Legislature(2007 - 2008)CAPITOL 106


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03:04:09 PM Start
03:05:11 PM Confirmation Hearing(s)|| State Medical Board
03:16:25 PM Board of Certified Direct-entry Midwives
03:23:22 PM Board of Education and Early Development
03:27:48 PM Board of Nursing
03:36:55 PM Board of Certified Direct-entry Midwives
03:39:53 PM Board of Pharmacy
03:48:45 PM Professional Teaching Practices Commission
03:56:00 PM Board of Examiners Optometry
04:00:00 PM Adjourn
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ Confirmation Hearings: TELECONFERENCED
Board of Education and Early Development;
State Medical Board; Board of Nursing;
Board of Examiners Optometry; Board of
Pharmacy; Professional Teaching Practices
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
                    ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                                                                  
 HOUSE HEALTH, EDUCATION AND SOCIAL SERVICES STANDING COMMITTEE                                                               
                         April 3, 2008                                                                                          
                           3:04 p.m.                                                                                            
MEMBERS PRESENT                                                                                                               
Representative Peggy Wilson, Chair                                                                                              
Representative Bob Roses, Vice Chair                                                                                            
Representative Anna Fairclough                                                                                                  
Representative Wes Keller                                                                                                       
Representative Paul Seaton                                                                                                      
Representative Sharon Cissna                                                                                                    
Representative Berta Gardner                                                                                                    
MEMBERS ABSENT                                                                                                                
All members present                                                                                                             
COMMITTEE CALENDAR                                                                                                            
CONFIRMATION HEARING(S)                                                                                                         
State Medical Board                                                                                                           
     Dr. John Cullen - Valdez                                                                                                   
     Dr. William W. Resinger - Palmer                                                                                           
     Dr. Lawrence W. Stinson, Jr. - Anchorage                                                                                   
     Michael J. Tauriainen - Soldotna                                                                                           
     Dr. Jean Tsigonis - Fairbanks                                                                                              
     - CONFIRMATION(S) ADVANCED                                                                                                 
Board of Certified Direct-Entry Midwives                                                                                      
     Cheryl A. Corrick - Fairbanks                                                                                              
     Dr. Peggy A. Downing - Palmer                                                                                              
     Holly M. Steiner - Wasilla                                                                                                 
     - CONFIRMATION(S) ADVANCED                                                                                                 
Board of Education and Early Development                                                                                      
     Geraldine C. Benshoof - North Pole                                                                                         
     Philip E. Schneider - Anchorage                                                                                            
     - CONFIRMATION(S) ADVANCED                                                                                                 
Board of Nursing                                                                                                              
     Denise Ekstrom - Anchorage                                                                                                 
     Agnes M. Jack - Kotzebue                                                                                                   
     - CONFIRMATION(S) ADVANCED                                                                                                 
Board of Pharmacy                                                                                                             
     Kathe Boucha - Anchorage                                                                                                   
     Robert Young - Sitka                                                                                                       
     - CONFIRMATION(S) ADVANCED                                                                                                 
Professional Teaching Practices Commission                                                                                    
     Richard Lum - Eagle River                                                                                                  
     George Troxel - Palmer                                                                                                     
     - CONFIRMATION(S) ADVANCED                                                                                                 
Board of Examiners Optometry                                                                                                  
     Jill Matheson - Juneau                                                                                                     
     - CONFIRMATION ADVANCED                                                                                                    
PREVIOUS COMMITTEE ACTION                                                                                                     
No previous action to record                                                                                                    
WITNESS REGISTER                                                                                                              
DR. JOHN CULLEN, MD, Appointee                                                                                                  
to the State Medical Board                                                                                                      
Valdez, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT:  Testified as appointee to the State Medical                                                              
DR. WILLIAM RESINGER, MD, Appointee                                                                                             
to the State Medical Board                                                                                                      
Palmer, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT:  Testified as appointee to the State Medical                                                              
DR. LAWRENCE STINSON, JR., MD, Appointee                                                                                        
to the State Medical Board                                                                                                      
Anchorage, Alaska                                                                                                               
POSITION STATEMENT:  Testified as  appointee to the State Medical                                                             
DR. JEAN TSIGONIS, MD, Appointee                                                                                                
to the State Medical Board                                                                                                      
Fairbanks, Alaska                                                                                                               
POSITION STATEMENT:  Testified as  appointee to the State Medical                                                             
CHERYL CORRICK, Appointee                                                                                                       
to the Board of Certified Direct-Entry Midwives                                                                                 
Fairbanks, Alaska                                                                                                               
POSITION  STATEMENT:   Testified  as appointee  to  the Board  of                                                             
Certified Direct-Entry Midwives.                                                                                                
GERALDINE BENSHOOF, Appointee                                                                                                   
to the Board of Education and Early Development                                                                                 
North Pole, Alaska                                                                                                              
POSITION  STATEMENT:   Testified  as appointee  to  the Board  of                                                             
PHILLIP SCHNEIDER, Appointee                                                                                                    
to the Board of Education and Early Development                                                                                 
Anchorage, Alaska                                                                                                               
POSITION  STATEMENT:   Testified  as appointee  to  the Board  of                                                             
DENISE EKSTROM, Appointee                                                                                                       
to the Board of Nursing                                                                                                         
Anchorage, Alaska                                                                                                               
POSITION  STATEMENT:   Testified  as appointee  to  the Board  of                                                             
AGNES JACK, Appointee                                                                                                           
to the Board of Nursing                                                                                                         
Kotzebue, Alaska                                                                                                                
POSITION  STATEMENT:   Testified  as appointee  to  the Board  of                                                             
HOLLY STEINER, Appointee                                                                                                        
to the Board of Certified Direct-Entry Midwives                                                                                 
Wasilla, Alaska                                                                                                                 
POSITION  STATEMENT:   Testified  as appointee  to  the Board  of                                                             
Certified Direct-Entry Midwives.                                                                                                
KATHE BOUCHA, Appointee                                                                                                         
to the Board of Pharmacy                                                                                                        
Anchorage, Alaska                                                                                                               
POSITION  STATEMENT:   Testified  as appointee  to  the Board  of                                                             
ROBERT YOUNG, Appointee                                                                                                         
to the Board of Pharmacy                                                                                                        
Director, Professional Service Division                                                                                         
Mount Edgecombe Hospital                                                                                                        
Sitka, Alaska                                                                                                                   
POSITION  STATEMENT:   Testified  as appointee  to  the Board  of                                                             
RICHARD LUM, Appointee                                                                                                          
to the Professional Teaching Practices Commission                                                                               
Eagle River, Alaska                                                                                                             
POSITION STATEMENT:   Testified as appointee  to the Professional                                                             
Teaching Practices Commission.                                                                                                  
GEORGE TROXEL, Appointee                                                                                                        
to the Professional Teaching Practices Commission                                                                               
Superintendent, Matanuska-Susitna Borough School District                                                                       
Palmer, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT:   Testified as appointee  to the Professional                                                             
Teaching Practices Commission.                                                                                                  
TRACY OMEN, Executive Director                                                                                                  
Alaska Optometric Association                                                                                                   
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION   STATEMENT:     Testified  in   support  of   Dr.  Jill                                                             
Matheson's, appointment to the Board of Examiners Optometry.                                                                    
ACTION NARRATIVE                                                                                                              
CHAIR PEGGY WILSON called the  House Health, Education and Social                                                             
Services  Standing  Committee meeting  to  order  at 3:04:09  PM.                                                             
Representatives Wilson, Seaton, Roses,  Keller, and Gardner  were                                                               
present at  the call  to order.   Representatives  Fairclough and                                                               
Cissna arrived as the meeting was in progress.                                                                                  
3:05:11 PM                                                                                                                    
^CONFIRMATION HEARING(S)                                                                                                      
^State Medical Board                                                                                                          
3:05:15 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR WILSON announced that the  first order of business would be                                                               
the confirmation hearings on the  appointment of Dr. John Cullen,                                                               
Dr. William  W. Resinger, Dr.  Lawrence W. Stinson,  Jr., Michael                                                               
Tauriainen, and Dr. Jean Tsigonis, to the State Medical Board.                                                                  
[The  motion for  advancement to  be  combined with  that of  the                                                               
Board of Certified Direct-Entry Midwives; to follow.]                                                                           
3:06:38 PM                                                                                                                    
DR.  JOHN CULLEN,  MD,  Appointee, to  the  State Medical  Board,                                                               
introduced himself  as a rural  physician, a perspective  that he                                                               
will bring to the board.                                                                                                        
3:07:23 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE GARDNER  referred to his resume,  and commented on                                                               
his original  presentation for medical  groups or  general public                                                               
regarding extreme ski  injuries.  She asked if  he had experience                                                               
with that area of medicine, prior to his practice in Valdez.                                                                    
DR.  CULLEN  said  that  his   knowledge  stems  from  being  the                                                               
physician   sponsor,  for   the  Valdez   based  extreme   skiing                                                               
championships, for seven years.                                                                                                 
REPRESENTATIVE  GARDNER referred  to  his  presentation on  adult                                                               
manifestations  of  child  abuse,  and inquired  whether  he  had                                                               
observed this through his practice,  or followed the topic out of                                                               
personal interest.                                                                                                              
DR. CULLEN responded  that he has done research on  the topic due                                                               
to his personal interest.                                                                                                       
3:08:36 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. WILLIAM RESINGER, MD, Appointee,  to the State Medical Board,                                                               
said  that when  the  governor  called, he  did  not hesitate  to                                                               
serve.   Directing  attention to  his resume,  he said  that this                                                               
appointment is consistent with his experience.                                                                                  
3:09:51 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  KELLER  pointed  out   that  Dr.  Resinger  is  a                                                               
personal  friend,   and  expressed   his  appreciation   for  his                                                               
willingness to serve.                                                                                                           
3:10:10 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. LAWRENCE  STINSON, JR., MD,  Appointee, to the  State Medical                                                               
Board, stated his  interest, for serving on the board,  is due to                                                               
his focus on forwarding general health care in Alaska.                                                                          
3:11:51 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE GARDNER  noted his extensive work  in the research                                                               
field and asked if he is still actively involved in that area.                                                                  
DR.  STINSON explained  his past  opportunities  to publish,  and                                                               
said that he  is currently working on a paper.   Finding the time                                                               
is always a challenge, he added.                                                                                                
REPRESENTATIVE GARDNER  said that  being appointed to  the board,                                                               
may adversely impact his ability to continue writing.                                                                           
DR. STINSON responded that he  anticipates the service will be an                                                               
overall beneficial experience.                                                                                                  
3:12:36 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. JEAN TSIGONIS, MD, introduced herself to the committee.                                                                     
3:13:59 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  ROSES reflected  on Dr.  Tsigonis' comments  that                                                               
she has previously  provided on issues before the  committee.  He                                                               
stressed  the  value  of  the   information  that  every  witness                                                               
provides, in the committee's decision making process.                                                                           
3:15:08 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON   reviewed  the  qualifications   of  Mike                                                               
Tauriainen,  and  established  that  his appointment  is  to  the                                                               
layman's seat on the medical board.                                                                                             
^Board of Certified Direct-Entry Midwives                                                                                     
CHAIR WILSON announced  that the next order of  business would be                                                               
confirmation  hearings  on  the appointment  of  Cheryl  Corrick,                                                               
Peggy  Downing,  and Holly  Steiner  to  the Board  of  Certified                                                               
Direct-Entry Midwives.                                                                                                          
3:16:25 PM                                                                                                                    
CHERYL  CORRICK, Appointee,  to  the Board  of Certified  Direct-                                                               
Entry Midwives,  said that she  has attended over 600  births, in                                                               
the interior of  Alaska, and sees this appointment as  a means to                                                               
maintain her interest, as well as to serve the public.                                                                          
3:18:18 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR WILSON  asked the committee  to review Dr.  Peggy Downing's                                                               
and Holly Steiner's  qualifications.  She added  that Ms. Steiner                                                               
was called away to attend a birth.                                                                                              
3:19:07 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON referred  to Dr.  Downing's certification,                                                               
and asked if her appointment is  to a seat on the midwifery board                                                               
specifically reserved for a medical doctor.                                                                                     
3:20:40 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR WILSON said yes.                                                                                                          
3:21:21 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON moved  to forward  the names  of Dr.  John                                                               
Cullen, Dr. William Resinger, Dr.  Lawrence Stinson, Jr., Michael                                                               
Tauriainen,  Dr. Jean  Tsigonis, Cheryl  Corrick, Peggy  Downing,                                                               
and Holly  Steiner to the joint  session of the House  and Senate                                                               
for confirmation.   There being  no objection,  the confirmations                                                               
of Dr. Join  Cullen, Dr. William Resinger,  Dr. Lawrence Stinson,                                                               
Jr.,  Michael  Tauriainen,  Dr. Jean  Tsigonis,  Cheryl  Corrick,                                                               
Peggy Downing,  and Holly  Steiner were  advanced from  the House                                                               
Health, Education and Social Services Standing Committee.                                                                       
3:22:58 PM                                                                                                                    
^Board of Education and Early Development                                                                                     
3:23:22 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR WILSON announced  that the next order of  business would be                                                               
the  confirmation  hearings  on   the  appointment  of  Geraldine                                                               
Benshoof  and Philip  Schneider  to the  Board  of Education  and                                                               
Early Development.                                                                                                              
[The  motion for  advancement to  be  combined with  that of  the                                                               
Board of Pharmacy; to follow.]                                                                                                  
3:23:44 PM                                                                                                                    
GERALDINE  BENSHOOF, Appointee,  to  the Board  of Education  and                                                               
Early Development,  established her  background in  education and                                                               
speech pathology.                                                                                                               
3:24:46 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE   GARDNER    commented   that   her    resume   is                                                               
"astounding," including  her extensive public service  on various                                                               
boards and camps, as well as being an ordained deacon.                                                                          
MS. BENSHOOF  stated that she has  been in the area  for a number                                                               
of years and  the accomplishments have occurred over  a length of                                                               
3:25:28 PM                                                                                                                    
PHILLIP  SCHNEIDER,  Appointee, to  the  Board  of Education  and                                                               
Early Development, expressed his  interest in educational policy.                                                               
He has traveled and consulted in  schools around the world and is                                                               
interested in bringing that global perspective to the board.                                                                    
CHAIR   WILSON  seeing   no  questions,   thanked  him   for  his                                                               
willingness to serve.                                                                                                           
^Board of Nursing                                                                                                             
3:27:48 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR WILSON announced  that the next order of  business would be                                                               
confirmation hearings  on the appointment of  Denise Elkstrom and                                                               
Agnes Jack to the Board of Nursing.                                                                                             
[The  motion for  advancement to  be  combined with  that of  the                                                               
Board of Pharmacy; to follow.]                                                                                                  
3:27:53 PM                                                                                                                    
DENISE EKSTROM,  Appointee, to the  Board of Nursing,  provided a                                                               
statement  outlining  her service  and  interest  in the  nursing                                                               
3:28:29 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  WILSON  asked  if  she  worked  at  the  clinic  in  Delta                                                               
Junction, Alaska.                                                                                                               
MS. EKSTROM  stated that she did;  working one day a  week, while                                                               
raising her children.                                                                                                           
CHAIR WILSON cited her own work  in Tok, Alaska, and said that it                                                               
is  good to  have a  board member  who brings  a firsthand  rural                                                               
3:29:01 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON asked  what characterizes  a family  nurse                                                               
practitioner (FNP) from a nurse practitioner (NP).                                                                              
MS.  EKSTROM responded  that an  FNP  is qualified  to attend  to                                                               
patients ranging from the age of newborn through geriatric.                                                                     
3:29:44 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE ROSES noted her educational background.                                                                          
3:30:18 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  FAIRCLOUGH  asked  her  to  address  the  nursing                                                               
shortage  in  Alaska, and  her  approach  to  the issue  of  safe                                                               
nursing practices.                                                                                                              
MS.  EKSTROM suggested  that the  training offered  at the  local                                                               
University of Alaska  campuses is helpful in  providing nurses to                                                               
the rural areas.                                                                                                                
REPRESENTATIVE FAIRCLOUGH inquired if she  has worked at an urban                                                               
hospital, and asked her to address the mandatory overtime issue.                                                                
MS. EKSTROM responded  that she has worked in  an urban location.                                                               
Work  in a  hospital  is  very demanding,  she  said,  and it  is                                                               
difficult to work effectively beyond a 12 hour shift.                                                                           
3:33:44 PM                                                                                                                    
AGNES JACK, Appointee, to the  Board of Nursing, noted highlights                                                               
of her resume.                                                                                                                  
3:34:40 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  FAIRCLOUGH  asked  her  to  comment  on  Alaska's                                                               
nursing  shortage,   and  the  issue  regarding   nurses  working                                                               
MS.  JACK  acknowledged the  nursing  shortage,  and said  it  is                                                               
difficult to lure, and retain, nurses in bush areas.                                                                            
REPRESENTATIVE  FAIRCLOUGH   asked  if  the  high   turnover  was                                                               
specific to the climactic conditions, or due to the work hours.                                                                 
MS. JACK  speculated that both  the challenging climate,  and the                                                               
long hours, are contributing factors.                                                                                           
^Board of Certified Direct-Entry Midwives                                                                                     
3:36:55 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR WILSON announced  that the next order of  business would be                                                               
to  redirect  attention  to  the   confirmation  hearing  on  the                                                               
appointment of  Holly Steiner to  the Board of  Certified Direct-                                                               
Entry Midwives.                                                                                                                 
HOLLY STEINER, Appointee, to the  Board of Certified Direct-Entry                                                               
Midwives, apologized  for her tardy  call-in, and  announced that                                                               
it was a girl.                                                                                                                  
3:39:08 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR WILSON asked how many babies she has delivered this year.                                                                 
MS. STEINER  answered five  or six, thus  far, and  reported that                                                               
she usually averages about 20 per month.                                                                                        
CHAIR  WILSON informed  her that  her  name was  included in  the                                                               
previous  motion  for  advancement.   She  thanked  her  for  the                                                               
follow-up call, and her willingness to serve.                                                                                   
[Her name was previously moved for advancement.]                                                                                
3:39:41 PM                                                                                                                    
^Board of Pharmacy                                                                                                            
3:39:53 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR WILSON announced  that the next order of  business would be                                                               
the confirmation hearings on the  appointment of Kathe Boucha and                                                               
Robert Young to the Board of Pharmacy.                                                                                          
3:40:01 PM                                                                                                                    
KATHE BOUCHA, Appointee, to the  Board of Pharmacy, explained how                                                               
she  came to  submit  her  resume, and  said  her willingness  to                                                               
serve,  as  a  citizen  participant,  is  primarily  due  to  her                                                               
interest  in the  standard operating  procedures, and  to address                                                               
process improvement.                                                                                                            
3:40:53 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  GARDNER   asked  her   to  describe   the  Kosova                                                               
Foundation for Medical Development.                                                                                             
MS.  BOUCHA explained  that it  is a  non-profit foundation  that                                                               
receives international  funding.   The name was  recently changed                                                               
to  the   International  Virtual  E-Hospital  Foundation.     The                                                               
foundation  has  created  a  telecommunications  system  to  help                                                               
Kosovo  rebuild  their medical  system,  and  reconnect with  the                                                               
medical world.                                                                                                                  
3:42:15 PM                                                                                                                    
ROBERT  YOUNG, Appointee,  to the  Board  of Pharmacy,  Director,                                                               
Professional of Service Division,  Mount Edgecombe Hospital, said                                                               
he  has  been a  long  time  pharmacist  in  the state,  both  in                                                               
hospital  and  private  sector settings.    He  provided  further                                                               
highlights from  his resume, and stated  that he is in  his final                                                               
year of law school.  He said he holds a passion for safety.                                                                     
3:43:14 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR WILSON  noted that he  works full  time as well  as attends                                                               
law school.                                                                                                                     
MR. YOUNG stated  that he has been taking  classes on-line, which                                                               
helps with the logistics of work and school.                                                                                    
3:43:31 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  FAIRCLOUGH asked  the candidate  to speak  to the                                                               
misuse  of  pharmaceutical  drugs,  and  if  information  sharing                                                               
between doctors is in need of improvement.                                                                                      
MR. YOUNG opined that a fair  amount of drug misuse may occur and                                                               
that information  sharing may  be the only  means to  dispel such                                                               
activity.   There is  no machine  to measure  levels of  pain for                                                               
management purposes, he added.                                                                                                  
REPRESENTATIVE  FAIRCLOUGH inquired  about the  pharmacists' role                                                               
regarding clients.                                                                                                              
MR.   YOUNG  explained   that  under   HIPPA  [Health   Insurance                                                               
Portability and  Accountability Act]  information can  be shared,                                                               
and could be considered an  aspect of the treatment component, as                                                               
part of  the treatment  is to  prevent a  patient from  abusing a                                                               
3:46:40 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  SEATON moved  to forward  the names  of Geraldine                                                               
Benshoof,  Philip Schneider,  Denise Ekstrom,  Agnes Jack,  Kathe                                                               
Boucha, and  Robert Young to the  joint session of the  House and                                                               
Senate  for   confirmation.    There  being   no  objection,  the                                                               
confirmations  of Geraldine  Benshoof,  Philip Schneider,  Denise                                                               
Ekstrom,  Agnes  Jack,  Kathe   Boucha,  and  Robert  Young  were                                                               
advanced  from the  House Health,  Education and  Social Services                                                               
Standing Committee.                                                                                                             
3:48:40 PM                                                                                                                    
^Professional Teaching Practices Commission                                                                                   
3:48:45 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR WILSON announced  that the next order of  business would be                                                               
the  confirmation  hearings to  appoint  Richard  Lum and  George                                                               
Troxel, to the Professional Teaching Practices Commission.                                                                      
[The  motion for  advancement to  be  combined with  that of  the                                                               
Board of Examiners Optometry.]                                                                                                  
3:49:10 PM                                                                                                                    
RICHARD LUM,  Appointee, to  the Professional  Teaching Practices                                                               
Commission, cited  his involvement in advocacy  work for employee                                                               
rights, and  bargaining experience,  as qualifications  to serve.                                                               
He sees this as a time for all of his skills to come together.                                                                  
3:50:53 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  FAIRCLOUGH noted  her previous  relationship with                                                               
the candidate, and provided a personal recommendation.                                                                          
3:52:09 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  ROSES noted  his previous  relationship with  the                                                               
candidate, and provided a personal recommendation.                                                                              
3:53:33 PM                                                                                                                    
GEORGE TROXEL, Appointee, to  the Professional Teaching Practices                                                               
Commission,  Superintendent,   Matanuska-Susitna  Borough  School                                                               
District;,  provided a  brief  biography and  stated  that he  is                                                               
familiar  with the  "landscape of  schools and  education in  the                                                               
State of Alaska,  and knows ... the  challenges and opportunities                                                               
that exist."   He  is particularly interested  in the  subject of                                                               
3:55:22 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE KELLER provided a personal recommendation.                                                                       
3:55:40 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  ROSES  asked  if   this  appointment  is  to  the                                                               
superintendent position on the commission.                                                                                      
MR. TROXEL said yes.                                                                                                            
^Board of Examiners Optometry                                                                                                 
3:56:00 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR WILSON announced that the  final order of business would be                                                               
the confirmation hearing  to appoint Dr. Jill  Matheson, O.D., to                                                               
the Board of Examiners Optometry.                                                                                               
3:56:41 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  WILSON  stated  that  the appointee  is  not  present  and                                                               
requested that the committee review her written qualifications.                                                                 
3:57:08 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE ROSES  said that  her qualifications appear  to be                                                               
in order, and offered that  his office has received no objections                                                               
to her appointment.                                                                                                             
3:57:42 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SEATON  asked what  the "TPA" endorsement,  in her                                                               
resume, represents.                                                                                                             
3:58:00 PM                                                                                                                    
TRACY  OMEN, Executive  Director, Alaska  Optometric Association,                                                               
stated that Dr. Matheson is  currently the chair of the Optometry                                                               
Board,  and a  board member  for the  past four  years.   The TPA                                                               
indicates that she holds the  highest level of certification, and                                                               
is  authorized  to  prescribe therapeutic  pharmaceutical  agents                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE SEATON  inquired if  that is the  license criteria                                                               
most recently allowed.                                                                                                          
MS  OMAN clarified  that  optometrists have  had  the ability  to                                                               
prescribe pharmaceutical  agents since 1992,  but in 2007  it was                                                               
amplified  to include  systemic pharmaceuticals,  as well  as the                                                               
3:59:17 PM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE SEATON moved to forward  the names of Richard Lum,                                                               
George  Troxel, and  Jill Matheson  to the  joint session  of the                                                               
House and  Senate for  confirmation.   There being  no objection,                                                               
the  confirmations  of  Richard  Lum,  George  Troxel,  and  Jill                                                               
Matheson  were  advanced from  the  House  Health, Education  and                                                               
Social Services Standing Committee.                                                                                             
4:00:00 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR WILSON thanked all of  the appointees for their willingness                                                               
to serve  the state on  their respective boards  and commissions.                                                               
Further, she announced the pending meeting schedule.                                                                            
There being no  further business before the  committee, the House                                                               
Health, Education and Social  Services Standing Committee meeting                                                               
was adjourned at 4:00 p.m.                                                                                                      

Document Name Date/Time Subjects