Legislature(2009 - 2010)BUTROVICH 205
04/01/2010 01:00 PM Senate TRANSPORTATION
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HB262 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 262 | |||
HB 262-MOTORCYCLE/SCOOTER AWARENESS MONTH CHAIR KOOKESH announced the consideration of HB 262. [CSHB 262(TRA) was before the committee.] 1:16:29 PM REPRESENTATIVE WES KELLER, sponsor of HB 262, said this bill declares the month of May as motorcycle awareness month. In past years this was done by a Governor's proclamation, but the timing was problematic because signing frequently wouldn't occur until June. HB 262 eliminates the problem by establishing it in statute. SENATOR MENARD asked if the intent is to bring this back every year to stimulate awareness. REPRESENTATIVE KELLER replied placing it in statute would eliminate the need to bring it back each year. He added that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NTSA) keeps track of this and is very supportive. SENATOR MEYER joined the committee. 1:19:07 PM SENATOR MENARD asked how many scooters and motorcycles are in Alaska and how many other states have awareness month. JIM POUND, Staff to Representative Keller, explained that making May motorcycle awareness month is part of an advertising process is a nationwide program that was established by NTSA. Establishing it in statute provides an opportunity to get advertising in place prior to May. He estimated that there are about 15,000 motorcycles in Alaska. Juneau has the most motorcycles per road mile in the country. SENATOR MENARD asked if motorcycle fatalities are on the decline or increase. MR. POUND replied fatalities have steadily increased over the past decade nationwide. 1:21:57 PM CHAIR KOOKESH closed public testimony and asked the will of the committee. SENATOR PASKVAN moved to report CS for HB 262 from committee with individual recommendations and attached fiscal note(s). There being no objection, CSHB 262(TRA) moved from the Senate Transportation Standing Committee.
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