Legislature(2023 - 2024)SENATE FINANCE 532

04/18/2023 05:30 PM House LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL

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Audio Topic
05:31:58 PM Start
06:42:17 PM Adjourn
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ I. Ratification of Charity Events TELECONFERENCED
a. Sham Jam 2023 - April 8, 2023
b. Legislative Skits - April 29 & 30, 2023
c. Kenai River Junior Classic - August 9, 2023
d. Ted Stevens Kenai River Classic - August 23,
24 & 25, 2023
e. Kenai River Women's Classic - September 14, 15
& 16, 2023
+ II. Contract Approvals TELECONFERENCED
a. Ketchikan Lease Extension
b. Fairbanks Lease Renewal
c. Mat-Su Lease Extension Renewal
d. FY24 Microsoft Enterprise Software Renewal
III. Executive Session
a. Lease Extension Renewal
+ IV. Committee Business TELECONFERENCED
a. Forty-Hour Work Week
b. FY24 Hardware Refresh
c. Amendment to COVID-19 Mitigation Policy
+ V. Other Committee Business TELECONFERENCED
a. Announcement of Subcommittees
b. 2022 Agency Report
c. Preview of Upcoming Items
                  ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                                                                    
                    LEGISLATIVE COUNCIL                                                                                       
                       APRIL 18, 2023                                                                                         
                          5:30 PM                                                                                             
   MEMBERS PRESENT                                                                                                            
   Senator Elvi Gray-Jackson, Chair                                                                                           
   Representative Kevin McCabe, Vice Chair                                                                                    
   Senator Click Bishop                                                                                                       
   Senator Matt Claman                                                                                                        
   Senator Lyman Hoffman                                                                                                      
   Senator Jesse Kiehl                                                                                                        
   Senator Donny Olson                                                                                                        
   Senator Gary Stevens                                                                                                       
   Representative Bryce Edgmon                                                                                                
   Representative Sara Hannan                                                                                                 
   Representative Craig Johnson                                                                                               
   Representative George Rauscher                                                                                             
   Representative Dan Saddler                                                                                                 
   Representative Cathy Tilton                                                                                                
   MEMBERS ABSENT                                                                                                             
   Senator Bert Stedman (alternate)                                                                                           
   APPROVAL OF AGENDA                                                                                                         
   APPROVAL OF MINUTES                                                                                                        
   RATIFICATION OF CHARITY EVENTS                                                                                             
   CONTRACT APPROVALS                                                                                                         
   COMMITTEE BUSINESS-EXECUTIVE SESSION                                                                                       
   COMMITTEE BUSINESS                                                                                                         
   SPEAKER REGISTER                                                                                                           
   Jessica Geary, Executive Director, Legislative Affairs                                                                     
   Agency (LAA)                                                                                                               
   JC Kestel, Procurement Officer, LAA                                                                                        
   Tim Banaszak, Chief Information Officer, Integrated                                                                        
   Technology Services, LAA                                                                                                   
   I. CALL TO ORDER                                                                                                         
   5:31:58 PM                                                                                                               
   CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON called the Legislative Council meeting  to                                                              
   order at  5:31 pm  on April  18, 2023.  Present  at the  call                                                              
   were: Senators  Bishop, Claman,  Gray-Jackson, Kiehl,  Olson,                                                            
   Stevens; Representatives Edgmon,  Hannan, Johnson,  Rauscher,                                                              
   Saddler, McCabe, Tilton.                                                                                                   
   Twelve members present.                                                                                                    
   Speaker  Tilton  joined  the  meeting  at  5:35  PM,  Senator                                                              
   Hoffman joined the meeting at 6:17 PM.                                                                                     
   II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA                                                                                                   
   5:33:05 PM                                                                                                               
   VICE CHAIR  MCCABE  moved that  Legislative  Council  approve                                                              
   the agenda as presented.                                                                                                   
   The agenda was approved without objection.                                                                                 
   III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES                                                                                                 
   5:33:25 PM                                                                                                               
   VICE CHAIR  MCCABE  moved that  Legislative  Council  approve                                                              
   the minutes dated: January  16, 2023, and February 21,  2023,                                                              
   as presented.                                                                                                              
   The minutes were approved without objection.                                                                               
   IV. RATIFICATION OF CHARITY EVENTS                                                                                       
   5:33:49 PM                                                                                                               
   VICE-CHAIR MCCABE  moved  and asked  unanimous  consent  that                                                              
   Legislative Council  ratify the  Chairs  sanctioning  of  the                                                              
   following charitable events  per AS 24.60.080(a)(2)(B):  Sham                                                              
   Jam, April  8, 2023;  Legislative Skits,  April 29-30,  2023;                                                              
   Kenai River  Junior  Classic,  August 9,  2023;  Ted  Stevens                                                              
   Kenai River  Classic,  August 23-25,  2023; and  Kenai  River                                                              
   Women's Classic, September 14-16, 2023.                                                                                    
   CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  objected for the  purpose of discussion.                                                               
   She stated that she previously  sanctioned the listed  events                                                              
   and verified  the 501(c)(3)  status of  the charities.  There                                                              
   was  no  discussion,  the  objection  was  removed,  and  the                                                              
   charitable events were ratified.                                                                                           
   V. CONTRACT APPROVALS                                                                                                    
   A. Ketchikan Lease Renewal                                                                                               
   5:35:11 PM                                                                                                               
   VICE CHAIR  MCCABE  moved that  Legislative  Council  approve                                                              
   continuation of  the  lease extension  for  Ketchikan  office                                                              
   space  through   February  28,   2027,  in   the  amount   of                                                              
   $50,645.88 for fiscal year 2024.                                                                                           
   CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  objected for  the purpose  of discussion                                                               
   and asked Mr. Kestel to speak to this item.                                                                                
   JC  KESTEL,  Procurement  Officer  (LAA),  said  the  current                                                              
   Ketchikan lease was under  the $50,000 threshold at the  time                                                              
   the lease extension was  exercised by a previous Legislative                                                               
   Council Chair.  Due to the  recent increase  in the  Consumer                                                              
   Price Index  for  All  Urban Consumers  (CPI-U),  this  lease                                                              
   will exceed  the $50,000  threshold for  the upcoming  fiscal                                                              
   year (2024);  therefore,  Legislative Councils   approval  is                                                              
   required to continue this lease extension.                                                                                 
   There was no  discussion and Chair  Gray-Jackson removed  her                                                              
   5:36:57 PM                                                                                                               
   A roll call vote was taken.                                                                                                
   YEAS: Senators  Bishop, Claman,  Gray-Jackson, Kiehl,  Olson,                                                              
   Stevens; Representatives  Edgmon,  Hannan,  Johnson,  McCabe,                                                              
   Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton                                                                                                  
   NAYS: None                                                                                                                 
   The motion passed 13-0.                                                                                                    
   B.   Fairbanks Lease Renewal                                                                                             
   5:37:48 PM                                                                                                               
   VICE-CHAIR  MCCABE moved  that  Legislative  Council  approve                                                              
   Renewal Number 3 of the  lease for Fairbanks office space  in                                                              
   the amount of $216,240.96.                                                                                                 
   CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  objected for  the purpose  of discussion                                                               
   and asked  Procurement Officer  JC Kestel  to  speak to  this                                                              
   MR. KESTEL stated  that this  item is for  the third  renewal                                                              
   of the  Fairbanks office  space. He  said the  current  lease                                                              
   renewal expires July  31, 2023, and  if Council approves  the                                                              
   request  today,   there  will  be   two  remaining   one-year                                                              
   renewals of this lease. The  third renewal is for the  period                                                              
   of August  1,  2023, through  July  31,  2024, and  since  it                                                              
   exceeds the $50,000  limit, it  requires Legislative  Council                                                              
   There was no  discussion and Chair  Gray-Jackson removed  her                                                              
   5:38:51 PM                                                                                                               
   A roll call vote was taken.                                                                                                
   YEAS: Senators  Bishop, Claman,  Gray-Jackson, Kiehl,  Olson,                                                              
   Stevens; Representatives  Edgmon,  Hannan,  Johnson,  McCabe,                                                              
   Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton                                                                                                  
   NAYS: None                                                                                                                 
   The motion passed 13-0.                                                                                                    
   C. Mat-Su Lease Extension Renewal                                                                                        
   5:39:34 PM                                                                                                               
   VICE-CHAIR  MCCABE moved  that  Legislative  Council  approve                                                              
   Renewal Number  2 of the  lease for the  Mat-Su office  space                                                              
   in the amount of $190,681.56.                                                                                              
   CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  objected for  the purpose  of discussion                                                               
   and asked  Procurement Officer  JC Kestel  to  speak on  this                                                              
   MR.  KESTEL stated  that  this  request  is  for  the  second                                                              
   renewal  of  the  Mat-Su  office  space  lease.  The  renewal                                                              
   period, if  approved,  would cover  August 1,  2023,  through                                                              
   July 31,  2024, leaving  three optional  renewals remaining.                                                               
   Since it exceeds  the $50,000 limit in  one fiscal year,  the                                                              
   renewal requires Legislative Council approval.                                                                             
   There was no  discussion and Chair  Gray-Jackson removed  her                                                              
   5:40:41 PM                                                                                                               
   A roll call vote was taken.                                                                                                
   YEAS: Senators  Bishop, Claman,  Gray-Jackson, Kiehl,  Olson,                                                              
   Stevens; Representatives  Edgmon,  Hannan,  Johnson,  McCabe,                                                              
   Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton                                                                                                  
   NAYS: None                                                                                                                 
   The motion passed 13-0.                                                                                                    
   D. FY24 Microsoft Enterprise Software Renewal Agreement                                                                  
   5:41:26 PM                                                                                                               
   VICE-CHAIR MCCABE  moved that  Legislative Council  authorize                                                              
   the annual  Microsoft  FY24  licensing  payment  to  Software                                                              
   House International (SHI) for $278,056.                                                                                    
   CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  objected for  the purpose  of discussion                                                               
   and asked Mr. Banaszak to speak to this item.                                                                              
   TIM BANASZAK, Chief  Information Officer  (LAA), stated  that                                                              
   this SHI Microsoft  renewal is  the third  and final  renewal                                                              
   available  under  the  current  State  of  Alaska  three-year                                                              
   contract;  Council   previously   approved  the   first   two                                                              
   renewals. The primary purpose  of the contract is to  provide                                                              
   Microsoft products  that affect  essential  functions of  the                                                              
   Legislature including  Windows 10,  Windows server operating                                                               
   systems, cybersecurity  software,  and  the  Office  software                                                              
   suite.   It    also    provides   software    for    critical                                                              
   infrastructure  and  systems  such  as  Windows  servers  and                                                              
   databases, most  notably BASIS; network  storage drives;  web                                                              
   servers; video  conferencing  systems like  Microsoft  Teams;                                                              
   and crucial cybersecurity  tools. He  recommended renewal  of                                                              
   the  agreement  which  offers  reduced  volume  pricing   and                                                              
   enhanced technical  support,  as well  as training  for  both                                                              
   technical staff and users.                                                                                                 
   Mr.  Banaszak  noted  the   cost  of  this  renewal  is   the                                                              
   Legislatures  portion of the  State of Alaska contract  which                                                              
   was competitively  procured.  In response  to a  question  by                                                              
   Representative  Johnson,  Mr.  Banaszak  responded  that  the                                                              
   software  licensing  and  renewals  allow  for  updating  the                                                              
   software  to   the  latest  versions   available,   including                                                              
   Windows 11.  While the  memo does  not mention  the  upgrade,                                                              
   the license does.                                                                                                          
   There  was  no further  discussion   and Chair  Gray-Jackson                                                               
   removed her objection.                                                                                                     
   5:47:57 PM                                                                                                                 
   A roll call vote was taken.                                                                                                
   YEAS: Senators  Bishop, Claman,  Gray-Jackson, Kiehl,  Olson,                                                              
   Stevens; Representatives  Edgmon,  Hannan,  Johnson,  McCabe,                                                              
   Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton                                                                                                  
   NAYS: None                                                                                                                 
   The motion passed 13-0.                                                                                                    
   VI. COMMITTEE BUSINESS - EXECUTIVE SESSION                                                                               
   5:48:49 PM                                                                                                               
   VICE CHAIR  MCCABE moved  that  Legislative Council  go  into                                                              
   Executive Session  under  Uniform Rule  22(b)(1), discussion                                                               
   of  matters,   the  immediate   knowledge   of  which   would                                                              
   adversely  affect the  finances  of  a  government  unit  and                                                              
   22(b)(3),  discussion  of a  matter  that  may,  by  law,  be                                                              
   required to be  confidential. The  following individuals  may                                                              
   remain  in the  room  or  online  during  Executive  Session:                                                              
   Jessica  Geary, Megan  Wallace,  Emily  Nauman,  Santé  Lesh,                                                              
   Molly Kiesel,  JC Kestel,  Tim Banaszak,  Skiff Lobaugh,  and                                                              
   any legislators  not on  Legislative Council,  and any  staff                                                              
   of Legislative Council members.                                                                                            
   5:50:02 PM                                                                                                               
   A roll call vote was taken.                                                                                                
   YEAS: Senators  Bishop, Claman,  Gray-Jackson, Kiehl,  Olson,                                                              
   Stevens; Representatives  Edgmon,  Hannan,  Johnson,  McCabe,                                                              
   Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton                                                                                                  
   NAYS: None                                                                                                                 
 The motion passed 13-0.                                                                                                      
   5:50:37 PM                                                                                                               
   Council went into Executive Session.                                                                                       
   6:15:36 PM                                                                                                               
   Council came out of Executive Session.                                                                                     
   A roll call was taken to establish a quorum.                                                                               
   YEAS: Senators  Bishop, Claman,  Gray-Jackson, Kiehl,  Olson,                                                              
   Stevens; Representatives  Edgmon,  Hannan,  Johnson,  McCabe,                                                              
   Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton                                                                                                  
   Thirteen members present.                                                                                                  
   A. Lease Extension Renewal                                                                                               
   6:16:24 PM                                                                                                               
   VICE CHAIR  MCCABE  moved that  Legislative  Council  approve                                                              
   Renewal Number  1 of  the lease  for the  Office of  Victims                                                               
   Rights office  space  in  the amount  of  $50,087.16  through                                                              
   June 30, 2024.                                                                                                             
   CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  objected for  the purpose  of discussion                                                               
   and asked Mr. Kestel to speak to this item.                                                                                
   MR.  KESTEL  stated  that  this  request  is  for  the  first                                                              
   renewal of  the lease extension  for the  Office of  Victims                                                               
   Rights. Since the  renewal exceeds the  $50,000 limit in  one                                                              
   fiscal year,  it requires  Legislative Council  approval.  If                                                              
   approved,  the  lease  extension  renewal  would  be  granted                                                              
   through June 30, 2024.                                                                                                     
   There was no  discussion and Chair  Gray-Jackson removed  her                                                              
   6:17:35 PM                                                                                                               
   A roll call vote was taken.                                                                                                
   YEAS: Senators  Bishop, Claman,  Gray-Jackson, Kiehl,  Olson,                                                              
   Stevens; Representatives  Edgmon,  Hannan,  Johnson,  McCabe,                                                              
   Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton                                                                                                  
   NAYS: None                                                                                                                 
   The motion passed 13-0.                                                                                                    
   VII. COMMITTEE BUSINESS                                                                                                  
   A. 40-Hour Workweek                                                                                                      
   CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  asked Ms.  Geary to speak  on the  change                                                              
   to the 40-hour workweek.                                                                                                   
   Prior to  Ms.  Gearys  testimony,  Senate  President  Stevens                                                              
   requested that Council  pause to ensure  Senator Hoffman  was                                                              
   on  teleconference  as  he  had  expressed  an  interest   in                                                              
   participating for this item.                                                                                               
   6:18:37 PM                                                                                                                 
   Council took a brief at-ease.                                                                                              
   6:18:47 PM                                                                                                                 
   Council  returned   from   at-ease.   Senator   Hoffman   was                                                              
   confirmed to be on teleconference.                                                                                         
   JESSICA GEARY, Executive  Director (LAA),  stated the  reason                                                              
   LAA started  looking into moving  to a  40-hour workweek  was                                                              
   because compensatory time over  the last couple of years  was                                                              
   frequently exceeding the  150-hour maximum that non-partisan                                                               
   staff  can  accumulate.  In  many  cases,  this  resulted  in                                                              
   difficulty for staff  to use both their  comp time and  their                                                              
   mandatory leave.  Paying staff  for an  additional 2.5  hours                                                              
   per week which  they are already  working would help  improve                                                              
   morale, retention, and burnout  that employees are  currently                                                              
   experiencing.  She  said   she  has  additional  information                                                               
   prepared and is pleased to answer questions.                                                                               
   REPRESENTATIVE  SADDLER   asked  which   LAA  sections   were                                                              
   experiencing the most burnout.                                                                                             
   MS. GEARY  responded that  Legal Services,  IT, Maintenance,                                                               
   and sometimes Supply experience the most burnout.                                                                          
   REPRESENTATIVE SADDLER  followed  up  to confirm  that  Legal                                                              
   Services, IT,  and Maintenance  were  some of  LAAs   largest                                                              
   MS. GEARY confirmed that was correct.                                                                                      
   6:21:22 PM                                                                                                                 
   CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON called a brief at-ease.                                                                                 
   6:21:46 PM                                                                                                                 
   Council returned from at-ease.                                                                                             
 6:22:16 PM                                                                                                               
   VICE CHAIR MCCABE  moved that Legislative  Council adopt  the                                                              
   Standard Workweek Policy as presented.                                                                                     
 CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON objected for the purpose of discussion.                                                                   
   REPRESENTATIVE RAUSCHER  stated his support  for the  40-hour                                                              
   6:23:49 PM                                                                                                               
   A roll call vote was taken.                                                                                                
   YEAS:  Senators   Bishop,  Claman,   Hoffman,  Gray-Jackson,                                                               
   Kiehl,  Olson,  Stevens;   Representatives  Edgmon,   Hannan,                                                              
   Johnson, McCabe, Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton                                                                                 
   NAYS: None                                                                                                                 
   The motion passed 14-0.                                                                                                    
   B. FY24 Hardware Refresh                                                                                                 
   6:24:47 PM                                                                                                               
   VICE CHAIR  MCCABE  moved that  Legislative  Council  approve                                                              
   the  Fiscal  Year  2024  Computer  Hardware  Refresh  in  the                                                              
   amount of $176,642 out of existing capital funds.                                                                          
   CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  objected for  the purpose  of discussion                                                               
   and asked  Chief Information  Officer Tim  Banaszak to  speak                                                              
   on the issue.                                                                                                              
   MR. BANASZAK stated  that the motion  for $176,642  addresses                                                              
   deferred   maintenance   for   Councils    consideration   to                                                              
   include: 50 laptop  workstations; 23  laser printers; 5  tiny                                                              
   PC workstations; 165 laptop  docking stations; and 15  iPads.                                                              
   The hardware refresh follows  the IT Subcommittee guidelines                                                               
   and is based on  a five-year computer  refresh cycle, age  of                                                              
   equipment, upkeep costs,  performance, and obsolescence.  The                                                              
   recommendations   are   consistent   with   the    Three-Year                                                              
   Technology Plan;  standardize a single,  color laser  printer                                                              
   for  each  office,  reducing  toner  replacement   costs  and                                                              
   support resources;  transition hardware  to laptop  computers                                                              
   that  support  working  from  any  location;  and   are  cost                                                              
   efficient, leveraging  government  contract  volume  discount                                                              
   pricing. He said he was happy to answer any questions.                                                                     
   6:28:02 PM                                                                                                               
   A roll call vote was taken.                                                                                                
   YEAS: Senators  Bishop, Claman,  Gray-Jackson, Kiehl,  Olson,                                                              
   Stevens; Representatives  Edgmon,  Hannan,  Johnson,  McCabe,                                                              
   Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton                                                                                                  
   NAYS: None                                                                                                                 
   The motion passed 13-0.                                                                                                    
   C. Amendment to COVID-19 Mitigation Policy                                                                               
   6:28:51 PM                                                                                                               
   VICE CHAIR  MCCABE  moved that  Legislative  Council  approve                                                              
   the  amendment   to  the   COVID-19  Mitigation   Policy   as                                                              
   CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  objected for  the purpose  of discussion                                                               
   and asked Ms. Geary to speak to this item.                                                                                 
   MS. GEARY stated  members have a copy  of the amended  policy                                                              
   and  a  memo  outlining  the  proposed  changes.  The  simple                                                              
   changes  eliminate provisions  that  the  Legislature  is  no                                                              
   longer following  such  as  social  distancing requirements,                                                               
   testing,  and  screening.   She  noted  the  amended   policy                                                              
   retains the  ability for  individuals to  require masking  in                                                              
   their own  offices.  In response  to  a question  by  Senator                                                              
   Olson,  Ms.  Geary   said  positive   cases  are  no   longer                                                              
   officially being tracked  and the number  of those who  self-                                                              
   reported were insignificant.                                                                                               
   6:30:30 PM                                                                                                               
   A roll call vote was taken.                                                                                                
   YEAS: Senators  Bishop, Claman,  Gray-Jackson, Kiehl,  Olson,                                                              
   Stevens; Representatives  Edgmon,  Hannan,  Johnson,  McCabe,                                                              
   Rauscher, Saddler, Tilton                                                                                                  
   NAYS: None                                                                                                                 
   The motion passed 13-0.                                                                                                    
   VIII. OTHER COMMITTEE BUSINESS                                                                                           
   A. Announcement of Subcommittees                                                                                         
   CHAIR  GRAY-JACKSON  stated that  in  the  first  meeting  of                                                              
   Legislative  Council on  February  21,  2023,  she  requested                                                              
   volunteers for three  subcommittees, with follow-up  requests                                                              
   during subsequent  discussions.  She extended  her  gratitude                                                              
   to the  following legislators  and staff  who volunteered  to                                                              
   work on these issues:                                                                                                      
   Assembly Building Subcommittee                                                                                             
   CHAIR Senator Kiehl                                                                                                        
   Senator Bishop                                                                                                             
   Senator Stedman                                                                                                            
   Senator Gray-Jackson                                                                                                       
   Representative McCabe                                                                                                      
   Representative Hannan                                                                                                      
   Jessica Geary, Executive Director, LAA                                                                                     
   Serge Lesh, Facilities Manager, LAA                                                                                        
   Security Subcommittee                                                                                                      
   CHAIR Representative Cronk                                                                                                 
   Representative Tilton                                                                                                      
   Representative C. Johnson                                                                                                  
   Senator Stevens                                                                                                            
   Senator Claman                                                                                                             
   Senator Shower                                                                                                             
   Jessica Geary, Executive Director, LAA                                                                                     
   Rayme Vinson, Chief of Security, LAA                                                                                       
   IT Subcommittee                                                                                                            
   CHAIR Tim Banaszak, Chief Information Officer, LAA                                                                         
   Tim Lamkin, Staff to Senator Stevens                                                                                       
   Steve St.Clair, Staff to Speaker Tilton                                                                                    
   Lizzie Kubitz, Staff to Senator Claman                                                                                     
   Aurora Hauke, Staff to Senator Kiehl                                                                                       
   Forrest Musselman, House Majority Press Office                                                                             
   Alliana Salanguit, Staff to Senator Dunbar                                                                                 
   Naresh Shrestha, Staff to Senator Shower                                                                                   
   Tim Clark, Staff to Representative Hannan                                                                                  
   Ed King, Staff to Representative McKay                                                                                     
   Crys Jones, Chief Clerk                                                                                                    
   Liz Clark, Senator Secretary                                                                                               
   Tim Powers, Information and Teleconference Manager, LAA                                                                    
   Brian Heimbigner, Media Services, LAA                                                                                      
   Shay Wilson (IT Advisory), LAA                                                                                             
   Drew Gruening (IT Advisory), LAA                                                                                           
   Frank Wilson (IT Advisory), LAA                                                                                            
   Chair Gray-Jackson welcomed  two additional members from  the                                                              
   House   to   serve   on   the   Assembly   Building    Policy                                                              
   Subcommittee,  but it  is  not required.  She  again  thanked                                                              
   individuals   for    volunteering   to    serve   on    these                                                              
   B. 2022 Agency Report                                                                                                    
   CHAIR GRAY-JACKSON  asked  Ms. Geary  to  speak on  the  2022                                                              
   Agency  Report  distributed  to  legislators  last  year  and                                                              
   again in  meeting  packets  today.  She said  she  knew  that                                                              
   Agency staff worked  hard, but  she was truly  amazed at  all                                                              
   the work  done  in  support of  the  Legislature.  She  truly                                                              
   appreciated  that work  and  looked forward  to  Ms.  Gearys                                                               
   comments and answers to any questions from members.                                                                        
   MS. GEARY  said this Agency  Report was  drafted after  going                                                              
   through  COVID  and  demonstrates   the  Agencys   work   for                                                              
   members  and staff.  These  reports  will  be  bi-annual  and                                                              
   provided to members at the  end of each Legislature.  Members                                                              
   can review  the report  and ask  questions about  any of  the                                                              
   work being  done. She  said  an important  thing to  note  is                                                              
   this report  shows how  proud  Agency staff  are to  work  in                                                              
   support of the  Legislature. She  said she is  very proud  to                                                              
   work here and knows her staff are as well.                                                                                 
   Ms. Geary,  in response  to a  question by  Senate  President                                                              
   Stevens, said the  operations of the  Legislative Lounge  are                                                              
   under the purview of the Senate Rules Chair, not LAA.                                                                      
   SENATOR BISHOP thanked  Ms. Geary and  her staff. These  last                                                              
   several  years  have not  been  easy.  He  said  he  and  all                                                              
   legislators owe  Ms.  Geary and,  under her  leadership,  all                                                              
   LAA  employees,  a debt  of  gratitude  for  what  they  went                                                              
   through to make this building work; so, thank you.                                                                         
   REPRESENTATIVE HANNAN echoed  Senator Bishops  comments.  She                                                              
   said Council  chairs gain an  understanding of  all the  work                                                              
   that  happens  behind  the  scenes,  but  most  offices   are                                                              
   unaware because  of  the exemplary  job  of those  doing  the                                                              
   work.  The  Agencys   job   is  to  make  legislators    jobs                                                              
   possible, and they  do so with very  little fanfare, and  she                                                              
   thanked them for it.                                                                                                       
   C. Preview of Upcoming Items                                                                                             
   CHAIR  GRAY-JACKSON  asked  Ms.  Geary  to  provide  a  brief                                                              
   summary  of  items  that  are  anticipated  to  come   before                                                              
   Council this year.                                                                                                         
   MS. GEARY  said  she  anticipates  bringing  to  Council  for                                                              
   consideration  within  the   next  year,  and  possibly   the                                                              
   following  year   depending  on   solicitation  length,   the                                                              
   following items:  (1)  the Terry  Miller  Legislative  Office                                                              
   Building, where  most LAA offices  are located,  needs a  new                                                              
   HVAC system. The  system is antiquated,  parts are no  longer                                                              
   available  nor  is  there  the  knowledge  and  expertise  to                                                              
   repair it, so LAA is working  on issuing a procurement for  a                                                              
   new  system;  (2)   service  contracts   in  Anchorage  -   a                                                              
   janitorial contract renewal  which expires in August, a  snow                                                              
   removal contract  which expires  in October,  and a  security                                                              
   contract renewal which  expires in December;  (3) the  Kodiak                                                              
   lease,  which  expires  in  October;  and  (4)  depending  on                                                              
   subcommittee  recommendations  there may  be  security  items                                                              
   and some Assembly  Building policy related  items. Ms.  Geary                                                              
   ended her  preview by  saying  that of  course there  may  be                                                              
 unexpected items that arise to be brought before Council.                                                                    
   There was no discussion.                                                                                                   
   IX. ADJOURN                                                                                                              
   CHAIR   GRAY-JACKSON   thanked    previous   Council    Chair                                                              
   Representative Hannan  for her  leadership.  She thanked  Ms.                                                              
   Geary  and Agency  staff  for  their  hard  work, especially                                                               
   during  COVID. She  thanked  her  staff  in  helping  her  as                                                              
   Council  Chair which  requires  a  great  deal  of  time  and                                                              
   effort.  Lastly,  she  thanked  Vice  Chair  McCabe  for  the                                                              
   advance  work  required  to   allow  these  meetings  to   be                                                              
   With no further  business before the  committee, the  meeting                                                              
   was adjourned at 6:42 PM.                                                                                                  
   6:42:17 PM