AM                                 
  04/22/94      3876    (S)   PASSED Y16 N4                                    
  04/22/94      3876    (S)   EFFECTIVE DATE  SAME AS PASSAGE                  
  04/22/94      3941    (S)   TRANSMITTED TO (H)                               
  04/27/94      3746    (H)   READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S)                  
  04/27/94      3746    (H)   STATE AFFAIRS, FINANCE                           
  ACTION NARRATIVE                                                             
  TAPE 93-53, SIDE A                                                           
  Number 000                                                                   
  CHAIRMAN AL VEZEY called the meeting to order at 8:02 a.m.                   
  Members present were REPRESENTATIVES KOTT, SANDERS, G.                       
  DAVIS, OLBERG, G. DAVIS, ULMER.  A quorum was present.                       
  HCSCSSB 190(STA) - ENFORCEMENT OF SUPPORT ORDERS                             
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY opened HCSCSSB 190(STA) for discussion.                       
  REPRESENTATIVE BETTYE DAVIS clarified the committee was                      
  discussing version M, which was adopted at the last meeting.                 
  REPRESENTATIVE FRAN ULMER questioned the word                                
  "intentionally" which was added on page 14, lines 7 and 15.                  
  She felt the word "intentionally" raises the standard of                     
  proof.  She believed the higher standard would make the                      
  ability to levy the penalty for failing to comply with a                     
  court order very difficult.  She moved to remove the word                    
  "intentionally" from page 14, lines 7 and 15.                                
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY commented REPRESENTATIVE ULMER could make the                 
  motion, or HCSCSSB 190(STA) could just be tabled.                            
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS interjected she had the same                         
  concerns as REPRESENTATIVE ULMER.  Testimony from the Child                  
  Support Enforcement Division (CSED) at the last meeting,                     
  however, agreed that the use of "intentionally" was                          
  acceptable language.  She asked for CSED to speak on this                    
  issue again.                                                                 
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY called Phil Petrie to the table.                              
  Number 084                                                                   
  DIVISION, answered questions on HCSCSSB 190(STA).  He stated                 
  CSED did agree to the insertion of the word "intentionally"                  
  because it is an element of proof they normally have to                      
  prove with an employer anyway.  He noted a court would not                   
  hold them responsible for their unintentional acts or if                     
  they did not receive the withholding order; therefore,                       
  "intentionally" will not cause CSED any difficulty.  The                     
  noticing process is extensive before the case is sent to the                 
  Department of Law, therefore the attorney general would have                 
  no problem trying to prove an employer intentionally did not                 
  send the money to CSED.                                                      
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER removed her motion.                                     
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS submitted as an amendment, the                       
  addition of HB 458, sponsored by Representative John Davies,                 
  to HCSCSSB 190(STA).                                                         
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked Phil Petrie to comment on the                           
  MR. PETRIE commented the CSED and Department of Revenue                      
  supported HB 458.  This action is pending in Congress in                     
  some form to be part of the Child Support Enforcement tools                  
  to be used.  HB 458 would substantially improve collections                  
  and allow CSED to reach people who are normally self-                        
  employed, or otherwise employed, where CSED is not now                       
  adequately reaching them.  HB 458 provides incentive for                     
  those people to come to CSED and establish a payment plan.                   
  A list of occupations and occupational licenses are included                 
  which would either be withheld or revoked for a period of                    
  time, until such time as the obligors come to CSED and set                   
  up a payment plan.                                                           
  Number 175                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER asked if this would apply for all                       
  obligors or only if they haven't made payments for some                      
  period of time -- what the triggering is.                                    
  MR. PETRIE said, "It applies to all obligors with a                          
  threshold of arrearages - those who are not making payments                  
  and, I believe, the last copy of the bill that I saw had a                   
  threshold of $5,000 or more in arrears, but (indiscernible).                 
  If they were already under wage withholding, money was                       
  coming in and there was an approved payment plan with the                    
  division, then it's my interpretation that the bill would                    
  not apply.  It would apply to that portion of the population                 
  that we're currently getting no payments from."                              
  MR. PETRIE clarified that it was $2,500, not $5,000.                         
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY called an at ease.                                            
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY called the meeting back to order at 8:17 a.m.                 
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY inquired if the amendment was verbatim per HB
  Number 210                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE JOHN DAVIES, Sponsor of HB 458, addressed the                 
  amendment.  He said the intent of HB 458 is to give CSED a                   
  vehicle to get the attention of some independently employed                  
  people.  It uses the vehicle of occupational licenses.  CSED                 
  would prepare a list of those individuals who are                            
  significantly in default, or $2,500 in more than a year in                   
  arrears.  To be out of default, it doesn't require that a                    
  person pay up their entire indebtedness, it only requires                    
  them to be on a regular payment plan.  He explained the                      
  experience of other states, that have instituted this type                   
  of tool, was that about 80 percent of the people who owe                     
  back child support payments pay up within the provisionary                   
  period.  The provisionary period in HB 458 is 180 days.  He                  
  noted HB 458 only applies to situations where a license is                   
  being renewed or a license is being applied for for the                      
  first time.  A person applying for a license would be issued                 
  a temporary license for the provisionary period.  If they                    
  came into agreement with CSED within that period, the                        
  license would be made permanent.  The process would be                       
  similar in the case of a renewal.  He said 180 days before                   
  the license is to be renewed, they would be notified that it                 
  would not be renewed if they did not come into compliance.                   
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY questioned if $2,500 was a rather low                         
  threshold.  He mentioned some child support payments run                     
  $1,100 a month.                                                              
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES responded the federal threshold is                     
  $5,000, therefore they felt a slightly lower amount would be                 
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked if HB 458 impacted teaching                             
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES affirmed CHAIRMAN VEZEY.                               
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY noted there had been comments made earlier                    
  that HB 458 did not address the Alaska Bar Association.                      
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY called a brief at ease.                                       
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES referred to page 6, subsection (ii),                   
  of the amendment, where it states "Authorization for                         
  Performing an Occupation Regulated under Alaska Statutes                     
  Title 08."  He believed they would fall under that section.                  
  Number 289                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE SANDERS observed AS 08. included a larger                     
  list of occupations and commented he felt the amendment was                  
  more palatable because of this.  He did not want to single                   
  out just a few occupations in the state.                                     
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES observed HB 458 covers all                             
  occupational licenses.                                                       
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked the committee to comment on the                         
  threshold.  He considered the amendment to be a "hammer"                     
  which he would not want to see used lightly or unnecessarily                 
  as a threat.                                                                 
  REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG agreed $2,500 was too low.  He                         
  suggested at least $5,000.                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE GARY DAVIS agreed with "the big hammer."  He                  
  has received calls about the complexities with CSED.  CSED                   
  has subpoena power, however each case has its own individual                 
  problem.  He felt criminals will always find another way to                  
  hide their income.  HB 458 affects those that work, whereby                  
  taking their license so they cannot work influences them to                  
  arrange a payment schedule with CSED.                                        
  REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS estimated the legislature has dealt                  
  with two or three bills this year to go after particular                     
  segments of people who are not in compliance.  He felt the                   
  $5,000 threshold was better.                                                 
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES stated he had no problem amending the                  
  threshold.  He believed the "hammer" would have to be used                   
  properly.  HB 458 addresses a large class of people which                    
  CSED presently has a hard time with.   The problem is a lot                  
  of people, who are in arrears, are fearful that the amount                   
  is so large they cannot handle it.  HB 458 facilitates                       
  communication between the obligor and CSED.  He emphasized                   
  it is in rare cases where the "hammer" actually gets used.                   
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT referred to page 7, lines 8-11 of the                    
  amendment, under licenses that are excluded - it does not                    
  include a vessel license or licenses (indiscernible) 47.35                   
  or a business license under 43.70.  He asked Representative                  
  Davies if he had any recollection as to what licenses were                   
  being referred to.                                                           
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES answered that in reference to the                      
  vessel license, the issue there was that vessel licenses                     
  obtained by a number of different individuals and so it                      
  didn't seem to be a very well-defined tool, to go after a                    
  particular individual.  It was thought that the other routes                 
  for identifying people would work in those cases,                            
  particularly the permits, themselves.  It was felt that was                  
  a redundant requirement to go look at that and it wouldn't                   
  be very effective.  Under (ii), AS 47.35 pertains to foster                  
  care, where the licenses are short term and situations not                   
  productive to pursue.  Under (iii), business licenses issued                 
  under AS 43.70, many of the licenses are over the counter;                   
  therefore CSED has many other checks in place which would                    
  make rechecking these licenses redundant.  Checking these                    
  licenses would not be cost effective or worth the effort.                    
  REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS commented on the issue of foster                     
  care, whereby they are able to take care of somebody elses                   
  child, but not their own.                                                    
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES pointed out that was not often the                     
  situation.  There are other vehicles for dealing with those                  
  particular circumstances.                                                    
  Number 422                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS observed foster care payments should                 
  be added because foster care payments are not considered to                  
  be salary.  They are reimbursed for the care they provide.                   
  She believed it would be possible for a foster care provider                 
  to be in arrears, because they may have another family to                    
  tend to after.  She pointed out not everyone in arrears on                   
  payments are not necessarily undesirable people.                             
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY responded he had believed foster care                         
  payments could not be attached according to existing law.                    
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS replied they would not be according                  
  to the amendment.                                                            
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY added a person with a foster care license,                    
  however, could have their license attached under the                         
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES stated the HB 458 is product of                        
  several deliberations with the departments and committee                     
  meetings.  CSED felt including foster care would pit one                     
  child against another.                                                       
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY clarified the foster care license had been                    
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES noted it was done at the request of                    
  REPRESENTATIVE SANDERS commented excluding foster care                       
  licenses would provide for more foster homes.                                
  Number 460                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT asked if there was any fiscal                            
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES answered the net return back to CSED                   
  is in excess of $1 million a year.  CSED estimates $6                        
  million as the total collection.  Two-thirds would go                        
  directly back to the children, half of one-third would go to                 
  CSED, and the other half of one-third would go to the                        
  federal government.                                                          
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY felt the question was if the fiscal note                      
  would have to be revised by the committee if the amendment                   
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES replied CSED expects the costs will be                 
  covered through the increase of moneys they will receive                     
  from the federal government the costs.  Therefore, there was                 
  no fiscal note.                                                              
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY repeated his previous question.                               
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT inquired if there were costs involved.                   
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES answered yes, however, they will be                    
  more than offset by the additional recovery of back                          
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER inquired if SB 190 had a Finance                        
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY responded he had heard yesterday that the                     
  Finance Committee was inclined to waive SB 190.                              
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT interjected if the amendment was                         
  adopted, the committee would have to request another fiscal                  
  note from CSED.                                                              
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES offered CHAIRMAN VEZEY the original                    
  fiscal notes from HB 458.  He felt updated fiscal notes                      
  would be preferable.                                                         
  joined the table to answer questions for the committee.  He                  
  stated he was just talking with Mr. Petrie and he did not                    
  recall having a specific cost for the implementation.                        
  However, he felt it did affect other agencies because they                   
  would have to be supplying CSED with information.  He                        
  believed this was the reason other agencies provided fiscal                  
  notes with their costs.  He suggested the money should                       
  perhaps go back to CSED, then they could RSA (Reimbursable                   
  Services Agreement) the money back to the other agencies.                    
  He questioned how the fiscal notes were put together.                        
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY, in observing the Department of Education                     
  fiscal note, stated he had the impression they expect the                    
  legislature will let them hire extra people.  Fish and Game                  
  followed suit.  He doubted the legislature would be inclined                 
  to hire new people to administer this amendment.                             
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES clarified CHAIRMAN VEZEY was examining                 
  the fiscal notes from early on in the process.  Revised                      
  fiscal notes have not been attained since the meetings with                  
  the various departments.                                                     
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY stated the Department of Economic                             
  Development's fiscal note indicated the addition of nine                     
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES responded that that fiscal note                        
  assumed they would have to deal with all over-the-counter                    
  business licenses.  That requirement has been removed                        
  entirely.  He felt the fiscal note was not valid.                            
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT said he was concerned because if all the                 
  fiscal notes were not zero, Finance Committee would have to                  
  hear the bill.  He recalled that the Finance Committee was                   
  contemplating waiving HCSCSSB 190(STA).                                      
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY clarified the two fiscal notes on HCSCSSB
  190(STA) are zero, and had been adopted at the last meeting.                 
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER suggested the fiscal notes for the                      
  amendment be zeroed because the committee had heard                          
  testimony of a net benefit to the state of possibly $1+                      
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY noted CSED was asking for additional                          
  personnel to administer the original program.  The committee                 
  merely decided they would not get any.  He compared the two                  
  positions the committee zeroed to the 15 positions                           
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER suggested.  He said he was not opposed                  
  to the change if the Department of Commerce & Economic                       
  Development (CED) was available to testify.                                  
  Number 555                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS explained the nine positions would                   
  actually now be negative because certain business licenses                   
  are not included.                                                            
  REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS commented there had been testimony                   
  that HCSCSSB 190(STA) includes allowances for a temporary                    
  license.  The set up to operate this system, if not                          
  currently in place, would require some additional work from                  
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT asked if the amendment was not adopted,                  
  what would be the effect on HCSCSSB 190(STA) or on the whole                 
  system, based on Congress having pending legislation.                        
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY responded HCSCSSB 190(STA) would bring Alaska                 
  into compliance with federal laws and regulations.  The                      
  amendment, he did not believe, had any basis in federal law.                 
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES pointed out the amendment would be a                   
  significant tool for CSED to help them come into compliance.                 
  The federal audit indicated one of the major shortfalls of                   
  CSED is that they were not collecting enough, or fast                        
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES referred to the fiscal note and stated                 
  the impact needed to be worked out by Department of Revenue                  
  (DOR) and the agencies, therefore any additional program                     
  receipt authority ought to be given to DOR.  Other impacted                  
  agencies should receive their funds through an RSA                           
  mechanism.  He suggested zeroing the fiscal notes and having                 
  DOR report back to Legislative Budget & Audit Committee for                  
  the required program receipt authority.                                      
  Number 606                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE SANDERS expressed that he had a problem with                  
  the people who are excluded.  He noted a personal example,                   
  where people with business licenses who do pay their child                   
  support are competing in the same realm against people who                   
  do not.  He did not think these people should be exempted.                   
  Why should some people be different from the others.                         
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES clarified the intent is to find an                     
  appropriate tool to go after every case, not to give people                  
  an exception.  He noted there are other ways to go after                     
  those people which would be more cost effective.                             
  REPRESENTATIVE SANDERS explained he was thinking of people                   
  who have a business license, specifically printers.                          
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES reiterated it would not be cost                        
  effective to go after those with business licenses.  There                   
  are too many.                                                                
  Number 647                                                                   
  DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE & ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, stated he was                 
  available to answer questions for the committee.                             
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS moved to adopt the amendment before                  
  the committee for purposes of discussion.                                    
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked MR. LUCK what the impact on Division of                 
  Occupational Licensing (DOL) would be.  The DOL fiscal note                  
  indicates the addition of nine positions.                                    
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER added the business license provision                    
  had been taken out, therefore the amendment was different                    
  from what the fiscal note pertained to.  She noted DOR could                 
  go to LB&A with additional program receipts to handle the                    
  increased work generated through the other departments.                      
  MR. LUCK explained the reasons for the original fiscal note.                 
  DOL operates only on program receipts and they can only                      
  charge its operation to the licensees of all professions                     
  based on the cost of regulating that profession.  He                         
  considered HB 458 outside of regulating a profession.                        
  Therefore, they premised the program was a "stand alone                      
  operation," which would not be covered by DOL's overhead or                  
  staff.  Separate accounting would be required to keep track                  
  of the moneys going to DOR.                                                  
  TAPE 94-53, SIDE B                                                           
  Number 000                                                                   
  MR. LUCK continued.                                                          
  MR. LUCK stated DOL felt if they withheld professional                       
  licenses, there should be enforcement to make sure those                     
  people are not operating without their licenses.  The major                  
  cost, he noted, was because DOL would be determining which                   
  of the 44,000 people were theirs to deal with.  Personal                     
  identification would be important and time consuming,                        
  therefore DOL requested additional positions for these                       
  checks.  DOL cannot mandate social security numbers in its                   
  system.  DOL was also tasked with notification, requiring                    
  delivery in person or, as they believed, certified mail.                     
  REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS stated MR. LUCK indicated DOL was                    
  being tasked with things it does not do now.  He asked if he                 
  was correct.                                                                 
  MR. LUCK answered absolutely.  DOL does not have the excess                  
  capacity of staff it their budget.  He believed in the last                  
  six years, there has been 13 additional licensing programs                   
  added to DOL with zero staff increases in enforcement or                     
  administration.  Only two programs have been eliminated in                   
  that time.                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE SANDERS expressed concern regarding the                       
  amendment.  He cited the example of a fisherman with a                       
  fishing permit, a 52-foot boat, employing four people who                    
  all have families, and catching $3 million worth of fish a                   
  year, paying taxes and supporting the economy.  If his                       
  permit is taken because he owes $7,000 back child support,                   
  how does this serving the state of Alaska?  How is the state                 
  gaining on a situation like this?                                            
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER felt the idea is just to suspend their                  
  licenses until they agree to a payment schedule, not to                      
  preclude their ability to make an income.                                    
  REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS inquired what the procedures were                    
  for suspending or issuing a temporary license.  Are they in                  
  place or would they require additional administrative                        
  MR. LUCK answered DOL would have to issue 150-day temporary                  
  licenses, however, this would be a unique procedure under                    
  this authority only.  This would require coordination with                   
  all the professions or a particular board that it involves.                  
  Follow-up would be necessary because the boards have the                     
  authority.  He noted there are provisions in the amendment                   
  which say the Administrative Procedures Act does not apply                   
  to the revocation of the license, therefore, there would not                 
  be a hearing.  He emphasized the DOL licensing act states                    
  the Administrative Procedures Act will apply.                                
  Number 194                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT asked how many business licenses there                   
  were in the state.                                                           
  MR. LUCK answered at the end of the last fiscal year the                     
  state had 66,000 business licenses and 32,500 professional                   
  licenses.  He estimated 100,000 possible matches.                            
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT asked how many licenses there were                       
  relating to boxing or wrestling.                                             
  MR. LUCK estimated less than 100.  He noted many times those                 
  licenses are issued almost on the sight, or at the event,                    
  making it very difficult to ensure those people are not on                   
  the list of 44,000.                                                          
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY called for a recess at 9:05 a.m.  The meeting                 
  resumed at 9:12 a.m.                                                         
  Number 232                                                                   
  VEHICLES (DMV), DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC SAFETY, commented on                    
  the amendment to HCSCSSB 190(STA).  She referred to page 6,                  
  subsection (xiv) of the amendment, whereby DMV will withhold                 
  the issuance of a commercial drivers license (CDL).  Alaska                  
  currently has approximately 25,000 commercial drivers and                    
  their licenses are renewed every five years.  DMV just went                  
  through a process, in 1992, requiring every driver to be                     
  issued a CDL who operates a certain size of vehicle.  She                    
  noted everyone in that category licensed within January of                   
  1992 to March 31, 1992.  This means 25,000 drivers will have                 
  to be renewed every five years.                                              
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY clarified within a three month period all of                  
  them will be renewable.                                                      
  MS. HENSLEY replied correct.  Every five years DMV will have                 
  a major impact because of these people.  Unlike CED, DMV                     
  requires the social security number on a CDL per federal                     
  law.  She noted the amendment mentions DOR will be sending                   
  DMV an electronic media to update their records.  DMV will,                  
  however, be required to issue a temporary 150-day license to                 
  those individuals in arrears.  She emphasized DMV agrees                     
  with the concept, however, it will impact DMV.  Even if only                 
  five percent of those 25,000 were in arrears, it would still                 
  be a substantial increase on the DMV to handle the temporary                 
  Number 275                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER mentioned the commissioner of DOR is                    
  envisioning a system, whereby he would RSA money to the                      
  various impacted agencies to cope with the impacts.  She                     
  asked if this would be a viable way to help the DMV                          
  MS. HENSLEY replied if LB&A actually follows through and                     
  gives them the RSA, it would be viable.  She said it depends                 
  on whether they would be able to receive the program receipt                 
  authority from LB&A.  This is a major concern for DMV.                       
  REPRESENTATIVE SANDERS clarified she indicated the amendment                 
  would apply to commercial drivers licenses only.                             
  MS. HENSLEY answered yes, or school bus drivers.                             
  REPRESENTATIVE SANDERS asked if it was possible to apply the                 
  program to all drivers licenses.  He felt it would be cost                   
  MS. HENSLEY answered DMV issues over 200,000 drivers                         
  licenses and identification cards a year.                                    
  REPRESENTATIVE SANDERS questioned the amount of people                       
  MS. HENSLEY pointed out the issuance of the temporary                        
  license would be very burdensome for DMV, however, it could                  
  be done.  Even with program receipts, it would still be                      
  costly to the state because of the additional employees                      
  REPRESENTATIVE SANDERS stated he favored the amendment, but                  
  he wanted to see it all inclusive.                                           
  MS. HENSLEY observed a lot of people are going to be covered                 
  by their professional licenses they have as well.                            
  Number 312                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS asked if she could add an amendment                  
  to the amendment.                                                            
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY answered REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS may.                         
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS referred to page 7, subparagraph                     
  (6), and moved to increase the threshold from $2,500 to                      
  $5,000, which is the federal mandate.                                        
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY, hearing no objection, adopted the amendment.                 
  Number 333                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT, moved to delete on page 7, subsection                   
  (B), thereby allowing no exclusions, since HCSCSSB 190(STA)                  
  was going to be heard in the Finance Committee.                              
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS said HCSCSSB 190(STA) was waived out                 
  of Finance.                                                                  
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY replied that was not technically correct.                     
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS noted she had heard that it was                      
  waived this morning.                                                         
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY clarified it would have to be waived in                       
  REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG and B. DAVIS objected to the motion.                   
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT felt the amendment should be all                         
  REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG addressed his objection.  He stated of                 
  the 66,000 business licenses, an estimated 30,000-40,000                     
  probably do not have a business attached.  He explained that                 
  in reality, most business licenses are for a purpose other                   
  than conducting business.  It would not be practical to                      
  consider business licenses as drivers licenses.                              
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES commented HB 458 has been through                      
  three different hearings and (B) was the result of the                       
  consultations among the various departments about what they                  
  felt would be cost effective "in the large picture."  The                    
  overall attempt is the ability to withhold wages and to have                 
  a zero tolerance, but doing it in the most cost effective                    
  way possible.                                                                
  Number 376                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT moved his amendment.                                     
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY clarified REPRESENTATIVE KOTT's amendment was                 
  to delete, on page 7, subsection (2), subparagraph (B)                       
  including (i), (ii) and (iii).                                               
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked the committee secretary to call the                     
  IN FAVOR:      REPRESENTATIVES SANDERS, KOTT.                                
                 ULMER, VEZEY.                                                 
  The MOTION FAILED.                                                           
  Number 390                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG called for the question on the                         
  amendment to HCSCSSB 190(STA).                                               
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked the committee secretary to call the                     
  IN FAVOR:      REPRESENTATIVES OLBERG, B. DAVIS, ULMER.                      
  OPPOSED:       REPRESENTATIVES SANDERS, G. DAVIS, KOTT,                      
  The MOTION FAILED.                                                           
  Number 400                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT moved to pass HCSCSSB 190(STA) from                      
  House State Affairs with individual recommendations.                         
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked the committee secretary to call the                     
                 B. DAVIS, ULMER, KOTT, VEZEY.                                 
  The MOTION PASSED.                                                           
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY clarified at last week's meeting the                          
  committee adopted two zero fiscal notes with HCSCSSB
  190(STA) and they will move out with the bill.                               
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY opened CSSB 357(FIN) for discussion.                          
  MANAGEMENT & BUDGET, addressed CSSB 357(FIN).  She submitted                 
  HCSCSSB 357(STA) for discussion and recognized three                         
  changes.  First, instead of amending the section with the                    
  Athletic Commission, it repeals that reporting requirement.                  
  Second, instead of amending the reporting requirement by                     
  Department of Education concerning community schools                         
  programs to a biennial report, it repeals the reporting                      
  requirement on that statute.  Third, it repeals the                          
  reporting requirement by the coastal management program for                  
  a biennial report.                                                           
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY mentioned that the committee was discussing                   
  Version J.                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER questioned page 6, Section 15, whereby                  
  the requirement that the administration supply the                           
  legislature with information about nonpermanent hires is                     
  repealed.  She expressed concern that those reports are the                  
  only source of information for the legislature to indicate                   
  whether or not the executive branch is doing nonpermanent                    
  hiring.  Without this information, the legislature would                     
  lose control over hiring, particularly nonpermanent hires.                   
  She noted the same subject came up when she chaired the Fish                 
  & Game subcommittee.                                                         
  MS. REXWINKEL replied she did not have an answer to                          
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER's question.                                             
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER commented the cost of producing that                    
  report is not significant to the state.  Without control, it                 
  presents a large window that agencies can use to do                          
  nonpermanent hiring.  She noticed Jay Hogan was present and                  
  inquired if he would testify because he was knowledgeable                    
  about this issue.                                                            
  addressed HCSCSSB 357(STA).  He noted he had really examined                 
  the provision REPRESENTATIVE ULMER was questioning.  He was                  
  present to comment about three provisions which House                        
  Finance was particularly interested in.                                      
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER stated she was inclined to delete                       
  Section 15 so the legislature could continue to have that                    
  MR. HOGAN commented Section 15 deals with a subject that is                  
  frequently of interest to the legislature.  From personal                    
  experience, he stated, Finance Committees frequently want to                 
  know this type of information.                                               
  Number 499                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER moved to delete Section 15 from HCSCSSB
  REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS supported the motion.                                
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked for a roll call vote.                                   
                 G. DAVIS, SANDERS, OLBERG.                                    
  The MOTION PASSED.                                                           
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY observed that the committee would have to                     
  make sure the fiscal notes are correct for HCSCSSB 357(STA).                 
  MR. HOGAN pointed out Sections 3, 4 and 5  were at the                       
  request of the House Finance Chairman in some cases, and the                 
  House Finance Committee in others.                                           
  REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS clarified that Mr. Hogan expressed                   
  leaving those sections alone.                                                
  Number 527                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS moved to adopt HCSCSSB 357(STA),                     
  version J, as amended.                                                       
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY clarified the amendment was the deletion of                   
  Section 15.                                                                  
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY called for a roll call vote.                                  
                 G. DAVIS, SANDERS, OLBERG.                                    
  The MOTION PASSED.                                                           
  (REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG and SANDERS left the meeting at 9:36                  
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY called an at ease.                                            
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY clarified CSSB 357(FIN), received from Senate                 
  Finance, was transmitted with two zero fiscal notes.  He                     
  believed they were dated 4/21/94.  The Senate State Affairs                  
  Committee adopted 19 zero fiscal notes.  He moved that the                   
  committee concur with the Senate Finance Committee and adopt                 
  the two zero fiscal notes.  Hearing no objection, CHAIRMAN                   
  VEZEY adopted the two zero fiscal notes from the Senate                      
  Finance Committee.                                                           
  (REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG rejoined the meeting at 9:39 a.m.)                    
  REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS moved to move HCSCSSB 357(STA) from                  
  House State Affairs with individual recommendations and                      
  accompanying fiscal notes.                                                   
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY called for a roll call vote.                                  
                 G. DAVIS, OLBERG.                                             
  ABSENT:        REPRESENTATIVE SANDERS.                                       
  The MOTION PASSED.                                                           
  CSSB 70(L&C) - ASSISTIVE TECHNOLOGY LOAN GUARANTEES                          
  Number 579                                                                   
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY opened CSSB 70(L&C) for discussion.  He                       
  commented that the committee did have HCSCSSB 70, version X,                 
  to consider.                                                                 
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT moved to adopt HCSCSSB 70 for purposes                   
  of discussion.                                                               
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY adopted HCSCSSB 70 for discussion.  He noted                  
  HCSCSSB 70 modifies the Senate version in a couple of ways.                  
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY called an at ease.                                            
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY stated the changes could be found on page 3,                  
  subsection (e).  Subsection (e) was added.  He explained the                 
  fund will have $400,000 put into it before it operates,                      
  thereby loans do have to be guaranteed by something very                     
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER inquired why the amount was $400,000.                   
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY answered, based on testimony he had heard,                    
  $100,000 is a small program amount.  Substantially larger                    
  sums through federal law and private moneys are available                    
  for this purpose.  He felt if the state was going to set up                  
  a program, $400,000 suggests that it should be a meaningful                  
  program, rather than a small "pilot program."                                
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER asked if $400,000 is a reasonable                       
  amount to achieve.                                                           
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY repeated the sources of money.  He felt                       
  $400,000 would create a more meaningful program.                             
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT interjected they had heard that                          
  testimony in House HESS Committee.                                           
  Number 633                                                                   
  commented on HCSCSSB 70.  He stated according to the                         
  Governor's Council on Disability and Special Education, he                   
  symbolically represented 95,000 Alaskans who have at least                   
  one permanent disability.  He stated HCSCSSB 70 has been                     
  proceeding through the legislature for the last two years.                   
  HCSCSSB 70 is designed to allow the federal government to                    
  transfer $100,000 to the state for guaranteeing loans.  He                   
  stated the loans themselves will be private loans with                       
  banks, to be paid back by the individuals who need assistive                 
  technology to help them become productive citizens in                        
  Alaska.  He emphasized the moneys HCSCSSB 70 refers to are                   
  only used to guarantee loans, not to loan out.  He stated,                   
  nationwide, there is about a 4.2 default rate.  With                         
  $100,000 in the fund at a 4.2 default rate, it would take                    
  about 20 years to exhaust the $100,000.                                      
  Number 665                                                                   
  addressed HCSCSSB 70.  She noted the house bill that was                     
  discussed in House HESS was HB 139, sponsored by                             
  REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES.                                                       
  (REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG left the meeting at 9:47 a.m.)                        
  REPRESENTATIVE ULMER asked Ms. Stewart to comment on the                     
  $400,000 amount.                                                             
  MS. STEWART stated CSSB 70(L&C) did not specify a particular                 
  threshold amount before loans could be made.  She stated                     
  $100,000 is available annually, possibly $200,000 from                       
  federal sources.  She felt $400,000 would be a potential                     
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS inquired if the state was going to                   
  make up the difference in the money, if the federal                          
  government is guaranteeing $100,000.                                         
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY clarified no general fund moneys would go                     
  into the fund.                                                               
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS observed that with HCSCSSB 70 it                     
  would take four years for $400,000 to accumulate in it.  She                 
  was opposed to putting this bill on hold for four years.                     
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY interjected he did not believe that would be                  
  the case.  He explained, from testimony received, there is a                 
  minimum in federal intent to appropriate $100,000 a year                     
  specifically for this program.  He noted there are other                     
  federal moneys appropriated every year that would be                         
  available for this use.  In addition, because of new laws                    
  and regulations in federal banking practices, there is an                    
  interest in the private financial community to participate                   
  in this program to meet certain federal requirements.                        
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS asked if these streams of funding                    
  had been identified.                                                         
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY responded there has been some public                          
  commitment from private sources, however, some wish to                       
  remain anonymous until the bill becomes law.                                 
  TAPE 94-54, SIDE A                                                           
  Number 000                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS asked MS. STEWART's opinion about                    
  the change to $400,000.                                                      
  MS. STEWART stated it may be a problem to come up with that                  
  much money for a substantial length of time.  She stated                     
  Vocational Rehabilitation would be better to answer the                      
  REHABILITATION (DVR), DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION, answered                      
  questions for the committee.  He stated the assistive                        
  technology program was authorized initially by Congress for                  
  five years, and it has just been reauthorized for five                       
  additional years.  The state of Alaska receives                              
  approximately $750,000 per year for technology.  He                          
  explained about $250,000 of that $750,000 is for staff, and                  
  the other $500,000 is granted out to private nonprofits each                 
  year.  DVR was going to fund the loan program by taking 20                   
  percent of that $500,000 per year, and putting it into the                   
  fund for the next five years.  The Community Reinvestment                    
  Act has changed, however, and Key Bank and North Rim Bank                    
  have both committed to participate in the fund.  DVR is                      
  uncertain of the amount.  He noted another bank has agreed                   
  to participate, but wishes to remain anonymous.  He stated                   
  the $400,000 change would create a waiting game over the                     
  next 3-4 years.  If DVR took more of the money they grant to                 
  private nonprofits, they would be cutting off people's                       
  access to get the loans.  The bill has a zero fiscal note                    
  mainly because the nonprofits DVR funds will be assisting                    
  people, who are working and need loans, in processing their                  
  loans through local banks.  The whole process works                          
  together.  He encouraged the committee to go back to a lower                 
  REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS moved to amend page 3, line 2, of                    
  HCSCSSB 70, to read "$200,000."                                              
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY called for a roll call vote.                                  
  IN FAVOR:      REPRESENTATIVES G. DAVIS, B. DAVIS, ULMER,                    
  OPPOSED:       REPRESENTATIVE VEZEY.                                         
  ABSENT:        REPRESENTATIVES OLBERG, SANDERS.                              
  The MOTION PASSED.                                                           
  (REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG returned at 9:52 a.m.)                                
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY commented the committee would have to adopt a                 
  modified fiscal note for HCSCSSB 70.  He stated the blank                    
  fiscal note for $400,000 would have to be modified to                        
  $200,000.  He asked for a committee member to move to adopt                  
  the modified fiscal note reading $200,000.                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT so moved.                                                
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY, hearing no objection, adopted the fiscal                     
  REPRESENTATIVE G. DAVIS moved to pass HCSCSSB 70(STA) as                     
  amended from committee with accompanying fiscal note and                     
  individual recommendations.                                                  
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY called for a roll call vote.                                  
                 ULMER, KOTT, VEZEY.                                           
  ABSENT:        REPRESENTATIVE SANDERS.                                       
  The MOTION PASSED.                                                           
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY recessed the meeting at 9:58 a.m.  He stated                  
  he had not expected the committee would take as much time as                 
  they did on SB 190, therefore only SB 228 would be taken up                  
  by the committee after the recess.   He stated the other                     
  items on the agenda would not be taken up today.                             
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY resumed the meeting at 10:03 a.m.                             
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY opened SB 228 for discussion.                                 
  SENATOR JUDITH SALO, PRIME SPONSOR OF SB 228, gave a brief                   
  statement.  She stated SB 228 passed the Senate unanimously,                 
  and has HB 460 as a companion in the House.  She explained                   
  SB 228 adds to the list of crimes for which bail is denied                   
  in Alaska.  Currently, if a person is convicted of an                        
  unclassified or a class A felony, following conviction,                      
  pending sentencing or pending appeal, bail is not allowed.                   
  SB 228 would add  "stalking in the first degree, sexual                      
  assault in the second and third degree, and sexual abuse of                  
  a minor in both class B and class C" to the list of non-                     
  bailable after conviction offenses.  SB 228 does not deny                    
  bail prior to conviction.                                                    
  SENATOR SALO explained SB 228 stems from a case which                        
  happened this past fall in Anchorage.  A man who had a very                  
  long "rap sheet" in both California and Alaska, was tried                    
  and convicted of a felony count in Alaska and was sentenced.                 
  While pending appeal, he was released on $5,000 bail.  While                 
  released, he sexually assaulted one woman, and raped                         
  another.  She was contacted by constituents who felt it was                  
  not right that a criminal of his stature was out on the                      
  streets.  She emphasized SB 228 is legislation that citizens                 
  of Alaska are looking for; it provides protection.                           
  SENATOR SALO noted the statute citations on the second page                  
  of SB 228 referred to the stalking, sexual assault and                       
  sexual abuse she mentioned earlier.                                          
  Number 207                                                                   
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY noted Department of Law, Alaska State                         
  Troopers, Office of Public Advocacy, the Public Defender                     
  Agency and the Department of Corrections all have zero                       
  fiscal notes.                                                                
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT observed the fiscal notes also and                       
  stated SB 228 did not appear to be too offensive.  He                        
  believed he had seen the bill in the Judiciary Committee                     
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY commented he believed a judge does not have                   
  to grant bail if there is reason to think the person should                  
  be denied.  The system, however, is not perfect.  He                         
  questioned if the criminal justice system should really be                   
  changed in this manner.                                                      
  SENATOR SALO responded she agreed the mishap does not happen                 
  often, however, it should never happen.  For this reason,                    
  the legislature has chosen to statutorily deny bail for                      
  unclassified and class A felonies.  This is to prevent                       
  mishaps from soft-hearted judges or very good defense                        
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY clarified SB 228 does not deny bail to a                      
  person accused of a crime.  SB 228 denies bail after a                       
  person is convicted.                                                         
  SENATOR SALO affirmed CHAIRMAN VEZEY.  She clarified in                      
  unclassified and class A felonies there is limited bail,                     
  however, SB 228 totally denies it following conviction.  She                 
  did not know in what way bail was limited prior to                           
  conviction.  She emphasized, because of the predominance of                  
  sexual crimes in Alaska, they should be added to the list.                   
  She noted the lives of those woman stated in the impetus for                 
  SB 228 are changed forever.  She expressed a considerable                    
  amount of time had been spent with the Department of Law and                 
  judicial experts who agree that to ensure the mishap does                    
  not happen again, SB 228 is necessary.                                       
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY stated SB 228 is expanding existing statutes                  
  to include class B and class C felony convictions, only in                   
  the event that they have a prior class A or unclassified                     
  conviction.  He pointed out SB 228 does not include them if                  
  they have a previous class B conviction.                                     
  Number 281                                                                   
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT agreed.  He commented there may be a                     
  case, dealing with due process, that will not allow the                      
  legislature to deny bail based on charges, prior to                          
  conviction.  He noted SB 228 is eliminating some of the                      
  judges discretion.                                                           
  (REPRESENTATIVE SANDERS returned at 10:12 a.m.)                              
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY agreed bail could be increased, but it could                  
  not be denied prior to being charged or prior to conviction.                 
  He mentioned the only fiscal impact would be if a person had                 
  to go to prison, while on appeal, and then the conviction                    
  was thrown out.  The state would then be out 1-2 years of                    
  incarceration money, when the person could have been out on                  
  SENATOR SALO directed the committee to the analysis included                 
  with the Department of Corrections zero fiscal note.  The                    
  analysis states most reversals result in a reduction of                      
  sentence, rather than absolutely eliminating it.  They                       
  overview the projected numbers of felonies that might be                     
  overturned.  She emphasized even if there was some time                      
  served, Department of Corrections implies "it would sort of                  
  be a wash."                                                                  
  REPRESENTATIVE KOTT moved to pass SB 228 from committee with                 
  individual recommendations and attached zero fiscal notes.                   
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY called for a roll call vote.                                  
  IN FAVOR:      REPRESENTATIVES VEZEY, KOTT, B. DAVIS, G.                     
                 DAVIS, SANDERS, OLBERG.                                       
  ABSENT:        REPRESENTATIVE ULMER.                                         
  The MOTION PASSED.                                                           
  CHAIRMAN VEZEY adjourned the meeting at 10:15 a.m.                           
  BILLS NOT HEARD                                                              
  CSSB 377(FIN)am - State Agency Fiscal Procedures                             
  SB 365am - Governor's Omnibus Bill                                           
  CSSB 376(FIN)am - State Agency Fees and Collections                          

Document Name Date/Time Subjects