Legislature(2017 - 2018)GRUENBERG 120

04/18/2017 10:00 AM House FISHERIES

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Audio Topic
10:03:49 AM Start
10:04:33 AM HB107
10:11:30 AM Adjourn
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
Moved CSHB 107(FSH) Out of Committee
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
                    ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                                                                  
              HOUSE SPECIAL COMMITTEE ON FISHERIES                                                                            
                         April 18, 2017                                                                                         
                           10:03 a.m.                                                                                           
MEMBERS PRESENT                                                                                                               
Representative Louise Stutes, Chair                                                                                             
Representative Zach Fansler                                                                                                     
Representative Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins                                                                                          
Representative David Eastman                                                                                                    
Representative Mark Neuman                                                                                                      
MEMBERS ABSENT                                                                                                                
Representative Geran Tarr                                                                                                       
Representative Mike Chenault                                                                                                    
COMMITTEE CALENDAR                                                                                                            
HOUSE BILL NO. 107                                                                                                              
"An Act relating to certain fish; and establishing a fisheries                                                                  
enhancement permit."                                                                                                            
     - MOVED CSHB 107(FSH) OUT OF COMMITTEE                                                                                     
PREVIOUS COMMITTEE ACTION                                                                                                     
BILL: HB 107                                                                                                                  
SHORT TITLE: FISH ENHANCEMENT PERMITS                                                                                           
SPONSOR(s): REPRESENTATIVE(s) TALERICO                                                                                          
02/06/17       (H)       READ THE FIRST TIME - REFERRALS                                                                        
02/06/17       (H)       FSH, RES                                                                                               
02/28/17       (H)       FSH AT 10:00 AM GRUENBERG 120                                                                          
02/28/17       (H)       Heard & Held                                                                                           
02/28/17       (H)       MINUTE(FSH)                                                                                            
04/18/17       (H)       FSH AT 10:00 AM GRUENBERG 120                                                                          
WITNESS REGISTER                                                                                                              
ELIJAH VERHAGEN, Staff                                                                                                          
Representative Dave Talerico                                                                                                    
Alaska State Legislature                                                                                                        
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT:  Presented  the proposed committee substitute                                                             
(CS)  for HB  107, on  behalf of  Representative Talerico,  Prime                                                               
ACTION NARRATIVE                                                                                                              
10:03:49 AM                                                                                                                   
CHAIR  LOUISE  STUTES  called  the  House  Special  Committee  on                                                             
Fisheries  meeting  to  order  at  10:03  a.m.    Representatives                                                               
Stutes, Neuman,  Kreiss-Tomkins, and Eastman were  present at the                                                               
call to  order.   Representative Fansler  arrived as  the meeting                                                               
was in progress.                                                                                                                
                HB 107-FISH ENHANCEMENT PERMITS                                                                             
10:04:33 AM                                                                                                                   
CHAIR STUTES announced  that the only order of  business would be                                                               
HOUSE  BILL  NO. 107,  "An  Act  relating  to certain  fish;  and                                                               
establishing a fisheries enhancement permit."                                                                                   
10:04:55 AM                                                                                                                   
REPRESENTATIVE  KREISS-TOMKINS   moved  to  adopt   the  proposed                                                               
committee  substitute  (CS)  for HB  107,  30-LS0396\U,  Bullard,                                                               
3/4/17, as the working document.                                                                                                
10:05:08 AM                                                                                                                   
CHAIR STUTES objected for discussion.                                                                                           
10:05:28 AM                                                                                                                   
ELIJAH  VERHAGEN, Staff,  Representative  Talerico, Alaska  State                                                               
Legislature, presented  the changes  included in the  proposed CS                                                               
for  HB  107, paraphrasing  from  the  committee handout  titled,                                                               
"Explanation of Changes - CS House Bill 107," which read:                                                                       
     Page 1 line 1 changes the title by replacing the word                                                                      
     enhancement with the word rehabilitation.                                                                                  
     Sec. 1:                                                                                                                    
     Page 1  line 4 replaces  the word enhancement  with the                                                                    
     word rehabilitation.                                                                                                       
     Page 1  line 5 replaces  the word enhancement  with the                                                                    
     word rehabilitation.                                                                                                       
     Page 2 line  21 replaces the word  enhancement with the                                                                    
     word rehabilitation.                                                                                                       
     Page 3 line  16 replaces the word  enhancement with the                                                                    
     word rehabilitation.                                                                                                       
     Page 4  line 1 replaces  the word enhancement  with the                                                                    
     word rehabilitation.                                                                                                       
     Page 4  line 16 replaces  the word three with  the word                                                                    
     five, thus  extending the period  of the permit  by two                                                                    
     years;  enabling permit  holders  to  see results  from                                                                    
     their efforts.                                                                                                             
     Sec. 2:                                                                                                                    
     Page 5  line 1 replaces  the word enhancement  with the                                                                    
     word rehabilitation.                                                                                                       
     Sec. 3:                                                                                                                    
     Page 5  line 7 replaces  the word enhancement  with the                                                                    
     word rehabilitation.                                                                                                       
10:06:41 AM                                                                                                                   
CHAIR STUTES removed her objection and without further                                                                          
objection, Version U was before the committee.                                                                                  
10:06:52 AM                                                                                                                   
REPRESENTATIVE   KREISS-TOMKINS   asked   whether   the   changes                                                               
previously discussed  in committee  and provided  in the  CS were                                                               
made via consultation  with the Alaska Department of  Fish & Game                                                               
MR. VERHAGEN answered yes.                                                                                                      
10:08:39 AM                                                                                                                   
REPRESENTATIVE NEUMAN asked whether a statutory or technical                                                                    
definition exists to differentiate the characteristics of                                                                       
rehabilitation from those of enhancement.                                                                                       
MR.   VERHAGEN   explained   that   statute   does   not   define                                                               
rehabilitate.   Legal counsel  suggested including  an applicable                                                               
definition and  one was  located in the  dictionary to  serve the                                                               
REPRESENTATIVE NEUMAN said  the term enhanced is  often used when                                                               
fry are introduced into creeks.                                                                                                 
10:10:33 AM                                                                                                                   
REPRESENTATIVE EASTMAN  stated support for having  the definition                                                               
of rehabilitation included in the proposed CS.                                                                                  
10:11:04 AM                                                                                                                   
REPRESENTATIVE  KREISS-TOMKINS moved  to report  the proposed  CS                                                               
for  HB  107,  Version  30-LS0396\U,   Bullard,  3/4/17,  out  of                                                               
committee  with individual  recommendations and  the accompanying                                                               
fiscal  notes.   There  being  no  objection, CSHB  107(FSH)  was                                                               
reported from the House Special Committee on Fisheries.                                                                         
10:11:30 AM                                                                                                                   
CHAIR STUTES thanked the participants.                                                                                          
There being no  further business before the  committee, the House                                                               
Special  Committee on  Fisheries meeting  was adjourned  at 10:12                                                               

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
HB107 ver U.pdf HFSH 4/18/2017 10:00:00 AM
HRES 4/26/2017 1:00:00 PM
HB 107
HB107 Explanation of Changes O to U.pdf HFSH 4/18/2017 10:00:00 AM
HRES 4/26/2017 1:00:00 PM
HB 107
HB107 Supporting Document SEAFA 4.6.17.pdf HFSH 4/18/2017 10:00:00 AM
HRES 4/26/2017 1:00:00 PM
HB 107
HB107 Opposing Document Friccero.pdf HFSH 4/18/2017 10:00:00 AM
HRES 4/26/2017 1:00:00 PM
HB 107