Legislature(2023 - 2024)BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)

04/25/2023 03:30 PM Senate STATE AFFAIRS

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03:41:02 PM Start
03:41:58 PM Consideration of Governor Appointees
04:10:17 PM SB61
05:05:27 PM Adjourn
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
Consideration of Governor’s Appointees:
Department of Corrections: Jen Winkelman
-- Public Testimony <Time Limit May Be Set> --
Alaska Public Offices Commission: Eric Fiege
-- Public Testimony --
Heard & Held
-- Invited & Public Testimony --
**Streamed live on AKL.tv**
+ Bills Previously Heard/Scheduled TELECONFERENCED
        SB  61-US PRESIDENT ELECT. POPULAR VOTE COMPACT                                                                     
4:10:17 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  KAWASAKI   reconvened  the   meeting  and   announced  the                                                               
consideration  of SENATE  BILL  NO.  61 "An  Act  relating to  an                                                               
interstate compact  to elect the President  and Vice-President of                                                               
the United States  by national popular vote; and  relating to the                                                               
selection of electors for candidates for President and Vice-                                                                    
President  of  the United  States  and  to  the duties  of  those                                                               
He noted that this was the first hearing.                                                                                       
4:10:36 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI, District  K, sponsor of SB  61, stated that                                                               
the National Popular Vote Bill  would guarantee the presidency to                                                               
the candidate who receives the  most popular votes in all states.                                                               
He  continued  to  introduce the  legislation,  speaking  to  the                                                               
following sponsor statement:                                                                                                    
     Senate  Bill  61  will  give   every  Alaskan  voter  a                                                                    
     meaningful vote  in presidential elections  by entering                                                                    
     the National  Popular Vote agreement with  other states                                                                    
     to  guarantee  the  presidency  to  the  candidate  who                                                                    
     receives the most votes nationwide.                                                                                        
      SB 61 would have Alaska join the 15 other states and                                                                      
     the District of Columbia that have already joined the                                                                      
     agreement.  Together these  states  have 195  electoral                                                                    
     votes.  Once   states  totaling   a  majority   of  the                                                                    
     Electoral  College  (currently   270  votes)  join  the                                                                    
     agreement,  these  states  will begin  to  award  their                                                                    
     electoral  votes   to  the  presidential   ticket  that                                                                    
     receives   the  most   votes  nationwide.   Until  this                                                                    
     threshold is reached, Alaska  will continue to allocate                                                                    
     its  electoral votes  to the  winner  of the  statewide                                                                    
     Under  the current  system  presidential candidates  do                                                                    
     little to campaign  for Alaskan votes, and  they do not                                                                    
     need to  develop positions on    or even learn  about                                                                      
     issues  unique  to  Alaska.  The   last  time  a  major                                                                    
     presidential candidate  came to Alaska to  campaign for                                                                    
     general election votes was John F. Kennedy in 1960.                                                                        
     It  is  not only  Alaskan  voters  who are  ignored  in                                                                    
     presidential   elections        almost    all   serious                                                                    
     campaigning  happens  in  only 12  states.  The  entire                                                                    
     Pacific Coast  includes non-competitive  states meaning                                                                    
     presidential   candidates  do   not  have   to  address                                                                    
     concerns  that  Alaska  shares with  other  West  Coast                                                                    
     states  like Pacific  fisheries  management. Under  the                                                                    
     National  Popular   Vote  system,   savvy  presidential                                                                    
     campaigns  will fight  for every  persuadable vote,  no                                                                    
     matter  where they  are located,  and develop  messages                                                                    
     addressing the concerns of all regions.                                                                                    
     The National  Popular Vote agreement will  not give any                                                                    
     political  party an  advantage.  An  analysis by  well-                                                                    
     known  statistician  Nate  Silver found  that  "there's                                                                    
     almost  no  correlation  between which  party  has  the                                                                    
     Electoral College  advantage in one election  and which                                                                    
     has it four years later."                                                                                                  
     Passing SB 61 will help  ensure that all American votes                                                                    
     truly  are equal  and that  Alaskans' concerns  must be                                                                    
     taken seriously by presidential candidates.                                                                                
SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI briefly  addressed some misconceptions about                                                               
the constitutionality of the bill.  He quoted the US Constitution                                                               
that  says  each  state  shall  appoint  its  electors  based  on                                                               
direction from the  legislature. SB 61 does not do  away with the                                                               
Electoral College  system. Rather, the  state would enter  into a                                                               
contract to change the way Electoral  College votes are cast to a                                                               
system where  the winner  of the national  popular vote  gets the                                                               
Electoral College votes.  He said it's also  a misconception that                                                               
the winner  take all system  of awarding Electoral College  is in                                                               
the  US Constitution.  Just three  states  used it  in the  first                                                               
presidential  election  in  1789  and  all  three  repealed  that                                                               
provision by 1800.  It was after almost all  the founding fathers                                                               
were deceased that a majority  of states adopted the winner takes                                                               
all system of  awarding Electoral College votes.  It wasn't until                                                               
50 years after that that all  states adopted the winner takes all                                                               
The  story continues  to 1969  when Maine  changed to  a district                                                               
system to  award its Electoral  votes and Nebraska  followed suit                                                               
in 1992. This  is a reminder that states have  the flexibility to                                                               
decide how their Electoral College votes will be cast.                                                                          
SENATOR WIELECHOWSKI highlighted the  following data. Since 2008,                                                               
22  states have  had no  presidential campaign  events, 9  states                                                               
have had one campaign event, and  95 of the 1,164 campaign events                                                               
occurred in  just 14 states.  Just 14 states received  98 percent                                                               
of  the  general election  campaign  events  in 2008,  12  states                                                               
received 100 percent  of the general election  campaign events in                                                               
2012,  12 states  received  94 percent  of  the general  election                                                               
campaign events  in 2016,  and 12 states  received 96  percent of                                                               
the general election  campaign events in 2020.  The vast majority                                                               
of  political campaign  events occur  in just  a small  number of                                                               
states. In 2012, for example,  candidate Obama conducted campaign                                                               
events  in  just 8  states  after  his nomination  and  candidate                                                               
Romney  conducted   campaign  events  in  10   states  after  his                                                               
nomination.  Two-thirds   of  the   presidential  post-convention                                                               
campaign  events occurred  in just  4 states.  Only 3  of the  25                                                               
smallest   states  received   any   attention   after  the   2012                                                               
SENATOR  WIELECHOWSKI disputed  the claim  that small  states are                                                               
ignored because of their size,  pointing out that they're ignored                                                               
because they're not  closely divided politically. He  said a vote                                                               
for  president in  Wyoming  and  Alaska is  equal  to  a vote  in                                                               
California  and  New  York. They're  all  politically  irrelevant                                                               
because  the outcomes  are clear  before  the vote  is taken.  By                                                               
contrast, SB  61 will  force candidates to  solicit votes  in all                                                               
the states in the country.                                                                                                      
4:16:15 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR  WIELECHOWSKI  stated that  it's  also  a myth  that  the                                                               
National  Popular  Vote will  advantage  large  cities. In  fact,                                                               
large cities don't even control  the elections in their state. He                                                               
listed  successful candidates  for governor  of California  going                                                               
back to Ronald  Reagan who lost in Los Angeles  but won the race.                                                               
Importantly,  85 percent  of the  population  of the  US live  in                                                               
places that have populations of  fewer than 365,000 people. It is                                                               
in those communities that presidential  candidates will be forced                                                               
to campaign to win the election.                                                                                                
CHAIR  KAWASAKI  asked  Mr. Dunsmore  to  present  the  sectional                                                               
4:18:19 PM                                                                                                                    
DAVID DUNSMORE,  Staff, Senator  Bill Wielechowski,  Alaska State                                                               
Legislature,  Juneau, Alaska,  presented  the sectional  analysis                                                               
for SB 61 on behalf of the sponsor.                                                                                             
     Section  1  is  a conforming  section  that  references                                                                  
     Section 2.                                                                                                                 
     Section  2 establishes  that the  statute for  deciding                                                                  
     tied  elections  does  not apply  to  the  presidential                                                                    
     electors when the National  Popular Vote provisions are                                                                    
     in effect.                                                                                                                 
     Section  3  is  a conforming  section  that  references                                                                  
     Section 4.                                                                                                                 
     Section  4  establishes  that  Alaska's  ranked  choice                                                                  
     voting system will be used  for calculating the popular                                                                    
     vote totals.                                                                                                               
     Section  5  is  a conforming  section  that  references                                                                  
     Section 6.                                                                                                                 
     Section 6  establishes that, when the  National Popular                                                                  
     Vote  provisions are  in effect,  Alaska's presidential                                                                    
     electors shall be awarded the  winner of the nationwide                                                                    
     popular vote.                                                                                                              
     Section  7  is  a conforming  section  that  references                                                                  
     Section 8.                                                                                                                 
     Section  8 requires  that,  when  the National  Popular                                                                  
     Vote  provisions  are  in  effect,  electors  shall  be                                                                    
     required  to  vote  for   the  presidential  and  vice-                                                                    
     presidential candidates who  won the nationwide popular                                                                    
       Section 9 enacts the Agreement Among the States to                                                                     
     Elect the President by National Popular Vote.                                                                              
        • New AS 15.30.104 is the language of the                                                                               
          o  Article  I  states  that  any   state  and  the                                                                    
             District of Columbia may join the agreement.                                                                       
          o  Article II  requires each  state  to conduct  a                                                                    
             statewide popular vote election for president                                                                      
             and vice president.                                                                                                
          o  Article  III  adopts  procedures  for  awarding                                                                    
             electors to the winner of the nationwide                                                                           
             popular vote.                                                                                                      
          o  Article IV  states  that  the  Agreement  takes                                                                    
             effect when states representing the majority of                                                                    
             the electoral votes have  joined the Agreement.                                                                    
             It also  establishes procedures  for states  to                                                                    
             leave the Agreement.                                                                                               
          o Article V defines terms used in the Agreement.                                                                      
        • New AS 15.30.106 establishes that the director of                                                                     
          the Division of Election  is considered the "chief                                                                    
          election official" for purposes of the Agreement.                                                                     
        • New AS 15.30.108 establishes that when the                                                                            
          agreement is  in effect, it shall  take precedence                                                                    
          over  any  conflicting   language  in  statute  or                                                                    
4:20:53 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR KAWASAKI  asked if  there were  other obligations  that the                                                               
state would find difficult to comply with.                                                                                      
MR.  DUNSMORE  said  not  to   his  knowledge.  The  Division  of                                                               
Elections acknowledged  the bill would  not have a  fiscal impact                                                               
on the state and submitted a  zero fiscal note. The state will do                                                               
basic arithmetic on the certified  results from all 50 states and                                                               
the District of Columbia and award  electors to the winner of the                                                               
popular vote.                                                                                                                   
4:22:08 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR KAWASAKI read a brief  biography to introduce Dr. John Koza                                                               
who was an invited testifier.                                                                                                   
4:23:18 PM                                                                                                                    
DR. JOHN KOZA,  Chair, National Popular Vote;  Author, Every Vote                                                               
Equal, Los Altos, California, testified  by invitation in support                                                               
of SB 61,  which would guarantee the presidency  to the candidate                                                               
with the most popular votes in  all 50 states and the District of                                                               
Columbia. He  informed the committee  of the shortcomings  in the                                                               
current presidential  election system. They stem  from the winner                                                               
take all laws that Alaska and  48 other states passed. The states                                                               
award all  electoral votes  to the  candidate receiving  the most                                                               
popular votes  in the state.  The effect  of the winner  take all                                                               
laws  is that  some states  are ignored  during the  presidential                                                               
election campaign.  He stated that a  presidential candidate will                                                               
not visit a state that is united in its party voting record.                                                                    
DR. KOZA  explained that presidential  campaigns were  limited to                                                               
12  battleground states  comprising approximately  30 percent  of                                                               
the country's  population. He pointed  out that all of  the small                                                               
states  were excluded  with the  exception of  New Hampshire.  He                                                               
added that one congressional district  in Maine received campaign                                                               
attention. He added  that nearly all Western  States are excluded                                                               
from campaigning. He noted that  most of the heartland, southern,                                                               
rural, and  northeastern states are  ignored in  the presidential                                                               
campaign.  The exclusion  of states  remains the  largest problem                                                               
with the current system.                                                                                                        
DR.  KOZA continued  that Alaska  has two  extra electoral  votes                                                               
because of the state's two  senators. He countered that the eight                                                               
smallest states with three electoral  votes, like Alaska received                                                               
one  general election  campaign  visit. He  added that  Wisconsin                                                               
received 58  visits over the  last four elections.  Wisconsin has                                                               
ten  electoral votes.  He pointed  out  that the  winner-take-all                                                               
rule led to election results hinging on a few states.                                                                           
The major  problem with the current  system is that three  out of                                                               
four states  are irrelevant to candidates  thinking about getting                                                               
elected or reelected as president.  A related problem is that the                                                               
current  system threatens  democracy. Winner  takes all  laws are                                                               
the cause of  the problem and the reason that  a national popular                                                               
vote would be better.                                                                                                           
DR.  KOZA recapped  the sponsor's  explanation of  the Interstate                                                               
Compact  and agreed  that SB  61 does  not abolish  the Electoral                                                               
College.  It changes  the  method by  which  states select  their                                                               
presidential  electors, guaranteeing  that the  Electoral College                                                               
represents  the  majority  of  the  voters  in  the  country.  He                                                               
disputed  the claim  that the  bill conflicts  with Ranked-Choice                                                               
Voting. The bill designates the  final count as Alaska's official                                                               
count on  the Certificate  of Attainment  that shows  the state's                                                               
votes  for  president and  choice  of  presidential electors.  He                                                               
noted that opponents of the  compact have falsely claimed that it                                                               
allows election officials in other  states to judge Alaska's vote                                                               
counts. The  compact specifically  requires all  states belonging                                                               
to   the  compact   to  treat   Alaska's  determination   of  the                                                               
presidential vote count as final.                                                                                               
4:31:27 PM                                                                                                                    
DR.  KOZA also  disputed  the  claim that  rural  areas would  be                                                               
ignored under  a national popular  vote. The evidence  shows that                                                               
every   vote  is   equal  in   the   battleground  states   where                                                               
presidential  candidates actually  campaign.  The  winner is  the                                                               
candidate  with  the  most  votes.  He  cited  the  example  from                                                               
Pennsylvania  which  was  the battleground  state  in  2020  that                                                               
received the  most visits. When  every vote is equal  a candidate                                                               
can't ignore any area. He said  another myth is that small states                                                               
are  Republican.  Of the  14  states  that  have three  and  four                                                               
electoral votes, seven are Republican and seven are Democratic.                                                                 
He  dispelled other  myths including  the  claim that  California                                                               
will  dominate elections.  It  is one-eighth  of  the country  by                                                               
population  but there  is an  equally loyal  group of  Republican                                                               
states that balances California.                                                                                                
CHAIR KAWASAKI asked if there were questions for Dr. Koza.                                                                      
4:35:39 PM                                                                                                                    
SENATOR  BJORKMAN asked  what outcomes  he sees  should the  bill                                                               
DR.  KOZA said  you'll see  that candidates  have to  campaign in                                                               
every state  because a  campaign that neglects  a state  would be                                                               
giving  up votes.  Small states  would necessarily  get the  same                                                               
attention as the current battleground  states. Turnout would also                                                               
rise because voters  are more likely to vote when  their vote has                                                               
been solicited.                                                                                                                 
SENATOR  BJORKMAN   asked  if  the  idea   is  that  presidential                                                               
candidates would try to run up their margins in safe states.                                                                    
DR. KOZA  said there aren't  safe states in the  National Popular                                                               
Vote.  Every  voter  counts  and   every  vote  is  equal.  Every                                                               
candidate  certainly  will  cater  to  favorable  geographic  and                                                               
demographic groups, but  that balances out so that  every part of                                                               
a state gets equal attention based on population.                                                                               
4:40:21 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR KAWASAKI opened public testimony on SB 61.                                                                                
4:40:40 PM                                                                                                                    
SAUL  ANUZIS, representing  self,  Washington,  DC, testified  in                                                               
support  of SB  61.  He  stated that  he  comes  from a  partisan                                                               
perspective and he  wanted to dispel the notion that  the bill is                                                               
partisan. He believes  that the bill is a  bipartisan approach to                                                               
a  nonpartisan problem.  His objective  is to  ensure that  every                                                               
voter in every  state is politically relevant  in every election.                                                               
He cited  examples that  illustrate that  the bill  would provide                                                               
American  reform   that  ensures  that  every   state  becomes  a                                                               
battleground state and every voter is politically relevant.                                                                     
4:43:52 PM                                                                                                                    
MICHAEL OWENS,  representing self,  Palmer, Alaska,  testified in                                                               
opposition to  SB 61.  He opined  that the  bill is  aligned with                                                               
Ranked-Choice Voting and that it's  bad for Alaska. The Electoral                                                               
College has served the country well  as evidenced in 2016 when it                                                               
saved the  country. SB 61 seeks  to change what's worked  so well                                                               
for so long  and he doesn't understand why  anybody would support                                                               
4:46:16 PM                                                                                                                    
JUDY  ANDREE, representing  self,  Juneau,  Alaska, testified  in                                                               
support of SB 61. She  opined that the Electoral College provides                                                               
a two-tiered system where everyone  votes and then many votes are                                                               
left at  the state line. She  believes that every vote  should be                                                               
equally powerful. She  also pointed out that in  recent years the                                                               
Electoral  College has  become a  national security  issue that's                                                               
made  possible by  modern technology  that  the founding  fathers                                                               
could not have  predicted. She said it's imperative  to adhere to                                                               
the basic  tenants of  democracy while  being flexible  enough to                                                               
correct  problems that  weaken democracy.  The Electoral  College                                                               
may have  been suitable in  1784 but America's purpose  should be                                                               
to  build a  more perfect  union by  keeping the  notion of  that                                                               
perfection as the guiding star.                                                                                                 
4:48:20 PM                                                                                                                    
ALEX  KOPLIN,  representing  self, Homer,  Alaska,  testified  in                                                               
support of SB 61. He said what he  likes about SB 61 is that when                                                               
he  casts his  vote for  president,  it goes  to that  candidate.                                                               
Under the current  system, his vote only counts  if his candidate                                                               
wins the election in Alaska.  Otherwise, his vote doesn't matter.                                                               
All three  of Alaska's electoral  votes go  to the winner  in the                                                               
state, regardless  of the  popular vote.  This gives  states more                                                               
power than individual  voters when picking a president.  If SB 61                                                               
were  to pass,  the  winner  of the  popular  vote would  receive                                                               
Alaska's three electoral  votes. It makes sense  that every voter                                                               
should count. The  people should decide who  should be president,                                                               
not the states.                                                                                                                 
4:50:57 PM                                                                                                                    
KASSIE  ANDREWS,  representing  self, Anchorage,  Alaska,  stated                                                               
opposition  to  SB 61.  She  argued  that the  Electoral  College                                                               
preserves the  constitutional checks  and balances to  power that                                                               
the founders intended.  Every four years it  provides a state-by-                                                               
state  snapshot  of  the  trends and  political  thought  in  the                                                               
country. She opined  that switching to the  National Popular Vote                                                               
would  leave small  states  out in  the  cold while  presidential                                                               
candidates would be focused on  states like California and Texas.                                                               
She described the National Popular Vote  as an end run around the                                                               
amendment process of the US Constitution.                                                                                       
4:52:29 PM                                                                                                                    
KEN HUCKEBA,  representing self, Wasilla, Alaska,  stated that he                                                               
vehemently  disagrees with  SB 61.  He continued  that there's  a                                                               
reason the US has a  representative republic and not a democracy.                                                               
True  populism  can be  dangerous,  particularly  now when  large                                                               
amounts  of  money  can  manipulate an  election.  He  cited  the                                                               
Bolshevik  Revolution  as  evidence. The  Electoral  College  was                                                               
established to  prevent such things.  If it's abandoned  in favor                                                               
of  the National  Popular Vote,  elections will  be swamped  with                                                               
candidates from every ideological group.                                                                                        
4:54:32 PM                                                                                                                    
KEN   GRIFFIN,  representing   self,   Wasilla,  Alaska,   stated                                                               
opposition to  SB 61 as a  citizen of Alaska. He  maintained that                                                               
the biggest  problem with  elections is  fraud. He  mentioned the                                                               
use of the World Wide Web  to access information and posited that                                                               
the idea that citizens aren't  informed or that candidates aren't                                                               
campaigning in Alaska is ridiculous.  He said Trump never came to                                                               
Alaska but he  learned everything he needed to know  about him as                                                               
a citizen. He opined that the  bill goes around the rules without                                                               
going through the established process  that has kept this country                                                               
4:56:41 PM                                                                                                                    
SEAN PARNELL, Save our State  Action, Virginia, stated opposition                                                               
to SB  61 and noted that  he submitted written testimony  to each                                                               
of  the committee  members. He  said the  greatest defect  in the                                                               
compact is that there isn't  an official national vote count that                                                               
is  reliably accurate  and conclusive.  He  maintained that  vote                                                               
counts from other  states might not be accurate  and that ranked-                                                               
choice voting  will create additional issues  because the compact                                                               
doesn't stipulate  that other states  must use the number  on the                                                               
Certificate of  Ascertainment. States can add  phantom votes that                                                               
other states would have to  accept as valid. Finally, millions of                                                               
votes  could be  excluded from  the  national vote  if a  state's                                                               
election practices do not conform  to the compact definition of a                                                               
statewide  popular election.  He offered  to send  the California                                                               
2016 Certificate  of Ascertainment  which clearly shows  an extra                                                               
4.2 million  votes for  Donald Trump and  the New  York 2008-2020                                                               
ascertainment  certificates that  show hundreds  of thousands  of                                                               
missing votes. He  concluded by saying that the  winner takes all                                                               
process  can  be  fixed  while  keeping  Alaskans  in  charge  of                                                               
Alaska's electoral votes. Such changes  could be in place for the                                                               
2024 election cycle.                                                                                                            
CHAIR  KAWASAKI asked  him to  send  the letter  he mentioned  to                                                               
[email protected]  and  he  would distribute  it  to                                                               
5:02:11 PM                                                                                                                    
PAT  REDMOND,   representing  self,  Anchorage,   Alaska,  stated                                                               
support  for SB  61 and  the  national popular  vote. She's  been                                                               
following the  issue for  20-25 years  and she  believes it  is a                                                               
better  way  to ensure  that  every  vote counts.  She  expressed                                                               
optimism about moving forward into a new era of voting.                                                                         
5:03:48 PM                                                                                                                    
KARLA  HART,  representing  self, Juneau,  Alaska,  testified  in                                                               
support  of SB  61.  She  stated that  she'd  been following  the                                                               
national  popular vote  concept for  a long  time. Dr.  Koza, the                                                               
League of Women  Voters, and the sponsor have spoken  well to it.                                                               
She encouraged the committee to keep the bill moving forward.                                                                   
5:04:44 PM                                                                                                                    
CHAIR  KAWASAKI closed  public testimony  on SB  61 and  held the                                                               
bill in committee.                                                                                                              

Document Name Date/Time Subjects
SB 61 Version B.pdf SSTA 4/25/2023 3:30:00 PM
SB 61
SB 61 Sponsor Statement.pdf SSTA 4/25/2023 3:30:00 PM
SB 61
SB 61 Sectional Analysis.pdf SSTA 4/25/2023 3:30:00 PM
SB 61
SB 61 Research NPV One-Pager.pdf SSTA 4/25/2023 3:30:00 PM
SB 61
SB 61 Letter of Support League of Women Voters of Alaska.pdf SSTA 4/25/2023 3:30:00 PM
SB 61
SB 61 Fiscal Note OOG-DOE 3.10.2023.pdf SSTA 4/25/2023 3:30:00 PM
SB 61
Commissioner of Corrections Appointment - Jennifer Winkelman Resume 2.10.2023.pdf SSTA 4/25/2023 3:30:00 PM
Governor's appointee Department of Corrections Commissioner
3.8.23 Eric Feige APOC Resume_Redacted.pdf SSTA 4/25/2023 3:30:00 PM
Governor's Appointee Alaska Public Offices Commission appointee