Legislature(1995 - 1996)
04/11/1996 03:06 PM Senate TRA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HCR 29 STUDENT CONTEST TO NAME NEW FERRY CHAIRMAN RIEGER called the Senate Transportation meeting to order at 3:06 p.m. He noted that a quorum was not present. He said that testimony would be taken on HCR 29 until a quorum arrived. REPRESENTATIVE WILLIAMS, Prime Sponsor of HCR 29, read the following sponsor statement: HCR 29 was introduced to encourage the participation of elementary students across the state in naming the new Alaska marine highway vessel. Vessels of the Alaska marine highway system are, by law, required to be named after glaciers in the state. With the introduction of this resolution I hope to involve the elementary students of Alaska in this process. This will give teachers in the state a vehicle to implement lessons about transportation systems in the state, geography of the state and the legislative process. The information contained in the resolution outlines the importance of the Alaska marine highway to the state economy. The christening of a new vessel illustrates the continuing dedication to the system by the state. Because the Alaska marine highway impacts the economy of the entire state, I believe it is important to involve the entire state in the naming of this new vessel. I encourage you to support this legislation. Representative Williams said that the Administration supports HCR 29. He acknowledged that a Senate bill was transmitted to the House after HCR 29 was passed. Number 045 A quorum was established. SENATOR GREEN asked if this would occur throughout the state. REPRESENTATIVE WILLIAMS replied yes. SENATOR GREEN thought it was a good idea. SENATOR LINCOLN asked if HCR 29 referred to the same vessel referred to in the Senate bill. REPRESENTATIVE WILLIAMS replied yes. Representative Williams explained that Senator Zharoff had a bill which would name the vessel Koniag. Representative Williams talked with the Administration. The department requested that Representative Williams pursue HCR 29. Senator Zharoff was informed of this. SENATOR LINCOLN believed that SB 196 naming the vessel Koniag had already passed the Senate and been transmitted to the House. CHAIRMAN RIEGER believed that was correct. REPRESENTATIVE WILLIAMS said that SB 196 passed after HCR 29 had been transmitted to the Senate. Number 101 SENATOR LINCOLN asked Representative Williams if he had any objection to naming the vessel Koniag. REPRESENTATIVE WILLIAMS explained that he filed HCR 29 and later found out about Senator Zharoff's bill. After talking with the Administration who liked the resolution better than SB 196, Representative Williams then asked the department to talk with Senator Zharoff about the situation. Representative Williams told Senator Zharoff that he was going to pursue HCR 29. CHAIRMAN RIEGER inquired as to the pleasure of the committee. SENATOR GREEN moved that HCR 29 be moved out of committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying zero fiscal note. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.
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