Legislature(1993 - 1994)
03/27/1993 08:00 AM House STA
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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HOUSE STATE AFFAIRS STANDING COMMITTEE March 27, 1993 8:00 a.m. MEMBERS PRESENT Representative Al Vezey, Chairman Representative Pete Kott, Vice Chairman Representative Harley Olberg Representative Jerry Sanders Representative Gary Davis Representative Fran Ulmer Representative Bettye Davis MEMBERS ABSENT None OTHER HOUSE MEMBERS PRESENT Representative Gene Therriault Representative Jim Nordlund COMMITTEE CALENDAR HB 148 "An Act exempting the University of Alaska from the administrative adjudication provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act; and providing for an effective date." MOVED FROM COMMITTEE WITH A DO PASS RECOMMENDATION HB 228 "An Act relating to publications produced by state agencies and to the procurement of property, property interests, and services, including the services of employees, by certain public entities." HELD IN COMMITTEE FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION SB 49 "An Act relating to preelection reports; closing the two-day reporting gap in those reports; setting the date of February 15 for filing year- end campaign finance reports; and requiring reporting of zero year-end reports." HELD IN COMMITTEE FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION HCR 8 Proposing amendments to the Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature relating to notice of committee meetings and action by committees; and providing for an effective date. HELD IN COMMITTEE FOR FURTHER CONSIDERATION CONFIRMATION HEARING: Promotion of Colonel Sigurd E. Murphy to Brigadier General; and to Assistant Adjutant General, Alaska National Guard. UNANIMOUSLY RECOMMENDED FOR CONFIRMATION WITNESS REGISTER Tim Sullivan, Legislative Aide to Senator Tim Kelly State Capitol, Room 101 Juneau, Alaska 99801 465-3822 Position Statement: Delivered Sponsor Statement, SB 49 Colonel Sigurd E. Murphy Alaska District Court 941 W. 4th Avenue Anchorage, Alaska 99501 277-8622 Position Statement: Testified on nomination Brooke Miles Alaska Public Offices Commission 211 4th Street, Room 114 Juneau, Alaska 99811-0222 465-4864 Position Statement: Provided information on SB 49 Wendy Redman, Vice President for University Relations University of Alaska 910 Yukon Drive Fairbanks, Alaska 99775-5560 474-7582 Position Statement: Supported HB 148 Lois Foster 738 Forest Park Drive Ketchikan, Alaska 99901 225-2829 Position Statement: Opposed HB 148 Art Bukowski 10075 Grover Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99516 346-2505 Position Statement: Opposed HB 148 Lawrence Weiss 5862 Kenny Hill Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99504 786-4671 Position Statement: Opposed HB 148 Representative Gene Therriault State Capitol, Room 421 Juneau, Alaska 99801-1182 465-4797 Position Statement: Prime Sponsor, HB 148 Peggy Thomas 9701 Brian Drive Anchorage, Alaska 99516 346-3416 Position Statement: Supported HB 228 Dave Choquette 3540 Amber Bay Loop Anchorage, Alaska 99515 344-8485 Position Statement: Supported HB 228 Dave Harding, Legislative Aide to Representative Eileen MacLean State Capitol, Room 506 Juneau, Alaska 99801-1182 465-4833 Position Statement: Supported HB 228 Dugan Petty, Director General Services Department of Administration State Office Building P.O. Box C Juneau, Alaska 99801 465-2250 Position Statement: Suggested changes to HB 228 Representative Jim Nordlund State Capitol Court Building, Room 608 Juneau, Alaska 99801 465-4968 Position Statement: Prime Sponsor, HCR 8 PREVIOUS ACTION BILL: HB 148 SHORT TITLE: EXEMPT U OF AK FROM APA PROCEDURES BILL VERSION: SPONSOR(S): REPRESENTATIVE(S) THERRIAULT,Davies TITLE: "An Act exempting the University of Alaska from the administrative adjudication provisions of the Administrative Procedure Act; and providing for an effective date." JRN-DATE JRN-PG ACTION 02/11/93 322 (H) READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S) 02/11/93 322 (H) STATE AFFAIRS, HES, JUDICIARY 03/20/93 (H) STA AT 08:00 AM CAPITOL 102 03/20/93 (H) MINUTE(STA) 03/27/93 (H) STA AT 08:00 AM CAPITOL 102 BILL: HB 228 SHORT TITLE: STATE PROCUREMENTS BILL VERSION: SPONSOR(S): RULES BY REQUEST OF HOUSE ECONOMIC TASK FORCE TITLE: "An Act relating to publications produced by state agencies and to the procurement of property, property interests, and services, including the services of employees, by certain public entities." JRN-DATE JRN-PG ACTION 03/15/93 648 (H) READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S) 03/15/93 648 (H) STATE AFFAIRS, FINANCE 03/20/93 (H) STA AT 08:00 AM CAPITOL 102 03/27/93 (H) STA AT 08:00 AM CAPITOL 102 BILL: SB 49 SHORT TITLE: YEAR-END CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS BILL VERSION: SPONSOR(S): SENATOR(S) KELLY,Donley,Kerttula,Pearce,Taylor TITLE: "An Act relating to preelection reports; closing the two-day reporting gap in those reports; setting the date of February 15 for filing year-end campaign finance reports; and requiring reporting of zero year-end reports." JRN-DATE JRN-PG ACTION 01/19/93 91 (S) READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S) 01/19/93 91 (S) STATE AFFAIRS, JUDICIARY, FINANCE 01/29/93 (S) STA AT 09:00 AM BUTROVICH ROOM 205 01/29/93 (S) MINUTE(STA) 02/01/93 202 (S) STA RPT 2DP 1NR 02/01/93 202 (S) ZERO FISCAL NOTE (ADM) 02/17/93 (S) JUD AT 01:30 PM BELTZ ROOM 211 02/17/93 (S) MINUTE(JUD) 02/19/93 (S) JUD AT 01:30 PM BELTZ ROOM 211 02/19/93 (S) MINUTE(JUD) 02/22/93 (S) JUD AT 01:30 PM BELTZ ROOM 211 02/22/93 (S) MINUTE(JUD) 02/24/93 460 (S) JUD RPT 4DP 1NR 02/24/93 460 (S) PREVIOUS ZERO FN (ADM) 03/01/93 538 (S) FIN RPT 4DP 1NR 03/01/93 538 (S) PREVIOUS ZERO FN (ADM) 03/01/93 (S) FIN AT 09:00 AM SENATE FINANCE 518 03/04/93 (S) RLS AT 03:00 PM 03/04/93 (S) MINUTE(RLS) 03/12/93 768 (S) RULES TO CALENDAR 3/12/93 03/12/93 775 (S) READ THE SECOND TIME 03/12/93 775 (S) ADVANCED TO THIRD READING UNAN CONSENT 03/12/93 775 (S) READ THE THIRD TIME SB 49 03/12/93 775 (S) COSPONSOR(S): KERTTULA, PEARCE, TAYLOR 03/12/93 775 (S) PASSED Y19 N- E1 03/12/93 786 (S) TRANSMITTED TO (H) 03/15/93 642 (H) READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S) 03/15/93 643 (H) STATE AFFAIRS, FINANCE 03/27/93 (H) STA AT 08:00 AM CAPITOL 102 BILL: HCR 8 SHORT TITLE: COMMITTEE MEETINGS: NOTICE AND ACTIONS BILL VERSION: SPONSOR(S): REPRESENTATIVE(S) NORDLUND,Olberg,Navarre, Ulmer,Sitton,B.Davis,Brown TITLE: Proposing amendments to the Uniform Rules of the Alaska State Legislature relating to notice of committee meetings and action by committees; and providing for an effective date. JRN-DATE JRN-PG ACTION 02/19/93 390 (H) READ THE FIRST TIME/REFERRAL(S) 02/19/93 390 (H) STATE AFFAIRS, JUDICIARY 03/20/93 (H) STA AT 08:00 AM CAPITOL 102 03/20/93 (H) MINUTE(STA) 03/27/93 (H) STA AT 08:00 AM CAPITOL 102 ACTION NARRATIVE TAPE 93-34, SIDE A Number 004 CHAIRMAN AL VEZEY called the House State Affairs Committee to order at 8:05 a.m., on March 27, 1993. Members present were Representatives Kott, Olberg, G. Davis, Ulmer and Sanders, representing a quorum. Also in attendance were Representatives Gene Therriault and Jim Nordlund. SB 49: YEAR-END CAMPAIGN FINANCE REPORTS Number 020 CHAIRMAN VEZEY announced he would hold the confirmation hearing on Colonel Sigurd E. Murphy when Col. Murphy checked into the teleconference network. He then read the title to SB 49 and called for a sponsor statement on it. Number 051 TIM SULLIVAN, LEGISLATIVE AIDE TO SENATOR TIM KELLY, PRIME SPONSOR OF SB 49, explained how SB 49 makes several changes in the current campaign reporting law, most notably closing the two day gap between the seven day pre-election reporting period and the 24 hour reports. Senate Bill 49 also changes the deadline for year-end reports from December 31 of a campaign year to February 15 of the following year. He noted this would allow candidates, parties, and political action committees to use December bank statements in their reports. He also stated this could cut down on the number of fines issued by the Alaska Public Offices Commission. Number 098 REPRESENTATIVE FRAN ULMER noted SB 49 had already passed the Senate. Number 106 CHAIRMAN VEZEY noted Col. Murphy had joined the teleconference net and suspended debate on SB 49. He then called on Col. Murphy to give any statement he wished to make. Number 123 COLONEL SIGURD E. MURPHY, NOMINEE FOR ASSISTANT ADJUTANT GENERAL, ALASKA NATIONAL GUARD testified by teleconference from Anchorage, and told the committee his participation in the Guard was an extension of the work he had previously done. He noted his work with the needy in founding the Brother Francis Shelter in Anchorage, and said the Guard's mission of protecting the property and lives of Alaskans led him to the service. He stated his Guard duty had led him to almost every village and small town in the state, and he would like to continue his work in ending alcohol and drug use among Native youth as part of the Assistant Adjutant General's office. Number 201 CHAIRMAN VEZEY thanked Col. Murphy for his comments and solicited questions from the committee. Seeing none, he called a five minute at ease to allow General Mitch Aboud to call into the teleconference net. He also noted the late arrival of Representative Bettye Davis. Number 259 CHAIRMAN VEZEY called the committee back to order at 8:19 a.m., explaining that the teleconference operator told him General Aboud was having trouble making a connection. Chairman Vezey then elected to return to testimony on SB 49. CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked why the Campaign Disclosure Act had not been amended in more than ten years. Number 267 BROOKE MILES OF THE ALASKA PUBLIC OFFICES COMMISSION (APOC), stated many legislators did not want to open the entire statute up to amend such a small area, but the amendment was needed. Number 279 CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked what the motivation for such a narrowly drawn bill as SB 49 would be. Number 283 MS. MILES stated SB 49 is a non-controversial "housekeeping" bill that would not fall under the label of campaign finance reform. She stated the intent of SB 49 was simply to close the two day window previously stated by the bill's sponsor, Senator Kelly, and the other provision setting February 15 as the year end reporting day would eliminate several needless actions by the APOC. She also stated the APOC would be charged with mailing out delinquency forms to groups who had not filed their reports in time. Number 308 CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked if mailing those delinquency reports would not have a fiscal impact on the APOC. Number 320 MS. MILES stated it would cost staff time and money to send the reports, but that figure would be mitigated by the amount of time not spent on arbitrating fines that had been appealed under the old system. Number 328 CHAIRMAN VEZEY didn't know why a simple misdemeanor fine wasn't applied to such violations. He stated it might be in the legislature's interest to also tie campaign finance violations to the dollar amounts in violation as opposed to the time period, as is done now. Number 360 REPRESENTATIVE ULMER perceived the chairman was concerned with SB 49, and suggested a subcommittee might be formed to look at SB 49 in more detail. Number 367 CHAIRMAN VEZEY felt the statute being modified by SB 49, AS 15.13, is in need of repair. He stated SB 49 should be considered a major bill, and asked committee members to take a long look at it before it was scheduled again. He then deferred action on SB 49. HB 148: EXEMPT U OF AK FROM APA PROCEDURES Number 390 CHAIRMAN VEZEY read the title to HB 148 and noted he was glad he deferred to Representative Olberg's objection to pass a previous CS (committee substitute) from committee without seeing it in final form. He stated the effective date proposed by Representative Ulmer gave two outside entities the right to veto legislation by the body, and urged members not to pass it. Number 408 REPRESENTATIVE ULMER stated CSHB 148 (STA) was not breaking new ground, and the legislature had made previous law based on conditions of acceptance by other parties. She noted both groups referred to by Chairman Vezey wanted HB 148 passed, and it was unlikely they would "veto" the legislation. Number 423 CHAIRMAN VEZEY stated in any case, it was not right for legislators to give up the right for legislation to take effect. Number 427 REPRESENTATIVE ULMER replied both parties, especially university employees, wanted HB 148 passed, and the University regents had also supported passage. Number 438 REPRESENTATIVE HARLEY OLBERG stated if both parties wanted HB 148, then the original bill should suffice without a complicating CS being introduced. Number 445 CHAIRMAN VEZEY then began taking public testimony. Number 450 WENDY REDMAN, VICE PRESIDENT FOR UNIVERSITY RELATIONS, UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA, reiterated the University's support for HB 148, and told the committee the University would go along with either version of the bill they passed. Number 455 LOIS FOSTER, A UNIVERSITY EMPLOYEE, testified by teleconference from Ketchikan in opposition to HB 148. She stated employees would never be comfortable with the grievance procedure the University said it would go along with if the APA's (Administrative Procedure Act) procedures were exempted. She stated it was only after the University had been sued in court that it granted employees the right to outside arbitration of grievances, and she feared that would end. Number 483 ART BUKOWSKI, A FACULTY MEMBER OF THE UNIVERSITY, testified by teleconference from Anchorage in opposition to HB 148, saying the committee should look at previous testimony on HB 148-styled bills from the 17th Legislature, in which employees opposed ending the APA coverage. He stated the procedures the University advocated are not adequate, and recommended the committee look at guidelines drawn up by the American Association of University Professors. Number 546 LAWRENCE WEISS, A FACULTY MEMBER AT UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA, ANCHORAGE, testified by teleconference from Anchorage in opposition to HB 148, saying faculty members opposed HB 148 because it would end their right to a fair hearing in front of an outside, impartial arbitrator. He also charged "arbitrary and capricious" decisions by the administration would be allowed to stand without the APA, and reminded the committee of the Odum case. Number 611 MS. REDMAN stated the University understood employees' concerns, and reassured the committee CSHB 148 (STA) is not necessary, but the University would not oppose it. Number 613 CHAIRMAN VEZEY stated he had looked at the APA procedures and decided it did not apply to personnel policy decisions, but rather to actions taken with respect to boards and commissions. He stressed his opposition to CSHB 148 (STA) and urged members not to adopt it. Number 636 REPRESENTATIVE ULMER noted the arrival of HB 148's sponsor, Representative Gene Therriault, and asked if he might have a statement. Number 639 REPRESENTATIVE GENE THERRIAULT, PRIME SPONSOR OF HB 148, did not oppose the change in the effective date under CSHB 148 (STA). He stated Chairman Vezey's interpretation of the APA is correct, in that it is designed to arbitrate disputes between boards and commissions with respect to business or professional licenses. He noted the cost for a hearing officer under the APA averages $100 an hour, and stated university employees should feel comfortable because they will be allowed to draw up their own grievance procedures. Number 663 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG MOVED PASSAGE of HB 148. Number 665 REPRESENTATIVE ULMER REMINDED the committee IT HAD already ADOPTED CSHB 148 (STA). Number 668 CHAIRMAN VEZEY agreed with Rep. Ulmer, and RULED the committee would have to either RESCIND or PASS CSHB 148 (STA). Number 683 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG MOVED the committee RESCIND CSHB 148 (STA). REPRESENTATIVES ULMER and Bettye Davis OBJECTED. Number 686 REPRESENTATIVE GARY DAVIS agreed to CSHB 148 (STA) because he saw no conflict in addressing the concerns of both the University and its employees. Number 698 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG objected to giving two groups the power to effectively veto any act of the legislature. TAPE 93-34, SIDE B Number 004 CHAIRMAN VEZEY opposed CSHB 148 (STA) because he knew of no other employer who would not have adequate grievance procedures in place, because they would otherwise expose themselves to protest by labor organizations or in court. He restated his opposition to allowing two groups veto power over legislation. Number 033 REPRESENTATIVE ULMER stated placing conditions on legislation becoming effective had been done before, and CSHB 148 (STA) simply eliminated the gap between passage and the creation of new grievance procedures. Number 070 CHAIRMAN VEZEY said he would entertain a motion to rescind the CSHB 148 (STA). Number 083 VICE CHAIRMAN PETE KOTT MOVED RESCINDING CSHB 148 (STA). Number 115 CSHB 148 (STA) was RESCINDED by a 4-3 vote, with Representatives Vezey, Kott, Olberg and Sanders voting YES; and, Representatives B. Davis, Ulmer and G. Davis voting NO. Number 128 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG MOVED PASSAGE of HB 148. Number 141 HB 148 PASSED from committee by a 6-1 vote. Representative B. Davis voted NO. HB 228: STATE PROCUREMENTS Number 155 CHAIRMAN VEZEY read the title to HB 228 and invited testimony on it. Number 161 PEGGY THOMAS, A UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA EMPLOYEE AND PRIVATE CONSULTANT testified by teleconference from Anchorage in support of HB 228. She stated trying to improve Alaska's economy by tightening procurement procedures is a good idea, but HB 228 needs more work. She stated the findings in Section one may not be accurate and urged a longer look at them. She also noted problems with the procurement sections, saying that without a solid manufacturing base in Alaska, even if the state buys from an inside company, the buy is most likely going to an outsider eventually. MS. THOMAS stated HB 228 may actually favor outside companies because they know of the preference given Alaska companies and can effectively raise their prices above what another state may pay. She stated the real answer to making more effective procurement is to increase the competence of our procurement officers. Number 370 DAVE CHOQUETTE, A FORMER MEMBER OF THE HOUSE, testified by teleconference from Anchorage in favor of HB 228, even though he tried for two years to keep procurement out of a similar bill he had introduced. He stated administrative charges required to be reported under HB 228 could be regulated without statute, by forging a partnership between the public and private sector. He stated the original goal was to increase the public awareness of the need to buy Alaskan, and urged members not to allow the procurement sections of the bill to remain. Number 424 REPRESENTATIVE ULMER asked if Mr. Choquette had seen HB 228, and if so, did he have any suggestions for changes. Number 430 MR. CHOQUETTE replied he had seen HB 228, and stated there were several areas of improvement needed. He specifically noted the University of Alaska as a big offender in out-of- state procurements, as well as the Permanent Fund Board. He stated the Permanent Fund Booklet was designed so that only an out-of-state printer could work on the project. Number 465 CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked if Mr. Choquette could cite specific sections that needed changes. Number 471 MR. CHOQUETTE had no specific section in mind, but suggested members look into a bonus program that had been discussed in the House previously. Number 488 DAVE HARDING, LEGISLATIVE AIDE TO REPRESENTATIVE EILEEN MACLEAN, testified in favor of HB 228. He stated HB 228 mirrors the previous procurement bill introduced and passed by the House, and through all committees in the Senate during the 17th Alaska State Legislature. He stated HB 228 focused primarily on service providers and echoed Mr. Choquette's recommendation that members look at a bonus plan. Number 517 DUGAN PETTY, DIRECTOR OF GENERAL SERVICES, testified the administration was in favor of supporting Alaska vendors and building administrative procedures to help them. He stated some streamlining of the procurement procedures is needed under HB 228's guidelines. He cited a section of HB 228 that requires procurement officers to build in administrative costs of a project in the bid. He stated that was impractical in some smaller projects that might only involve a couple of long distance phone calls, and stated a threshold to require such a build-in should be written into HB 228. He stated such costs could be built into the invitations to bid that go to service providers, and then figured into the preference points for local vendors. Number 550 CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked if the procurement procedures included a preference code for instate vendors. MR. PETTY replied in the affirmative, and added they could account for up to ten percent of costs in an invitation to bid, which is how an Alaska vendor could benefit from administrative costs being factored in an invitation to bid. Number 567 CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked if the intent was to factor in the possibility of lawsuits in the administrative costs. Number 584 MR. PETTY stated it was not, that the administration did not anticipate legal costs on any project. He stated the costs he would like to see under a threshold system for procurements would be small, one-time costs like a limited number of long distance phone calls or site visits. REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG asked for a couple of examples of small administrative costs. Number 601 MR. PETTY stated looking at an out-of-state print job or at fire/rescue vehicles before taking delivery. CHAIRMAN VEZEY interpreted that to mean anytime the state bought products that either are expensive or expensive to ship. Number 615 REPRESENTATIVE JERRY SANDERS knew of no printing job that required anyone to examine a job on the print shop floor. He noted a site visit would have little effect on keeping out-of-state printers from doing state business, since printers here must charge about 35% more, and on a ten thousand dollar print job, any out-of-state vendor could easily build in the cost of a plane ticket to check the job. Number 628 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG saw no reason for a floor visit anyway. Number 633 REPRESENTATIVE SANDERS stated it was a good excuse for a Lower 48 vacation. MR. PETTY only knew of one time that a print job needed to be reviewed out-of-state, and that was a rush job. He stated most print jobs are looked at and administered by phone. He went on to detail how section seven of HB 228 needed to be amended to become a more permissive part of the law. He stated if the law was inflexible, it would fragment state procurement policies. He also stated section eight should be amended to include sealed bid jobs as well, which it did not appear to do as written. Number 682 CHAIRMAN VEZEY understood HB 228 did not include school districts, and asked why school districts are not allowed to give local preferences. Number 688 MR. PETTY noted it was true school districts could not include a local preference, and suggested they be mandated as well. Number 694 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG asked if they were prohibited. Number 697 MR. PETTY said they were, unless a school project used general fund money. Number 699 CHAIRMAN VEZEY stated it might be a good idea to allow school districts to do so, with some exceptions, like limited and sole source bids. TAPE 93-35, SIDE A Number 000 MR. PETTY agreed, stating the school procurement policy should be more permissive. Number 028 CHAIRMAN VEZEY thought it might be best to defer action on HB 228, given the complexity of the bill. He stated it would be a mistake to move on the bill despite its history in the previous legislature. Number 056 REPRESENTATIVE BETTYE DAVIS asked when HB 228 would be heard again. Number 070 CHAIRMAN VEZEY said the committee might hear HB 228 on Tuesday, March 30, and definitely by Saturday, April 3, 1993. Number 077 CHAIRMAN VEZEY then returned to the confirmation of Colonel Sigurd E. Murphy and announced problems with the teleconference call from General Mitch Aboud would prevent him from testifying. He then stated he would entertain a motion on Col. Murphy's nomination. Number 085 REPRESENTATIVE B. DAVIS MOVED the nomination of Col. Murphy. Number 093 The nomination of Colonel Murphy WAS RECOMMENDED for confirmation by a 6-0 vote. HCR 8: COMMITTEE MEETINGS: NOTICE AND ACTION Number 141 REPRESENTATIVE JIM NORDLUND, PRIME SPONSOR OF HCR 8, restated his reasoning for introducing the resolution. He stated HCR 8 is designed to clarify how bills are introduced and then acted upon in committees. He stated the resolution would eliminate the confusion over jurisdiction of the five day and Thursday reporting rules by eliminating the five day rule. He stated under the current system, the five day rule could be suspended, while the Thursday rule could not, and that is where the confusion appears to be starting. Number 224 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG stated he could eliminate all the confusion over when a bill might fall under the five day rule, but not the Thursday reporting rule. He stated the easy way to end the confusion was to eliminate Saturday meetings. Committee members and staff cheered the suggestion. The committee chair did not. Number 242 CHAIRMAN VEZEY believed there was a need to clarify when a legislative week starts, as well as when a bill should be scheduled. Number 272 REPRESENTATIVE NORDLUND chose Thursday as the deadline because it would give members a four day notice for Monday meetings. CHAIRMAN VEZEY asked why a five day "rolling" notice would not work. REPRESENTATIVE NORDLUND explained that would force the public and staff to check the schedule every day, as opposed to weekly. Number 305 REPRESENTATIVE OLBERG liked the clarification being made under HCR 8, and expressed his support for the resolution. Number 321 CHAIRMAN VEZEY preferred to see the committee defer action on HCR 8 so he and others might work on some sections. He preferred a Friday deadline notice. REPRESENTATIVE NORDLUND also wanted to see some changes made, specifically in reference to the wavier of the Thursday rule, which he said could be built into section one of HCR 8. Number 372 CHAIRMAN VEZEY noted the time of 10:07 a.m. and asked the committee if it wanted to continue. Members indicated they did. Number 375 REPRESENTATIVE NORDLUND went on to explain section two of HCR 8 which not only allows full participation of representatives during a teleconference, but also allows committee members to sign a recommendation even if they did not attend the meeting. Number 414 CHAIRMAN VEZEY was opposed to such a provision, because if it was made too easy for someone not to attend a meeting, they would not. He also opposed allowing members to vote via teleconference, saying it would make it harder for committees to get a physical quorum in a room. Number 428 REPRESENTATIVE NORDLUND stated his intent to make it easier for members to get to their home districts while continuing their legislative work. He said teleconference votes would make it far easier for rural members to do that. Number 447 REPRESENTATIVE NORDLUND then outlined section three of HCR 8, saying he believed any legislation introduced by a committee should be done at the will of the majority of that committee. He said the practice is generally being followed now, but that it should be put into the rules. Number 458 CHAIRMAN VEZEY noted the time and suggested the committee defer action on HCR 8. Number 470 VICE CHAIR KOTT wanted to look closer at the provisions in section two of HCR 8. Number 500 CHAIRMAN VEZEY had concerns over the requirement of a majority introducing bills. VICE CHAIR KOTT agreed. He felt it ought to be the majority of a quorum, not the majority of the committee. He stated such a standard could give the minority the ability to effectively shut a committee down. He also felt HCR 8 needed to be changed if it was to be passed by the Senate. ADJOURNMENT CHAIRMAN VEZEY noted the time and adjourned the meeting at 10:19 a.m.
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