Legislature(2009 - 2010)BARNES 124

01/27/2009 08:00 AM House COMMUNITY & REGIONAL AFFAIRS

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08:03:21 AM Start
08:03:39 AM Overview(s): Alaska State Chamber of Commerce
08:57:16 AM Alaska Municipal League
09:37:58 AM Adjourn
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
Alaska Municipal League by Kathie
Wasserman, Executive Director
Alaska State Chamber of Commerce by
Wayne Stevens, President/CEO
                    ALASKA STATE LEGISLATURE                                                                                  
    HOUSE COMMUNITY AND REGIONAL AFFAIRS STANDING COMMITTEE                                                                   
                        January 27, 2009                                                                                        
                           8:03 a.m.                                                                                            
MEMBERS PRESENT                                                                                                               
Representative Bob Herron, Co-Chair                                                                                             
Representative Cathy Engstrom Munoz, Co-Chair                                                                                   
Representative Wes Keller                                                                                                       
Representative Charisse Millett                                                                                                 
Representative Sharon Cissna                                                                                                    
Representative Berta Gardner                                                                                                    
MEMBERS ABSENT                                                                                                                
Representative John Harris                                                                                                      
COMMITTEE CALENDAR                                                                                                            
OVERVIEW(S):  ALASKA STATE CHAMBER OF COMMERCE; ALASKA MUNICIPAL                                                                
     - HEARD                                                                                                                    
PREVIOUS COMMITTEE ACTION                                                                                                     
No previous action to record                                                                                                    
WITNESS REGISTER                                                                                                              
WAYNE STEVENS, President/CEO                                                                                                    
Alaska State Chamber of Commerce                                                                                                
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT:  Provided an overview of the Alaska State                                                                 
Chamber of Commerce.                                                                                                            
KATHIE WASSERMAN, Executive Director                                                                                            
Alaska Municipal League (AML)                                                                                                   
Juneau, Alaska                                                                                                                  
POSITION STATEMENT:  Provided an overview of the Alaska                                                                       
Municipal League.                                                                                                               
ACTION NARRATIVE                                                                                                              
8:03:21 AM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR  BOB  HERRON called  the  House  Community and  Regional                                                             
Affairs  Standing  Committee  meeting   to  order  at  8:03  a.m.                                                               
Representatives Herron,  Munoz, Millet, Keller, and  Gardner were                                                               
present at the  call to order.  Representative  Cissna arrived as                                                               
the meeting was in progress.                                                                                                    
8:03:39 AM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR HERRON announced that the  first order of business would                                                               
be to discuss some of the  goals of the committee and its members                                                               
for this session.                                                                                                               
8:04:20 AM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR MUNOZ  related that  the issues of  interest to  her are                                                               
those related to energy, transportation, and health.                                                                            
8:06:06 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  KELLER said  that the  aforementioned all  sounds                                                               
good to  him.  However,  he highlighted the  need to have  a good                                                               
relationship and communication with the department.                                                                             
8:06:30 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE   GARDNER,  adding   to  Co-Chair   Munoz's  list,                                                               
specified  the need  to review  economic  development, which  she                                                               
referred to as diversification and  stabilization of economies in                                                               
the smaller communities in the state.                                                                                           
8:06:54 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE MILLETT noted her  agreement with Co-Chair Munoz's                                                               
list   as  this   committee  will   definitely  review   all  the                                                               
communities  with a  regional perspective.    Energy issues  will                                                               
certainly tie into  that, she remarked.  She  then mentioned that                                                               
the House  Special Committee on Energy  is going on the  road and                                                               
will  bring back  issues  from two  of the  regions  it plans  on                                                               
8:07:49 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CISSNA  opined that  the health of  communities is                                                               
economics  and social  and physical  health.   Economics includes                                                               
energy,  she  pointed out.    She  suggested that  viewing  these                                                               
matters,  physical and  social health,  in a  holistic manner  in                                                               
terms of producing people ready to  work.  She then discussed the                                                               
lack  of   infrastructure  for   manufacturing  in   Alaska,  and                                                               
highlighted that  the challenge  for the Department  of Commerce,                                                               
Community,  &  Economic  Development   is  how  to  supplement  a                                                               
previous subsistence economy such  that it helps communities walk                                                               
in  the  two  worlds.   To  accomplish  the  aforementioned,  she                                                               
mentioned education,  health, and  workforce development  as well                                                               
as ownership in energy issues from each community.                                                                              
8:11:10 AM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR  HERRON  expressed hope  that  this  committee can  help                                                               
DCCED address the aforementioned issues  as it and other agencies                                                               
are  important  to  the  success  of  the  legislature  and  this                                                               
^Overview(s):  Alaska State Chamber of Commerce                                                                               
CO-CHAIR  HERRON then  turned the  committee's  attention to  the                                                               
overview of the Alaska State Chamber of Commerce.                                                                               
8:14:03 AM                                                                                                                    
WAYNE STEVENS,  President/CEO, Alaska State Chamber  of Commerce,                                                               
began by informing  the committee that he has been  in Alaska for                                                               
38 years, lived throughout the state,  and has been active in the                                                               
community wherever  he lived.   He emphasized his belief  that if                                                               
one wants to complain about  things then one should share his/her                                                               
perspective with those making decisions.   He then explained that                                                               
the Alaska  State Chamber  of Commerce  ("Chamber") is  a private                                                               
nonprofit  corporation 501(c)(6)  that  represents some  500-plus                                                               
business members and  their employees.  The  Alaska State Chamber                                                               
of Commerce  began operations in  1953 when  it was known  as the                                                               
All-Alaska  Chamber.   The  Chamber  is governed  by  a board  of                                                               
directors   who  represent   the  interest   of  businesses   and                                                               
communities from  around Alaska and  the Pacific Northwest.   The                                                               
board, which is larger than  the legislature, is a geographically                                                               
diverse organization.  The board  sets the strategic direction of                                                               
the  organization.   He  reviewed  the makeup  of  the board  and                                                               
related  that  its  mission  is  to  drive  positive  change  for                                                               
Alaska's  business.   The  Chamber  produces  four major  events,                                                               
which are  related to  the organization's  major focus,  which is                                                               
legislative  advocacy on  behalf of  business.   The Chamber,  he                                                               
further  related, maintains  a web  site and  produces an  annual                                                               
directory of  members and a  quarterly newsletter.  In  an effort                                                               
to serve  the statewide business community  more effectively, the                                                               
Chamber has  offices in both  Juneau and Anchorage.   The primary                                                               
focus  of  the Juneau  office  is  advocacy, administration,  and                                                               
communications.   The Anchorage office is  a regional development                                                               
office  with  the primary  focus  of  membership events  and  the                                                               
8:19:09 AM                                                                                                                    
MR. STEVENS  then related the  Chamber's top five  priorities, as                                                               
follows:  progress  on  the  natural  gas  pipeline  project  and                                                               
essential  infrastructure developments  and improvements;  cruise                                                               
ship  point of  discharge  wastewater  permitting issues;  ballot                                                               
initiative  reform; workers'  compensation  medical rate  freeze,                                                               
which  expires  at the  end  of  December  2009; cost  of  living                                                               
adjustment; support for exploration  and development of the Outer                                                               
Continental Shelf  (OCS).   He explained that  any member  of the                                                               
Alaska  State  Chamber  of  Commerce   can  submit  positions  of                                                               
statewide  interest  for  consideration.    Those  positions  are                                                               
discussed at  the fall  meeting when  the positions  are debated,                                                               
modified,  and ultimately  adopted.   This year,  of the  over 35                                                               
priorities submitted, five  became the top priorities.   He noted                                                               
that the committee, legislature,  and administration are provided                                                               
a copy of the Chamber's top priorities  as well as a list of each                                                               
MR.   STEVENS  highlighted   that   Chamber   members  employ   a                                                               
significant number  of private sector workers,  and therefore the                                                               
actions  of the  Chamber represent  businesses as  well as  their                                                               
employees.   He related  his hope that  the Chamber's  actions on                                                               
the  five priorities  will remove  barriers to  job creation  and                                                               
create  opportunities  for  business development.    Mr.  Stevens                                                               
noted that  the Chamber is interested  in some of the  items that                                                               
[are in the committee's queue],  including municipal property tax                                                               
exemptions.   The  aforementioned is  of concern  because when  a                                                               
municipality exempts property from  certain payers and the budget                                                               
isn't  reduced in  the  corresponding amount,  the  cost is  then                                                               
merely shifted to businesses.  Therefore,  it adds to the cost of                                                               
doing  business  in  the  state.    Mr.  Stevens,  recalling  the                                                               
committee's  discussion  of the  need  for  a strategic  economic                                                               
development  plan, related  that the  Chamber has  long advocated                                                               
that  the state  develop a  strategic economic  development plan.                                                               
The legislature,  the administration, and the  private sector, in                                                               
partnership,   needs   to   develop   an   overarching   economic                                                               
development plan.   He highlighted that the  states of Washington                                                               
and  Oregon have  written business  plans and  their legislature,                                                               
administration, and  congressional delegation  all signed  off on                                                               
those  plans.    He  then   related  that  a  strategic  economic                                                               
development plan should be  fiscally predictable, stable, include                                                               
workforce  development,   and  identify  deficits   in  essential                                                               
services   and  education   for   those   skills  necessary   for                                                               
recruitment.   The  foundation, he  opined, for  economic success                                                               
should  have  leadership,  ensure   policies  in  investments  in                                                               
transportation, energy,  communication, and  other infrastructure                                                               
that supports  economic development.   He  indicated that  such a                                                               
plan should  illustrate that the  state is open for  business and                                                               
that  it's  easier,  less  expensive,  and  more  streamlined  to                                                               
operate business in Alaska.                                                                                                     
8:23:42 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  GARDNER commented  that there  is no  end to  the                                                               
wonderful things in which the  state could invest and work toward                                                               
while saving.  However, the  state can't fund everything and have                                                               
robust savings.  She noted that  one of the 2009 positions of the                                                               
Chamber is "savings - the first step to a fiscal plan."                                                                         
MR.  STEVENS  said  Representative  Gardner  had  identified  the                                                               
difficulty.   He then pointed  out that  Alaska is a  teenager in                                                               
terms of  development as a state  and is still trying  to develop                                                               
its infrastructure,  systems, a  plan, and a  vision.   The state                                                               
needs to be  able to articulate the vision, a  shared vision, but                                                               
the  [state] isn't  at  that point.   He  related  that from  the                                                               
Chamber's  perspective, just  throwing  money  at things  doesn't                                                               
move  toward  the goal.    [Those  in  the]  state need  to  work                                                               
together to develop a vision for the future, he opined.                                                                         
8:26:42 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE GARDNER inquired as  to when the development plans                                                               
of Oregon and Washington went into effect.                                                                                      
MR. STEVENS  recalled that the  Oregon business plan has  been in                                                               
place for  about 10-15 years  while the Washington  business plan                                                               
has  been in  place a  few years  less than  that.   Both states'                                                               
plans identified critical  areas to focus on  to attract business                                                               
development in  their state.   He echoed  Representative Cissna's                                                               
earlier   comments  that   Alaska  doesn't   have  the   type  of                                                               
development that  provides a broad  economic base  because Alaska                                                               
is  a   young  state  that  lacks   infrastructure  and  systems.                                                               
Furthermore, the  primary focus  of the  state has  been resource                                                               
extraction.  Alaska  is blessed with resources and  needs to find                                                               
a way  to use those.   Forming these plans brings  all viewpoints                                                               
to the  table and compromise  occurs in  order to move  the state                                                               
8:29:36 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE GARDNER stated that  of particular interest to her                                                               
is that  any economic development includes  policies that promote                                                               
Alaskans doing the development.                                                                                                 
MR. STEVENS noted his agreement,  but pointed out that capitol is                                                               
the issue.   Economic development  can't be  done in a  vacuum or                                                               
alone;  it must  be done  in a  manner that  brings the  greatest                                                               
benefit  to  all residents  of  the  state.   The  aforementioned                                                               
requires assistance, he said.                                                                                                   
8:30:43 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE  CISSNA  opined that  the  state  has one  of  the                                                               
largest  savings  plans  in  the   nation,  the  permanent  fund.                                                               
Therefore, she said  she didn't believe money is  the problem but                                                               
rather  how  it's  being  spent.     Representative  Cissna  then                                                               
recalled Mr. Stevens'  comment about the need for  everyone to be                                                               
at the table,  which seems to be the problem.   She surmised that                                                               
the Chamber must discuss this issue [of people coming together].                                                                
MR. STEVENS pointed  out that there are  many organizations, such                                                               
as  the  Southeast  Conference,  Southwest  Conference,  and  the                                                               
Alaska  Regional Development  Organization (ARDOR)  program, that                                                               
have  regional   economic  development  discussions.     Although                                                               
Anchorage has  the benefit  of being easy  to transit  around and                                                               
through  and  is  a  great  service  center,  the  production  of                                                               
resources  comes  from  rural  Alaska.   There  needs  to  be  an                                                               
acknowledgement  of the  aforementioned, he  opined.   He related                                                               
that  upon  completion of  an  economic  geography study  in  the                                                               
Southwest region,  it was determined that  Southwest Alaska sends                                                               
to Anchorage annually $350-$450  million, albeit a transaction at                                                               
a time.   Due  to the traditional  ties between  Southwest Alaska                                                               
and  the Pacific  Northwest,  an equivalent  amount  goes to  the                                                               
Pacific Northwest.   Mr. Stevens,  therefore, expressed  the need                                                               
to bring that  dollar flow into Alaska.   Furthermore, folks need                                                               
to acknowledge the  huge economic impact that the  rest of Alaska                                                               
brings into the  Anchorage bowl area.  He pointed  out that those                                                               
who move  to Anchorage don't bring  their job but do  bring their                                                               
social  service  demands.   Mr.  Stevens  expressed the  need  to                                                               
understand  that economic  development  is about  from where  the                                                               
dollars  come  and  how  each   [location]  benefits  from  those                                                               
8:35:17 AM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR MUNOZ  commented that the  resource wealth of  Alaska is                                                               
in  rural Alaska.   She  then related  that the  coastal business                                                               
community  is very  concerned with  regard  to the  new point  of                                                               
discharge standards for  the cruise ship industry.   She inquired                                                               
as to  the Chamber's  involvement with  the legislature  to craft                                                               
legislation that addresses the aforementioned issue.                                                                            
MR. STEVENS related that the  Chamber is working closely with the                                                               
cruise  industry,  the  Alaska  Cruise  Association,  the  Alaska                                                               
Travel    Industry    Association,    and    other    like-minded                                                               
organizations.    He  then related  his  understanding  that  the                                                               
requirements for  the cruise industry point  of discharge specify                                                               
that the requirements must be met  at the location where the two-                                                               
inch pipe leaves  the ship.  When communities  discharge the same                                                               
kinds  of  materials, there  is  a  mixing  zone from  where  the                                                               
measurements  are taken.    This new  requirement  is a  rigorous                                                               
standard that has  the potential to drive industry  away from the                                                               
state and  the loss of  passengers would  have an impact  on [the                                                               
entire  state].   Conversely, if  this requirement  is placed  on                                                               
communities, it would be costly.                                                                                                
8:38:19 AM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR  MUNOZ  related  her   understanding  that  a  glass  of                                                               
municipal  water  in  Juneau  discharged at  the  point  of  pipe                                                               
wouldn't meet the new cruise ship discharge standards.                                                                          
MR. STEVENS  said that's his  understanding as well,  although he                                                               
noted that he isn't a scientist.   Therefore, if one were to pour                                                               
a gallon of  drinking water out of the discharge,  it would be in                                                               
violation  of  the standard  at  that  point  of discharge.    He                                                               
characterized the requirement as a bit onerous.                                                                                 
8:39:21 AM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR  MUNOZ  requested  a further  presentation  on  the  new                                                               
cruise ship wastewater discharge requirements.                                                                                  
8:39:59 AM                                                                                                                    
MR. STEVENS, in  response to Co-Chair Herron,  explained that his                                                               
title is President/CEO  of the Alaska State  Chamber of Commerce,                                                               
and  the  elected  leader  of the  executive  committee  [of  the                                                               
Chamber] holds  the title of chair.   In fact, a  past chair, Mr.                                                               
Richards, is in the room today.   In further response to Co-Chair                                                               
Herron, Mr. Stevens specified that anyone  can be a member of the                                                               
[Chamber].   As  in any  organization, individuals  who volunteer                                                               
tend to  rise in  the hierarchy  of the  organization.   He noted                                                               
that many  companies encourage their employees  to participate in                                                               
the board.   Active participation in the board often  leads to an                                                               
executive committee position.  He  highlighted that these are all                                                               
nonpaid volunteers  who believe what  the Chamber stands  for and                                                               
advocates for.   The  next full  meeting of  the Chamber  will be                                                               
February 23-25  and legislators  will be  invited to  a reception                                                               
during that time.                                                                                                               
MR. STEVENS,  in further response to  Co-Chair Herron, identified                                                               
the  biggest surprise  he has  experienced during  his time  with                                                               
Chamber as the  willingness of people to step  forward and serve,                                                               
particularly  in  positions of  leadership.    He identified  his                                                               
biggest disappointment  as the Chamber's  inability to  convey to                                                               
the  general  population the  importance  of  having a  voice  to                                                               
interface with the legislature.                                                                                                 
8:46:06 AM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR HERRON inquired as to  who the Chamber would consider an                                                               
ally that helps the Chamber bring its message forward.                                                                          
MR.  STEVENS  said  the Chamber  works  with  many  organizations                                                               
throughout  the state  on various  issues,  including the  Cruise                                                               
Association,  ATIA, the  Alaska  Municipal  League, the  Resource                                                               
Development  Council,  and  the  Alaska Alliance.    Mr.  Stevens                                                               
related  his  philosophy that  no  one  organization can  be  all                                                               
things to all people.   Therefore, the organizations need to work                                                               
together.  He characterized the Chamber  as a portal of entry for                                                               
people  to find  information and  connect people  with those  who                                                               
hold the information being sought.                                                                                              
8:48:00 AM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR HERRON asked  if the Chamber has  discussed the stimulus                                                               
package and  whether funds from  it could turn into  real dollars                                                               
and jobs.                                                                                                                       
MR. STEVENS answered that such  will be discussed at the February                                                               
8:48:32 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE GARDNER  opined that  the key  to the  creation of                                                               
wealth is not  only the production of the  state's resources, but                                                               
also  finding  opportunities to  add  value  to the  state's  raw                                                               
materials/resources and  being part of  all possible  life cycles                                                               
of the resource.  Otherwise, the state is somewhat of a colony.                                                                 
MR.  STEVENS noted  his  agreement.   The  challenge, because  of                                                               
Alaska's geographic  location, is  to bring  in raw  materials to                                                               
perform things like  fish processing and add value.   However, he                                                               
acknowledged that  there are many small  companies throughout the                                                               
state  that have  been  successful with  small  niche markets  in                                                               
which they package their own products on a small scale.                                                                         
8:51:26 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE GARDNER suggested imagining  if the state succeeds                                                               
in  its efforts  to bring  gas to  South Central,  part of  which                                                               
could be used in the petrochemical industry to create plastics.                                                                 
MR. STEVENS agreed that there's huge potential.                                                                                 
The committee took an at-ease from 8:51 a.m. to 8:57 a.m.                                                                       
^Alaska Municipal League                                                                                                      
8:57:16 AM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR HERRON announced  that the committee would  now turn its                                                               
attention  to a  presentation  from the  Alaska Municipal  League                                                               
8:57:38 AM                                                                                                                    
KATHIE  WASSERMAN, Executive  Director,  Alaska Municipal  League                                                               
(AML), began  by explaining  that AML  is a  nonprofit membership                                                               
organization   that   operates   through  dues   collected   from                                                               
municipalities.   Presently,  150  cities and  boroughs, most  of                                                               
which   are  very   active,  are   members  of   AML.     The  13                                                               
municipalities  that   don't  belong   to  AML  are   very  small                                                               
communities.   The  mission  of AML  is to  lobby  on the  state,                                                               
federal level  regarding legislation that  impacts municipalities                                                               
throughout  the state.   She  pointed  out that  AML takes  great                                                               
interest  in all  issues that  impact  its members,  such as  the                                                               
Public Employees'  Retirement System  (PERS) issue.   The  AML is                                                               
also responsible  for local  government training  as much  of the                                                               
state's training  budget has dwindled.   However, as  a nonprofit                                                               
it's  difficult  to  obtain  funds to  travel  to  locations  for                                                               
training.   In  fact,  AML  is currently  looking  for grants  to                                                               
travel to smaller communities [for  training].  She then informed                                                               
the  committee that  AML offers  services/support for  the Alaska                                                               
Conference  of  Mayors,  the   Alaska  Association  of  Municipal                                                               
Clerks,  the Alaska  Municipal Managers  Association, the  Alaska                                                               
Municipal  Attorneys Association,  the Alaska  Government Finance                                                               
Officers Association, and the Alaska  Assessors Association.  The                                                               
AML  holds seats  on the  Board  of the  National Association  of                                                               
Counties,  the  National  League   of  Cities,  and  the  Western                                                               
Interstate Region.  The AML  board consists of 26 individuals who                                                               
are very  active and easy  to work with.   The board  consists of                                                               
one of  each member from 11  different districts in the  state as                                                               
well  as representatives  from  the aforementioned  associations.                                                               
She noted that  AML's office is in Juneau.   She then highlighted                                                               
that over the  last couple of years AML has  tried to improve its                                                               
relationship with  industry as a healthy  community can't survive                                                               
without good jobs.   In fact, AML has reached  out to the Chamber                                                               
and the oil, mining, and cruise  ship industries in an attempt to                                                               
work   together   to   determine   what  works   best   for   the                                                               
municipalities  in  the  state.   The  AML  attempts  to  provide                                                               
members with  the information they  need to run  their government                                                               
wisely  and  the  ability  to  participate  in  helpful  meetings                                                               
throughout  the  state.    Furthermore, AML  tries  to  have  AML                                                               
representatives  at  [local meetings]  on  behalf  of AML.    The                                                               
aforementioned serves to  keep AML informed and  inform all other                                                               
factions in the  state that AML is interested  and addresses more                                                               
than just municipal  issues.  Ms. Wasserman  highlighted that AML                                                               
provides the  opportunity for its  members to join  its insurance                                                               
pool, the  Alaska Municipal  League Joint  Insurance Association,                                                               
which has  approximately 160 members.   The association  has more                                                               
members  than  AML because  it  accepts  school districts,  which                                                               
saves them  money.   The majority of  the smaller  communities in                                                               
the  state are  insured through  AML as  are the  Rural Education                                                               
Attendance Areas  (REAAs) and the  first class  school districts.                                                               
She  pointed out  that AML  also  has an  investment pool,  which                                                               
allows  municipalities  to  invest  short-term money.    The  AML                                                               
Investment Pool has just reached  investments above $600 million,                                                               
she related.   The  pool allows  placement of  funds that  can be                                                               
withdrawn quickly while receiving better returns.                                                                               
MS.  WASSERMAN  pointed  out  that   AML  publishes  a  quarterly                                                               
magazine in which it reports  on matters occurring throughout the                                                               
state,  legislation  during  session, as  well  as  congressional                                                               
information.   The quarterly magazine  also has a  classified job                                                               
section  in   which  an  AML   member  can   advertise  municipal                                                               
employment  opportunities   for  free.    The   AML  provides  an                                                               
opportunity  for state  agencies to  get information  out to  all                                                               
municipalities as well  as others.  She then opined  that AML can                                                               
be  a great  ally to  the  legislature, but  emphasized that  AML                                                               
doesn't  lobby  for  capital  projects and  not  very  often  for                                                               
regional  issues.   The  AML  stays out  of  situations in  which                                                               
communities  are pitted  against each  other.   She informed  the                                                               
committee that  AML holds three  conferences each year,  with the                                                               
first  here  in  Juneau  this  week.    She  related  that  AML's                                                               
priorities  this  year  are  transportation   and  energy.    She                                                               
reviewed  the  various conferences  and  the  general agendas  of                                                               
each.   Ms. Wasserman informed  the committee that  AML publishes                                                               
the  municipal  officials directory,  which  is  provided to  the                                                               
legislature.   This  publication,  which  includes every  elected                                                               
official in every city and  borough, will be available next week.                                                               
She  noted that  AML partners  with DCCED  to put  that directory                                                               
together.   The  AML also  publishes a  municipal salary  survey.                                                               
During session AML publishes a weekly e-bulletin.                                                                               
9:13:40 AM                                                                                                                    
MS. WASSERMAN specified that AML's  two priorities revolve around                                                               
energy  and  transportation.   However,  there  hasn't been  much                                                               
mention  of transportation  either  in  legislation submitted  or                                                               
from the  administration.  She  then reminded the  committee that                                                               
the federal  trust fund  will be  out of  money in  another year.                                                               
Therefore, the  looming question is what  to do about that.   She                                                               
informed the  committee that AML  has contracted with a  firm and                                                               
is almost ready to produce the  final document, which was a study                                                               
of other states regarding how  they funded transportation without                                                               
federal government funds.  A  gasline is forthcoming, but keeping                                                               
the roads and  transportation links open is  important, she said.                                                               
An  influx of  people  to  the state  could  be problematic,  she                                                               
remarked.    At  this  point,   although  AML  doesn't  have  any                                                               
suggestions or solutions, it wants  to be involved in the answer.                                                               
With regard  to energy  concerns, AML  will likely  address power                                                               
cost  equalization (PCE).   In  fact, this  week AML  will decide                                                               
whether to request  a geographic expansion of PCE  such that more                                                               
communities in  the state  are included or  whether to  request a                                                               
program expansion to businesses and schools.                                                                                    
9:16:37 AM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR MUNOZ  indicated interest in AML's  resolution regarding                                                               
the  point of  discharge  requirements as  well  as the  possible                                                               
recommendation to extend PCE to businesses.                                                                                     
9:17:16 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CISSNA, recalling  a number of years  ago when AML                                                               
made  a  report  regarding  what was  happening  to  communities,                                                               
particularly   those   small   communities   that   were   facing                                                               
bankruptcy, said she  has found enormous value in AML.   She then                                                               
opined  that  this  year  seems  much worse  [in  regard  to  the                                                               
difficulties  that  communities  face]  and asked  how  that  has                                                               
impacted membership in AML.                                                                                                     
MS. WASSERMAN  pointed out that  last year revenue sharing  was a                                                               
huge help, and luckily AML kept  its members.  The members of AML                                                               
realized that their dues were what  enabled AML to lobby on their                                                               
behalf.   She  then mentioned  that she  has been  impressed that                                                               
most  of  the larger  communities  have  been supportive  of  the                                                               
smaller communities.   The aforementioned,  she opined,  seems to                                                               
reflect  the realization  that all  the communities  are in  this                                                               
together  for  the good  of  the  state.   Ms.  Wasserman  echoed                                                               
comments  of   Mr.  Stevens  regarding  the   importance  of  all                                                               
communities in the state, not just Anchorage.                                                                                   
9:20:33 AM                                                                                                                    
REPRESENTATIVE CISSNA  inquired as to  whether any work  is being                                                               
done with  the university,  which performs  workforce development                                                               
pieces.   She related that  she has  tried to get  the university                                                               
involved with  her local school  district more  than it is.   She                                                               
then questioned  whether [a partnering  with] AML and  the public                                                               
administration [program at the university] would be beneficial.                                                                 
MS.  WASSERMAN  said  that  although  AML  has  worked  with  the                                                               
university, it  probably could do  more.  Ms.  Wasserman informed                                                               
the committee that  as a commissioner with  the Denali Commission                                                               
she has  worked with the university  and been able to  bring some                                                               
of that to AML.   She then noted that AML  has been involved with                                                               
the public administration program.   However, most of the [public                                                               
administration]  training  has  been   with  state  workers,  and                                                               
therefore AML  doesn't want  to put  resources into  training for                                                               
state workers over  municipal workers.  Furthermore,  most of the                                                               
municipal  training that's  necessary is  different [than  what's                                                               
offered  in the  public administration  training].   Part of  the                                                               
issue, she identified, is obtaining  funds for travel because the                                                               
university  doesn't   have  funds   to  fly  [trainers]   to  the                                                               
communities  or  transport students  to  a  hub community.    She                                                               
mentioned  that she  is  averse  to having  all  the training  in                                                               
Anchorage, and would like to have  some of the training in Bethel                                                               
or  locations a  bit closer  to [the  students].   Therefore, she                                                               
noted she  has been working  with U.S. Senator Lisa  Murkowski to                                                               
accomplish the aforementioned.                                                                                                  
9:24:22 AM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR HERRON  inquired as to  the agenda of the  Conference of                                                               
MS.  WASSERMAN  explained  that the  Southwest  Alaska  Municipal                                                               
Conference (SWAMC)  is meeting this  week.  The president  of the                                                               
Conference of  Mayors is a board  member of SWAMC and  will be at                                                               
the  SWAMC  meeting.   Furthermore,  the  vice president  of  the                                                               
Conference of  Mayors will also be  in attendance at SWAMC.   Ms.                                                               
Wasserman related her assumption  that [the Conference of Mayors]                                                               
will discuss energy issues.                                                                                                     
CO-CHAIR HERRON  then inquired as  to why AML  supports returning                                                               
to a separate Department of Community & Regional Affairs (DCRA).                                                                
MS. WASSERMAN  related her understanding that  DCCED has branched                                                               
off into more commerce than  community, which is still necessary.                                                               
She  recalled  when she  was  mayor  and  there were  many  local                                                               
government specialists  who helped  municipalities.   However, as                                                               
the  funding  decreased  and  more  funding  was  placed  in  the                                                               
commerce  side,   there  are  now   only  two   local  government                                                               
specialists who  can travel  throughout the  state.   She related                                                               
her   understanding   that   the   remaining   local   government                                                               
specialists are  with the Rural Utility  Business Advisor Program                                                               
(RUBA).  Although RUBA [local  government specialists] do a great                                                               
job  with rural  utilities, they  can't address  local government                                                               
help to the  degree it once occurred.  Therefore,  a lot of AML's                                                               
members would like  for the reinstatement of DCRA  as it provided                                                               
more of an emphasis on community help.                                                                                          
CO-CHAIR  HERRON   recalled  the  testimony  of   DCCED's  Deputy                                                               
Commissioner Black  who said his  heart was with DCRA  because of                                                               
its focus.   However, Deputy Commissioner Black  also shared that                                                               
[the  joining of  the departments]  is all  about economics.   To                                                               
protect  DCRA,  Deputy  Commissioner  Black had  said  that  it's                                                               
probably good  DCRA was joined  with the Department  of Commerce.                                                               
Many  would  question  how  the  state could  afford  to  have  a                                                               
separate DCRA, Co-Chair Herron remarked.                                                                                        
MS.  WASSERMAN acknowledged  Co-Chair Herron's  comments as  good                                                               
points.   She  then informed  the committee  that throughout  the                                                               
session AML will  try to have conversations  with the legislature                                                               
and people such as Deputy Commissioner Black.                                                                                   
9:28:28 AM                                                                                                                    
MS. WASSERMAN, in further response  to Co-Chair Herron, said that                                                               
AML's  resolution regarding  revenue sharing  was written  at the                                                               
beginning  of  November  and  the  extra  $15  million  from  the                                                               
governor's  budget didn't  materialize.   Although Ms.  Wasserman                                                               
said  she couldn't  predict what  the  board would  do, it  would                                                               
definitely be  part of  the discussion as  it will  discuss which                                                               
priorities to press.  She  emphasized that AML watches the issues                                                               
9:30:17 AM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR  HERRON addressed  the disclosure  form required  by the                                                               
Alaska Public  Offices Commission (APOC), which  he characterized                                                               
as  overly onerous  when required  for municipal  officials.   He                                                               
asked if AML has concern with the disclosure requirements.                                                                      
MS. WASSERMAN  responded that  AML understands  the need  for the                                                               
APOC rules and AML supports those.   However, to require folks on                                                               
the volunteer  boards to  state their own  financials as  well as                                                               
those  of their  partner/spouse and  dependent children  with the                                                               
possibility of  the information being  placed on line  has caused                                                               
folks not to  volunteer.  She expressed the need  to have a scale                                                               
for reporting.                                                                                                                  
9:32:35 AM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR  HERRON  announced  the   intent  of  the  co-chairs  to                                                               
schedule  a  hearing  to  discuss   the  cruise  ship  wastewater                                                               
reporting  requirements.    He  then turned  to  the  census  and                                                               
suggested  [AML]  review  what  Association  of  Village  Council                                                               
Presidents (AVCP) is seeking from the federal government.                                                                       
9:33:57 AM                                                                                                                    
MS.  WASSERMAN, in  response to  Co-Chair Herron,  identified her                                                               
biggest  surprise  as not  needing  to  worry about  keeping  AML                                                               
members enthused about what they're  doing.  She then indentified                                                               
her biggest  disappointment as having  to work so hard  to ensure                                                               
people understand that AML isn't a special interest group.                                                                      
9:36:00 AM                                                                                                                    
CO-CHAIR HERRON emphasized that  each legislator is interested in                                                               
how   the   national   stimulus   package   will   help   his/her                                                               
constituency, particularly in terms of jobs.                                                                                    
MS.  WASSERMAN  reminded the  committee  that  U.S. Senator  Mark                                                               
Begich  was a  very  active member  of AML  prior  to becoming  a                                                               
senator and U.S. Senator Murkowski  is a strong supporter of AML.                                                               
In fact,  U.S. Senator Begich has  provided AML forms to  give to                                                               
communities  to submit  their projects  to  U.S. Senator  Begich.                                                               
She agreed to  request from U.S. Senator Begich  that those forms                                                               
be shared appropriately with legislators.                                                                                       
9:37:58 AM                                                                                                                    
There being no further business before the committee, the House                                                                 
Community and Regional Affairs Standing Committee meeting was                                                                   
adjourned at 9:37 a.m.                                                                                                          

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
AKStateChamberOverview1.27.09.PDF HCRA 1/27/2009 8:00:00 AM
AML Overview1.27.09.PDF HCRA 1/27/2009 8:00:00 AM