Legislature(1995 - 1996)
04/27/1995 02:30 PM Senate TRA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HJR 42 WATER CARRIERS SERVING ALASKA Number 014 CHAIRMAN RIEGER called the Senate Transportation meeting to order at 2:30 p.m. and introduced HJR 42 as the first order of business before the committee. PAUL FUHS, representing Sealand Services, explained that shippers, municipalities, unions, truckers and the railroad all agree that HJR 42 is needed. The consumers and providers both consider HJR 42 a necessary part of regulation. In response to Chairman Rieger, Mr. Fuhs noted that because of a letter from Fairbanks distributors the amendment was proposed and unanimously adopted on the House floor. The amendment changed the language on page 2, line 5 to refer to the transfer of the regulatory authority not the regulatory system as in the original bill. SENATOR TAYLOR asked why water transportation was being transferred from the Interstate Commerce Commission (ICC) to the United States Department of Transportation; will the U.S. Department of Transportation regulate the water transportation? PAUL FUHS said that the U.S. Department of Transportation would regulate the water transportation; the ICC will be eliminated. Mr. Fuhs offered to discuss the economic concerns of HJR 42 and the reasons everyone supports this legislation. SENATOR TAYLOR indicated that he had some concerns about this type of regulated commerce. He acknowledged that there are probably some valid reasons to regulate this, but there are other reasons that are frustrating. Senator Taylor discussed the problems his communities face since they are totally dependent on air and water; the high cost of water and air transportation. He did not want to support the process that would continue the high air and water transportation rates in his communities. Number 095 PAUL FUHS pointed out that the Chamber of Commerce, and distributors such as Anchorage Cold Storage, and other customers believe that this bill would maintain lower prices. With complete deregulation, there could be a battle of the Titans in which one company puts another out of business. The results of such a battle would be astronomical rates similar to those in Southeast with one air carrier. For that reason, there is support for this. Mr. Fuhs offered to speak with Senator Taylor further regarding this issue. SENATOR GREEN moved that HJR 42 am be moved out of committee with individual recommendations. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.
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