Legislature(2019 - 2020)BUTROVICH 205
04/04/2019 01:30 PM Senate STATE AFFAIRS
Note: the audio
and video
recordings are distinct records and are obtained from different sources. As such there may be key differences between the two. The audio recordings are captured by our records offices as the official record of the meeting and will have more accurate timestamps. Use the icons to switch between them.
Audio | Topic |
Start | |
SB78 | |
SB92 | |
SB40 | |
SJR5 | |
SB32 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SJR 5-CONST. AM.:PERMANENT FUND & DIVIDEND 3:40:14 PM CHAIR SHOWER reconvened the meeting and announced the consideration of SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION NO. 5, Proposing amendments to the Constitution of the State of Alaska relating to the Alaska permanent fund and the permanent fund dividend. Senators Kawasaki, Coghill, Micciche, and Chair Shower were present. CHAIR SHOWER noted that the bill was last heard on March 28 when public testimony was heard and closed. He advised that written testimony could be submitted to [email protected]. He asked Mr. Milks to provide the follow-up answers to questions from the previous hearing. 3:40:59 PM WILLIAM MILKS, Assistant Attorney General, Civil Division, Labor & State Affairs Section, Juneau, said the primary question the members had was about the effect of garnishments or hold harmless provisions on the dividend. He reviewed the intent of the legislation and advised that SJR 5 does not cover garnishments. 3:43:11 PM SENATOR MICCICHE pointed out that any other changes related to eligibility would need to go to the voters. MR. MILKS said that's correct. 3:44:09 PM CHAIR SHOWER said he had two amendments for the committee to consider. He also related his intention to move the bill. 3:44:27 PM SENATOR COGHILL moved to adopt Amendment 1, work order 31- GS1072\A.3, Nauman, 4/3/19. AMENDMENT 1 OFFERED IN THE SENATE BY SENATOR SHOWER TO: SJR 5 Page 2, line 11, following "effective": Insert "on the later of" Page 2, line 12, following "governor": Insert B"or an effective date provided for by concurrence of two-thirds of the membership of each house" CHAIR SHOWER objected for discussion purposes. He explained that these are technical changes that the drafter recommended. He asked Mr. Milks to comment. 3:45:00 PM MR. MILKS agreed that both amendments contain technical changes that Legislative Legal Services thought would further clarify the bill. The Department of Law has no objection. Amendment 1, A.3, clarifies that the legislature could pass a bill changing the permanent fund dividend program and later provide an effective date with the concurrence of two-thirds of the membership of each house. MR. MILKS explained that the second amendment, A.4, is a contingent law. It clarifies that a law passed by the legislature to change the dividend is subject to a vote of the people. 3:46:59 PM CHAIR SHOWER removed his objection. Finding no further comment or objection, [Amendment 1 was adopted.] 3:47:16 PM At ease 3:47:34 PM CHAIR SHOWER reconvened the meeting and stated that Amendment 1 passed. 3:47:51 PM SENATOR COGHILL moved to adopt Amendment 2, 31-GS1072\A.4, Nauman, 4/3/19. AMENDMENT 2 OFFERED IN THE SENATE BY SENATOR SHOWER TO: SJR5 Page 2, line 4: Delete "Any" Insert "Notwithstanding Section 18 of Article II, a" Delete "Sections 14-18" Insert "Sections 14-17" Page 2, line 8: Delete "proposed" Page 2, line 9: Delete "proposed" Page 2, line 13: Delete "proposed" CHAIR SHOWER objected for discussion purposes. He said Legislative Legal Services recommended the technical changes in Amendment 2. He asked Mr. Milks to comment. 3:48:17 PM MR. MILKS restated the explanation he previously gave for Amendment 2. It is a contingent law. It clarifies that a law passed by the legislature to change the dividend is subject to a vote of the people. It is similar to an amendment the committee saw last week regarding taxation. 3:49:17 PM CHAIR SHOWER found no questions and removed his objection. Finding no further discussion or objection, Amendment 2 passed. He asked if there was further discussion on SJR 5. 3:49:56 PM SENATOR COGHILL highlighted that there are lingering legal questions that will tie the hands of the legislature going forward regarding eligibility and timing. He expressed hope that these questions will be addressed in the next committee. CHAIR SHOWER said he didn't offer the third amendment that starts to address those issues because he didn't feel there was time for the explanation and debate. He said that amendment and others will be offered in the judiciary committee. 3:51:00 PM SENATOR COGHILL moved to report SJR 5, work order 31-GS1072\A, as amended, from committee with individual recommendations, attached fiscal note(s), and authorization for Legislative Legal Services to make appropriate technical and conforming changes. 3:51:28 PM CHAIR SHOWER found no objection and CSSJR 5(STA) moved from the Senate State Affairs Standing Committee.
Document Name | Date/Time | Subjects |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
agenda |
SB 78 Sponsor Statement.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 78 |
SB 78 verU.PDF |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 78 |
SB 78 Supporting Document ADN article.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 78 |
SB 78 Supporting Document AFN letter.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 78 |
SB 78 Supporting Document AFN Resolution.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 78 |
SB 78 Supporting Document Mentasta Traditional Council.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 78 |
SB 78 - Fiscal Note - DOA.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 78 |
SB 92 Sponsor Statement.pdf |
SFIN 4/15/2019 9:00:00 AM SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 92 |
SB 92 Version A.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 92 |
SB 92 Sectional Summary.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 92 |
SB 40 Sponsor Statement.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 40 |
SB 40 Ver. A.PDF |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 40 |
SB 40 BHM Supporting Document.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 40 |
SB 40 - Fiscal Note - DOA.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 40 |
SJR 5 Transmittal Letter.pdf |
SSTA 4/2/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SJR 5 |
SJR 5 version A.pdf |
SSTA 4/2/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SJR 5 |
SJR 5 Sectional Analysis.pdf |
SSTA 4/2/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SJR 5 |
SJR 5 Fiscal Note GOV-DOE.pdf |
SJUD 4/8/2019 1:30:00 PM SSTA 4/2/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SJR 5 |
SJR 5 - Amendment #1 - A.3.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SJR 5 |
SJR 5 - Amendment #2 - A.4.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SJR 5 |
SJR 5 - Amendment #3 - A.5.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SJR 5 |
Senate State Affairs - SJR 5 Written Testimony uploaded (04-08-19).pdf |
SJUD 4/15/2019 1:30:00 PM SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SJR 5 |
SB 32 Transmittal Letter.pdf |
SFIN 4/24/2019 1:30:00 PM SJUD 2/9/2019 1:00:00 PM SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM SSTA 4/9/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/15/2019 6:00:00 PM SSTA 4/16/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/18/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 32 |
SB32 - Version A.pdf |
SJUD 2/6/2019 1:30:00 PM SJUD 2/8/2019 1:30:00 PM SJUD 2/9/2019 1:00:00 PM SSTA 3/5/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM SSTA 4/9/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/11/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/15/2019 6:00:00 PM |
SB 32 |
SB 32 - Classification and Sentencing Sectional.pdf |
SJUD 2/6/2019 1:30:00 PM SSTA 3/5/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM SSTA 4/16/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/18/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 32 |
SB 32 - Classification and Sentencing Highilghts.pdf |
SJUD 2/6/2019 1:30:00 PM SSTA 3/5/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM SSTA 4/9/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/11/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/15/2019 6:00:00 PM SSTA 4/16/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/18/2019 1:30:00 PM |
SB 32 |
SB 32 - FN#1 - DPS.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM SSTA 4/9/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/11/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/15/2019 6:00:00 PM SSTA 4/16/2019 3:30:00 PM |
SB 32 |
SB 32 - FN#2 - DOL.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM SSTA 4/9/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/11/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/15/2019 6:00:00 PM SSTA 4/16/2019 3:30:00 PM |
SB 32 |
SB 32 - FN#5 - DHSS.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM SSTA 4/9/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/11/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/15/2019 6:00:00 PM SSTA 4/16/2019 3:30:00 PM |
SB 32 |
SB 32 - FN#6 - DOC.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM SSTA 4/9/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/11/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/15/2019 6:00:00 PM SSTA 4/16/2019 3:30:00 PM |
SB 32 |
SB 32 - FN - DOA - Public Advocacy.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM SSTA 4/9/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/11/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/15/2019 6:00:00 PM SSTA 4/16/2019 3:30:00 PM |
SB 32 |
SB 32 - FN - DOA - Public Defender Agency.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM SSTA 4/9/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/11/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/15/2019 6:00:00 PM SSTA 4/16/2019 3:30:00 PM |
SB 32 |
SB 32 - FN - Court System.pdf |
SSTA 4/4/2019 1:30:00 PM SSTA 4/9/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/11/2019 3:30:00 PM SSTA 4/15/2019 6:00:00 PM SSTA 4/16/2019 3:30:00 PM |
SB 32 |