Legislature(2023 - 2024)GRUENBERG 120

04/24/2023 01:00 PM House JUDICIARY

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01:04:25 PM Start
01:04:55 PM HB68
03:13:05 PM Adjourn
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
<Bill Hearing Canceled>
-- Public Testimony --
<Bill Hearing Canceled>
-- Public Testimony --
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
Moved CSHB 68(JUD) Out of Committee
                    ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                                                                  
               HOUSE JUDICIARY STANDING COMMITTEE                                                                             
                         April 24, 2023                                                                                         
                           1:04 p.m.                                                                                            
MEMBERS PRESENT                                                                                                               
Representative Sarah Vance, Chair                                                                                               
Representative Jamie Allard, Vice Chair                                                                                         
Representative Ben Carpenter                                                                                                    
Representative Craig Johnson                                                                                                    
Representative David Eastman                                                                                                    
Representative Andrew Gray                                                                                                      
Representative Cliff Groh                                                                                                       
MEMBERS ABSENT                                                                                                                
All members present                                                                                                             
COMMITTEE CALENDAR                                                                                                            
HOUSE BILL NO. 68                                                                                                               
"An Act  relating to sex  trafficking; establishing the  crime of                                                               
patron of a  victim of sex trafficking; relating to  the crime of                                                               
human   trafficking;  relating   to  prostitution;   relating  to                                                               
sentencing  for  sex  trafficking,  patron of  a  victim  of  sex                                                               
trafficking, and human trafficking;  establishing the process for                                                               
vacating judgments  for certain  convictions of  prostitution and                                                               
misconduct  involving a  controlled  substance;  relating to  the                                                               
Council  on Domestic  Violence and  Sexual  Assault; relating  to                                                               
permanent   fund   dividends   for  certain   individuals   whose                                                               
convictions are vacated; and providing for an effective date."                                                                  
     - MOVED CSHB 68(JUD) OUT OF COMMITTEE                                                                                      
HOUSE BILL NO. 82                                                                                                               
"An Act  relating to the  selection, retention, and  rejection of                                                               
judicial  officers for  the  court of  appeals  and the  district                                                               
court and of magistrates; relating  to the duties of the judicial                                                               
council;  and  relating  to  the  duties  of  the  Commission  on                                                               
Judicial Conduct."                                                                                                              
     - BILL HEARING CANCELED                                                                                                    
SPONSOR SUBSTITUTE FOR HOUSE BILL NO. 11                                                                                        
"An Act  establishing the crime of  assault in the presence  of a                                                               
     - BILL HEARING CANCELED                                                                                                    
PREVIOUS COMMITTEE ACTION                                                                                                     
BILL: HB  68                                                                                                                  
SHORT TITLE: CRIME OF SEX/HUMAN TRAFFICKING                                                                                     
SPONSOR(s): RULES BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR                                                                                    
02/08/23       (H)       READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRALS                                                                        
02/08/23       (H)       JUD, FIN                                                                                               
03/10/23       (H)       JUD AT 1:00 PM GRUENBERG 120                                                                           
03/10/23       (H)       Heard & Held                                                                                           
03/10/23       (H)       MINUTE(JUD)                                                                                            
03/20/23       (H)       JUD AT 1:00 PM GRUENBERG 120                                                                           
03/20/23       (H)       Heard & Held                                                                                           
03/20/23       (H)       MINUTE(JUD)                                                                                            
03/22/23       (H)       JUD AT 1:00 PM GRUENBERG 120                                                                           
03/22/23       (H)       -- MEETING CANCELED --                                                                                 
03/24/23       (H)       JUD AT 1:00 PM GRUENBERG 120                                                                           
03/24/23       (H)       Heard & Held                                                                                           
03/24/23       (H)       MINUTE(JUD)                                                                                            
03/27/23       (H)       JUD AT 1:00 PM GRUENBERG 120                                                                           
03/27/23       (H)       Scheduled but Not Heard                                                                                
03/31/23       (H)       JUD AT 1:00 PM GRUENBERG 120                                                                           
03/31/23       (H)       Scheduled but Not Heard                                                                                
04/03/23       (H)       JUD AT 1:00 PM GRUENBERG 120                                                                           
04/03/23       (H)       -- MEETING CANCELED --                                                                                 
04/12/23       (H)       JUD AT 1:00 PM GRUENBERG 120                                                                           
04/12/23       (H)       Heard & Held                                                                                           
04/12/23       (H)       MINUTE(JUD)                                                                                            
04/17/23       (H)       JUD AT 1:00 PM GRUENBERG 120                                                                           
04/17/23       (H)       -- MEETING CANCELED --                                                                                 
04/19/23       (H)       JUD AT 1:00 PM GRUENBERG 120                                                                           
04/19/23       (H)       Heard & Held                                                                                           
04/19/23       (H)       MINUTE(JUD)                                                                                            
04/21/23       (H)       JUD AT 1:00 PM GRUENBERG 120                                                                           
04/21/23       (H)       Heard & Held                                                                                           
04/21/23       (H)       MINUTE(JUD)                                                                                            
04/24/23       (H)       JUD AT 1:00 PM GRUENBERG 120                                                                           
WITNESS REGISTER                                                                                                              
JAKE ALMEIDA, Staff                                                                                                             
Representative Sarah Vance                                                                                                      
Alaska State Legislature                                                                                                        
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION  STATEMENT:   Offered information  on amendments  to the                                                             
proposed  CS for  HB  68, Version  S, as  amended,  on behalf  of                                                               
Representative Vance.                                                                                                           
CLAIRE RADFORD, Attorney                                                                                                        
Legislative Legal Services                                                                                                      
Legislative Affairs Agency                                                                                                      
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION  STATEMENT:   Answered questions  during the  hearing on                                                             
the proposed CS for HB 68, Version S, as amended.                                                                               
KELLY MANNING, Deputy Director                                                                                                  
Innovation and Education Excellence                                                                                             
Department of Education and Early Development                                                                                   
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION  STATEMENT:   Answered questions  during the  hearing on                                                             
the proposed CS for HB 68, Version S, as amended.                                                                               
GLENN SAVIERS, Deputy Director                                                                                                  
Division of Corporations Business and Professional Licensing                                                                    
Department of Commerce, Community & Economic Development                                                                        
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION  STATEMENT:   Answered questions  during the  hearing on                                                             
the proposed CS for HB 68, Version S, as amended.                                                                               
KACI SCHROEDER, Assistant Attorney General                                                                                      
Criminal Division                                                                                                               
Department of Law                                                                                                               
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT:   Offered  final comment  on the  proposed CS                                                             
for HB  68, Version S, as  amended, on behalf of  the House Rules                                                               
Standing Committee, sponsor by request of the governor.                                                                         
ACTION NARRATIVE                                                                                                              
1:04:25 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR SARAH  VANCE called the House  Judiciary Standing Committee                                                             
meeting  to order  at 1:04  p.m.   Representatives Carpenter,  C.                                                               
Johnson, Eastman, Gray, Groh, and  Vance were present at the call                                                               
to order.   Representative Allard  arrived as the meeting  was in                                                               
             HB  68-CRIME OF SEX/HUMAN TRAFFICKING                                                                          
1:04:55 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR VANCE  announced that the  only order of business  would be                                                               
HOUSE  BILL  NO.  68,  "An   Act  relating  to  sex  trafficking;                                                               
establishing the crime of patron  of a victim of sex trafficking;                                                               
relating  to   the  crime  of  human   trafficking;  relating  to                                                               
prostitution; relating to sentencing  for sex trafficking, patron                                                               
of  a   victim  of  sex   trafficking,  and   human  trafficking;                                                               
establishing  the  process  for vacating  judgments  for  certain                                                               
convictions   of   prostitution   and  misconduct   involving   a                                                               
controlled  substance;  relating  to   the  Council  on  Domestic                                                               
Violence  and   Sexual  Assault;   relating  to   permanent  fund                                                               
dividends for certain individuals  whose convictions are vacated;                                                               
and providing  for an  effective date."   [Before  the committee,                                                               
adopted as  the work  draft on 04/12/23  and amended  on 4/19/23,                                                               
was the  proposed committee  substitute (CS)  for HB  68, Version                                                               
33-GH1029\S, Radford, 4/11/23, "Version S."]                                                                                    
1:05:23 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER  moved to  adopt Amendment 5  to Version                                                               
S, labeled 33-GH1029\S.10, Radford, 4/20/23, which read:                                                                        
     Page 1, line 6, following "certificate;":                                                                                
          Insert "relating to sex trafficking, human                                                                          
     trafficking,   sexual   abuse,   and   sexual   assault                                                                  
     awareness and prevention education;"                                                                                     
     Page 25, following line 4:                                                                                                 
          Insert new bill sections to read:                                                                                     
        "* Sec. 36. AS 14.03.016(d)(2) is amended to read:                                                                  
               (2)  "human reproduction or sexual matters"                                                                      
     does not include curricula or materials for                                                                                
               (A)  sex trafficking, human trafficking,                                                                     
     sexual   abuse,  and   sexual  assault   awareness  and                                                                
     prevention training required under AS 14.30.355; or                                                                        
               (B)  dating violence and abuse awareness and                                                                     
     prevention training required under AS 14.30.356;                                                                           
        * Sec. 37. AS 14.20.020(k) is amended to read:                                                                        
          (k)  Except as provided in AS 14.20.015, a person                                                                     
     is not  eligible for a  teacher certificate  unless the                                                                    
     person  has completed  training  regarding alcohol  and                                                                    
     drug related disabilities  required under AS 14.20.680,                                                                    
     training regarding sex  trafficking, human trafficking,                                                                
     sexual   abuse,  and   sexual  assault   awareness  and                                                                
     prevention   required   under  AS 14.30.355,   training                                                                    
     regarding  dating  violence  and  abuse  awareness  and                                                                    
     prevention  required under  AS 14.30.356, and  training                                                                    
     related   to   suicide    prevention   required   under                                                                    
     AS 14.30.362."                                                                                                             
     Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                                          
     Page 25, following line 11:                                                                                                
          Insert new bill sections to read:                                                                                     
        "* Sec. 39. AS 14.30.355(a) is amended to read:                                                                     
          (a)  The governing body of each school district                                                                       
     shall  adopt  and  implement   a  policy,  establish  a                                                                    
     training  program  for   employees  and  students,  and                                                                    
     provide [PARENT]  notices relating to  sex trafficking,                                                                
     human  trafficking, sexual  abuse,  and sexual  assault                                                            
     awareness  and  prevention  for  students  enrolled  in                                                                    
     grades kindergarten through 12.                                                                                            
        * Sec. 40. AS 14.30.355(b) is amended to read:                                                                        
          (b)  The policy and [,] training [, AND NOTICES]                                                                  
     adopted under this section must include                                                                                    
               (1)   an age-appropriate  and trauma-informed                                                            
     approach [INFORMATION];                                                                                                
               (2)    warning signs  of  sexual  abuse of  a                                                                    
     child,   grooming,  attempted   sex  trafficking,   and                                                                
     attempted human trafficking;                                                                                           
               (3)  referral and resource information;                                                                          
               (4)     available   student  counseling   and                                                                    
     educational support;                                                                                                       
               (5)    information  related  to  safe  online                                                                
     practices and  warning signs of grooming  and attempted                                                                
     sex   trafficking   and   human   trafficking   through                                                                
     electronic  means  [METHODS   FOR  INCREASING  TEACHER,                                                                
     STUDENT,  AND  PARENT  AWARENESS  OF  ISSUES  REGARDING                                                                    
     SEXUAL ABUSE OF CHILDREN];                                                                                                 
               (6)    actions  that  a  child  may  take  to                                                                    
     prevent and report  sex trafficking, human trafficking,                                                                
     sexual abuse or sexual assault; [AND]                                                                                      
               (7)  a scalable, repeatable program; and                                                                     
               (8)  use of  evidence-based best practices [A                                                                
     PROCEDURE  ALLOWING  A  STUDENT   TO  BE  EXCUSED  FROM                                                                    
     PARTICIPATING  IN TRAINING  OR  FROM RECEIVING  NOTICES                                                                    
     UNDER THIS SECTION  AT THE WRITTEN REQUEST  OF A PARENT                                                                    
     OR GUARDIAN  OF THE STUDENT,  OR OF THE STUDENT  IF THE                                                                    
     STUDENT IS EMANCIPATED OR 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER].                                                                       
        * Sec. 41. AS 14.30.355(d)  is amended by adding new                                                                  
     paragraphs to read:                                                                                                        
               (3)   "human  trafficking" means  a violation                                                                    
     of AS 11.41.360 - 11.41.366;                                                                                               
               (4)  "sex trafficking" means a violation of                                                                      
     AS 11.41.340 - 11.41.350.                                                                                                  
        * Sec. 42.  AS 14.30.355 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (e)  A notice adopted under this section must                                                                         
     notify parents or guardians of  a student, or a student                                                                    
     who is emancipated or 18 years of age or older, of                                                                         
               (1)  a procedure allowing the student to be                                                                      
     excused  from participating  in  the  training or  from                                                                    
     receiving  subsequent notices  of the  training at  the                                                                    
     written  request  of  the parent  or  guardian  of  the                                                                    
     student, or, if the student  is emancipated or 18 years                                                                    
     of age or older, at the request of the student; and                                                                        
               (2)  an option to receive a summary of the                                                                       
     materials and  information provided in the  training if                                                                    
     the  parent, guardian,  or student  requested that  the                                                                    
     student   be  excused   from   participation  or   from                                                                    
     receiving  notices of  the training  under (1)  of this                                                                    
        * Sec. 43. AS 14.30.361(d) is amended to read:                                                                        
          (d)  The requirements under (a) of this section                                                                       
     do not apply to                                                                                                            
               (1)  sex trafficking, human trafficking,                                                                     
     sexual   abuse,  and   sexual  assault   awareness  and                                                                
     prevention training required under AS 14.30.355; or                                                                        
               (2)  dating violence and abuse awareness and                                                                     
     prevention training required under AS 14.30.356."                                                                          
     Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                                          
     Page 33, line 20:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 36"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 38"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 5:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 47"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 54"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 6:                                                                                                           
          Delete "47"                                                                                                           
          Insert "54"                                                                                                           
     Page 34, line 19:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 38"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 45"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 20:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 40"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 47"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 21:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 41"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 48"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 22:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 42"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 49"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 23:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 43"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 50"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 30:                                                                                                          
          Delete "47"                                                                                                           
          Insert "54"                                                                                                           
     Page 34, following line 30:                                                                                                
          Insert a new bill section to read:                                                                                    
        "* Sec. 68. Sections 36, 37, and 39 - 43 of this                                                                    
     Act take effect July 1, 2024."                                                                                             
     Renumber the following bill section accordingly.                                                                           
     Page 34, line 31:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 60"                                                                                                      
          Insert "secs. 67 and 68"                                                                                              
REPRESENTATIVE GRAY objected.                                                                                                   
1:05:42 PM                                                                                                                    
JAKE  ALMEIDA, Staff,  Representative Sarah  Vance, Alaska  State                                                               
Legislature, on  behalf of  Representative Vance,  explained that                                                               
Amendment  5 pertained  to AS  14.33.355, which  concerned policy                                                               
and training on sexual abuse  and sexual assault awareness in the                                                               
K-12  education system.   The  proposed amendment  would add  the                                                               
concepts of sex and human  trafficking to the statute and enhance                                                               
the substance of the curriculum, he said.                                                                                       
1:06:59 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE   EASTMAN   asked    where   the   phrase   "human                                                               
reproduction or sexual matters" was found in statute.                                                                           
1:07:38 PM                                                                                                                    
CLAIRE   RADFORD,    Attorney,   Legislative    Legal   Services,                                                               
Legislative Affairs  Agency (LAA), cited AS  14.03.016 related to                                                               
the  parental rights  to  direct the  education  of the  parents'                                                               
child.  The definition stated  that "human reproduction or sexual                                                               
matters" did not include curricula  or materials for subparagraph                                                               
(A)  and (B).   She  added  that there  was a  notice in  statute                                                               
related  to  human  reproduction   or  sexual  matters  that  was                                                               
required to go out to parents of children.                                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE EASTMAN asked whether  parents would have the same                                                               
ability to opt-out  from receiving the sex  and human trafficking                                                               
instruction if Amendment 5 were to pass.                                                                                        
MS.  RADFORD indicated  that the  proposed amendment  would allow                                                               
students to  be excused from  participating in this  training and                                                               
provide  an  option for  parents  to  receive  a summary  of  the                                                               
material provided.                                                                                                              
REPRESENTATIVE  EASTMAN sought  to clarify  whether the  parental                                                               
notice would provide the summary of instruction material.                                                                       
MS.  RADFORD said  the option  to receive  a summary  of material                                                               
would  be separate  from  the notice  regarding  training that  a                                                               
parent or guardian could opt-out his/her child from.                                                                            
1:10:47 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE GRAY inquired about  the typical process of adding                                                               
or changing K-12 curricula for the state.                                                                                       
1:11:07 PM                                                                                                                    
KELLY   MANNING,  Deputy   Director,  Innovation   and  Education                                                               
Excellence,  Department   of  Education  and   Early  Development                                                               
(DEED),  said  the  typical  process   for  adding  a  course  or                                                               
curriculum  requirement  involved  convening   a  work  group  of                                                               
educators  and  subject  matter experts  to  develop  content  or                                                               
perform a  rubric or evaluation  process for existing  content to                                                               
determine  whether it  aligned with  state standards.   The  work                                                               
group would then  create the course or curriculum  based off that                                                               
process, she  said.   For e-learning  education, she  added, [the                                                               
work  group] would  work with  an e-learning  vendor to  create a                                                               
course  with the  necessary content  and  delivery standards  for                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE  GRAY  asked  whether  that  process  would  begin                                                               
immediately if Amendment 5 were to pass.                                                                                        
CHAIR VANCE  answered yes; however, she  clarified that Amendment                                                               
5 was  expanding the current  requirements on sexual  assault and                                                               
dating  violence  to include  this  conversation,  as opposed  to                                                               
creating an additional curriculum or adding more class time.                                                                    
1:13:31 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE GRAY  asked whether there was  a different process                                                               
for expanding the current curriculum.                                                                                           
MS.  MANNING  responded  that  the   process  would  be  similar;                                                               
however, it would be abbreviated for  the scope and length of the                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE  GRAY asked  whether the  one-year effective  date                                                               
allowed for enough time to complete that process.                                                                               
MS. MANNING answered yes, one year  was enough time to update the                                                               
content and post it on the department's website.                                                                                
1:15:55 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  EASTMAN   asked  how  many  districts   would  be                                                               
required  to change  existing curricula  if Amendment  5 were  to                                                               
pass.   He asked whether  any districts were  currently [teaching                                                               
this type of material].                                                                                                         
MS. MANNING said she could  not speak to classroom instruction at                                                               
the  district  level,  as  the department  was  not  required  to                                                               
collect that information.                                                                                                       
REPRESENTATIVE  EASTMAN  asked  whether the  inclusion  of  these                                                               
topics was  a natural extension  of the original  dating violence                                                               
curriculum or whether it would require a substantial rewrite.                                                                   
MS. MANNING  said incorporating this specific  content area would                                                               
require adjustments and revisions and the addition of a module.                                                                 
1:18:25 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE GRAY asked whether  any districts offered feedback                                                               
on the proposed curriculum expansion.                                                                                           
CHAIR  VANCE pointed  out that  there  had been  little time  for                                                               
school districts  to reflect on Amendment  5.  She said  it was a                                                               
policy decision for the legislature.                                                                                            
REPRESENTATIVE  GRAY asked  whether  it was  common practice  for                                                               
districts to weigh in on expansions to the curriculum.                                                                          
CHAIR VANCE  remarked, "There are  times that definitely,  it is,                                                               
and there are  times where we make policy decisions.   I think it                                                               
goes both ways."                                                                                                                
REPRESENTATIVE  GRAY shard  his belief  that there  was value  in                                                               
stakeholder input.                                                                                                              
1:20:10 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  ALLARD  asked  whether  Representative  Gray  was                                                               
concerned that the curriculum expansion  was an additional burden                                                               
and too much for the schools to take on.                                                                                        
REPRESENTATIVE  GRAY opined  that it  was  not too  much for  the                                                               
schools to  take on and  reiterated his support for  Amendment 5.                                                               
Nonetheless,  he restated  his  question, asking  whether it  was                                                               
common  practice  for  the  House  Judiciary  Standing  Committee                                                               
(HJUD)  to  pass   an  amendment  that  would   expand  the  K-12                                                               
curriculum without input from stakeholders.                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE ALLARD  shared her belief  that this was  a policy                                                               
issue.    She  opined  that  [the committee]  had  done  its  due                                                               
diligence,  adding  that the  school  districts'  opinion on  the                                                               
proposal had little relevance.   She shared her belief that Eagle                                                               
River was supportive [of Amendment  5], stating "they just better                                                               
get on board and implement it."                                                                                                 
REPRESENTATIVE  GRAY asked  whether it  would be  appropriate for                                                               
the House Education  Standing Committee (HEDC) to  hear this type                                                               
of amendment.                                                                                                                   
REPRESENTATIVE   ALLARD  shared   her   understanding  that   the                                                               
committees of  referral had  already been decided  for HB  68 and                                                               
HEDC was  not one of  them.   Additionally, she pointed  out that                                                               
parents had  the option to  opt-out of the curriculum  should the                                                               
bill pass.                                                                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE  GRAY  asked why  a  bill  that changed  the  K-12                                                               
curriculum in any way would not be referred to HEDC.                                                                            
REPRESENTATIVE   EASTMAN  suggested   that   the  question   from                                                               
Representative  Gray  would be  best  directed  to the  speaker's                                                               
office,  as  the  speaker  of   the  House  was  responsible  for                                                               
assigning the committees of referral.                                                                                           
1:24:25 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE GRAY removed his objection to Amendment 5.  There                                                                
being no further objection, Amendment 5 was adopted.                                                                            
1:24:40 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER moved to adopt Amendment 6 to Version                                                                  
S, labeled 33-GH1029\S.8, Radford, 4/20/23, which read:                                                                         
     Page 25, lines 12 - 17:                                                                                                    
          Delete all material.                                                                                                  
     Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                                          
     Page 34, line 5:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 47"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 46"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 6:                                                                                                           
          Delete "47"                                                                                                           
          Insert "46"                                                                                                           
     Page 34, line 19:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 38"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 37"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 20:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 40"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 39"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 21:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 41"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 40"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 22:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 42"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 41"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 23:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 43"                                                                                                      
     Insert "sec. 42"                                                                                                           
     Page 34, line 30:                                                                                                          
          Delete "47"                                                                                                           
          Insert "46"                                                                                                           
     Page 34, line 31:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 60"                                                                                                      
     Insert "sec. 59"                                                                                                           
REPRESENTATIVE GRAY objected for the purpose of discussion.                                                                     
MR. ALMEIDA explained  that Amendment 6 would  delete a provision                                                               
related to qualifications  for grants and contracts,  which was a                                                               
policy decision by the chair.                                                                                                   
CHAIR  VANCE  explained that  assigning  grant  authority to  the                                                               
Council  on Domestic  Violence and  Sexual Assault  (CDVSA) would                                                               
require  additional  statutory  authority.   She  emphasized  her                                                               
desire  for a  long-term solution,  adding that  the goal  was to                                                               
provide the Governor's Council on  Human and Sex Trafficking with                                                               
the proper  statutory authority and  allow the CDVSA  to continue                                                               
its work on sexual abuse.  For  that reason, she said she felt it                                                               
appropriate  to  remove the  provision  in  question, as  it  was                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE  GRAY  removed  his  objection.   There  being  no                                                               
further objection, Amendment 6 was adopted.                                                                                     
1:27:20 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER  moved to  adopt Amendment 7  to Version                                                               
S, labeled 33-GH1029\S.9, Radford, 4/21/23, which read:                                                                         
     Page 1, line 1, following "trafficking;":                                                                                
          Insert "relating to notifications of convictions                                                                    
     for    athletic    trainers,    private    professional                                                                  
     conservators   and  guardians,   licensed  professional                                                                  
     counselors,  massage  therapists,  marital  and  family                                                                  
     therapists, physicians,  direct-entry midwives, nurses,                                                                  
     pharmacists,     psychologists    and     psychological                                                                  
     associates, and clinical social workers;"                                                                                
     Page 2, following line 11:                                                                                                 
          Insert new bill sections to read:                                                                                     
         "* Sec. 2. AS 08.07 is amended by adding a new                                                                     
     section to read:                                                                                                           
          Sec. 08.07.035. Notification of conviction. An                                                                      
     athletic  trainer shall  notify the  department if  the                                                                    
     athletic  trainer  has   been  convicted,  including  a                                                                    
     conviction  based on  a  guilty plea  or  plea of  nolo                                                                    
     contendere, of a felony or misdemeanor crime.                                                                              
        * Sec.  3. AS 08.26.130 is  amended by adding  a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (b)  A licensee shall notify the department if                                                                        
     the   licensee   has   been  convicted,   including   a                                                                    
     conviction  based on  a  guilty plea  or  plea of  nolo                                                                    
     contendere, of a felony or  other crime that may result                                                                    
     in  grounds for  disciplinary  action  under (a)(6)  of                                                                    
     this section.                                                                                                              
        * Sec.  4. AS 08.29.400 is  amended by adding  a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (d)  A person licensed under this chapter shall                                                                       
     notify  the board  if the  person  has been  convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of  nolo contendere,  of a  felony that  may result  in                                                                    
     grounds  for  disciplinary  sanctions under  (a)(2)  of                                                                    
     this section.                                                                                                              
        * Sec.  5. AS 08.61.060 is  amended by adding  a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (b)  A person licensed under this chapter shall                                                                       
     notify  the board  if the  person  has been  convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of nolo  contendere, of  a felony  or other  crime that                                                                    
     may result in grounds  for disciplinary sanctions under                                                                    
     (a)(4) of this section.                                                                                                    
        * Sec.  6. AS 08.63.210 is  amended by adding  a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (e)  A person licensed under this chapter shall                                                                       
     notify  the board  if the  person  has been  convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of nolo  contendere, of  a felony  or other  crime that                                                                    
     may result in grounds  for disciplinary sanctions under                                                                    
     (a)(4) of this section.                                                                                                    
        * Sec.  7. AS 08.64.326 is  amended by adding  a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (c)  A licensee shall notify the board if the                                                                         
     licensee  has been  convicted,  including a  conviction                                                                    
     based on a  guilty plea or plea of  nolo contendere, of                                                                    
     a felony or other crime  that may result in grounds for                                                                    
     disciplinary  sanctions under  (a)(4)  or  (5) of  this                                                                    
        * Sec.  8. AS 08.65.110 is  amended by adding  a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (b)  A person holding a certificate or permit                                                                         
     under  this  chapter  shall notify  the  board  if  the                                                                    
     person  has  been  convicted,  including  a  conviction                                                                    
     based on a  guilty plea or plea of  nolo contendere, of                                                                    
     a felony or other crime  that may result in grounds for                                                                    
     disciplinary sanctions under (a)(4) of this section.                                                                       
        * Sec.  9. AS 08.68.270 is  amended by adding  a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (b)  A person licensed under this chapter shall                                                                       
     notify  the board  if the  person  has been  convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of nolo  contendere, of  a felony  or other  crime that                                                                    
     may result in grounds  for disciplinary sanctions under                                                                    
     (a)(2) or (12) of this section.                                                                                            
        * Sec. 10.  AS 08.80.261 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (c)  A licensee or an applicant shall notify the                                                                      
     board if the licensee  or applicant has been convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of nolo  contendere, of  a felony  or other  crime that                                                                    
     may result in grounds  for disciplinary sanctions under                                                                    
     (a)(4) or (10) of this section.                                                                                            
        * Sec. 11.  AS 08.86.204 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (e)  A person licensed under this chapter shall                                                                       
     notify the  board if the  licensee has  been convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of nolo  contendere, of  a felony  or other  crime that                                                                    
     may result in grounds  for disciplinary sanctions under                                                                    
     (a)(4) of this section.                                                                                                    
        * Sec. 12.  AS 08.95.050 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (d)  A licensee shall notify the board if the                                                                         
     licensee  has been  convicted,  including a  conviction                                                                    
     based on a  guilty plea or plea of  nolo contendere, of                                                                    
     a felony or other crime  that may result in grounds for                                                                    
     disciplinary sanctions under (a)(7) of this section."                                                                      
     Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                                          
     Page 33, line 3, following "(a)":                                                                                          
          Insert   "The   following    sections   apply   to                                                                    
     notifications of convictions  for offenses committed on                                                                    
     or after the effective date of those sections:                                                                             
               (1)  AS 08.07.035, enacted by sec. 2 of this                                                                     
               (2)   AS 08.26.130(b), enacted  by sec.  3 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (3)   AS 08.29.400(d), enacted  by sec.  4 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (4)   AS 08.61.060(b), enacted  by sec.  5 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (5)   AS 08.63.210(e), enacted  by sec.  6 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (6)   AS 08.64.326(c), enacted  by sec.  7 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (7)   AS 08.65.110(b), enacted  by sec.  8 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (8)   AS 08.68.270(b), enacted  by sec.  9 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (9)   AS 08.80.261(c), enacted by sec.  10 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (10)  AS 08.86.204(e), enacted  by sec. 11 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (11)  AS 08.95.050(d), enacted  by sec. 12 of                                                                    
     this Act."                                                                                                                 
     Reletter the following subsections accordingly.                                                                            
     Page 33, line 5:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 4"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 15"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 6:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 5"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 16"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 7:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 6"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 17"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 8:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 7"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 18"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 9:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 8"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 19"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 10:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 9"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 20"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 11:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 10"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 21"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 12:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 11"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 22"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 13:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 12"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 23"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 14:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 13"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 24"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 15:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 14"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 25"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 16:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 15"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 26"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 17:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 16"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 27"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 18:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 17"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 28"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 19:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 18"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 29"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 20:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 36"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 47"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 23:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 20"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 31"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 24:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 21"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 32"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 25:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 22"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 33"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 26:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 23"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 34"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 27:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 24"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 28:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 25"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 36"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 29:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 26"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 37"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 30:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 27"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 38"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 31:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 28"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 39"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 1:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 33"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 44"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 2:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 34"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 45"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 3:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 34"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 45"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 4:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 46"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 5:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 47"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 58"                                                                                                      
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 46"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 6:                                                                                                           
          Delete "secs. 35 and 47"                                                                                              
          Insert "secs. 46 and 58"                                                                                              
     Page 34, line 8:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 46"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 9:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 46"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 13:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 2"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 13"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 14:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 19"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 30"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 15:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 29"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 40"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 16:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 30"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 41"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 17:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 31"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 42"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 18:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 32"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 43"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 19:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 38"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 49"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 20:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 40"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 51"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 21:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 41"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 52"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 22:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 42"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 53"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 23:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 43"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 54"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 27:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 46"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 28:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 46"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 30:                                                                                                          
          Delete "Sections 35 and 47"                                                                                           
          Insert "Sections 46 and 58"                                                                                           
     Page 34, line 31:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 60"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 71"                                                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE ALLARD objected for the purpose of discussion.                                                                   
1:27:42 PM                                                                                                                    
MR.  ALMEIDA  explained  Amendment  7, which  would  require  any                                                               
person with one of the  following professional licenses to convey                                                               
any  sex  trafficking  convictions   to  their  licensing  board:                                                               
athletic   trainers,   private  professional   conservators   and                                                               
guardians, licensed professional  counselors, massage therapists,                                                               
marital   and   family   therapists,   physicians,   direct-entry                                                               
midwives,  nurses,  pharmacists,  psychological  associates,  and                                                               
clinical social workers.                                                                                                        
REPRESENTATIVE   ALLARD  questioned   why  daycare   workers  and                                                               
teachers weren't included in Amendment 7.                                                                                       
CHAIR VANCE noted  that the revocation of  teacher's licenses was                                                               
already included in  Version S.  She reiterated  that Amendment 7                                                               
specifically   required  notification   of   a  sex   trafficking                                                               
conviction to  the licensing board,  as that was not  an existing                                                               
requirement for all boards.                                                                                                     
The committee took an at-ease from 1:31 p.m. to 1:34 p.m.                                                                       
1:34:23 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE ALLARD  asked whether daycare and  nursery workers                                                               
were included in Amendment 7.                                                                                                   
1:34:47 PM                                                                                                                    
MS.  RADFORD   clarified  that  childcare  facilities   were  not                                                               
included  in  the  proposed  amendment.   She  explained  that  a                                                               
separate  amendment would  be needed  to  impose restrictions  on                                                               
employees of  childcare facilities with prior  convictions, which                                                               
would likely fall under AS 47.32 rather than Title 8.                                                                           
1:35:37 PM                                                                                                                    
The committee took a brief at-ease.                                                                                             
1:39:00 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE ALLARD  moved to  adopt Conceptual Amendment  1 to                                                               
Amendment  7,  which  would   insert  "daycare  providers"  after                                                               
"psychological  associates."   She said  she wished  to encompass                                                               
nursey schools in the language as well.                                                                                         
CHAIR  VANCE asked  whether "childcare  providers" would  capture                                                               
Representative Allard's intent.                                                                                                 
REPRESENTATIVE  ALLARD  indicated  that she  was  unsure  without                                                               
input from Legislative Legal Services.   She stated her desire to                                                               
include home daycares in the language as well.                                                                                  
1:40:30 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER objected for the purpose of discussion.                                                                
REPRESENTATIVE  GRAY  pointed  out  that  Amendment  7  concerned                                                               
notification.   He said he wanted  to make sure that  there was a                                                               
governing  body  for  nurseries  and  daycare  facilities  to  be                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE  ALLARD  responded, "licensing  and  certification                                                               
board, like  they would everybody  else."  She asked  whether all                                                               
daycares,  both   private  and  public,  would   be  captured  by                                                               
Conceptual Amendment 1 to Amendment 7.                                                                                          
1:41:34 PM                                                                                                                    
GLENN   SAVIERS,  Deputy   Director,  Division   of  Corporations                                                               
Business  and  Professional  Licensing, Department  of  Commerce,                                                               
Community & Economic Development (DCCED),  said she was unable to                                                               
answer  the   question  with  certainty,   as  the   Division  of                                                               
Corporations Business and Professional  Licensing did not license                                                               
childcare.   She  referred  the committee  to  the Department  of                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE   ALLARD  withdrew   Conceptual  Amendment   1  to                                                               
Amendment 7.                                                                                                                    
1:42:18 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE   EASTMAN  shared   his   understanding  that   if                                                               
Amendment 7 were to pass,  any misdemeanor in any country, state,                                                               
or  territory,  including  those unrelated  to  the  professional                                                               
licenses listed in  the proposed amendment, would  fall under the                                                               
notification requirement.                                                                                                       
MS. RADFORD clarified that the  proposed amendment was limited to                                                               
crimes  that  may  result  in  disciplinary  sanctions  for  each                                                               
license type.                                                                                                                   
REPRESENTATIVE   EASTMAN  questioned   how   the  potential   for                                                               
sanctions would be determined.                                                                                                  
MS. RADFORD  suggested speaking to  the board to  determine which                                                               
crimes would result in disciplinary  sanctions.  She deferred the                                                               
question to the various licensing boards.                                                                                       
REPRESENTATIVE   EASTMAN  sought   to  verify   that  a   massage                                                               
therapist, for  example, would  be required  to notify  the board                                                               
[of a conviction].   The board would then  determine whether that                                                               
conviction  was   relevant  to  sanctions  and   follow  up  with                                                               
disciplinary action.  He asked whether that was accurate.                                                                       
MS. RADFORD  deferred to a  licensing expert.   She said  she was                                                               
unsure whether boards  maintained a list of  convictions that may                                                               
result  in  grounds for  disciplinary  sanctions  or whether  the                                                               
licensees would have to make that determination on their own.                                                                   
1:46:23 PM                                                                                                                    
MS. SAVIERS  responded that  it depends on  the program,  as each                                                               
licensing program  has its own  set of statutes  and regulations.                                                               
She provided  an example.   Generally, she said, when  a licensee                                                               
applies for  a first-time license  or to renews  his/her license,                                                               
the application  asks whether the  individual has  been convicted                                                               
of a misdemeanor  or felony.  If the answer  is yes, the licensee                                                               
must explain the conviction and  provide court documents.  If the                                                               
board has  no authority  to take  disciplinary action  related to                                                               
the  conviction, the  license  will be  issued.   Otherwise,  the                                                               
board will decide whether the  conviction warrants action against                                                               
the licensee, she  explained.  If the  statute specifically calls                                                               
for  revocation of  a license,  the board  will take  appropriate                                                               
1:48:22 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE GRAY questioned why  physician assistants were not                                                               
included in Amendment 7.                                                                                                        
CHAIR  VANCE   was  unsure  which  licensing   program  physician                                                               
assistants fell under.                                                                                                          
REPRESENTATIVE  GRAY  asked  whether  physician  assistants  were                                                               
covered under "physicians."                                                                                                     
MS. SAVIERS stated  that physicians were covered  under AS 08.64,                                                               
which was addressed  in Sections 14 and 15.   Upon her reading of                                                               
the bill, she shared her  understanding that physician assistants                                                               
would be  covered.  She offered  to follow up with  the committee                                                               
if her interpretation was incorrect.                                                                                            
REPRESENTATIVE GRAY  asked whether there were  any legal concerns                                                               
about Amendment 7.                                                                                                              
MS. RADFORD said Amendment 7  was a policy amendment, adding that                                                               
there were no constitutional or legal concerns.                                                                                 
1:50:32 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  EASTMAN   suggested  that   physician  assistants                                                               
should be included in the title change  if it was the will of the                                                               
committee.   He  asked how  much  time a  convicted licensee  was                                                               
granted to  complete the required  notification to  the licensing                                                               
MS. RADOFORD said there was  no time limit imposed for disclosing                                                               
a conviction under  these sections.  She further  noted that, per                                                               
page 3, Amendment 7 would  only apply to convictions for offenses                                                               
committed on or after the effective date of the sections.                                                                       
1:53:02 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER  removed his objection.   There being no                                                               
further objection, Amendment 7 was adopted.                                                                                     
1:53:25 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  EASTMAN  objected  for  the  purpose  of  further                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE ALLARD remarked "I'm  having problems with both of                                                               
these amendments.  I'm worried that  we're passing them out and I                                                               
don't  know if  they're going  to be  addressed, madam  chair, in                                                               
another committee."                                                                                                             
REPRESENTATIVE  EASTMAN  inquired  about the  impact  of  passing                                                               
Amendment 7 on the expectation of a lifetime revocation.                                                                        
CHAIR  VANCE  said  [the  issue of  lifetime  revocation]  was  a                                                               
separate amendment.                                                                                                             
1:54:57 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE EASTMAN  withdrew his  objection.  There  being no                                                               
further objection, Amendment 7 was adopted.                                                                                     
1:55:13 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER  moved to  adopt Amendment 8  to Version                                                               
S, labeled 33-GH1029\S.11, Radford, 4/21/23, which read:                                                                        
     Page 1, line 1, following "trafficking;":                                                                                
          Insert "relating to athletic trainers, private                                                                      
     professional   conservators  and   guardians,  licensed                                                                  
     professional  counselors,  massage therapists,  marital                                                                  
     and   family   therapists,   physicians,   direct-entry                                                                  
     midwives,   nurses,   pharmacists,  psychologists   and                                                                  
     psychological    associates,   and    clinical   social                                                                  
     Page 2, following line 11:                                                                                                 
          Insert new bill sections to read:                                                                                     
        "* Sec. 2. AS 08.07.020(a) is amended to read:                                                                      
          (a)  The department shall issue an athletic                                                                           
     trainer license to an individual who                                                                                       
               (1)   applies  to  the department  on a  form                                                                    
     provided by the department;                                                                                                
               (2)   meets  the requirements  established in                                                                    
     regulation by the department;                                                                                              
               (3)    pays  the   fees  established  by  the                                                                    
     department; [AND]                                                                                                          
               (4)   provides proof of certification  by the                                                                    
     Board  of Certification,  Inc.,  or another  nationally                                                                    
     recognized  professional  association approved  by  the                                                                    
     department; and                                                                                                        
               (5)   has  not  been  convicted, including  a                                                                
     conviction  based on  a  guilty plea  or  plea of  nolo                                                                
     contendere, of  a crime under AS 11.41.340  - 11.41.355                                                                
     or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                              
        *  Sec.  3. AS 08.07  is  amended  by adding  a  new                                                                  
     section to read:                                                                                                           
          Sec. 08.07.025. Revocation or refusal of a                                                                          
     license.  The  department  shall  revoke  for  life  an                                                                  
     athletic trainer  license or  refuse to issue  or renew                                                                    
     an   athletic  trainer   license   if  the   department                                                                    
     determines  that  the  individual has  been  convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of  nolo contendere,  of a  crime under  AS 11.41.340 -                                                                    
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                        
        * Sec. 4. AS 08.26.020(a) is amended to read:                                                                         
          (a)  The department shall issue a private                                                                             
     professional full guardian license to an individual                                                                        
               (1)  who is at least 21 years of age;                                                                            
               (2)     who   has  two   or  more   years  of                                                                    
     professional client casework experience  or at least an                                                                    
     associate  degree  in   human  services,  social  work,                                                                    
     psychology, sociology,  gerontology, special education,                                                                    
     or a closely related field;                                                                                                
               (3)   who  is certified  as a  guardian by  a                                                                    
     nationally  recognized  organization  in the  field  of                                                                    
               (4)   whose  criminal  history record  checks                                                                    
     under  AS 08.26.070 show  that the  individual has  not                                                                    
     been  convicted   of  a  crime  under   AS 11.41.340  -                                                                
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410  - 11.41.460, or of  a felony or                                                                
     [OF  A] misdemeanor  offense  in the  state  or in  any                                                                    
     other jurisdiction  involving fraud, misrepresentation,                                                                    
     material     omission,     misappropriation,     theft,                                                                    
     conversion,   or  any   other   crime  the   department                                                                    
     determines  would affect  the  individual's ability  to                                                                    
     provide  the services  of  a  guardian competently  and                                                                    
     safely for the protected  person within 10 years before                                                                    
     the application;                                                                                                           
               (5)      who    satisfies   the   application                                                                    
     requirements of AS 08.26.060; and                                                                                          
               (6)    who  satisfies  the  requirements  for                                                                    
     obtaining  a private  professional conservator  license                                                                    
     under AS 08.26.030.                                                                                                        
        * Sec. 5. AS 08.26.030 is amended to read:                                                                            
          Sec.    08.26.030.   Requirements    for   private                                                                  
     professional conservator license.  The department shall                                                                  
     issue a private professional  conservator license to an                                                                    
               (1)  who is at least 21 years of age;                                                                            
               (2)  who has obtained  a high school diploma,                                                                    
     or  a  general  education development  diploma  or  its                                                                    
               (3)     who   has   six  months'   employment                                                                    
     experience   in   a    position   involving   financial                                                                    
     management,  or has  at least  an  associate degree  in                                                                    
     accounting or a closely related field;                                                                                     
               (4)   who  is certified  as a  guardian by  a                                                                    
     nationally  recognized  organization  in the  field  of                                                                    
               (5)   whose  criminal  history record  checks                                                                    
     under  AS 08.26.070 show  that the  individual has  not                                                                    
     been  convicted   of  a  crime  under   AS 11.41.340  -                                                                
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410  - 11.41.460, or of  a felony or                                                                
     [OF  A] misdemeanor  offense  in the  state  or in  any                                                                    
     other jurisdiction  involving fraud, misrepresentation,                                                                    
     material     omission,     misappropriation,     theft,                                                                    
     conversion,  or any  other  crime  that the  department                                                                    
     determines  would affect  the  individual's ability  to                                                                    
     provide the  services of a conservator  competently and                                                                    
     safely for the protected  person within 10 years before                                                                    
     the application; and                                                                                                       
               (6)      who    satisfies   the   application                                                                    
     requirements of AS 08.26.060.                                                                                              
        * Sec.  6. AS 08.26.130 is  amended by adding  a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (b)  The department shall revoke for life a                                                                           
     license or  refuse to issue  or renew a license  if the                                                                    
     department  determines  that  the individual  has  been                                                                    
     convicted,  including a  conviction based  on a  guilty                                                                    
     plea  or plea  of  nolo contendere,  of  a crime  under                                                                    
     AS 11.41.340 - 11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                         
        * Sec. 7. AS 08.29.110(a) is amended to read:                                                                         
          (a)  The board shall issue a professional                                                                             
     counselor  license  to a  person  who  applies for  the                                                                    
     license, submits the required  fee, submits two letters                                                                    
     of recommendation from  professional counselors who are                                                                    
     familiar with the  applicant's practice of professional                                                                    
     counseling, and  presents evidence satisfactory  to the                                                                    
     board that the person                                                                                                      
               (1)  is at least 18 years of age;                                                                                
               (2)  is not under investigation in this or                                                                       
     another jurisdiction  for an act that  would constitute                                                                    
     a violation of this chapter;                                                                                               
               (3)  has not had a license related to the                                                                        
     practice of counseling,  psychology, marital and family                                                                    
     therapy,   or   social   work  in   this   or   another                                                                    
     jurisdiction  suspended,  revoked,  or  surrendered  in                                                                    
     lieu of  discipline unless the  license has  been fully                                                                    
     reinstated in that jurisdiction;                                                                                           
               (4)  has passed a written examination as                                                                         
     required  by  the board;  the  board  may provide  that                                                                    
     passing   a  nationally   recognized  examination   for                                                                    
     professional  counselors  is  sufficient  to  meet  the                                                                    
     examination requirement of this paragraph;                                                                                 
               (5)  has successfully completed either                                                                           
               (A)  an earned doctoral degree in counseling                                                                     
     or a  related professional  field from a  regionally or                                                                    
     nationally accredited  institution of  higher education                                                                    
     approved by the board; or                                                                                                  
               (B)  an earned master's degree in counseling                                                                     
     or a  related professional field, from  a regionally or                                                                    
     nationally accredited  institution of  higher education                                                                    
     approved  by  the  board,  and  at  least  60  graduate                                                                    
     semester hours  in counseling  during or  after earning                                                                    
     the master's degree; [AND]                                                                                                 
               (6)  has, after earning the degree required                                                                      
     under either (5)(A)  or (B) of this  subsection, had at                                                                    
     least  3,000  hours  of supervised  experience  in  the                                                                    
     practice  of professional  counseling performed  over a                                                                    
     period of at  least two years under  the supervision of                                                                    
     a  supervisor  approved  under  AS 08.29.210,  with  at                                                                    
     least   1,000   hours   of   direct   counseling   with                                                                    
     individuals, couples, families, or  groups and at least                                                                    
     100 hours  of face-to-face supervision by  a supervisor                                                                    
     approved under  AS 08.29.210 unless,  under regulations                                                                    
     of the  board, the board  allows the supervision  to be                                                                    
     by  telephonic  or  electronic  means  because  of  the                                                                    
     remote location of the counselor; and                                                                                  
               (7)   has  not  been  convicted, including  a                                                                
     conviction  based on  a  guilty plea  or  plea of  nolo                                                                
     contendere, of  a crime under AS 11.41.340  - 11.41.355                                                                
     or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                              
        * Sec.  8. AS 08.29.400 is  amended by adding  a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (d)  The board shall revoke for life a license or                                                                     
     refuse  to  issue  or  renew a  license  if  the  board                                                                    
     determines   that  the   person  has   been  convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of  nolo contendere,  of a  crime under  AS 11.41.340 -                                                                    
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                        
        * Sec. 9. AS 08.61.030 is amended to read:                                                                            
          Sec. 08.61.030. Qualifications for license. The                                                                     
     board  shall  issue  a   license  to  practice  massage                                                                    
     therapy to a person who                                                                                                  
               (1)    applies  on  a form  provided  by  the                                                                    
               (2)     pays   the  fees   established  under                                                                    
     AS 08.61.090;                                                                                                              
               (3)   furnishes evidence satisfactory  to the                                                                    
     board that the person has completed a                                                                                      
               (A)   course of study  of at least  625 hours                                                                    
     of  in-class supervised  instruction and  clinical work                                                                    
     from an approved massage school; or                                                                                        
               (B)  board-approved apprenticeship program;                                                                      
               (4)  is 18 years of age or older;                                                                                
               (5)  has been  fingerprinted and has provided                                                                    
     the fees  required by the  Department of  Public Safety                                                                    
     under  AS 12.62.160  for criminal  justice  information                                                                    
     and  a  national  criminal history  record  check;  the                                                                    
     fingerprints  and  fees  shall   be  forwarded  to  the                                                                    
     Department  of  Public Safety  to  obtain  a report  of                                                                    
     criminal  justice  information  under  AS 12.62  and  a                                                                    
     national   criminal   history    record   check   under                                                                    
     AS 12.62.400;                                                                                                              
               (6)      has    a   current   cardiopulmonary                                                                    
     resuscitation certification;                                                                                               
               (7)    has received  at  least  two hours  of                                                                    
     safety  education  covering  bloodborne  pathogens  and                                                                    
     universal precautions  in the  two years  preceding the                                                                    
     application  for   the  license;  in   this  paragraph,                                                                    
     "bloodborne  pathogens"   has  the  meaning   given  in                                                                    
     AS 18.15.450;                                                                                                              
               (8)  has  successfully completed a nationally                                                                    
     recognized  competency  examination   approved  by  the                                                                    
     board; and                                                                                                                 
               (9)    has not  been  convicted  of, or  pled                                                                    
     guilty or no  contest to, a crime  under AS 11.41.340 -                                                                
     11.41.355  or   11.41.410  -  11.41.460,  or   a  crime                                                                
     involving moral  turpitude, or  who has  been convicted                                                                    
     of, or pled guilty or  no contest to, a crime involving                                                                    
     moral turpitude if the board  finds that the conviction                                                                    
     does  not  affect  the  person's  ability  to  practice                                                                    
     competently and safely.                                                                                                    
        * Sec. 10. AS 08.61.040 is amended to read:                                                                           
          Sec. 08.61.040. Licensure by credentials. The                                                                       
     board  shall  issue  a   license  to  practice  massage                                                                    
     therapy to a person who                                                                                                  
               (1)  is 18 years of age or older;                                                                                
               (2)    applies  on  a form  provided  by  the                                                                    
               (3)     pays   the  fees   established  under                                                                    
     AS 08.61.090;                                                                                                              
               (4)  has  submitted the person's fingerprints                                                                    
     and  the  fees required  by  the  Department of  Public                                                                    
     Safety   under   AS 12.62.160  for   criminal   justice                                                                    
     information  and  a  national criminal  history  record                                                                    
     check; the fingerprints and fees  shall be forwarded to                                                                    
     the Department of  Public Safety to obtain  a report of                                                                    
     criminal  justice  information  under  AS 12.62  and  a                                                                    
     national   criminal   history    record   check   under                                                                    
     AS 12.62.400;                                                                                                              
               (5)   is  not the  subject  of an  unresolved                                                                    
     complaint  or disciplinary  action before  a regulatory                                                                    
     authority in this state or another jurisdiction;                                                                           
               (6)  has not had  a certificate or license to                                                                    
     practice   massage  therapy   revoked,  suspended,   or                                                                    
     voluntarily  surrendered  in   this  state  or  another                                                                    
               (7)    has not  been  convicted  of, or  pled                                                                    
     guilty or no contest to, a  law or ordinance of this or                                                                
     another jurisdiction  with elements similar to  a crime                                                                
     listed under  AS 11.41.340 -  11.41.355 or  11.41.410 -                                                                
     11.41.460,  or a  crime involving  moral turpitude,  or                                                                
     has been  convicted of,  or pled  guilty or  no contest                                                                    
     to,  a crime  involving  moral turpitude  if the  board                                                                    
     finds that the conviction  does not affect the person's                                                                    
     ability to practice competently and safely;                                                                                
               (8)      has    a   current   cardiopulmonary                                                                    
     resuscitation certification; and                                                                                           
               (9)  is currently                                                                                                
               (A)  licensed to  practice massage therapy in                                                                    
     another   state   or   country   that   has   licensing                                                                    
     requirements  that   are  substantially  equal   to  or                                                                    
     greater than the requirements of this state; or                                                                            
               (B)    certified  by a  certification  entity                                                                    
     approved by the board.                                                                                                     
        * Sec. 11.  AS 08.61.060 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (b)  The board shall revoke for life a license or                                                                     
     refuse  to  issue  or  renew a  license  if  the  board                                                                    
     determines   that  the   person  has   been  convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of  nolo contendere,  of a  crime under  AS 11.41.340 -                                                                    
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                        
        * Sec. 12. AS 08.63.100(a) is amended to read:                                                                        
          (a)  The board shall issue a license to practice                                                                      
     marital and family therapy to a person who                                                                                 
               (1)    applies  on  a form  provided  by  the                                                                    
               (2)     pays   the   fee  established   under                                                                    
     AS 08.01.065;                                                                                                              
               (3)   furnishes evidence satisfactory  to the                                                                    
     board that the person                                                                                                      
               (A)   has not  engaged in  conduct that  is a                                                                    
     ground  for   imposing  disciplinary   sanctions  under                                                                    
     AS 08.63.210;                                                                                                              
               (B)  holds a master's  degree or doctorate in                                                                    
     marital  and family  therapy  or  allied mental  health                                                                    
     field   from   a  regionally   accredited   educational                                                                    
     institution approved by the board  for which the person                                                                    
     completed a  course of study that  included instruction                                                                    
     substantially equivalent to the following:                                                                                 
               (i)   three  courses or  nine semester  or 12                                                                    
     quarter  hours of  course work  in  marital and  family                                                                    
               (ii)   three courses  or nine semester  or 12                                                                    
     quarter  hours of  course work  in  marital and  family                                                                    
               (iii)   three courses or nine  semester or 12                                                                    
     quarter hours of course work in human development;                                                                         
               (iv)   one course  or three semester  or four                                                                    
     quarter hours  of course  work in  professional studies                                                                    
     or professional ethics and law;                                                                                            
               (v)   one  course or  three semester  or four                                                                    
     quarter hours of course work in research; and                                                                              
               (vi)     one  year  of   supervised  clinical                                                                    
     practice in marital and family therapy;                                                                                    
               (C)   after receiving  a degree  described in                                                                    
     (B)  of   this  paragraph,  has   practiced  supervised                                                                    
     marital and  family therapy,  including 1,700  hours of                                                                    
     clinical   contact  with   couples,  individuals,   and                                                                    
     families;  the 1,700  hours  of  clinical contact  must                                                                    
     include at  least 100  hours of  individual supervision                                                                    
     and  100 hours  of  group supervision  approved by  the                                                                    
     board; the 100 hours  of individual supervision and 100                                                                    
     hours of group  supervision may be conducted  by one or                                                                    
     more supervisors;                                                                                                          
               (D)     has  received  training   related  to                                                                    
     domestic violence; [AND]                                                                                                   
               (E)     has   passed   a   written  or   oral                                                                    
     examination administered by the board; and                                                                             
               (F)   has  not  been  convicted, including  a                                                                
     conviction  based on  a  guilty plea  or  plea of  nolo                                                                
     contendere, of  a crime under AS 11.41.340  - 11.41.355                                                                
     or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                              
        * Sec. 13.  AS 08.63.210 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (e)  The board shall revoke for life a license                                                                        
     issued under this  chapter or refuse to  issue or renew                                                                    
     a license  under this chapter  if the  board determines                                                                    
     that  the individual  has been  convicted, including  a                                                                    
     conviction  based on  a  guilty plea  or  plea of  nolo                                                                    
     contendere, of  a crime under AS 11.41.340  - 11.41.355                                                                    
     or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                                  
        * Sec. 14. AS 08.64.240(a) is amended to read:                                                                        
          (a)  The board may not grant a license if                                                                             
               (1)   the  applicant fails  or cheats  during                                                                    
     the examination;                                                                                                           
               (2)  the applicant  has surrendered a license                                                                    
     in another  jurisdiction while under  investigation and                                                                    
     the   license  has   not   been   reinstated  in   that                                                                    
               (3)  the board  determines that the applicant                                                                    
     is  professionally   unfit  to  practice   medicine  or                                                                    
     osteopathy in the state; [OR]                                                                                              
               (4)   the  applicant fails  to comply  with a                                                                    
     requirement of this chapter; or                                                                                        
               (5)    the   applicant  has  been  convicted,                                                                
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                
     of  nolo contendere,  of a  crime under  AS 11.41.340 -                                                                
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                    
        * Sec. 15.  AS 08.64.326 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (c)  The board shall revoke for life a license                                                                        
     issued under this  chapter or refuse to  issue or renew                                                                    
     a license  under this chapter  if the  board determines                                                                    
     that  the  person  has   been  convicted,  including  a                                                                    
     conviction  based on  a  guilty plea  or  plea of  nolo                                                                    
     contendere, of  a crime under AS 11.41.340  - 11.41.355                                                                    
     or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                                  
        * Sec. 16. AS 08.65.050 is amended to read:                                                                           
          Sec. 08.65.050. Qualifications for license. The                                                                     
     board  shall issue  a certificate  to practice  direct-                                                                    
     entry midwifery to a person who                                                                                          
               (1)  applies on a form provided by the                                                                           
               (2)      pays   the   fees   required   under                                                                    
     AS 08.65.100;                                                                                                              
               (3)  furnishes evidence satisfactory to the                                                                      
     board that the  person has not engaged  in conduct that                                                                    
     is a  ground for imposing disciplinary  sanctions under                                                                    
     AS 08.65.110 and  has not  been convicted,  including a                                                                
     conviction  based on  a  guilty plea  or  plea of  nolo                                                                
     contendere, of  a crime under AS 11.41.340  - 11.41.355                                                              
     or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460;                                                                                              
               (4)  furnishes evidence satisfactory to the                                                                      
     board that the  person has completed a  course of study                                                                    
     and  supervised  clinical  experience;  the  study  and                                                                    
     experience must be of at least one year's duration;                                                                        
               (5)  successfully completes the examination                                                                      
     required by the board.                                                                                                     
        * Sec. 17.  AS 08.65.110 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (b)  The board shall revoke for life a                                                                                
     certificate or  permit or  refuse to  issue or  renew a                                                                    
     certificate or permit if the  board determines that the                                                                    
     individual has  been convicted, including  a conviction                                                                    
     based on a  guilty plea or plea of  nolo contendere, of                                                                    
     a crime  under AS 11.41.340 - 11.41.355  or 11.41.410 -                                                                    
        * Sec. 18. AS 08.68.170(c) is amended to read:                                                                        
          (c)  An applicant for a license to practice                                                                           
     advanced  practice registered  nursing shall  submit to                                                                    
     the board,  on forms  and in  the manner  prescribed by                                                                    
     the  board, written  evidence, verified  by oath,  that                                                                    
     the applicant                                                                                                              
               (1)  is licensed as a registered nurse in                                                                        
     the state; [AND]                                                                                                           
               (2)   has successfully completed  an advanced                                                                    
     practice registered nurse  education program that meets                                                                    
     the   criteria   established   by   the   board   under                                                                    
     AS 08.68.100; and                                                                                                      
               (3)   has  not  been  convicted, including  a                                                                
     conviction  based on  a  guilty plea  or  plea of  nolo                                                                
     contendere, of  a crime under AS 11.41.340  - 11.41.355                                                              
     or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                              
        * Sec. 19.  AS 08.68.270 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (b)  The board shall revoke for life a license or                                                                     
     refuse  to  issue  or  renew a  license  if  the  board                                                                    
     determines   that  the   person  has   been  convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of  nolo contendere,  of a  crime under  AS 11.41.340 -                                                                    
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                        
        * Sec. 20. AS 08.80.110 is amended to read:                                                                           
          Sec. 08.80.110. Qualifications for licensure by                                                                     
     examination.   An   applicant   for  licensure   as   a                                                                  
     pharmacist shall                                                                                                         
               (1)   be fluent in the  reading, writing, and                                                                    
     speaking of the English language;                                                                                          
               (2)   furnish  the  board with  at least  two                                                                    
     affidavits from  reputable citizens that  the applicant                                                                    
     has  known  for at  least  one  year attesting  to  the                                                                    
     applicant's good moral character;                                                                                          
               (3)  be  a graduate of a college  in a degree                                                                    
     program approved by the board;                                                                                             
               (4)    pass  an examination  or  examinations                                                                    
     given by  the board  or acceptable  to the  board under                                                                    
     the   score  transfer   process  administered   by  the                                                                    
     National Association of Boards of Pharmacy;                                                                                
               (5)   have  completed internship  training or                                                                    
     another program that has been  approved by the board or                                                                    
     demonstrated  to  the  board's  satisfaction  that  the                                                                    
     applicant has  experience in  the practice  of pharmacy                                                                    
     that   meets   or   exceeds  the   minimum   internship                                                                    
     requirements of the board;                                                                                             
               (6)   affirm that the applicant  has not been                                                                
     convicted,  including a  conviction based  on a  guilty                                                                
     plea  or plea  of  nolo contendere,  of  a crime  under                                                                
     AS 11.41.340 - 11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                     
        * Sec. 21. AS 08.80.145 is amended to read:                                                                           
          Sec. 08.80.145. Reciprocity; license transfer. If                                                                   
     another   jurisdiction   allows   licensure   in   that                                                                    
     jurisdiction  of a  pharmacist licensed  in this  state                                                                    
     under conditions similar to those  in this section, the                                                                    
     board  may license  as  a pharmacist  in  this state  a                                                                    
     person   licensed  as   a  pharmacist   in  the   other                                                                    
     jurisdiction if the person                                                                                               
               (1)   submits  a written  application to  the                                                                    
     board on a form required by the board;                                                                                     
               (2)  is at least 18 years of age;                                                                                
               (3)  is of good moral character;                                                                                 
               (4)   possesses  at the  time of  the request                                                                    
     for  licensure  as  a  pharmacist  in  this  state  the                                                                    
     qualifications necessary  to be eligible  for licensure                                                                    
     in this state;                                                                                                             
               (5)  has engaged  in the practice of pharmacy                                                                    
     for  at  least  one  year or  has  met  the  internship                                                                    
     requirements of  this state within the  one-year period                                                                    
     immediately before  applying for  a license  under this                                                                    
               (6)    presents  proof  satisfactory  to  the                                                                    
     board  that  the  person is  currently  licensed  as  a                                                                    
     pharmacist  in  the  other jurisdiction  and  does  not                                                                    
     currently   have   a  pharmacist   license   suspended,                                                                    
     revoked, or otherwise restricted  except for failure to                                                                    
     apply  for renewal  or failure  to obtain  the required                                                                    
     continuing education credits;                                                                                              
               (7)   has passed  an examination  approved by                                                                    
     the board  that tests the person's  knowledge of Alaska                                                                    
     laws  relating to  pharmacies and  pharmacists and  the                                                                    
     regulations adopted under those laws; [AND]                                                                                
               (8)  pays all required fees; and                                                                             
               (9)   has  not  been  convicted, including  a                                                                
     conviction  based on  a  guilty plea  or  plea of  nolo                                                                
     contendere, of  a law or  ordinance of this  or another                                                                
     jurisdiction with  elements similar  to a  crime listed                                                                
     under   AS 11.41.340  -   11.41.355   or  11.41.410   -                                                                
        * Sec. 22.  AS 08.80.261 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (c)  The board shall revoke for life a license or                                                                     
     refuse  to  issue  or  renew a  license  if  the  board                                                                    
     determines  that the  applicant  or  licensee has  been                                                                    
     convicted,  including a  conviction based  on a  guilty                                                                    
     plea  or plea  of  nolo contendere,  of  a crime  under                                                                    
     AS 11.41.340 - 11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                         
        * Sec. 23. AS 08.86.130(a) is amended to read:                                                                        
          (a)  The board shall issue a psychologist license                                                                     
     to a person who                                                                                                            
               (1)   holds an earned doctorate  degree, from                                                                    
     an  academic  institution  whose  program  of  graduate                                                                    
     study for  a doctorate  degree in psychology  meets the                                                                    
     criteria established by the board by regulation, in                                                                        
               (A)  clinical psychology;                                                                                        
               (B)  counseling psychology; or                                                                                   
               (C)   education in a field  of specialization                                                                    
     considered equivalent by the board;                                                                                        
               (2)  has not  engaged in dishonorable conduct                                                                    
     related to the practice of counseling or psychometry;                                                                      
               (3)     has   one  year   of  post   doctoral                                                                    
     supervised experience approved by the board; [AND]                                                                         
               (4)     takes   and   passes  the   objective                                                                    
     examination developed or approved by the board; and                                                                    
               (5)   has  not  been  convicted, including  a                                                                
     conviction  based on  a  guilty plea  or  plea of  nolo                                                                
     contendere, of  a crime under AS 11.41.340  - 11.41.355                                                                
     or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                              
        * Sec. 24. AS 08.86.160(a) is amended to read:                                                                        
          (a)  The board shall issue a psychological                                                                            
     associate license to a person who                                                                                          
               (1)  holds an earned  master's degree from an                                                                    
     academic  institution whose  program of  graduate study                                                                    
     for a master's degree  in psychology meets the criteria                                                                    
     established by the board by regulation in                                                                                  
               (A)  clinical psychology;                                                                                        
               (B)  counseling psychology; or                                                                                   
               (C)   education in a field  of specialization                                                                    
     considered equivalent by the board;                                                                                        
               (2)  has not  engaged in dishonorable conduct                                                                    
     related to the practice of counseling or psychometry;                                                                      
               (3)     has  two   years  of   post  master's                                                                    
     supervised experience approved by the board; [AND]                                                                         
               (4)     takes   and   passes  the   objective                                                                    
     examination  developed or  approved  by  the board  for                                                                    
     psychological associates; and                                                                                          
               (5)   has  not  been  convicted, including  a                                                                
     conviction  based on  a  guilty plea  or  plea of  nolo                                                                
     contendere, of  a crime under AS 11.41.340  - 11.41.355                                                                
     or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                              
        * Sec. 25.  AS 08.86.204 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (e)  The board shall revoke for life a license or                                                                     
     refuse  to  issue  or  renew a  license  if  the  board                                                                    
     determines   that  the   person  has   been  convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of  nolo contendere,  of a  crime under  AS 11.41.340 -                                                                    
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                        
        * Sec. 26.  AS 08.95.050 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (d)  The board shall revoke for life a license or                                                                     
     refuse  to  issue  or  renew a  license  if  the  board                                                                    
     determines   that  the   person  has   been  convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of  nolo contendere,  of a  crime under  AS 11.41.340 -                                                                    
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                        
        * Sec. 27. AS 08.95.110(a) is amended to read:                                                                        
          (a)  The board shall issue a license to practice                                                                      
     clinical social work to a person who                                                                                       
               (1)   has  received  a master's  degree or  a                                                                    
     doctoral  degree  in  social  work from  a  college  or                                                                    
     university approved by the board;                                                                                          
               (2)    has  completed, within  the  10  years                                                                    
     before   application  for   licensure  and   under  the                                                                    
     supervision  of  a  licensed  clinical  social  worker,                                                                    
     licensed psychologist, or licensed psychiatrist either                                                                     
               (A)   a  minimum of  two years  of continuous                                                                    
     full-time  employment in  postgraduate clinical  social                                                                    
     work; or                                                                                                                   
               (B)   a minimum of  3,000 hours of  less than                                                                    
     full-time employment in  a period of not  less than two                                                                    
     years in postgraduate clinical social work;                                                                                
               (3)  is of good moral character;                                                                                 
               (4)  is in good  professional standing and is                                                                    
     fit  to  practice  social work  as  determined  by  the                                                                    
               (5)      has  provided   three   professional                                                                    
     references   that   are   acceptable  to   the   board,                                                                    
     including, if the applicant                                                                                                
               (A)    was  previously employed  to  practice                                                                    
     social work,  one reference from  a person who  was the                                                                    
     applicant's  employer  while   practicing  social  work                                                                    
     unless the  applicant demonstrates to  the satisfaction                                                                    
     of the  board that the  applicant is unable  to satisfy                                                                    
     the requirement  of this subparagraph through  no fault                                                                    
     of the applicant; and                                                                                                      
               (B)    is   currently  employed  to  practice                                                                    
     social work,  a reference from the  applicant's current                                                                    
               (6)     has   satisfactorily  completed   the                                                                    
     examination  given by  the  board  for clinical  social                                                                    
     worker licensing; [AND]                                                                                                    
               (7)  has paid required fees; and                                                                             
               (8)   has  not  been  convicted, including  a                                                                
     conviction  based on  a  guilty plea  or  plea of  nolo                                                                
     contendere, of  a crime under AS 11.41.340  - 11.41.355                                                                
     or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                              
        * Sec. 28. AS 08.95.120(a) is amended to read:                                                                        
          (a)  The board shall issue a license to practice                                                                      
     clinical social work if the applicant                                                                                      
               (1)   holds  a  current  license to  practice                                                                    
     clinical social  work in another jurisdiction  that, at                                                                    
     the  time  of original  issuance  of  the license,  had                                                                    
     requirements for  licensure equal to or  more stringent                                                                    
     than those of this state;                                                                                                  
               (2)   is  not the  subject  of an  unresolved                                                                    
     complaint  or disciplinary  action before  a regulatory                                                                    
     authority or a professional social work association;                                                                       
               (3)      has  provided   three   professional                                                                    
     references   that   are   acceptable  to   the   board,                                                                    
     including, if the applicant                                                                                                
               (A)    was  previously employed  to  practice                                                                    
     social work,  one reference from  a person who  was the                                                                    
     applicant's  employer  while   practicing  social  work                                                                    
     unless the  applicant demonstrates to  the satisfaction                                                                    
     of the  board that the  applicant is unable  to satisfy                                                                    
     the requirement  of this subparagraph through  no fault                                                                    
     of the applicant; and                                                                                                      
               (B)    is   currently  employed  to  practice                                                                    
     social work,  a reference from the  applicant's current                                                                    
               (4)    has  not  had a  license  to  practice                                                                    
     clinical   social    work   revoked,    suspended,   or                                                                    
     surrendered  in lieu  of  disciplinary  action in  this                                                                    
     state or another jurisdiction;                                                                                             
               (5)     has  submitted  proof   of  continued                                                                    
     competency satisfactory to the board; [AND]                                                                                
               (6)  has paid required fees; and                                                                             
               (7)   has  not  been convicted  of  a law  or                                                                
     ordinance   of  this   or  another   jurisdiction  with                                                                
     elements substantially similar to  a crime listed under                                                                
     AS 11.41.340 - 11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460."                                                                    
     Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                                          
     Page 33, line 3, following "(a)":                                                                                          
          Insert   "The   following    sections   apply   to                                                                    
     revocations,  denials, or  refusals to  issue or  renew                                                                    
     licenses,   permits,  or   certificates  for   offenses                                                                    
     committed  on  or after  the  effective  date of  those                                                                    
               (1)  AS 08.07.025, enacted by  sec. 3 of this                                                                    
               (2)   AS 08.26.130(b), enacted  by sec.  6 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (3)   AS 08.29.400(d), enacted  by sec.  8 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (4)   AS 08.61.060(b), enacted by sec.  11 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (5)   AS 08.63.210(e), enacted by sec.  13 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (6)   AS 08.64.326(c), enacted by sec.  15 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (7)   AS 08.65.110(b), enacted by sec.  17 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (8)   AS 08.68.270(b), enacted by sec.  19 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (9)   AS 08.80.261(c), enacted by sec.  22 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (10)  AS 08.86.204(e), enacted  by sec. 25 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (11)  AS 08.95.050(d), enacted  by sec. 26 of                                                                    
     this Act."                                                                                                                 
     Reletter the following subsections accordingly.                                                                            
     Page 33, line 5:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 4"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 31"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 6:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 5"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 32"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 7:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 6"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 33"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 8:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 7"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 34"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 9:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 8"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 10:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 9"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 36"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 11:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 10"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 37"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 12:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 11"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 38"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 13:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 12"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 39"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 14:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 13"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 40"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 15:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 14"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 41"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 16:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 15"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 42"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 17:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 16"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 43"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 18:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 17"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 44"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 19:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 18"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 45"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 20:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 36"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 63"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 23:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 20"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 47"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 24:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 21"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 48"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 25:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 22"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 49"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 26:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 23"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 50"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 27:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 24"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 51"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 28:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 25"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 52"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 29:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 26"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 53"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 30:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 27"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 54"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 31:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 28"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 55"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 1:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 33"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 60"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 2:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 34"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 61"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 3:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 34"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 61"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 4:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 62"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 5:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 47"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 74"                                                                                                      
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 62"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 6:                                                                                                           
          Delete "secs. 35 and 47"                                                                                              
          Insert "secs. 62 and 74"                                                                                              
     Page 34, line 8:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 62"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 9:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 62"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 13:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 2"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 29"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 14:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 19"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 46"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 15:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 29"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 56"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 16:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 30"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 57"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 17:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 31"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 58"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 18:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 32"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 59"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 19:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 38"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 65"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 20:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 40"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 67"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 21:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 41"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 68"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 22:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 42"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 69"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 23:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 43"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 70"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 27:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 62"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 28:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 62"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 30:                                                                                                          
          Delete "Sections 35 and 47"                                                                                           
          Insert "Sections 62 and 74"                                                                                           
     Page 34, line 31:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 60"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 87"                                                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE GRAY objected.                                                                                                   
1:55:29 PM                                                                                                                    
MR.  ALMEIDA  explained  that  Amendment   8  would  require  new                                                               
licensees  to  check  a  box   on  the  department's  application                                                               
indicating that they had not  been convicted of a sex trafficking                                                               
or sex offense  crime listed under AS 11.41.340  -11.41.355 or AS                                                               
11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                                          
1:56:30 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE GRAY moved to adopt Amendment 1 to Amendment 8,                                                                  
labeled 33-GH1029\S.12, Radford, 4/23/23, which read as follows                                                                 
[original punctuation provided]:                                                                                                
     Page 1, following line 5 of the amendment:                                                                                 
     Insert new material to read:                                                                                               
     "Page 1, line 6, following "certificate;":                                                                               
          Insert "relating to disqualifying convictions for                                                                   
     religious and private school teachers;""                                                                                 
     Page 14, following line 23 of the amendment:                                                                               
     Insert new material to read:                                                                                               
     "Page 25, following line 11:                                                                                               
          Insert a new bill section to read:                                                                                    
        "*  Sec. 64.  AS 14.45 is  amended by  adding a  new                                                                
     section to read:                                                                                                         
          Sec. 14.45.115. Disqualifying convictions for                                                                       
     teachers.  An   individual  may  not  be   employed  or                                                                  
     volunteer as a teacher in  a religious or other private                                                                    
     school  if  the  individual  has been  convicted  of  a                                                                    
     crime, or  an attempt,  solicitation, or  conspiracy to                                                                    
     commit  a  crime,  under AS 11.41.340  -  11.41.355  or                                                                    
     11.41.410  -  11.41.460,  or  a  law  or  ordinance  in                                                                    
     another jurisdiction  with elements similar to  a crime                                                                    
     under   AS 11.41.340  -   11.41.355   or  11.41.410   -                                                                    
     Renumber the following bill sections accordingly."                                                                         
     Page 17, following line 12 of the amendment:                                                                               
          Insert "Following "Act":                                                                                              
          Insert ";                                                                                                             
               (17)  AS 14.45.160, enacted by sec. 64 of                                                                        
     this Act""                                                                                                                 
     Page 19, line 6 of the amendment:                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 74"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 75"                                                                                                      
     Page 19, line 12 of the amendment:                                                                                         
          Delete "74"                                                                                                           
          Insert "75"                                                                                                           
     Page 20, line 17 of the amendment:                                                                                         
          Delete "sec. 65"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 66"                                                                                                      
     Page 20, line 21 of the amendment:                                                                                         
          Delete "sec. 67"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 68"                                                                                                      
     Page 20, line 25 of the amendment:                                                                                         
          Delete "sec. 68"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 69"                                                                                                      
     Page 20, line 29 of the amendment:                                                                                         
          Delete "sec. 69"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 70"                                                                                                      
     Page 21, line 2 of the amendment:                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 70"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 71"                                                                                                      
     Page 21, line 14 of the amendment:                                                                                         
          Delete "74"                                                                                                           
          Insert "75"                                                                                                           
     Page 21, line 18 of the amendment:                                                                                         
          Delete "sec. 87"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 88"                                                                                                      
1:56:38 PM                                                                                                                    
The committee took an at-ease from 1:56 p.m. to 2:00 p.m.                                                                       
2:00:23 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE ALLARD  objected to the motion  to adopt Amendment                                                               
1 to Amendment 8 for the purpose of discussion.                                                                                 
2:00:36 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  GRAY  informed  the  committee  that  in  Alaska,                                                               
existing law  prohibited board certified teachers  from holding a                                                               
certificate upon  conviction of sexual  assault.  Amendment  1 to                                                               
Amendment 8  would extend  the prohibition  to cover  private and                                                               
religious educators  as well.   He defined private  and religious                                                               
schools, adding that the intent  was to ensure that all educators                                                               
were  teaching  without  sexual  assault  or,  or  sex  or  human                                                               
trafficking, convictions.                                                                                                       
REPRESENTATIVE  ALLARD  asked  whether substitute  teachers  were                                                               
captured  by  the  proposed  amendment.   She  pointed  out  that                                                               
substitute  teachers   were  not  required  to   be  licensed  or                                                               
certified in Alaska.                                                                                                            
REPRESENTATIVE  GRAY  asked  whether substitute  teachers  [could                                                               
continue  to teach]  with a  sexual assault  conviction on  their                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE ALLARD answered no.                                                                                              
MS. MANNING offered to follow up with the requested information.                                                                
REPRESENTATIVE     GRAY     considered     adding     "substitute                                                               
schoolteachers" to Amendment 1 to Amendment 8.                                                                                  
CHAIR VANCE questioned Representative Gray's intent.                                                                            
REPRESENTATIVE  GRAY said  the intent  was to  pass the  proposed                                                               
amendment in  its current form; however,  he said he was  open to                                                               
adding  "substitute  teachers"   if  it  was  the   will  of  the                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE  ALLARD  expressed  her  hesitancy  to  supporting                                                               
Amendment  8, as  substitute teachers  could  "come onboard"  for                                                               
some time before a background check was conducted.                                                                              
CHAIR VANCE  expressed concern about  making this  change without                                                               
fully understanding the implications.                                                                                           
2:06:58 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  EASTMAN   questioned  the   scope  of   the  term                                                               
"volunteers"  and  how  broad  of   a  category  it  encompassed.                                                               
Additionally,  he  pointed  out  that indecent  exposure  in  the                                                               
second  degree  was  included  under   AS  11.41.460,  which  was                                                               
referenced in Amendment 1 to Amendment 8.                                                                                       
REPRESENTATIVE GRAY said he wanted  Amendment 1 to Amendment 8 to                                                               
be as  broad as  possible, adding  that individuals  convicted of                                                               
sexual assault, human trafficking,  or sex trafficking should not                                                               
have ready access to children.   He reiterated that the intention                                                               
of adding the word "volunteer" was  to make the language as broad                                                               
as possible to include volunteers  that had been convicted of sex                                                               
2:10:33 PM                                                                                                                    
The committee took a brief at-ease.                                                                                             
2:12:36 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE ALLARD removed her objection.                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE EASTMAN objected.                                                                                                
2:12:49 PM                                                                                                                    
A roll  call vote  was taken.   Representatives  Carpenter, Gray,                                                               
Groh, and  Allard voted in favor  of Amendment 1 to  Amendment 8.                                                               
Representatives C. Johnson, Eastman,  and Vance voted against it.                                                               
Therefore, Amendment 1 to Amendment 8 passed by a vote of 4-3.                                                                  
CHAIR VANCE sought further comments on Amendment 8, as amended.                                                                 
2:13:46 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  EASTMAN pointed  out  that  "the department"  was                                                               
mentioned  in  Section  6  of   Amendment  8.    He  asked  which                                                               
department was  being referred to.   Additionally,  he reiterated                                                               
his observation  that crimes,  such as  indecent exposure  in the                                                               
second degree, were included in AS 11.41.460.                                                                                   
MS. RADFORD stated that the  reference to "department" in Title 8                                                               
referred to DCCED.                                                                                                              
REPRESENTATIVE EASTMAN  expounded on his opposition  to Amendment                                                               
8, as amended, opining  that too broad a net was  being cast.  He                                                               
shared his  belief that banning  a person for life  from engaging                                                               
in various careers  for a conviction of  indecent exposure seemed                                                               
unrelated to the specific offense in question.                                                                                  
REPRESENTATIVE  ALLARD stated  her  support for  Amendment 8,  as                                                               
amended, sharing  her belief that past  behaviors would continue,                                                               
especially if the  individual had not been  through counseling or                                                               
other avenues [of treatment].                                                                                                   
2:16:23 PM                                                                                                                    
A roll call  vote was taken.   Representatives Allard, Carpenter,                                                               
C. Johnson, Gray, Groh, and Vance  voted in favor of Amendment 8,                                                               
as   amended.     Representative   Eastman   voted  against   it.                                                               
Therefore, Amendment 8,  as amended, was adopted by a  vote of 6-                                                               
2:16:57 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER  moved to  adopt Amendment 9  to Version                                                               
S, labeled 33-GH1029\S.6, Radford, 4/19/23, which read:                                                                         
     Page 1, line 1, following "trafficking;":                                                                                
          Insert "relating to lifetime license revocation                                                                     
     or denial  for athletic trainers,  private professional                                                                  
     conservators   and  guardians,   licensed  professional                                                                  
     counselors,  massage  therapists,  marital  and  family                                                                  
     therapists, physicians,  direct-entry midwives, nurses,                                                                  
     pharmacists,     psychologists    and     psychological                                                                  
     associates, and clinical social workers;"                                                                                
     Page 2, following line 11:                                                                                                 
          Insert new bill sections to read:                                                                                     
        "*  Sec. 2.  AS 08.07  is amended  by  adding a  new                                                                
     section to read:                                                                                                           
          Sec. 08.07.025. Revocation or refusal of a                                                                          
     license.  The  department  shall  revoke  for  life  an                                                                  
     athletic trainer  license or  refuse to issue  or renew                                                                    
     an   athletic  trainer   license   if  the   department                                                                    
     determines  that  the  individual has  been  convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of  nolo contendere,  of a  crime under  AS 11.41.340 -                                                                    
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                        
        * Sec. 3. AS 08.26.020(a) is amended to read:                                                                         
          (a)  The department shall issue a private                                                                             
     professional full guardian license to an individual                                                                        
               (1)  who is at least 21 years of age;                                                                            
               (2)  who has two or more years of                                                                                
     professional client casework experience  or at least an                                                                    
     associate  degree  in   human  services,  social  work,                                                                    
     psychology, sociology,  gerontology, special education,                                                                    
     or a closely related field;                                                                                                
               (3)  who is certified as a guardian by a                                                                         
     nationally  recognized  organization  in the  field  of                                                                    
               (4)  whose criminal history record checks                                                                        
     under  AS 08.26.070 show  that the  individual has  not                                                                    
     been  convicted   of  a  crime  under   AS 11.41.340  -                                                                
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410  - 11.41.460, or of  a felony or                                                                
     [OF  A] misdemeanor  offense  in the  state  or in  any                                                                    
     other jurisdiction  involving fraud, misrepresentation,                                                                    
     material     omission,     misappropriation,     theft,                                                                    
     conversion,   or  any   other   crime  the   department                                                                    
     determines  would affect  the  individual's ability  to                                                                    
     provide  the services  of  a  guardian competently  and                                                                    
     safely for the protected  person within 10 years before                                                                    
     the application;                                                                                                           
               (5)      who    satisfies   the   application                                                                    
     requirements of AS 08.26.060; and                                                                                          
               (6)    who  satisfies  the  requirements  for                                                                    
     obtaining  a private  professional conservator  license                                                                    
     under AS 08.26.030.                                                                                                        
        * Sec. 4. AS 08.26.030 is amended to read:                                                                            
          Sec.    08.26.030.   Requirements    for   private                                                                  
     professional conservator license.  The department shall                                                                  
     issue a private professional  conservator license to an                                                                    
               (1)  who is at least 21 years of age;                                                                            
               (2)  who has obtained  a high school diploma,                                                                    
     or  a  general  education development  diploma  or  its                                                                    
               (3)     who   has   six  months'   employment                                                                    
     experience   in   a    position   involving   financial                                                                    
     management,  or has  at least  an  associate degree  in                                                                    
     accounting or a closely related field;                                                                                     
               (4)   who  is certified  as a  guardian by  a                                                                    
     nationally  recognized  organization  in the  field  of                                                                    
               (5)   whose  criminal  history record  checks                                                                    
     under  AS 08.26.070 show  that the  individual has  not                                                                    
     been  convicted   of  a  crime  under   AS 11.41.340  -                                                                
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410  - 11.41.460, or of  a felony or                                                                
     [OF  A] misdemeanor  offense  in the  state  or in  any                                                                    
     other jurisdiction  involving fraud, misrepresentation,                                                                    
     material     omission,     misappropriation,     theft,                                                                    
     conversion,  or any  other  crime  that the  department                                                                    
     determines  would affect  the  individual's ability  to                                                                    
     provide the  services of a conservator  competently and                                                                    
     safely for the protected  person within 10 years before                                                                    
     the application; and                                                                                                       
               (6)      who    satisfies   the   application                                                                    
     requirements of AS 08.26.060.                                                                                              
        * Sec.  5. AS 08.26.130 is  amended by adding  a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (b)  The department shall revoke for life a                                                                           
     license or  refuse to issue  or renew a license  if the                                                                    
     department  determines  that  the individual  has  been                                                                    
     convicted,  including a  conviction based  on a  guilty                                                                    
     plea  or plea  of  nolo contendere,  of  a crime  under                                                                    
     AS 11.41.340 - 11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                         
        * Sec.  6. AS 08.29.400 is  amended by adding  a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (d)  The board shall revoke for life a license or                                                                     
     refuse  to  issue  or  renew a  license  if  the  board                                                                    
     determines   that  the   person  has   been  convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of  nolo contendere,  of a  crime under  AS 11.41.340 -                                                                    
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                        
        * Sec.  7. AS 08.61.060 is  amended by adding  a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (b)  The board shall revoke for life a license or                                                                     
     refuse  to  issue  or  renew a  license  if  the  board                                                                    
     determines   that  the   person  has   been  convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of  nolo contendere,  of a  crime under  AS 11.41.340 -                                                                    
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                        
        * Sec.  8. AS 08.63.210 is  amended by adding  a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (e)  The board shall revoke for life a license                                                                        
     issued under this  chapter or refuse to  issue or renew                                                                    
     a license  under this chapter  if the  board determines                                                                    
     that  the individual  has been  convicted, including  a                                                                    
     conviction  based on  a  guilty plea  or  plea of  nolo                                                                    
     contendere, of  a crime under AS 11.41.340  - 11.41.355                                                                    
     or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                                  
        * Sec. 9. AS 08.64.240(a) is amended to read:                                                                         
          (a)  The board may not grant a license if                                                                             
               (1)  the applicant fails or cheats during                                                                        
     the examination;                                                                                                           
               (2)  the applicant has surrendered a license                                                                     
     in another  jurisdiction while under  investigation and                                                                    
     the   license  has   not   been   reinstated  in   that                                                                    
               (3)  the board determines that the applicant                                                                     
     is  professionally   unfit  to  practice   medicine  or                                                                    
     osteopathy in the state; [OR]                                                                                              
               (4)  the applicant fails to comply with a                                                                        
     requirement of this chapter; or                                                                                        
               (5)  the applicant has been convicted,                                                                       
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                
     of  nolo contendere,  of a  crime under  AS 11.41.340 -                                                                
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                    
        * Sec. 10.  AS 08.64.326 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (c)  The board shall revoke for life a license                                                                        
     issued under this  chapter or refuse to  issue or renew                                                                    
     a license  under this chapter  if the  board determines                                                                    
     that  the  person  has   been  convicted,  including  a                                                                    
     conviction  based on  a  guilty plea  or  plea of  nolo                                                                    
     contendere, of  a crime under AS 11.41.340  - 11.41.355                                                                    
     or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                                  
        * Sec. 11.  AS 08.65.110 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (b)  The board shall revoke for life a                                                                                
     certificate or  permit or  refuse to  issue or  renew a                                                                    
     certificate or permit if the  board determines that the                                                                    
     individual has  been convicted, including  a conviction                                                                    
     based on a  guilty plea or plea of  nolo contendere, of                                                                    
     a crime  under AS 11.41.340 - 11.41.355  or 11.41.410 -                                                                    
        * Sec. 12.  AS 08.68.270 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (b)  The board shall revoke for life a license or                                                                     
     refuse  to  issue  or  renew a  license  if  the  board                                                                    
     determines   that  the   person  has   been  convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of  nolo contendere,  of a  crime under  AS 11.41.340 -                                                                    
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                        
        * Sec. 13.  AS 08.80.261 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (c)  The board shall revoke for life a license or                                                                     
     refuse  to  issue  or  renew a  license  if  the  board                                                                    
     determines  that the  applicant  or  licensee has  been                                                                    
     convicted,  including a  conviction based  on a  guilty                                                                    
     plea  or plea  of  nolo contendere,  of  a crime  under                                                                    
     AS 11.41.340 - 11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                         
        * Sec. 14.  AS 08.86.204 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (e)  The board shall revoke for life a license or                                                                     
     refuse  to  issue  or  renew a  license  if  the  board                                                                    
     determines   that  the   person  has   been  convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of  nolo contendere,  of a  crime under  AS 11.41.340 -                                                                    
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460.                                                                                        
        * Sec. 15.  AS 08.95.050 is amended by  adding a new                                                                  
     subsection to read:                                                                                                        
          (d)  The board shall revoke for life a license or                                                                     
     refuse  to  issue  or  renew a  license  if  the  board                                                                    
     determines   that  the   person  has   been  convicted,                                                                    
     including a conviction  based on a guilty  plea or plea                                                                    
     of  nolo contendere,  of a  crime under  AS 11.41.340 -                                                                    
     11.41.355 or 11.41.410 - 11.41.460."                                                                                       
     Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                                          
     Page 33, line 3, following "(a)":                                                                                          
          Insert   "The   following    sections   apply   to                                                                    
     revocations,  denials, or  refusals to  renew licenses,                                                                    
     permits, or certificates for offenses committed on or                                                                      
     after the effective date of those sections:                                                                                
               (1)  AS 08.07.025, enacted by  sec. 2 of this                                                                    
               (2)   AS 08.26.020(a), as  amended by  sec. 3                                                                    
     of this Act;                                                                                                               
               (3)   AS 08.26.030, as amended  by sec.  4 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (4)   AS 08.26.130(b), enacted  by sec.  5 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (5)   AS 08.29.400(d), enacted  by sec.  6 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (6)   AS 08.61.060(b), enacted  by sec.  7 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (7)   AS 08.63.210(e), enacted  by sec.  8 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (8)   AS 08.64.240(a), as  amended by  sec. 9                                                                    
     of this Act;                                                                                                               
               (9)   AS 08.64.326(c), enacted by sec.  10 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (10)  AS 08.65.110(b), enacted  by sec. 11 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (11)  AS 08.68.270(a), as  amended by sec. 12                                                                    
     of this Act;                                                                                                               
               (12)  AS 08.80.261(c), enacted  by sec. 13 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (13)  AS 08.86.204(e), enacted  by sec. 14 of                                                                    
     this Act;                                                                                                                  
               (14)  AS 08.95.050(d), enacted  by sec. 15 of                                                                    
     this Act."                                                                                                                 
     Reletter the following subsections accordingly.                                                                            
     Page 33, line 5:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 4"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 18"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 6:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 5"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 19"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 7:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 6"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 20"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 8:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 7"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 21"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 9:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 8"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 22"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 10:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 9"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 23"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 11:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 10"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 24"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 12:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 11"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 25"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 13:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 12"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 26"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 14:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 13"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 27"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 15:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 14"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 28"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 16:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 15"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 29"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 17:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 16"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 30"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 18:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 17"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 31"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 19:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 18"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 32"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 20:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 36"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 50"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 23:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 20"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 34"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 24:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 21"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 25:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 22"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 36"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 26:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 23"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 37"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 27:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 24"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 38"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 28:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 25"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 39"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 29:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 26"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 40"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 30:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 27"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 41"                                                                                                      
     Page 33, line 31:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 28"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 42"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 1:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 33"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 47"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 2:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 34"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 48"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 3:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 34"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 48"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 4:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 49"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 5:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 47"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 61"                                                                                                      
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 49"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 6:                                                                                                           
          Delete "secs. 35 and 47"                                                                                              
          Insert "secs. 49 and 61"                                                                                              
     Page 34, line 8:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 49"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 9:                                                                                                           
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 49"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 13:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 2"                                                                                                       
          Insert "sec. 16"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 14:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 19"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 33"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 15:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 29"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 43"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 16:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 30"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 44"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 17:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 31"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 45"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 18:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 32"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 46"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 19:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 38"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 52"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 20:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 40"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 54"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 21:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 41"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 55"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 22:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 42"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 56"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 23:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 43"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 57"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 27:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 49"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 28:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 35"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 49"                                                                                                      
     Page 34, line 30:                                                                                                          
          Delete "Sections 35 and 47"                                                                                           
          Insert "Sections 49 and 61"                                                                                           
     Page 34, line 31:                                                                                                          
          Delete "sec. 60"                                                                                                      
          Insert "sec. 74"                                                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE EASTMAN objected.                                                                                                
2:17:12 PM                                                                                                                    
MR. ALMEIDA explained that Amendment 9 would invoke a revocation                                                                
or refusal of a license for all listed licenses.                                                                                
2:17:55 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE GROH requested an  elaboration on the relationship                                                               
between  Amendment 8  and  Amendment 9.    More specifically,  he                                                               
asked why they were not combined into one amendment.                                                                            
MR.  ALMEIDA  said  Amendment  8  ensured  that  applicants  were                                                               
disclosing a sex trafficking conviction  on the application for a                                                               
professional  license  whereas  Amendment  9  would  ensure  that                                                               
specific professional licensees were  revoked or refused upon the                                                               
conviction of a sex trafficking crime.                                                                                          
2:19:14 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE EASTMAN  considered the example of  a teenager who                                                               
was  convicted of  running naked  through a  college campus.   He                                                               
asked  how that  related  to  the individual's  ability  to be  a                                                               
pharmacist 20 years later.                                                                                                      
CHAIR VANCE  clarified that  revocation or  refusal of  a license                                                               
only applied to sex trafficking convictions.                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE EASTMAN inquired about the  effect of page 1, line                                                               
5, which explicitly listed pharmacists.                                                                                         
MS. RADFORD asked Representative Eastman to repeat the question.                                                                
REPRESENTATIVE EASTMAN  directed attention  to page 1,  lines 2-6                                                               
of  Amendment   9,  which  listed   a  variety  of   careers  and                                                               
occupations.  He asked how  the proposed amendment would impact a                                                               
person  who  was currently  a  pharmacist  or  applying to  be  a                                                               
MS. RADFORD  explained that  should Amendment  9 pass,  the board                                                               
could refuse  to issue  or renew  a license  if the  licensee was                                                               
convicted  of  a crime  under  AS  11.41.340  - 11.41.355  or  AS                                                               
11.41.410 - 11-41-460.                                                                                                          
REPRESENTATIVE  ALLARD  suggested  that  a  pharmacist's  ability                                                               
access  to drugs  could be  used against  intended victims.   For                                                               
that reason,  she opined  that the  inclusion of  pharmacists was                                                               
2:22:40 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  EASTMAN  inquired  about the  connection  between                                                               
streaking, or indecent exposure, and  the ability to access drugs                                                               
as a licensed pharmacist.                                                                                                       
REPRESENTATIVE  ALLARD  remarked,  "I think  it's  relevant  that                                                               
someone who has indecent exposure  obviously has some issues, and                                                               
like I  said earlier,  unless they have  counseling or  they have                                                               
not committed a crime, access to drugs is alarming to me."                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE GRAY  pointed out  that clinical  pharmacists meet                                                               
with patients one-on-one.                                                                                                       
2:24:16 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE C.  JOHNSON remarked, "Going back  to Amendment 7,                                                               
which  we  ?  athletic  trainers  convicted  of  a  felony  or  a                                                               
misdemeanor crime.   Is that true  of all of these  professions -                                                               
felony  or  misdemeanor?  ?  I  want  to  make  sure  that  we're                                                               
MS.   RADFORD  explained   that  Amendment   7  related   to  the                                                               
notification  of   conviction  provision.     Regarding  athletic                                                               
trainers, per Section  2 of Amendment 7, she said,  any felony or                                                               
misdemeanor  crime  was  included.   Alternatively,  Amendment  9                                                               
proposed the  lifetime revocation or  refusal to renew  a license                                                               
for crimes related to sex trafficking or sex offenses.                                                                          
REPRESENTATIVE  C. JOHNSON  asked  whether  all notifications  of                                                               
conviction included the felony or misdemeanor language.                                                                         
2:27:00 PM                                                                                                                    
The committee took a brief at-ease.                                                                                             
2:30:40 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  VANCE   conveyed  that  after  further   clarification,  a                                                               
previously  adopted  amendment   had  accomplished  the  lifetime                                                               
licensure revocation; therefore, Amendment 9 was unnecessary.                                                                   
2:31:04 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER withdrew Amendment 9.                                                                                  
CHAIR  VANCE  redirected  the  conversation   to  Version  S,  as                                                               
2:31:26 PM                                                                                                                    
The committee took an at-ease from 2:31 p.m. to 3:36 p.m.                                                                       
2:36:13 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR VANCE asked  whether the legislative intent  of Amendment 9                                                               
was captured in Section 6 of Amendment 8.                                                                                       
MS. RADFORD  confirmed that  Section 6  of Amendment  8 contained                                                               
the language  in Section 5  of Amendment 9.   She added  that the                                                               
language  relating to  licensure  revocation or  refusal for  the                                                               
listed professions was the same in both amendments.                                                                             
CHAIR VANCE  asked whether  Amendment 9 was  needed to  cover the                                                               
revocation of licenses.                                                                                                         
MS. RADFORD  clarified that  Amendment 9 was  not needed,  as the                                                               
language  accomplishing the  intent had  already been  adopted in                                                               
Amendment 8.                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  VANCE returned  attention to  Version S,  as amended,  and                                                               
invited questions from members of the committee.                                                                                
2:38:55 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE EASTMAN  shared his understanding that  should the                                                               
bill pass,  a person who  received a penalty for  even attempting                                                               
to  commit  one of  these  crimes  would  be banned  from  simply                                                               
volunteering  under  certain  circumstances.     He  opined  that                                                               
Version  S  was  "more  than  what  [he]  thought  the  bill  was                                                               
originally intended  to be."  For  that reason, he said  he would                                                               
be objecting to the bill, as drafted.                                                                                           
2:40:28 PM                                                                                                                    
The committee took an at-ease from 2:40 p.m. to 2:54 p.m.                                                                       
2:54:10 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER moved to  rescind action on Amendment 8,                                                               
as amended.                                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE GROH objected for the purpose of discussion.                                                                     
2:54:35 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER  explained that in an  effort to resolve                                                               
members' concerns regarding AS 11.41.410  - 11.41.460, the intent                                                               
was to rescind action on Amendment  8 for the purpose of amending                                                               
it  further.   The conceptual  amendment following  recension, he                                                               
said, would remove those statutes from Amendment 8.                                                                             
REPRESENTATIVE  GROH  removed  his  objection.   There  being  no                                                               
further objection, Amendment 8, as amended, was rescinded.                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE  GRAY  sought  to  confirm  that  Amendment  1  to                                                               
Amendment 8 was not being amended.                                                                                              
REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER confirmed.                                                                                             
2:55:52 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  EASTMAN   pointed  out  that  AS   11.41.460  was                                                               
included in Amendment 1 to  Amendment 8.  Therefore, he suggested                                                               
that if  the intent  was to remove  the statutory  reference from                                                               
Amendment 8, it  should be removed from Amendment  1 to Amendment                                                               
8 as well.                                                                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE  VANCE asked  Representative Carpenter  to clarify                                                               
the purpose of the rescinding action.                                                                                           
REPRESENTATIVE  CARPENTER  reiterated  that  the  intent  was  to                                                               
remove from Amendment 8 all  reference to statutes AS 11.41.410 -                                                               
11.41.460,  which  would  require  the passage  of  a  conceptual                                                               
amendment that stated such.                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE  C. JOHNSON  pointed  out that  the committee  was                                                               
debating something that was not before the committee.                                                                           
2:57:52 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER moved to adopt Amendment 8.                                                                            
REPRESENTATIVE GROH objected for the purpose of discussion.                                                                     
2:58:28 PM                                                                                                                    
The committee took an at-ease from 2:58 p.m. to 3:01 p.m.                                                                       
3:01:01 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CARPENTER moved to  amend [the previously adopted]                                                               
Amendment 1 to Amendment 8,  such that all references to statutes                                                               
AS 11.41.410 - 11.41.460 would be deleted.                                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE GRAY objected.  He  said he understood the will of                                                               
the  committee  to   make  the  bill  narrowly   focused  on  sex                                                               
trafficking;  however, because  the  amendment  pertained to  the                                                               
prevention  of certain  licenses from  access to  the public,  he                                                               
believed  it  was  prudent  to people  who  had  sexually  abused                                                               
minors.  He recalled that the  primary objection was in regard to                                                               
streaking;  consequently,  he  suggested removing  the  [indecent                                                               
exposure] statute specifically.                                                                                                 
REPRESENTATIVE  EASTMAN   clarified  that  he   had  specifically                                                               
highlighted  streaking for  the purpose  of illustrating  how far                                                               
[in scope]  the bill had  expanded.   He indicated that  his vote                                                               
would be  in favor of staying  in the more well-defined  arena of                                                               
sex and human trafficking.                                                                                                      
REPRESENTATIVE  ALLARD  shared  her  belief  that,  although  she                                                               
agreed with Representative  Gray, the focus should  remain on sex                                                               
trafficking.   She  suggested that  the  committee could  "circle                                                               
back around"  and bring  something else  forward that  focused on                                                               
sexual assault.                                                                                                                 
[The committee treated the objection as if it was maintained.]                                                                  
3:04:52 PM                                                                                                                    
A  roll  call vote  was  taken.   Representatives  Groh,  Allard,                                                               
Carpenter,  C. Johnson,  Eastman,  and Vance  voted  in favor  of                                                               
conceptually    amending   Amendment    1    to   Amendment    8.                                                               
Representative  Gray voted  against  it.   Therefore,  Conceptual                                                               
Amendment 1 to Amendment 8 was adopted by a vote of 6-1.                                                                        
CHAIR VANCE  requested a roll  call vote  on the motion  to adopt                                                               
Amendment 8, as conceptually amended.                                                                                           
3:05:35 PM                                                                                                                    
A roll call vote was  taken.  Representatives Gray, Groh, Allard,                                                               
Carpenter, C. Johnson,  and Vance voted in favor  of Amendment 8,                                                               
as conceptually  amended.   Representative Eastman  voted against                                                               
it.    Therefore,  Amendment  8,  as  conceptually  amended,  was                                                               
adopted by a vote of 6-1.                                                                                                       
CHAIR VANCE invited  final comment from Ms.  Schroeder on Version                                                               
S, as amended.                                                                                                                  
3:06:29 PM                                                                                                                    
KACI  SCHROEDER, Assistant  Attorney General,  Criminal Division,                                                               
Department of  Law (DOL), on  behalf of the House  Rules Standing                                                               
Committee, sponsor  by request of the  governor, acknowledged the                                                               
length of the bill and its  many moving parts, in addition to the                                                               
difficult  subject matter.   She  thanked the  committee for  its                                                               
work, opining that "some good changes [had] been made."                                                                         
REPRESENTATIVE ALLARD said she was proud  to be a part of passing                                                               
the legislation out of committee.                                                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE EASTMAN pointed out that  due to the length of the                                                               
bill,  it would  be difficult  for one  committee to  address the                                                               
legislation in its entirety.   Based on the testimony provided to                                                               
the committee, he suggested that  Alaska was open for business in                                                               
a  less  than favorable  way,  characterizing  the state  as  the                                                               
recruitment  grounds  for  sex   trafficking  and  other  related                                                               
crimes.   He expressed his  hope that  such an identity  could be                                                               
changed;  however,  he  believed  it  would  be  difficult.    He                                                               
expressed his hope that [sex  and human trafficking crimes] could                                                               
be prevented  by targeting criminal  behavior "at  the beginning"                                                               
through this and other bills.                                                                                                   
REPRESENTATIVE GROH  thanked the  committee for  its work  on the                                                               
bill  and commended  the chair  for her  passion and  creativity.                                                               
Nonetheless, he  expressed concern  about some of  the procedural                                                               
aspects in  regard to the  amendment process and the  majority of                                                               
the committee leaving the room during at-eases.                                                                                 
REPRESENTATIVE  GRAY opined  that  the bill  had undergone  major                                                               
structural  changes  for  the   better,  adding  that  additional                                                               
changes could be made.                                                                                                          
3:11:06 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR VANCE thanked  the committee for the  exhaustive process on                                                               
Version S,  as amended.   She acknowledged  that the  process was                                                               
"bumpy" at times, explaining that  the at-eases were used to seek                                                               
clarification   and  advice   on  procedural   matters  and   the                                                               
implication  of amendments.   She  confirmed that  more work  was                                                               
needed  on   the  proposed  legislation  in   addition  to  human                                                               
trafficking laws.  She expressed  her gratitude and described the                                                               
bill  as "a  step forward  in  what Alaska  can do  to end  human                                                               
trafficking in Alaska."                                                                                                         
3:12:20 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  ALLARD  moved  to  report CSHB  68,  Version  33-                                                               
GH1029\S,  Radford, 4/11/23,  as amended,  out of  committee with                                                               
individual  recommendations and  the  accompanying fiscal  notes.                                                               
There being  no objection,  CSHB 68(JUD),  was reported  from the                                                               
House Judiciary Standing Committee.                                                                                             
3:13:05 PM                                                                                                                    
There being no further business before the committee, the House                                                                 
Judiciary Standing Committee meeting was adjourned at 3:13 p.m.                                                                 

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
HB 68 - v.S Amendment #5 S.10.pdf HJUD 4/24/2023 1:00:00 PM
HB 68
HB 68 - v.S Amendment #6 S.8.pdf HJUD 4/24/2023 1:00:00 PM
HB 68
HB 68 - v.S Amendment #7 S.9.pdf HFSH 4/21/2023 1:00:00 PM
HJUD 4/24/2023 1:00:00 PM
HB 68
HB 68 - v.S Amendment #8 S.11.pdf HFSH 4/21/2023 1:00:00 PM
HJUD 4/24/2023 1:00:00 PM
HB 68
HB 68 - v.S Amendment #9 S.6.pdf HJUD 4/24/2023 1:00:00 PM
HB 68