Legislature(2023 - 2024)SENATE FINANCE 532

04/30/2024 05:30 PM House LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL

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05:32:04 PM Start
06:35:04 PM Adjourn
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ I. Approval of Minutes TELECONFERENCED
a. February 28, 2024
+ II. Ratification of Charity Events TELECONFERENCED
a. Legislative Skits – April 27
b. Victim Services Awards – April 25
+ III. Contract Approvals TELECONFERENCED
a. FY25 Hardware Refresh
IV. Executive Session
a. RFP 672 Office Space in Anchorage (OVR)
+ V. Committee Business TELECONFERENCED
a. Travel and Per Diem Policy Amendment
re: Wallet Funds
b. Four-Year Technology Plan, 2024 – 2027
c. Social Media Policy Update
                   ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                                                                   
                     LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL                                                                                      
                        APRIL 30, 2024                                                                                        
                           5:30 PM                                                                                            
   MEMBERS PRESENT                                                                                                            
   Senator Elvi Gray-Jackson, Chair                                                                                           
   Representative Kevin McCabe, Vice Chair                                                                                    
   Senator Click Bishop                                                                                                       
   Senator Matt Claman                                                                                                        
   Senator Jesse Kiehl                                                                                                        
   Senator Donny Olson                                                                                                        
   Senator Bert Stedman (alternate)                                                                                           
   Senator Gary Stevens                                                                                                       
   Representative Bryce Edgmon                                                                                                
   Representative Sara Hannan                                                                                                 
   Representative Craig Johnson                                                                                               
   Representative George Rauscher                                                                                             
   Representative Dan Saddler                                                                                                 
   Representative Cathy Tilton                                                                                                
   MEMBERS ABSENT                                                                                                             
   Senator Lyman Hoffman                                                                                                      
   OTHER MEMBERS PRESENT                                                                                                      
   APPROVAL OF AGENDA                                                                                                         
   APPROVAL OF MINUTES                                                                                                        
   RATIFICATION OF CHARITY EVENTS                                                                                             
   CONTRACT APPROVALS                                                                                                         
   EXECUTIVE SESSION                                                                                                          
   COMMITTEE BUSINESS                                                                                                         
   SPEAKER REGISTER                                                                                                           
   Jessica Geary, Executive Director, Legislative Affairs                                                                     
   Agency (LAA)                                                                                                               
   Shay Wilson, Chief Information Officer (CIO), LAA                                                                          
   JC Kestel, Procurement Officer, LAA                                                                                        
   Emily Nauman, Legislative Legal Services Director, LAA                                                                     
I.   CALL TO ORDER                                                                                                          
5:32:04 PM                                                                                                                  
CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  called the  Legislative Council  meeting to                                                               
order  at 5:32  pm  on  April 30,  2024,  in  Room 532  (Senate                                                               
Finance)  of  the State  Capitol.  Present  at the  call  were:                                                               
Senators Bishop,  Claman, Gray-Jackson, Kiehl,  Olson, Stedman,                                                               
Stevens;  Representatives  Edgmon,   Hannan,  McCabe,  Johnson,                                                               
Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton.                                                                                                    
Fourteen members present.                                                                                                     
II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA                                                                                                      
5:33:02 PM                                                                                                                  
VICE CHAIR  MCCABE moved that  Legislative Council  approve the                                                               
agenda as presented.                                                                                                          
The motion passed without objection.                                                                                          
III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES                                                                                                    
5:33:24 PM                                                                                                                  
VICE CHAIR  MCCABE moved that  Legislative Council  approve the                                                               
minutes  for   the  February  28,  2024,   Legislative  Council                                                               
The motion passed without objection.                                                                                          
IV. RATIFICATION OF CHARITY EVENTS                                                                                          
5:33:43 PM                                                                                                                  
VICE CHAIR  MCCABE moved  that Legislative  Council  ratify the                                                               
Chair's sanctioning  of the following charitable  events per AS                                                               
24.60.080 (a)(2)(B):  Legislative Skits on April  27, 2024, and                                                               
Victim Servies Awards on April 25, 2024.                                                                                      
CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  objected for the purpose  of discussion and                                                               
confirmed  the   previously  sanctioned  list  of   events  are                                                               
501(c)(3) charities. The Chair  removed her objection and asked                                                               
for additional  comments or discussion for  the ratification of                                                               
the events.                                                                                                                   
There  was  no   discussion  and  the  motion   passed  without                                                               
V.   CONTACT APPROVALS                                                                                                      
     a. FY25 Computer Hardware Refresh                                                                                      
5:34:29 PM                                                                                                                  
VICE CHAIR  MCCABE moved that  Legislative Council  approve the                                                               
FY25 computer  hardware refresh expenditure of  $213,238.00 out                                                               
of existing capital funds.                                                                                                    
CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  objected for the purpose  of discussion and                                                               
asked Shay Wilson,  Chief Information Officer, to  speak to the                                                               
item and answer any questions.                                                                                                
SHAY  WILSON, Chief  Information  Officer, Legislative  Affairs                                                               
Agency  (LAA),   stated  before  Council  members   is  a  memo                                                               
regarding  the annual  hardware refresh  for fiscal  year 2025,                                                               
which comes before  Council every year for  approval to replace                                                               
outdated  technology  equipment  across the  legislature.  This                                                               
years   proposal includes  Legal Services  and the  Legislative                                                               
Information  Office,  which were  inadvertently  excluded  from                                                               
annual  requests in  the past.  Without  this expenditure,  the                                                               
Division of Technology and Information  (DTI) would not be able                                                               
to replace equipment  as it breaks down  or loses functionality                                                               
due to  aging, thereby making  the legislature  less productive                                                               
when  work   cannot  be  accomplished  without   the  necessary                                                               
technology  support.  The  total  cost  of  the  FY25  hardware                                                               
refresh is $213,238  to be paid out of  existing capital funds.                                                               
The  cost,  replacement  equipment list,  and  quantities  were                                                               
reviewed by  the IT  Subcommittee which recommends  Legislative                                                               
Council approve this proposal.                                                                                                
CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON,  noting there were no follow  up questions,                                                               
removed her objection and called for the vote.                                                                                
5:36:18 PM                                                                                                                  
YEAS:  Senators  Bishop, Claman,  Gray-Jackson,  Kiehl,  Olson,                                                               
Stedman,  Stevens;  Representatives  Edgmon,  Hannan,  Johnson,                                                               
McCabe, Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton                                                                                             
NAYS: None                                                                                                                    
The motion passed 14-0.                                                                                                       
VI. EXECUTIVE SESSION                                                                                                       
     a. RFP 672 Office Space in Anchorage (OVR)                                                                             
CHAIR  GRAY-JACKSON  said  Council   would  go  into  Executive                                                               
Session  to consider  a Notice  of Intent  to Award for  office                                                               
space in Anchorage for the Office of Victims' Rights.                                                                         
5:37:43 PM                                                                                                                  
VICE  CHAIR  MCCABE  moved and  asked  unanimous  consent  that                                                               
Legislative  Council go  into Executive  Session under  Uniform                                                               
Rule 22(B)(1),  discussion of matters, the  immediate knowledge                                                               
of which  would adversely affect  the finances of  a government                                                               
unit and 22(B)(3), discussion of a  matter that may, by law, be                                                               
required  to be  confidential.  The  following individuals  may                                                               
remain in the room or online  during Executive Session: Jessica                                                               
Geary,  Santé Lesh,  JC Kestel,  Ernest  Daigle, Emily  Nauman,                                                               
Shay  Wilson, Angela  Garay, Michael  Shaffer, Linnea  Dishner,                                                               
any legislators  not on Legislative  Council, and any  staff of                                                               
Legislative Council members.                                                                                                  
5:38:33 PM                                                                                                                  
A roll call vote was taken.                                                                                                   
YEAS:  Senators  Bishop, Claman,  Gray-Jackson,  Kiehl,  Olson,                                                               
Stedman,  Stevens;  Representatives  Edgmon,  Hannan,  Johnson,                                                               
McCabe, Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton                                                                                             
NAYS: None                                                                                                                    
The motion passed 14-0.                                                                                                       
5:39:09 PM                                                                                                                  
Council went into Executive Session.                                                                                          
5:50:29 PM                                                                                                                  
Council came out of Executive Session.                                                                                        
A roll call vote was taken to establish a quorum.                                                                             
Present  at  the  call were  Senators,  Bishop,  Claman,  Gray-                                                               
Jackson,  Kiehl,   Olson,  Stedman,   Stevens;  Representatives                                                               
Edgmon, Hannan, Johnson, McCabe, Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton.                                                                   
Fourteen members present.                                                                                                     
5:51:08 PM                                                                                                                  
VICE CHAIR  MCCABE moved that  Legislative Council  approve the                                                               
award of RFP 672 for Anchorage  office space to L92, LLC, for a                                                               
five-year lease and five optional two-year renewals.                                                                          
CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  objected for the purpose  of discussion and                                                               
asked JC  Kestel, Procurement  Officer, to  speak to  this item                                                               
and answer any questions.                                                                                                     
JC KESTEL,  Procurement Officer,  LAA, stated that  on February                                                               
28, 2024,  LAA issued RFP 672  to solicit proposals  for office                                                               
space  in  the  downtown  Anchorage  area  for  the  Office  of                                                               
Victims' Rights. The RFP closed on  April 9, and there were two                                                               
proposals received,  one from  the Alaska Bar  Association, and                                                               
the  other  from L92,  LLC.  There  was a  Proposal  Evaluation                                                               
Committee (PEC) comprised of staff  from the Office of Victims'                                                               
Rights who  scored the proposals  after conducting  site visits                                                               
and  reviewing  proposals.  The  PEC  awarded  the  Alaska  Bar                                                               
Association  with  81.33  points,  and  L92,  LLC,  with  87.03                                                               
points.  Enclosed  in members   packets  is  a summary  of  the                                                               
proposals. Based  on the above information and  the information                                                               
provided in your  packet, LAA recommends the award  of RFP 672,                                                               
to L92, LLC, for the lease.                                                                                                   
CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON removed  her objection and asked  for a roll                                                               
call vote.                                                                                                                    
5:52:48 PM                                                                                                                  
YEAS:  Senators  Bishop, Claman,  Gray-Jackson,  Kiehl,  Olson,                                                               
Stedman,  Stevens;  Representatives  Edgmon,  Hannan,  Johnson,                                                               
McCabe, Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton                                                                                             
NAYS: None                                                                                                                    
The motion passed 14-0.                                                                                                       
VII. COMMITTEE BUSINESS                                                                                                     
     a. Travel and Per Diem Policy Amendment re: Wallet Funds                                                               
5:53:38 PM                                                                                                                  
VICE  CHAIR MCCABE  moved that  Legislative  Council adopt  the                                                               
Travel and Per Diem Policy as amended.                                                                                        
CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  objected for the purpose  of discussion and                                                               
asked  Ms.  Geary  to  explain the  amendment  and  answer  any                                                               
JESSICA  GEARY, Executive  Director,  LAA,  stated in  members'                                                               
packets  is a  memo explaining  the change  to the  Legislative                                                               
Council Travel and Per Diem Policy.  This proposed change is to                                                               
clarify the requirements  for use of wallet  funds when seeking                                                               
reimbursement. She  said it can  be an onerous process  to turn                                                               
in  all  the receipts  and  wallet  history to  the  Accounting                                                               
Office for  reimbursement, and a lot  of time is spent  by both                                                               
the traveler and Accounting staff.  This policy change does not                                                               
reduce  the required  back-up but  does put  in policy  what is                                                               
needed for reimbursement.                                                                                                     
SENATOR  STEVENS asked  how the  policy change  would make  the                                                               
process less onerous.                                                                                                         
MS.  GEARY  clarified   the  change  does   not  eliminate  the                                                               
requirement  but   enshrines  the  requirement  in   policy  so                                                               
Accounting has  something to  point to.  What often  happens is                                                               
Accounting  must  defend why  they  need certain  receipts  and                                                               
backup   documentation   to   go  with   the   expenditure   to                                                               
substantiate  the claim.  The  intent of  the  amendment is  to                                                               
clarify  the policy  so  individuals know  what  to expect.  In                                                               
response to  a follow-up comment  by Senate  President Stevens,                                                               
Ms.  Geary agreed  the  policy  change does  not  make it  less                                                               
onerous; LAA cannot  change the requirements of  what is needed                                                               
for the accounting file.                                                                                                      
SENATOR  CLAMAN said  he  thinks the  practical  effect of  the                                                               
policy for  a long time  has been  that, if members  can afford                                                               
to, they  should save their  wallet funds for other  travel and                                                               
don't use them for legislative travel.                                                                                        
CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON removed  her objection and asked  for a roll                                                               
call vote.                                                                                                                    
5:56:19 PM                                                                                                                  
YEAS:  Senators  Bishop, Claman,  Gray-Jackson,  Kiehl,  Olson,                                                               
Stedman,  Stevens;  Representatives  Edgmon,  Hannan,  Johnson,                                                               
McCabe, Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton                                                                                             
NAYS: None                                                                                                                    
The motion passed 14-0.                                                                                                       
     b. Four-Year Technology Plan                                                                                           
5:57:04 PM                                                                                                                  
VICE  CHAIR MCCABE  moved that  Legislative  Council adopt  the                                                               
Four-Year Technology Plan, 2024-2027.                                                                                         
CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  objected for the purpose  of discussion and                                                               
asked Shay  Wilson, CIO,  to explain  the Four-Year  Technology                                                               
Plan and answer any questions.                                                                                                
SHAY  WILSON  Chief Information  Officer,  Legislative  Affairs                                                               
Agency (LAA),  stated this item is the  Legislature's Four-Year                                                               
Technology  Plan  which  was   developed  by  the  Division  of                                                               
Technology and Information  (DTI) with review and  input by the                                                               
IT Subcommittee.  He said as  everyone is aware,  technology is                                                               
an important  facet of the  legislatures  work process.  In the                                                               
quickly changing  environment of technology, it  is critical to                                                               
have a guide  to help ensure limited resources are  used to the                                                               
greatest benefit and target spending  to meet the legislatures                                                                
technology priorities.  This plan  is arranged in  three parts:                                                               
the first  section defines  the structure and  responsibilities                                                               
of  IT;  the  second  section   outlines  the  initiatives  and                                                               
principles that guide  the work; and finally,  the last section                                                               
details projects  and priorities  for the  next four  years. He                                                               
said  he recommends  Legislative  Council  adopt the  2024-2027                                                               
Four-Year  Technology Plan  as a  guiding document  for DTI  to                                                               
use. Adoption does not approve  any funding, bypass procurement                                                               
rules, or  signify Councils  support  of any of  the individual                                                               
projects  included in  the plan. Specific  requests  will still                                                               
come before Council  as appropriate. It also  does not preclude                                                               
DTI from any additional initiatives or projects.                                                                              
In response to a question  by Representative Edgmon, Mr. Wilson                                                               
said the plan  was developed internally with ideas  from the IT                                                               
Subcommittee and DTI staff.                                                                                                   
SPEAKER  TILTON asked  if there had  been discussion  regarding                                                               
the two-step  verification that she  heard has caused a  lot of                                                               
challenges for members and staff.                                                                                             
MR. WILSON  confirmed  there have been  many discussions  about                                                               
the Multi-Factor  Authentication  (MFA) process which  requires                                                               
that additional  verification. He  said it  is the  standard of                                                               
technology, and  everyone is  moving there. DTI  realizes there                                                               
are difficulties  with MFA and  are trying to make  the process                                                               
as seamless as  possible so legislative work  is not disrupted,                                                               
but still allowing for that extra verification.                                                                               
SPEAKER TILTON  indicated her hope  is MFA will continue  to be                                                               
part of the discussion moving forward.                                                                                        
CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON removed  her objection and asked  for a roll                                                               
call vote.                                                                                                                    
6:00:44 PM                                                                                                                  
YEAS:  Senators  Bishop,  Claman,  Gray-Jackson,  Kiehl,  Olson                                                               
Stedman,  Stevens;  Representatives  Edgmon,  Hannan,  Johnson,                                                               
McCabe, Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton                                                                                             
NAYS: None                                                                                                                    
The motion passed 14-0.                                                                                                       
     c. Social Media Policy Update                                                                                          
CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  reminded members  that this agenda  item is                                                               
for information purposes only; it is  not an action item, and a                                                               
vote  will not  be  held on  the  amended  Social Media  Policy                                                               
today. However,  Ms. Nauman has  important information  about a                                                               
recent  US Supreme  Court case  to share so  members are  fully                                                               
informed   and  can  determine   whether   an  update   to  the                                                               
Legislature's  Social Media  Policy  is warranted  in the  near                                                               
6:02:23 PM                                                                                                                  
EMILY  NAUMAN,  Legal  Services  Director,  LAA,  presented  to                                                               
Council a review of the recent  US Supreme Court case Lindke v.                                                               
Freed, which  may impact  legislator use  of social  media. Ms.                                                               
Nauman used the following documents  in her presentation, which                                                               
are available on BASIS:                                                                                                       
   - PowerPoint slides;                                                                                                       
   - Memo to the Chair; and                                                                                                   
   - Draft of amended Social Media Policy.                                                                                    
TRANSCRIPTION  NOTE:  The discussion  is  not  recorded in  the                                                               
written   transcript;  it   is  available   online  via   audio                                                               
transcript or by viewing the recorded stream.                                                                                 
6:33:50 PM                                                                                                                  
CHAIR  GRAY-JACKSON,   at  the   conclusion  of   Ms.  Nauman's                                                               
presentation, reminded  members that  this item will  come back                                                               
before Council  at a  future meeting  and that  a draft  of the                                                               
amended Social Media  Policy as currently proposed  is in their                                                               
packets. She  urged members to  review the language,  reach out                                                               
to Legal Services with questions, and be ready to discuss.                                                                    
VIII. ADJOURNMENT                                                                                                           
CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON,  after confirming there were  no additional                                                               
comments by members, advised that  the next Legislative Council                                                               
meeting will  be June 17, 2024,  in Anchorage. She  added that,                                                               
subject  to   change,  future  interim  Council   meetings  are                                                               
anticipated in August, late September,  and early December. She                                                               
noted that  the meeting  schedule is  based on  deadline driven                                                               
dates  for  contracts,  leases,  and RFPs.  The  Chair  thanked                                                               
members, LAA staff, and her staff for their contributions.                                                                    
6:35:04 PM                                                                                                                  
With no further business before  the committee, the meeting was                                                               
adjourned at 6:35 pm.