Legislature(2021 - 2022)DAVIS 106

05/05/2022 03:00 PM House HEALTH & SOCIAL SERVICES

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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
Moved HCS SB 132(HSS) Out of Committee
-- Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> --
Heard & Held
-- Testimony <Invitation Only> --
Heard & Held
-- Invited & Public Testimony --
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
                    ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                                                                  
      HOUSE HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES STANDING COMMITTEE                                                                     
                          May 5, 2022                                                                                           
                           3:07 p.m.                                                                                            
MEMBERS PRESENT                                                                                                               
Representative Liz Snyder, Co-Chair                                                                                             
Representative Tiffany Zulkosky, Co-Chair                                                                                       
Representative Ivy Spohnholz                                                                                                    
Representative Zack Fields                                                                                                      
Representative Ken McCarty                                                                                                      
Representative Mike Prax                                                                                                        
Representative Christopher Kurka                                                                                                
MEMBERS ABSENT                                                                                                                
COMMITTEE CALENDAR                                                                                                            
SENATE BILL NO. 132                                                                                                             
"An Act exempting veterinarians from the requirements of the                                                                    
controlled substance prescription database."                                                                                    
     - MOVED HCS SB 132(HSS) OUT OF COMMITTEE                                                                                   
CS FOR SENATE BILL NO. 98(FIN)                                                                                                  
"An  Act   relating  to  adult   adoption;  relating   to  medical                                                              
assistance   for  recipients   of   adult   home  care   services;                                                              
establishing  an  adult home  care  home license  and  procedures;                                                              
providing for  the transition of  individuals from foster  care to                                                              
adult home care settings; and providing  for an effective date."                                                                
     - HEARD & HELD                                                                                                             
HOUSE BILL NO. 176                                                                                                              
"An Act relating to insurance; relating to direct health care                                                                   
agreements; and relating to unfair trade practices."                                                                            
     - HEARD & HELD                                                                                                             
PREVIOUS COMMITTEE ACTION                                                                                                     
BILL: SB 132                                                                                                                  
SHORT TITLE: CONTROLLED SUB. DATA: EXEMPT VETERINARIAN                                                                          
SPONSOR(s): SENATOR(s) HOLLAND                                                                                                  
04/28/21       (S)       READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRALS                                                                        
04/28/21       (S)       HSS, L&C                                                                                               
02/03/22       (S)       HSS AT 1:30 PM BUTROVICH 205                                                                           
02/03/22       (S)       Heard &  Held                                                                                          
02/03/22       (S)       MINUTE(HSS)                                                                                            
02/08/22       (S)       HSS AT 1:30 PM BUTROVICH 205                                                                           
02/08/22       (S)       Moved SB 132 Out of Committee                                                                          
02/08/22       (S)       MINUTE(HSS)                                                                                            
02/09/22       (S)       HSS RPT   4DP                                                                                          
02/09/22       (S)       DP: WILSON, REINBOLD, BEGICH, HUGHES                                                                   
02/23/22       (S)       L&C AT 1:30 PM BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)                                                                      
02/23/22       (S)       Heard &  Held                                                                                          
02/23/22       (S)       MINUTE(L&C)                                                                                            
03/02/22       (S)       L&C AT 1:30 PM BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)                                                                      
03/02/22       (S)       Moved SB 132 Out of Committee                                                                          
03/02/22       (S)       MINUTE(L&C)                                                                                            
03/04/22       (S)       L&C RPT  2NR 1DP                                                                                       
03/04/22       (S)       NR: COSTELLO, REVAK                                                                                    
03/04/22       (S)       DP: GRAY-JACKSON                                                                                       
03/04/22       (S)       FIN REFERRAL ADDED AFTER L&C                                                                           
03/17/22       (S)       FIN AT 9:00 AM SENATE FINANCE 532                                                                      
03/17/22       (S)       Heard &  Held                                                                                          
03/17/22       (S)       MINUTE(FIN)                                                                                            
03/22/22       (S)       FIN AT 9:00 AM SENATE FINANCE 532                                                                      
03/22/22       (S)       Moved SB 132 Out of Committee                                                                          
03/22/22       (S)       MINUTE(FIN)                                                                                            
03/23/22       (S)       FIN RPT   7DP                                                                                          
03/23/22       (S)       DP: STEDMAN, BISHOP, HOFFMAN, WILSON,                                                                  
                         WIELECHOWSKI, OLSON, VON IMHOF                                                                         
03/28/22       (S)       TRANSMITTED TO (H)                                                                                     
03/28/22       (S)       VERSION: SB 132                                                                                        
04/04/22       (H)       READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRALS                                                                        
04/04/22       (H)       HSS, L&C                                                                                               
04/14/22       (H)       HSS AT 3:00 PM DAVIS 106                                                                               
04/14/22       (H)       Scheduled  but Not Heard                                                                               
04/19/22       (H)       HSS AT  3:00 PM DAVIS 106                                                                              
04/19/22       (H)       -- MEETING CANCELED --                                                                                 
04/26/22       (H)       HSS AT 3:00 PM DAVIS 106                                                                               
04/26/22       (H)       Heard &  Held                                                                                          
04/26/22       (H)       MINUTE(HSS)                                                                                            
04/28/22       (H)       HSS AT 3:00 PM DAVIS 106                                                                               
04/28/22       (H)       Heard &  Held                                                                                          
04/28/22       (H)       MINUTE(HSS)                                                                                            
05/03/22       (H)       HSS AT 3:00 PM DAVIS 106                                                                               
05/03/22       (H)       Heard &  Held                                                                                          
05/03/22       (H)       MINUTE(HSS)                                                                                            
05/05/22       (H)       HSS AT 3:00 PM DAVIS 106                                                                               
BILL: SB  98                                                                                                                  
SHORT TITLE: ADULT HOME CARE; ADULT ADOPTION                                                                                    
SPONSOR(s): RULES BY REQUEST OF THE GOVERNOR                                                                                    
03/03/21       (S)       READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRALS                                                                        
03/03/21       (S)       HSS, FIN                                                                                               
03/18/21       (S)       HSS AT 1:30 PM BUTROVICH 205                                                                           
03/18/21       (S)       Heard &  Held                                                                                          
03/18/21       (S)       MINUTE(HSS)                                                                                            
03/30/21       (S)       HSS AT 1:30 PM BUTROVICH 205                                                                           
03/30/21       (S)       Moved SB 98 Out of Committee                                                                           
03/30/21       (S)       MINUTE(HSS)                                                                                            
03/31/21       (S)       HSS RPT 4DP 1NR                                                                                        
03/31/21       (S)       DP: WILSON, BEGICH, COSTELLO, HUGHES                                                                   
03/31/21       (S)       NR: REINBOLD                                                                                           
04/07/21       (S)       FIN AT 9:00 AM SENATE FINANCE 532                                                                      
04/07/21       (S)       Heard &  Held                                                                                          
04/07/21       (S)       MINUTE(FIN)                                                                                            
03/31/22       (S)       FIN AT 9:00 AM SENATE FINANCE 532                                                                      
03/31/22       (S)       <Bill Hearing Canceled>                                                                                
04/05/22       (S)       FIN AT 9:00 AM SENATE FINANCE 532                                                                      
04/05/22       (S)       Heard &  Held                                                                                          
04/05/22       (S)       MINUTE(FIN)                                                                                            
04/12/22       (S)       FIN AT 1:00 PM SENATE FINANCE 532                                                                      
04/12/22       (S)       Moved CSSB 98(FIN) Out of Committee                                                                    
04/12/22       (S)       MINUTE(FIN)                                                                                            
04/15/22       (S)       FIN RPT CS  4DP  NEW TITLE                                                                             
04/15/22       (S)       DP:     STEDMAN,     BISHOP,     HOFFMAN,                                                              
04/27/22       (S)       TRANSMITTED TO (H)                                                                                     
04/27/22       (S)       VERSION: CSSB 98(FIN)                                                                                  
04/29/22       (H)       READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRALS                                                                        
04/29/22       (H)       HSS, FIN                                                                                               
05/03/22       (H)       HSS AT 3:00 PM DAVIS 106                                                                               
05/03/22       (H)       Heard &  Held                                                                                          
05/03/22       (H)       MINUTE(HSS)                                                                                            
05/05/22       (H)       HSS AT 3:00 PM DAVIS 106                                                                               
BILL: HB 176                                                                                                                  
SHORT TITLE: DIRECT HEALTH AGREEMENT: NOT INSURANCE                                                                             
SPONSOR(s): RASMUSSEN                                                                                                           
04/16/21       (H)       READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRALS                                                                        
04/16/21       (H)       L&C, HSS                                                                                               
05/03/21       (H)       L&C AT 3:15 PM BARNES 124                                                                              
05/03/21       (H)       Heard &  Held                                                                                          
05/03/21       (H)       MINUTE(L&C)                                                                                            
05/07/21       (H)       L&C AT 8:00 AM GRUENBERG 120                                                                           
05/07/21       (H)       Heard & Held                                                                                           
05/07/21       (H)       MINUTE(L&C)                                                                                            
05/12/21       (H)       L&C AT 3:15 PM BARNES 124                                                                              
05/12/21       (H)       <Bill Hearing Canceled>                                                                                
03/23/22       (H)       L&C AT 3:15 PM BARNES 124                                                                              
03/23/22       (H)       Heard & Held                                                                                           
03/23/22       (H)       MINUTE(L&C)                                                                                            
04/06/22       (H)       L&C AT 3:15 PM BARNES 124                                                                              
04/06/22       (H)       -- MEETING CANCELED --                                                                                 
04/11/22       (H)       L&C AT 3:15 PM BARNES 124                                                                              
04/11/22       (H)       Heard & Held                                                                                           
04/11/22       (H)       MINUTE(L&C)                                                                                            
04/20/22       (H)       L&C AT 3:15 PM BARNES 124                                                                              
04/20/22       (H)       Moved CSHB 176(L&C) Out of Committee                                                                   
04/20/22       (H)       MINUTE(L&C)                                                                                            
04/25/22       (H)       L&C RPT CS(L&C) NEW TITLE 3DP 3NR                                                                      
04/25/22       (H)       DP: NELSON,  FIELDS, SPOHNHOLZ                                                                         
04/25/22       (H)       NR: KAUFMAN,  SCHRAGE, SNYDER                                                                          
04/25/22       (H)       FIN REFERRAL  ADDED AFTER HSS                                                                          
04/25/22       (H)       BILL REPRINTED                                                                                         
05/05/22       (H)       HSS AT 3:00 PM DAVIS 106                                                                               
WITNESS REGISTER                                                                                                              
Laura Carrillo, MPH, Executive Administrator                                                                                    
Alaska Board of Pharmacy                                                                                                        
Prescription and Drug Monitoring Program                                                                                        
Division of Corporations, Business and Professional Licensing                                                                   
Department of Commerce, Community and Economic Development                                                                      
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT:  Answered questions on amendments to SB 132.                                                              
TRACY WARD, DVM, President                                                                                                      
Alaska Veterinary Medical Association                                                                                           
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT:  Answered questions on amendments to SB 132.                                                              
SCOTT FLAMME, DVM, Former Member                                                                                                
Board of Veterinary Examiners                                                                                                   
Fairbanks, Alaska                                                                                                               
POSITION STATEMENT:  Answered questions on amendments to SB 132.                                                              
JUSTIN RUFFRIDGE, PharmD                                                                                                        
Alaska Board of Pharmacy                                                                                                        
Soldotna, Alaska                                                                                                                
POSITION STATEMENT:  Answered questions on amendments to SB 132.                                                              
JOHN LEE, Director                                                                                                              
Division of Senior and Disabilities Services                                                                                    
Department of Health and Social Services                                                                                        
Palmer, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION  STATEMENT:   Presented CSSB  98(FIN), on  behalf of  the                                                            
bill sponsor, Senate Rules by request of the governor.                                                                          
TONY NEWMAN, Deputy Director                                                                                                    
Division of Senior and Disability Services                                                                                      
Department of Health and Social Services                                                                                        
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION  STATEMENT:    Answered  questions on  CSSB  98(FIN),  on                                                            
behalf  of  the bill  sponsor,  Senate  Rules  by request  of  the                                                              
CRYSTAL KOENEMAN, Staff                                                                                                         
Representative Sara Rasmussen                                                                                                   
Alaska State Legislature                                                                                                        
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION  STATEMENT:    On  behalf  of  Representative  Rasmussen,                                                            
prime sponsor,  gave a sectional  analysis of HB 176  and answered                                                              
ACTION NARRATIVE                                                                                                              
3:07:00 PM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR  TIFFANY  ZULKOSKY called  the  House Health  and  Social                                                            
Services  Standing  Committee  meeting   to  order  at  3:07  p.m.                                                              
Representatives  Kurka,  Prax,   Spohnholz,  Fields,  Snyder,  and                                                              
Zulkosky  were  present at  the  call  to order.    Representative                                                              
McCarty arrived as the meeting was in progress.                                                                                 
The committee took an at-ease from 3:07 p.m. to 3:08 p.m.                                                                       
        SB 132-CONTROLLED SUB. DATA: EXEMPT VETERINARIAN                                                                    
3:08:32 PM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR  ZULKOSKY  announced that  the  first order  of  business                                                              
would  be SENATE  BILL NO.  132, "An  Act exempting  veterinarians                                                              
from  the requirements  of the  controlled substance  prescription                                                              
3:08:28 PM                                                                                                                    
The committee took an at-ease from 3:08 p.m. to 3:10 p.m.                                                                       
3:10:33 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SNYDER moved to adopt Amendment 1 to SB 132,                                                                     
labeled, 32-LS0861\A.1, Ambrose, 4/27/22, which read as follows:                                                                
     Page 1, line 1:                                                                                                            
          Delete    "exempting    veterinarians   from    the                                                                 
     requirements of"                                                                                                         
          Insert "relating to"                                                                                                
     Page 1, line 4, through page 2, line 6:                                                                                    
          Delete all material and insert:                                                                                       
        "* Section 1. AS 17.30.200(k) is amended to read:                                                                   
          (k)  In the regulations adopted under this                                                                            
     section, the board shall provide                                                                                           
               (1)    that prescription  information  in  the                                                                   
     database  shall be purged  from the  database after  two                                                                   
     years have  elapsed from the  date the prescription  was                                                                   
               (2)   a method for an individual  to challenge                                                                   
     information  in the database  about the individual  that                                                                   
     the  person believes  is  incorrect  or was  incorrectly                                                                   
     entered by a dispenser;                                                                                                    
               (3)     a   procedure  and   time  frame   for                                                                   
     registration with the database;                                                                                            
               (4)      that  a   practitioner   review   the                                                                   
     information  in  the  database   to  check  a  patient's                                                                   
     prescription  records  before  dispensing,  prescribing,                                                                   
     or  administering  a  schedule   II  or  III  controlled                                                                   
     substance  under   federal  law  to  the   patient;  the                                                                   
     regulations  must provide  that  a practitioner  is  not                                                                   
     required  to  review  the information  in  the  database                                                                   
     before [DISPENSING, PRESCRIBING, OR ADMINISTERING]                                                                         
               (A)         dispensing,    prescribing,     or                                                               
     administering  a controlled  substance to  a person  who                                                               
     is receiving treatment                                                                                                     
               (i)  in an inpatient setting;                                                                                    
               (ii)   at the scene  of an emergency or  in an                                                                   
     ambulance;  in  this sub-subparagraph,  "ambulance"  has                                                                   
     the meaning given in AS 18.08.200;                                                                                         
               (iii)  in an emergency room;                                                                                     
               (iv)   immediately  before, during, or  within                                                                   
     the  first   48  hours  after   surgery  or   a  medical                                                                   
               (v)  in a hospice or nursing home that has                                                                       
     an in-house pharmacy; [OR]                                                                                                 
          (B)  dispensing, prescribing, or administering a                                                                  
      nonrefillable prescription of a controlled substance                                                                      
     in a quantity intended to last for not more than three                                                                     
     days; or                                                                                                               
               (C)  prescribing a controlled substance if                                                                   
     the practitioner is a veterinarian."                                                                                   
     Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                                          
     Page 2, line 8, following ""practitioner"":                                                                                
          Insert "means"                                                                                                        
     Page 2, line 9:                                                                                                            
          Delete "means"                                                                                                        
     Page 2, line 10, following "investigator,":                                                                                
          Insert "veterinarian,"                                                                                                
     Page 2, line 14:                                                                                                           
          Delete "means"                                                                                                        
     Page 2, lines 17 - 18:                                                                                                     
          Delete ";                                                                                                             
             (C)  does not include a veterinarian"                                                                              
     Page 2, line 19:                                                                                                           
          Delete all material.                                                                                                  
CO-CHAIR ZULKOSKY objected for the purpose of discussion.                                                                       
REPRESENTATIVE  SNYDER  shared  that  Amendment  1  resulted  from                                                              
multiple conversations  with veterinarians,  and it  would address                                                              
veterinarian concerns,  public health  concerns, and  interests of                                                              
the  state.    She  explained  that   if  veterinarians  prescribe                                                              
opioids  but do  not  dispense the  drugs,  the veterinarians  are                                                              
still  required  to report  to  the Prescription  Drug  Management                                                              
Program  (PDMP).   She  noted that  some  exemptions  exist.   She                                                              
stated that Amendment  1 would exempt veterinarians  who prescribe                                                              
Schedule  II,  III,  or  IV  controlled  substances,  but  do  not                                                              
dispense  the drugs,  from reviewing  the PDMP  in all  instances.                                                              
She stated  that the amendment  would shift the  responsibility of                                                              
querying  PDMP   to  pharmacists   who  dispense  the   controlled                                                              
3:12:31 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  KURKA  questioned whether  pharmacists  experience                                                              
the same issues  with animal data as veterinarians,  and if so, he                                                              
questioned how the pharmacy would track the animal data in PDMP.                                                                
REPRESENTATIVE  SNYDER  stated that,  according  to  conversations                                                              
with  stakeholders,  the  Alaska   Board  of  Pharmacy,  and  PDMP                                                              
reports, pharmacists  are more adept  at properly  utilizing PDMP.                                                              
She  recognized   that  the  issue   of  human  and   animal  data                                                              
comingling  would not  be solved  by the  amendment; however,  she                                                              
voiced  the  opinion that  it  would  relieve some  pressure  from                                                              
veterinarians, while  maintaining opioid tracking.   She suggested                                                              
that additional work  to the functionality of PDMP  would still be                                                              
REPRESENTATIVE  KURKA questioned  how  Amendment  1 would  address                                                              
the issue  of entering  data for animals  without owners,  such as                                                              
those living in animal shelters.                                                                                                
REPRESENTATIVE  SNYDER expressed uncertainty  and deferred  to the                                                              
PDMP manager.                                                                                                                   
3:15:29 PM                                                                                                                    
LAURA  CARRILLO, MPH,  Executive  Administrator,  Alaska Board  of                                                              
Pharmacy, Prescription  and Drug  Monitoring Program,  Division of                                                              
Corporations, Business  and Professional Licensing,  Department of                                                              
Commerce,  Community  and  Economic  Development,  explained  that                                                              
with  the  amendment,  any  prescribed Schedule  II,  III,  or  IV                                                              
controlled substances would still need to be reported.                                                                          
REPRESENTATIVE SNYDER  added that with Amendment  1, veterinarians                                                              
who  prescribed  and dispensed  opioids  to animals  onsite  would                                                              
still be  required to  query and  report to  PDMP.  She  mentioned                                                              
that the  upcoming Amendment  2 would  further address  exemptions                                                              
based on  the length of the  prescription, and she  explained that                                                              
the intention  of both  amendments would be  to reduce  the burden                                                              
on veterinarians, while maintaining tracking capabilities.                                                                      
3:18:41 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE MCCARTY  expressed the opinion that if  PDMP is not                                                              
working as intended  with the animal data, the  amendment would be                                                              
shifting  the  burden of  dealing  with  a  broken system  to  the                                                              
pharmacist.  He  pointed out that the person who  takes the animal                                                              
to the  veterinarian may  not be  the same  person picking  up the                                                              
prescription  from the  pharmacist.   He  questioned whether  this                                                              
issue would be addressed.                                                                                                       
REPRESENTATIVE   SNYDER  explained  that   the  Alaska   Board  of                                                              
Pharmacy  has given  positive  feedback  concerning  the shift  of                                                              
PDMP  responsibility to  pharmacists.   She  expressed the  belief                                                              
that the  state could improve the  tracking of animal  data within                                                              
PDMP, and  she expressed support  for maintaining pressure  on the                                                              
administration to fix the data entry for animals.                                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE  MCCARTY   questioned  whether   veterinarians  had                                                              
National Provider  Identifier (NPI) numbers  and if they  did not,                                                              
would Amendment  1 put  the pharmacist "on  the line"  since their                                                              
NPI would be the only one associated with the prescriptions.                                                                    
3:22:25 PM                                                                                                                    
The committee took a brief at-ease.                                                                                             
3:22:53 PM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR   ZULKOSKY  deferred   the   question   to  the   invited                                                              
3:23:09 PM                                                                                                                    
TRACY   WARD,   DVM,   President,    Alaska   Veterinary   Medical                                                              
Association,  in response  to Representative  McCarty's  question,                                                              
stated that  veterinarians are not  required to have  NPI numbers.                                                              
She  stated  that  the  only  requirement   for  veterinarians  to                                                              
prescribe opioids  is to present  a Drug Enforcement  Agency (DEA)                                                              
license to the pharmacy when a prescription is called in.                                                                       
REPRESENTATIVE MCCARTY  stated that PDMP requires a  NPI number to                                                              
be entered  when making a  query or a  report and opined  that the                                                              
amendment  would require  the queries  about animal  prescriptions                                                              
to be tied to  the pharmacist's NPI number.  He  posited that this                                                              
could lead to  confusion during an investigation  and stressed the                                                              
need for systematic changes to PDMP.                                                                                            
3:25:06 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE PRAX  shared the understanding that  PDMP serves as                                                              
a  check  for  other prescriptions  human  clients  may  have  had                                                              
before.   He posited that if  pharmacists are querying  the system                                                              
for animal  prescriptions, they  still would  not be entering  the                                                              
prescriptions into the PDMP.                                                                                                    
MS.  CARRILLO  explained that  there  is  a requirement  to  enter                                                              
animal  information,  including the  person's  last  name, when  a                                                              
review  or investigation  is  made.   She  said  that Amendment  1                                                              
would  put the  responsibility  on the  pharmacist  to make  those                                                              
REPRESENTATIVE  PRAX  requested  clarification  on  when  a  human                                                              
client goes to a  pharmacist to pick up a prescription  for a pet,                                                              
in this  situation the pharmacist  would query the  human client's                                                              
name; however, the  prescription for the pet would  not be entered                                                              
under the client's name.                                                                                                        
MS. CARRILLO  confirmed that  Representative Prax's  understanding                                                              
is correct.   She  said that  the pharmacist  would use  the pet's                                                              
profile to  enter information, and  the prescription would  not be                                                              
linked to the human client's profile.                                                                                           
REPRESENTATIVE PRAX  questioned whether a human client  could pick                                                              
up  a   prescription  from   one  pharmacy   and  fill   the  same                                                              
prescription  at  another  pharmacy,  as  a  way  to  "defeat  the                                                              
MS. CARRILLO clarified  that reviewing PMDP and  reporting to PMDP                                                              
are two separate  things.  She explained that a  pharmacy would be                                                              
able to see whether a prescription was already filled.                                                                          
3:30:02 PM                                                                                                                    
JUSTIN RUFFRIDGE,  PharmD, Alaska  Board of Pharmacy,  in response                                                              
to a  question from Representative  Spohnholz, explained  that NPI                                                              
stands for  National Provider  Identification.   In response  to a                                                              
follow-up  question, he  stated that  a NPI  number is  associated                                                              
with the provider but not with the patient.                                                                                     
3:30:41 PM                                                                                                                    
MS.  CARRILLO,  in  response to  a  question  from  Representative                                                              
Prax,  explained   that  the  DEA   registration  number   is  the                                                              
identifier required  for access to  PDMP, and any query  or report                                                              
made  is associated  with this  number.   She stated  that NPI  is                                                              
used for insurance purposes and  is not required for use of PDMP.                                                               
3:32:39 PM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR ZULKOSKY removed her objection to Amendment 1.                                                                         
REPRESENTATIVE PRAX objected.                                                                                                   
A roll  call vote  was taken.   Representatives Sponholz,  Fields,                                                              
Snyder, and  Zulkosky voted  in favor  of Amendment  1 to  SB 132.                                                              
Representatives  McCarty,  Prax,   and  Kurka  voted  against  it.                                                              
Therefore, Amendment 1 was adopted by a vote of 4-3.                                                                            
3:33:25 PM                                                                                                                    
The committee took an at-ease from 3:33 p.m. to 3:34 p.m.                                                                       
3:34:07 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SNYDER moved to adopt Amendment 2 to SB 132, as                                                                  
amended, labeled, 32-LS0861\A.2, Ambrose, 4/27/22, which read as                                                                
     Page 1, line 1:                                                                                                            
          Delete    "exempting    veterinarians   from    the                                                                 
     requirements of"                                                                                                         
          Insert "relating to"                                                                                                
     Page 1, lines 4 - 8:                                                                                                       
          Delete all material.                                                                                                  
     Page 1, line 9:                                                                                                            
          Delete "Sec. 2"                                                                                                     
          Insert "Section 1"                                                                                                  
     Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                                          
     Page 1, line 12, following "AS 08.98":                                                                                 
          Insert "who is dispensing a prescription of a                                                                     
      controlled substance in a quantity intended to last                                                                   
     for not more than three days"                                                                                          
     Page 2, line 8, following ""practitioner"":                                                                                
          Insert "means"                                                                                                        
     Page 2, line 9:                                                                                                            
          Delete "means"                                                                                                        
     Page 2, line 10, following "investigator":                                                                                 
          Insert "veterinarian,"                                                                                                
     Page 2, line 14:                                                                                                           
          Delete "means"                                                                                                        
     Page 2, lines 17 - 18:                                                                                                     
          Delete ";                                                                                                             
             (C)  does not include a veterinarian"                                                                              
     Page 2, line 19:                                                                                                           
          Delete all material.                                                                                                  
CO-CHAIR ZULKOSKY objected for the purpose of discussion.                                                                       
REPRESENTATIVE  SNYDER explained  that  Amendment  2 would  reduce                                                              
the burden on  veterinarians by limiting PDMP participation.   She                                                              
stated  that  the   amendment  would  remove  the   reviewing  and                                                              
reporting   requirement  for  veterinarians   who  prescribe   and                                                              
dispense  a Schedule  II  substance with  a  dosage lasting  three                                                              
days   or   less.     She   reported   that   conversations   with                                                              
veterinarians  and   other  stakeholders  informed   the  proposed                                                              
exemption, and she  expressed the belief the  prescription amounts                                                              
of three days or less to be a low  risk concerning public health.                                                               
3:36:08 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  MCCARTY expressed  agreement  with the  amendment,                                                              
as it proposes similar protocol for prescribing human medicine.                                                                 
3:36:28 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SNYDER confirmed  that in  existing statute  there                                                              
are exemptions  which apply to  all physicians for  PDMP reporting                                                              
and  reviewing.    She  explained  that  the  amendment  would  be                                                              
extending  the existing  exemption  for veterinarians  prescribing                                                              
these substances from 24 hours or less to 3 days or less.                                                                       
3:37:16 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE PRAX  asked whether the exemption  would also apply                                                              
to other practitioners, such as physicians and pharmacists.                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE  SNYDER explained  that the  exemption is  designed                                                              
only for veterinarians.                                                                                                         
3:37:47 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  KURKA  questioned  the  percentage  of  veterinary                                                              
prescriptions of opioids  which are 3 days or less.   He asked the                                                              
veterinarians in  the meeting whether the amendment  would rectify                                                              
issues with PDMP.                                                                                                               
3:38:54 PM                                                                                                                    
SCOTT FLAMME,  DVM, Former Member,  Board of Veterinary  Examiners                                                              
(BOVE),   explained  that   most  of   the  controlled   substance                                                              
prescriptions made by veterinarians are a type of seizure-                                                                      
control medication.                                                                                                             
3:39:25 PM                                                                                                                    
DR.  WARD responded  that  she could  not  estimate a  percentage;                                                              
however, she noted  that most animal prescriptions  are for short-                                                              
term  pain   control,  such  as   after  a  dental   procedure  or                                                              
orthopedic  surgery.   She expressed  agreement  with Dr.  Flamme,                                                              
that   the   most  common   long-term   opioid   prescription   is                                                              
phenobarbital  for seizures,  with the  next most  common being  a                                                              
cough suppressant.                                                                                                              
REPRESENTATIVE  KURKA expressed the  opinion that the  explanation                                                              
seemed to  be in  opposition to  previous testimony the  committee                                                              
has  heard.   He  expressed  the  understanding that  most  opioid                                                              
prescriptions  are  short-term;  however,  it has  been  suggested                                                              
that  it is  common for  veterinarians to  make prescriptions  for                                                              
longer than three days.                                                                                                         
DR. WARD  redefined "prescriptions" as  a term of  measurement and                                                              
explained  that one  patient  may be  on the  same  drug for  many                                                              
years but, because  there is a 90-day prescription  limit, receive                                                              
multiple  prescriptions.     Although  the  number   of  long-term                                                              
prescriptions  is  "not  negligible," she  assured  the  committee                                                              
that  the majority  of patients  are  being prescribed  short-term                                                              
supplies.   She opined that  exempting veterinarians  who dispense                                                              
scheduled  substances  from zero-reporting  would  be  beneficial.                                                              
She  estimated   that  "definitely  more  than  half"   of  opioid                                                              
prescriptions  [by veterinarians] are  short term; however,  there                                                              
still would be many prescriptions  requiring PDMP participation.                                                                
3:42:34 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  KURKA  expressed  the  belief  that  none  of  the                                                              
amendments  would address  the underlying  barriers to  veterinary                                                              
participation  in PDMP,  and  he  opined that  PDMP  could not  be                                                              
altered to meet the needs of veterinarians.                                                                                     
3:43:03 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  PRAX   expressed  agreement   with  Representative                                                              
Kurka.  He  stated that the  proposed amendments would  put "a new                                                              
coat of paint" on PDMP, but it would still be broken.                                                                           
3:43:37 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE   SNYDER   argued  against   the   idea  that   the                                                              
amendments would be  "trying to put a square peg  in a round hole"                                                              
and the  intention is  to lessen the  reporting burden  for lower-                                                              
risk  prescriptions,  while  still keeping  track  of  longer-term                                                              
prescriptions.   She  expressed the  concern that  "we are  in the                                                              
middle of  an opioid  crisis" and measures  on the human  medicine                                                              
side of the issue  should be tightened.  She deduced  that putting                                                              
pressure  on individuals  to obtain  opioids in  other ways  could                                                              
lead to  veterinarian "shopping,"  which is a  low concern  at the                                                              
moment;  however,  as  measures  tightened  elsewhere,  prevention                                                              
would  help avoid this  from becoming  a problem.   She  expressed                                                              
the belief that  the amendments would greatly decrease  the burden                                                              
experienced  by veterinarians, while  not "opening  the door  to a                                                              
whole other problem down the road."                                                                                             
3:45:31 PM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR ZULKOSKY removed her objection.                                                                                        
REPRESENTATIVE  PRAX objected  and  spoke to  his  objection.   He                                                              
referred to  a chart in  the PDMP annual  report showing  the rate                                                              
of patient reviews  and the rate of opioids dispensed  since 2017,                                                              
when PDMP  participation  was put  into place.   He reported  that                                                              
the chart  shows a steady  decrease in opioid prescriptions  since                                                              
2018 but  a sharp increase  of patient  reviews starting  in 2019.                                                              
He deduced  that the  large increase  of patient  reviews  has not                                                              
affected  the amount  of opioids  dispensed.   He opined that,  in                                                              
comparison  to  larger  societal   conversations  about  lessening                                                              
opioid use,  reporting and recording  has not swayed  prescription                                                              
habits.   Because veterinarians are  a small part of  the problem,                                                              
he expressed the  belief that, instead of asking  veterinarians to                                                              
prove  why  they  should  not  be   included,  it  should  be  the                                                              
legislature's   burden  to  show   why  veterinarians   should  be                                                              
included  in the first  place.   He expressed  agreement that  the                                                              
amendments  would  make  PDMP easier  for  veterinarians  to  use;                                                              
however,  he argued  that  veterinarians  should  never have  been                                                              
included in PDMP,  and they should be completely  exempt until the                                                              
state  can   prove  participation   beneficial  and  make   it  as                                                              
convenient as possible.                                                                                                         
3:49:41 PM                                                                                                                    
A roll  call vote  was taken.   Representatives Sponholz,  Fields,                                                              
Zulkosky, and Snyder  voted in favor of Amendment 2  to SB 132, as                                                              
amended.  Representatives  Kurka, McCarty, and Prax  voted against                                                              
it.  Therefore, Amendment 2 was adopted by a vote of 4-3.                                                                       
3:50:26 PM                                                                                                                    
The committee took an at-ease from 3:50 p.m. to 3:53 p.m.                                                                       
3:53:41 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SPOHNHOLZ moved to adopt Amendment 3 to SB 132,                                                                  
as amended, labeled, 32-LS0861\A.4, Ambrose, 5/4/22, which read                                                                 
as follows:                                                                                                                     
     Page 1, line 1:                                                                                                            
          Delete    "exempting    veterinarians   from    the                                                                 
     requirements of"                                                                                                         
          Insert "relating to"                                                                                                
     Page 1, lines 4 - 8:                                                                                                       
          Delete all material.                                                                                                  
     Page 1, line 9:                                                                                                            
          Delete "Sec. 2"                                                                                                     
          Insert "Section 1"                                                                                                  
     Renumber the following bill sections accordingly.                                                                          
     Page 1, line 12, following "AS 08.98":                                                                                 
          Insert "who did not dispense a controlled                                                                         
     substance during the daily reporting period"                                                                           
     Page 2, line 8, following ""practitioner"":                                                                                
          Insert "means"                                                                                                        
     Page 2, line 9:                                                                                                            
          Delete "means"                                                                                                        
     Page 2, line 10, following "investigator,":                                                                                
          Insert "veterinarian,"                                                                                                
     Page 2, line 14:                                                                                                           
          Delete "means"                                                                                                        
     Page 2, lines 17 - 18:                                                                                                     
          Delete ";                                                                                                             
             (C)  does not include a veterinarian"                                                                              
     Page 2, line 19:                                                                                                           
          Delete all material.                                                                                                  
CO-CHAIR ZULKOSKY objected for the purpose of discussion.                                                                       
REPRESENTATIVE SPOHNHOLZ  explained that, in the  spirit of making                                                              
PDMP  reporting  easier  for  veterinarians,   Amendment  3  would                                                              
remove  the "zero-reporting"  requirement,  so veterinarians  only                                                              
have  to login  to PDMP  when prescribing  or dispensing  opioids.                                                              
She shared  her belief that  this would  reduce the "red  tape and                                                              
bureaucracy" for veterinarians.                                                                                                 
3:54:55 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE KURKA  expressed the  intention to not  dismiss the                                                              
work done  to make  PDMP workable  for veterinarians;  however, he                                                              
expressed  the opinion  that the  original  bill [fully  excluding                                                              
veterinarians   from  PDMP   participation]   solves  the   issue.                                                              
Considering  the  previous  amendments   being  passed  [and  full                                                              
exemption  being removed  from the  bill], he  voiced support  for                                                              
Amendment 3.                                                                                                                    
3:55:28 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  PRAX questioned  the login time  PDMP.   He argued                                                              
the login time could add to the  length of customer interactions.                                                               
3:56:14 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SPOHNHOLZ explained  that the PDMP  administrators                                                              
have provided  a tutorial video  which suggests the  logins happen                                                              
as part  of a  veterinarian's end  of the  day routine and  should                                                              
only take about  30 seconds.  However,  she opined that  it was an                                                              
unnecessary  use of time  and removing  the requirement  for daily                                                              
logins would  make veterinarians  feel more comfortable  with PDMP                                                              
REPRESENTATIVE PRAX  expressed agreement and asked  for an opinion                                                              
from a veterinarian.                                                                                                            
3:57:08 PM                                                                                                                    
DR.  FLAMME  confirmed  that  the   process  does  take  about  30                                                              
seconds;  however,  he stated  that  he always  logs  out of  PDMP                                                              
after every interaction  to ensure privacy for  his human clients,                                                              
as  their  medical  history  would  be  available  as  well.    He                                                              
explained that  the biggest  problem entering  data into  PDMP is,                                                              
"half  the  time" the  information  does  not appear  when  making                                                              
queries later.   He expressed  uncertainty concerning  this, which                                                              
caused  worry  concerning data  entry  and  PDMP violations.    He                                                              
stated  that  as a  member  of  BOVE,  there  were over  100  open                                                              
investigations  for  PDMP violations.    He expressed  the  belief                                                              
that  this  had  been  because  veterinarians  did  not  know  the                                                              
process to  enter the data correctly.   He added that  this led to                                                              
the creation  of the  tutorial video;  however,  when he tried  to                                                              
enter data as  instructed by the tutorial, he  had encountered the                                                              
same  issues  with  animal-patient  history  not  appearing.    He                                                              
stated  that  he   mentioned  this  because  not   being  able  to                                                              
consistently see  patient history is  a major concern.   He stated                                                              
that he  had spent "hours and  hours" addressing the  problem with                                                              
the department.                                                                                                                 
REPRESENTATIVE  PRAX questioned  the  frequently of  veterinarians                                                              
logging in to the  system.  He posited that an  upside of frequent                                                              
logins could be the process becomes "second nature."                                                                            
REPRESENTATIVE  SPOHNHOLZ  clarified   that  the  amendment  would                                                              
remove  the   daily  login   requirement  for  veterinarians   who                                                              
dispense  opioids.   She  stated  that this  is  one  of the  main                                                              
points of contention for veterinarians.                                                                                         
4:02:39 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  MCCARTY  expressed the  belief  that shifting  the                                                              
reporting  and  querying  responsibilities   to  pharmacists,  per                                                              
Amendment  1, conflicts  with the  "grace period"  which would  be                                                              
established in Amendment 3.                                                                                                     
REPRESENTATIVE   SPOHNHOLZ  explained   that  Amendment   1  would                                                              
address veterinarians  who  choose to only  prescribe opioids  and                                                              
do  not  dispense  them,  while   Amendment  3  would  assist  the                                                              
remaining  veterinarians  who  continue  to  dispense  from  their                                                              
office.    She  explained  that  the  amendments  complement  each                                                              
other,  with  each narrowing  the  burden  on veterinarians  in  a                                                              
different way.                                                                                                                  
REPRESENTATIVE   MCCARTY  questioned   whether   an  increase   of                                                              
investigations by the  Alaska Board of Pharmacy would  result.  To                                                              
keep   investigations    from   occurring,   he    asked   whether                                                              
veterinarians could  prove they had  not participated in  PDMP for                                                              
certain cases.                                                                                                                  
REPRESENTATIVE   SPOHNHOLZ  reiterated   that  veterinarians   who                                                              
dispense opioid  are currently  required to log  into PDMP  on the                                                              
days  when   opioid  prescriptions   were   not  made,  and   this                                                              
requirement  has  been  deemed  "unnecessary"  and  a  barrier  to                                                              
efficiency  for veterinarians.   She pointed  out that  especially                                                              
since  there  is  a  shortage  of   veterinarians  and  veterinary                                                              
technicians  in the  state.   She  argued that  Amendment 3  would                                                              
"make life easier" for veterinarians.                                                                                           
4:07:24 PM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR ZULKOSKY  removed her objection.  There being  no further                                                              
objection, Amendment 3 was adopted.                                                                                             
4:07:44 PM                                                                                                                    
The committee took an at-ease from 4:07 p.m. to 4:08 p.m.                                                                       
4:08:42 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SPOHNHOLZ  moved to report SB 132,  as amended, out                                                              
of   committee    with   individual   recommendations    and   the                                                              
accompanying  fiscal  notes.  There   being  no  objection,  HCSSB
132(HSS) was  reported from the  House Health and  Social Services                                                              
Standing Committee.                                                                                                             
4:09:37 PM                                                                                                                    
The committee took an at-ease from 4:09 p.m. to 4:12 p.m.                                                                       
             SB  98-ADULT HOME CARE; ADULT ADOPTION                                                                         
4:12:42 PM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR  ZULKOSKY  announced  that  the next  order  of  business                                                              
would  be  SENATE  BILL  NO.  98,  "An  Act  relating  to  medical                                                              
assistance  for   recipients  of   adult  foster  care   services;                                                              
establishing  an adult foster  care home  license and  procedures;                                                              
and providing for  the transition of individuals  from foster care                                                              
to  adult foster  care homes."    [Before the  committee was  CSSB
98(FIN), reported  out of  the Senate  Finance Committee  on April                                                              
12, 2022.]                                                                                                                      
4:13:29 PM                                                                                                                    
JOHN   LEE,  Director,   Division  of   Senior  and   Disabilities                                                              
Services,  Department of  Health  and Social  Services,  presented                                                              
CSSB  98(FIN) on  behalf  of the  bill  sponsor,  Senate Rules  by                                                              
request  of   the  governor.     He  thanked  the   committee  for                                                              
considering the  bill.  He stated  that he would be  available for                                                              
any question.                                                                                                                   
4:14:10 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SPOHNHOLZ  stated   that  she  had  supported  the                                                              
original version  of the bill; however, she expressed  concerns in                                                              
the  latest  version  about  the  inclusion  of  a  new  licensure                                                              
category.   She shared  her understanding  that the intent  behind                                                              
creating  adult foster  care is  to establish  continuity of  care                                                              
for  adults  aging  out  of  their  foster-care  placement.    She                                                              
reported that  a typical  stipend for foster  care is  between $40                                                              
and  $60,  with  a  slight  increase   for  foster  children  with                                                              
disabilities.   She expressed concern  that a proposed  stipend of                                                              
$200  per  day   for  adult  foster  care,  combined   with  lower                                                              
licensure  requirements, could  provide a  monetary incentive  for                                                              
people to get  licensed as a workaround of formal  assisted living                                                              
MR. LEE deferred to the deputy director.                                                                                        
4:17:58 PM                                                                                                                    
TONY NEWMAN  Deputy Director,  Division of  Senior and  Disability                                                              
Services,  Department  of  Health and  Social  Services,  answered                                                              
questions on CSSB  98(FIN), on behalf of the  bill sponsor, Senate                                                              
Rules  by  request  of  the  governor.    He  explained  that  the                                                              
estimated stipend would  be about $349, and this  number was given                                                              
to  the committee  to encompass  all the  possible services  which                                                              
would  need to be  compensated for,  including  the daily  rate of                                                              
$115, the  costs of  transportation, day  habilitation, and  other                                                              
services  the  providers  would  be  providing.    He  offered  to                                                              
provide the  committee with a  written breakdown of  the different                                                              
service rates  and how  the division arrived  at the  larger daily                                                              
number.   He reported  that the  division had  consulted with  the                                                              
Office of  Child Services  (OCS) on  appropriate stipend  amounts,                                                              
and  the  division  had  learned  that a  foster  child  could  be                                                              
eligible  for other  waiver services,  for which  the state  would                                                              
need reimbursement.                                                                                                             
REPRESENTATIVE   SPOHNHOLZ   expressed    appreciation   for   the                                                              
corrected stipend  amount and pointed  out the rate is  five times                                                              
higher than the child foster-care rate.                                                                                         
4:20:39 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SNYDER expressed  support for  expanding care  for                                                              
the  state's elders  and  those  with disabilities;  however,  she                                                              
pointed out  the pushback  on HB 292,  which focuses  on providing                                                              
the lowest  cost for  health insurance  for individuals  receiving                                                              
in-home care  services.  She reported  that the concerns  about HB
292  were in  regard to  maintaining  and monitoring  eligibility.                                                              
She posited  that the creation of  a new category in  CSSB 98(FIN)                                                              
would   introduce   the   same    challenges.      She   requested                                                              
clarification from the department.                                                                                              
4:22:21 PM                                                                                                                    
MR.  LEE  explained  that  the   two  bills  addressed  completely                                                              
different  issues, which  explains  the different  responses  from                                                              
the department.   He stated that  the full rates for  adult foster                                                              
care would need  to be decided, but the proposed  daily stipend is                                                              
$115, which  is not three to  four times higher than  child foster                                                              
care.  He  stressed that the  bill would allow certain  seniors to                                                              
transition from  an institution to  a home-like setting,  and this                                                              
would  open options  for individuals  to  return to  or remain  in                                                              
their  communities  near  loved  ones while  still  receiving  the                                                              
services and  supports they need.   He opined that it  would be an                                                              
important option  for the state  to help manage costs  as Alaska's                                                              
population continues to age.                                                                                                    
4:24:50 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  FIELDS shared  his confusion  about how the  rates                                                              
would compare to  rates in other settings.  He  questioned whether                                                              
the  new setting  would  divert  existing services  from  assisted                                                              
living facilities  or provide additional  services.   He expressed                                                              
indecision on the breadth of the bill.                                                                                          
4:25:32 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SPOHNHOLZ   expressed  reticence   concerning  the                                                              
proposed  legislation  bill  because  of  the fiscal  note.    She                                                              
questioned  how home-care  homes would  fit into  the spectrum  of                                                              
service  options.   She expressed  the need  for more  stakeholder                                                              
feedback.   She reiterated her  support for the  "lighter" version                                                              
of the  bill which  focused on extending  foster care  services to                                                              
adults  and allowed  for the adoption  of adults.   She  expressed                                                              
opinion that  there is  not enough  understanding and  stakeholder                                                              
engagement  to make  a  decision on  the creation  of  a new  care                                                              
category.    She opined  that  the  fiscal  notes were  "a  little                                                              
light," considering  the higher daily rate.  She  suggested that a                                                              
more  "granular"  understanding  of  the issue  is  needed  before                                                              
pushing  to move  people from  formal assisted  living into  home-                                                              
care homes.   She referenced conversations with  professional care                                                              
providers  and foster  parents who  had  questions which  required                                                              
very detailed  answers.  She  stated that  she is not  prepared to                                                              
dig into  the answers two  weeks before the  end of session.   She                                                              
expressed  appreciation  of  the  intention  of  diversifying  the                                                              
spectrum   of  care  available;   however,   she  would   only  be                                                              
comfortable  with passing  the  House version  of  the bill  which                                                              
focused on  adult foster care.   She surmised that creating  a new                                                              
category  requires  more  stakeholder   alignment,  along  with  a                                                              
better  understanding of  the fiscal  impact, of  which, there  is                                                              
not time for this session.                                                                                                      
4:29:10 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  PRAX  expressed  agreement with  giving  consumers                                                              
another choice.   He  posited that creating  a setting  with lower                                                              
licensure requirements  may lead to  a "lower level of  care," but                                                              
this  could  also  be  more  affordable,   create  more  business,                                                              
relieving the  pressure on  assisted living  facilities.   He said                                                              
he  was  in favor  of  additional  options  for care  and  offered                                                              
support for the proposed bill.                                                                                                  
4:31:19 PM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR ZULKOSKY announced that SB 98 was held over.                                                                           
         HB 176-DIRECT HEALTH AGREEMENT: NOT INSURANCE                                                                      
4:31:26 PM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR  ZULKOSKY  announced that  the  final order  of  business                                                              
would  be HOUSE  BILL  NO. 176,  "An  Act relating  to  insurance;                                                              
relating  to  direct  health  care  agreements;  and  relating  to                                                              
unfair trade practices."                                                                                                        
4:31:44 PM                                                                                                                    
CRYSTAL  KOENEMAN, Staff,  Representative  Sara Rasmussen,  Alaska                                                              
State Legislature,  on behalf  of Representative Rasmussen,  prime                                                              
sponsor, gave  a sectional  analysis of HB  176.  She  stated that                                                              
HB 176 would  establish direct health care agreements  for medical                                                              
providers to provide  Direct Primary Care (DPC) to  patients.  She                                                              
explained  that  DPC  would  be  a  membership  based  alternative                                                              
payment  model where  patients,  employers,  or health  plans  pay                                                              
primary care  providers flat,  simple periodic  fees directly,  in                                                              
exchange for  access to  a broad range  of primary care  services.                                                              
She  reported that  the previous  committee of  referral had  done                                                              
quite  a  bit  of  work  on  the   proposed  legislation,  and  it                                                              
suggested  going   through  the   sectional  analysis   to  better                                                              
understand all the many intricate parts of the bill.                                                                            
CO-CHAIR ZULKOSKY requested a reading of the sectional analysis.                                                                
MS. KOENEMAN  gave a sectional analysis  of HB 176  [copy included                                                              
in  the  committee  packet],  which   read  as  follows  [original                                                              
punctuation provided]:                                                                                                          
     Section   1:  AS   21.03.025      Direct   health   care                                                                   
     agreements.  Adds a  new section  to  AS 21.03  creating                                                                   
     direct health care agreements.                                                                                             
     Subsection  (a)  outlines  that  a  direct  health  care                                                                   
     agreement  is  between  a health  care  provider  and  a                                                                   
     government  entity, individual  patient,  employer of  a                                                                   
     patient, or a representative of a patient.                                                                                 
     Subsection  (b) states the  provider shall disclose  the                                                                   
     services provided  under the agreement and  establish an                                                                   
     annual fee comparable to other agreements.                                                                                 
     Subsection  (c)  The  health   care  agreement  must  be                                                                   
     legible and  in language an  individual with  no medical                                                                   
     training   can  understand.   It   must:  Describe   the                                                                   
     services  to be provided  by the  health care  provider;                                                                   
     Specify the  annual fees associated with  the agreement;                                                                   
     Prominently  state  that  the agreement  is  not  health                                                                   
     insurance  and that  it does not  meet health  insurance                                                                   
     mandates that  may be required  by federal law;  Include                                                                   
     contact  information   for  the  person   receiving  and                                                                   
     addressing  complaints; State the  annual fee under  the                                                                   
     agreement;  and  Specify  the  number  of  patients  the                                                                   
     health care  provider has the capacity to  serve and the                                                                   
     number they are currently serving.                                                                                         
     Subsection  (d) allows for  the policy to be  terminated                                                                   
     within 30 days  of entering into the agreement  from the                                                                   
     Subsection  (e) allows for  the policy to be  terminated                                                                   
     after a 30-day written notice from either party.                                                                           
     Subsection  (f) allows for  the policy to be  terminated                                                                   
     in accordance with the agreement.                                                                                          
     Subsection (g) allows for policy modification                                                                              
     Subsection (h)  States that the services  and agreements                                                                   
     are subject to consumer protection laws                                                                                    
     Subsection   (i)   specifies   that  the   offering   or                                                                   
     execution  of  an  agreement  is  not  engaging  in  the                                                                   
     business of insurance or underwriting in the state.                                                                        
     Subsection  (j)  [states that  a  person may  not  make,                                                                   
     publish  or disseminate  an assertation  that is  untrue                                                                   
     or deceptive.]                                                                                                             
     Subsection  (k)  providers  that enter  into  agreements                                                                   
     shall file  a report with  the Division of  Insurance on                                                                   
     or before September 1 each year.                                                                                           
     Subsection   (l)   defines   the  terms   "health   care                                                                   
     practice",  "health  care provider",  and  "health  care                                                                   
     Section   2:  AS   45.45.915      Direct   health   care                                                                   
     agreements. Adds a new section under Trade Practices.                                                                      
     Subsection  (a)  prevents  health  care  providers  from                                                                   
     declining or  terminating direct health  care agreements                                                                   
     based on  a patient's protected  class under  federal or                                                                   
     state law that prohibits discrimination.                                                                                   
     Subsection (b)  provides that a provider may  decline or                                                                   
     terminate  a   direct  health  care  agreement   if  the                                                                   
     provider  is unable  to  provide the  level  or type  of                                                                   
     care  the patient  requires. The  provider shall  ensure                                                                   
     the patient  is referred to  a health care  provider who                                                                   
     is able  to provide the level  or type of  care required                                                                   
     and agrees to provide said care.                                                                                           
     Subsection  (c)  allows for  a  provider to  decline  to                                                                   
     enter  into  an  agreement  if  they  do  not  have  the                                                                   
     capacity to accept new patients.                                                                                           
     Subsection  (d) defines  the terms  "direct health  care                                                                   
     agreement" and "health care provider."                                                                                     
     Section   3:   AS   45.50.471(b)   Unlawful   acts   and                                                                   
     practices.  Updates definitions  for "unfair methods  of                                                                   
     competition"   and   "unfair   or  deceptive   acts   or                                                                   
     practices"   to   include    violating   direct   health                                                                   
     agreements under AS 45.45.915.                                                                                             
     Section  4: Amends uncodified  law for  the Division  of                                                                   
     Insurance to adopt regulations.                                                                                            
     Section  5: provides  an  immediate  effective date  for                                                                   
     Section 4.                                                                                                                 
     Section  6: provides  for a January  1, 2023,  effective                                                                   
4:37:48 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  PRAX pointed  out  that the  proposed  legislation                                                              
provides that DPC  would not be insurance.  He  questioned why the                                                              
Division of Insurance would regulate DPC.                                                                                       
MS. KOENEMAN  explained that the  proposed legislation  is similar                                                              
to  the laws  for air  ambulance service.   She  stated that  this                                                              
service is also  not insurance; however, it does  fall under Title                                                              
21,  which  allows  for a  regulatory  authority  to  oversee  the                                                              
agreements.   She stated that  other options were  discussed, such                                                              
as placing the bill  under Title 8 as a medical  statute or giving                                                              
the  Department of  Health  and Social  Services  oversight.   She                                                              
reported that the  Division of Insurance was chosen  as this would                                                              
increase consumer  protection, as the providers would  be required                                                              
to provide documentation to the division.                                                                                       
4:39:23 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SPOHNHOLZ pointed  out  that the  decision to  put                                                              
the DPC  under the  Division of  Insurance was  made in  the House                                                              
Labor and Commerce  Standing Committee, which she  co-chairs.  She                                                              
explained  that the  choice  was  made based  on  the Division  of                                                              
Insurance having  the expertise to prioritize  consumer protection                                                              
while implementing this novel way to access health care.                                                                        
4:40:28 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  FIELDS added  that  the House  Labor and  Commerce                                                              
Standing  Committee,  which  he  also co-chairs,  wrote  the  "not                                                              
insurance,  consumer  protection"  regulation  language  with  the                                                              
director of  the Division  of Insurance.   Instead of  any problem                                                              
requiring a  new bill, he expressed  the need to allow  for timely                                                              
resolutions to  implementation issues.   He stated  that as  a new                                                              
healthcare  vehicle, it  was  decided the  division  would be  the                                                              
best to have regulatory  oversight.  He cited the  director of the                                                              
division's  institutional  knowledge  and  expertise  in  consumer                                                              
4:41:18 PM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR  ZULKOSKY  asked  whether  similar  types  of  agreements                                                              
between  businesses   and  consumers  existed  in   Alaska.    She                                                              
questioned  whether the  framework  would be  a  similar to  other                                                              
agreements.   She suggested  that the  proposed legislation  could                                                              
create a brand-new consumer dynamic.                                                                                            
MS. KOENEMAN  explained that because  statute does  not explicitly                                                              
prohibit these  types of agreements,  there are providers  already                                                              
using them.   She  stated that  it would  be advantageous  for the                                                              
state to  create a  regulatory system  for these agreements  based                                                              
on the  framework which  already exists.   This way  providers and                                                              
patients would have any future disputes addressed.                                                                              
4:43:06 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  PRAX  referred  to  language in  Section  2  which                                                              
addresses price  discrimination.   He expressed the  understanding                                                              
that  often life  insurance  costs less  for  women, while  health                                                              
insurance costs  more.   He questioned whether  this would  be the                                                              
type of discrimination the language is trying to prevent.                                                                       
MS. KOENEMAN  explained that the  intent of the legislation  is to                                                              
facilitate  fair  and  equitable  agreements,  which  would  allow                                                              
anyone to enter a DPC agreement without fear of discrimination.                                                                 
MS.  KOENEMAN, in  response to  a  follow-up question,  reiterated                                                              
that the intent  is for there to be no price  discrimination.  She                                                              
reported that in  states where DCP agreements have  been legalized                                                              
there  are  set  rates  for  individuals,  families,  adults,  and                                                              
children, but there were no rates based on gender.                                                                              
4:45:40 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  FIELDS recollected that  the language  was written                                                              
to include  "age bands" with  different rates, but  discrimination                                                              
between genders within  these age bands would not be  allowed.  He                                                              
requested  confirmation   of  this   from  the  director   of  the                                                              
CO-CHAIR  ZULKOSKY explained  that the committee  would follow  up                                                              
with the director outside of the meeting.                                                                                       
4:46:12 PM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR ZULKOSKY announced that HB 176 was held over.                                                                          
4:46:56 PM                                                                                                                    
There being  no further business  before the committee,  the House                                                              
Health  and  Social   Services  Standing  Committee   meeting  was                                                              
adjourned at 4:47 p.m.                                                                                                          

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
SB 98 - ver. B.PDF HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
SB 98
SB 98 Sectional Analysis Version GS 1708 W (4-19-22).pdf HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
SB 98
SB 98-5-2-041522-DHS-Y.PDF HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
SB 98
SB 98-4-2-041522-DHS-N.PDF HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
SB 98
SB 98-6-2-041522-DHS-Y.PDF HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
SB 98
HB176 Sponsor Statement 042821.pdf HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
HB 176
HB 176 ver. B.PDF HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
HB 176
HB176 Sectional Analysis 042622.pdf HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
HB 176
HB 176 Letters of Support 042622.pdf HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
HB 176
HB176 Explanation of Changes 042622.pdf HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
HB 176
HB176 Sponsor Statement 042622.pdf HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
HB 176
SB 132 Amendments.pdf HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
SB 132
Responses to SB 132 HSS 2nd hearing_.pdf HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
SB 132
5.4.2022-AKVMACommentstoHSSCommitteeMembers.pdf HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
SB 132
SB 132 Support Document from DCCED, IV. Communication Templates, 5.5.2022.pdf HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
SB 132
SB 132 Support Document from DCCED, III. Board of Pharmacy Resources 5.5.2022.pdf HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
SB 132
SB 132 Support Document from DCCED, V. Reports-Recommendations-Data, 5.5.22.pdf HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
SB 132
SB 132 Support Document from DCCED,II. Division-LAW Resources-Manuals 5.5.22.pdf HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
SB 132
HHSS SB 132 Follow-Up Information from CBPL (5.5.22).pdf HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
SB 132
SB 132 Support Document from DCCED, I. National-Other State Guidelines-Resources 5.5.22.pdf HHSS 5/5/2022 3:00:00 PM
SB 132