Legislature(2021 - 2022)BUTROVICH 205
04/12/2022 03:30 PM Senate STATE AFFAIRS
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Audio | Topic |
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SB215 | |
SB119 | |
SB221 | |
SB194 | |
SB195 | |
HB234 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SB 119-OATH OF OFFICE 3:50:46 PM CHAIR SHOWER reconvened the meeting and announced the consideration of SENATE BILL NO. 119 "An Act relating to oaths of office; and requiring public officers to read the state constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the United States Constitution." [CSSB 119(JUD) was before the committee.] 3:51:28 PM SENATOR LORA REINBOLD, speaking as sponsor of SB 119, stated that this legislation requires anyone who takes an oath of office in the state of Alaska to read and attest that they read the Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and the Constitution of the State of Alaska before being sworn in. The signed statements of individuals who have fulfilled this requirement will be filed with the municipality, the court clerk's office, or the Alaska State Libraries, Archives and Museums after taking the oath of office. She noted that the requirement to read the Declaration of Independence was removed in the Judiciary Committee and her hope was that it would be added back as the bill goes through the process. SENATOR COSTELLO asked which version of the bill was under consideration. CHAIR SHOWER replied the [Judiciary] committee substitute, version W, was the working document. 3:53:45 PM At ease 3:54:21 PM CHAIR SHOWER reconvened the meeting and asked Ms. Toth to walk through the sectional analysis and fiscal notes. 3:54:32 PM KELLI TOTH, Staff, Senator Lora Reinbold, Alaska State Legislature, Juneau, Alaska, presented the sectional analysis for SB 119, version W. Section 1. AS 14.12.090 is amended to require every school board member before taking office to read the Constitution of the State of Alaska and the Constitution of the United States, and take and sign an oath of affirmation. Section 2. AS 18.65.010 (c) applies the reading and attestation requirement in Section 1 to law enforcement officers under the commissioner of public safety. Section 3. AS 22.05.090 applies the reading and attestation requirement in Section 1 to each Supreme Court justice Section 4. AS 22.07.050 applies the reading and attestation requirement in Section 1 to each judge of the court of appeals. Section 5. AS 22.10.110 applies the reading and attestation requirement in Section 1 to each superior court judge. Section 6. AS 22.15.180 applies the reading and attestation requirement in Section 1 to each district judge and magistrate. Section 7. AS 24.05.060 applies the reading and attestation requirement in Section 1 to each member of the legislature. Section 8. AS 29.20.600 applies the reading and attestation requirement in Section 1 to municipal officials. Section 9. AS 39.05.040 applies the reading and attestation requirement in Section 1 to each principal executive officer of each department and the member of each board within the state government. Section 10. AS 39.05.045 applies the reading and attestation requirement in Section 1 to each public officer or employee of the state. CHAIR SHOWER found no questions and asked Ms. Toth to review the fiscal notes. 3:56:31 PM MS. TOTH advised that the fiscal notes were all zero. SENATOR HOLLAND asked if the bill documents the process for filing the sworn oaths or affirmations with the state library system. MS. TOTH said she would follow up with the answer. She offered her understanding that the bill stipulates that these oaths will be held in the state library archives. SENATOR HOLLAND said he would continue to look for that in the bill while other members ask questions. 3:58:49 PM SENATOR COSTELLO commented that she didn't see that provision either. CHAIR SHOWER held SB 119 in committee.