Legislature(2015 - 2016)BUTROVICH 205
03/31/2015 09:00 AM Senate STATE AFFAIRS
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Audio | Topic |
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HB56 | |
SB24 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 56-ALASKA FIREFIGHTERS' DAY 9:01:47 AM CHAIR STOLTZE announced the consideration of HB 56. 9:02:01 AM REPRESENTATIVE BOB LYNN, Alaska State Legislature, Juneau, Alaska, provided a sponsor statement as follows: There's a special group of people who help us survive. At the federal level, of course, it's American's military. At the state and local levels it's first responders and that includes our Alaska firefighters. When you're trying to escape a fire, firefighters run into burning buildings to help us escape. When you suffer a heart attack or some other medical emergency, it's our firefighters who rush into our home to save our lives. When you are trapped in a car from some horrible accident, it's firefighters who rush to the scene to rescue us with Jaws of Life. Unless we survive, all of the other issues and challenges and opportunities are moot. Alaska's firefighters deserve their own special day of recognition and I urge you to pass this bill out of committee. This good bill has become a better bill when the Chairman included volunteer firefighters. I urge you to pass the bill. 9:03:36 AM CHAIR STOLTZE noted that the committee has a committee substitute (CS) that Representative Lynn referenced. He pointed out that the CS does not change any substance of the bill. He added that the CS has a Findings Section that will not be included in the statutes, but does reflect the contribution of a large number of folks. SENATOR MCGUIRE moved to adopt the Senate State Affairs version for HB 56, [29-LS0241\W] as the working document. CHAIR STOLTZE objected and explained that he worked closely with the bill sponsor with the desire to recognize the large number of people that are not paid professionals. 9:04:23 AM REPRESENTATIVE LYNN commented that Chairman Stoltze made a good bill much better. CHAIR STOLTZE detailed that the bill's Findings Section is only reflected in the legislative record that the volunteers will be recognized. He pointed out that service includes non-police, public safety, dispatchers, wild firefighters and so forth. 9:05:08 AM CHAIR STOLTZE asked if there were any other objections. He announced that the CS is before the committee. 9:05:29 AM JEFF TUCKER, Fire Chief, Kenai Fire Department, Kenai, Alaska, revealed that he is also the 2nd Vice President for the Alaska Fire Chiefs Association. He said HB 56 recognizes the contributions of firefighters across the state, both career and volunteer firefighters. He pointed out that the bill gives the state a date to pause, reflect, and celebrate the services that the men and women firefighters provide for their communities. He said the Alaska Fire Chiefs Association supports and encourages the adoption of HB 56. 9:06:24 AM MARK HALL, Fire Chief, Hilcorp Alaska, LLC, Alaska-North Slope, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, said HB 56 is a great thing for all of the fire-people in the fire-service, including professionals that volunteers or paid that put their lives on the line. He concurred with Chief Tucker that HB 56 will establish a great day for people to just think about what the fire-service does for their community and what the community does for the service too. 9:07:45 AM CHAIR STOLTZE pointed out that firefighting personnel includes both men and women. He noted that the fire chief at his local fire department is a woman. MR. HALL agreed with Chair Stoltze. 9:08:02 AM KELLY NICOLELLO, Alaska State Fire Marshal, Director, Division of Fire and Life Safety, Alaska Department of Public Safety, Anchorage, Alaska, pointed out that there are approximately 1500 firefighters across the state made up of career, municipal, borough, wildland, and airport firefighters. He added that there are approximately 6000 volunteer municipal, borough, village, and wildland firefighters that are all considered professionals for serving communities with their heart, soul, pocketbooks, and sometimes their lives. He stated that the vast majority of firefighters are volunteers who have other fulltime careers. He said all firefighters dedicate many extra hours to learn, train, equip, and respond to local emergency situations. He stated that recognition of Alaska Firefighter Day is a great way to demonstrate that firefighters' personal involvement means more than what happens locally. He said that the service firefighters perform has a direct impact on the quality of life of those around them and is recognized as a positive contribution to Alaska as a whole. He summarized that the recognition of Alaska Firefighter Day during Fire Prevention Week is appropriate when remembrance is given to those firefighters who have lost their lives in the performance of their duties. 9:10:31 AM SENATOR MCGUIRE stated that she had one amendment for the committee to consider. 9:11:02 AM CHAIR STOLTZE asked if there was any other public testimony. He announced that public testimony was closed. SENATOR MCGUIRE noted that she serves on the board for the Alaska Police and Fire Chaplains' Ministries. She pointed out that chaplains are an amazing part of the fire service. She said chaplains are people that go on the frontlines and help comfort families that lost their loved ones. SENATOR MCGUIRE moved and asked for unanimous consent that on line 13, after "search and rescue personnel" put a comma and add "chaplains." CHAIR STOLTZE asked Senator McGuire to repeat her conceptual amendment. SENATOR MCGUIRE restated that on page 1, line 13, after "search and rescue personnel" insert a comma and add "chaplains, and countless others beyond the field." 9:12:18 AM CHAIR STOLTZE found no objection and announced that [Amendment 1] is adopted. He said he would like to make a personal dedication to two individuals that put three to four decades in their respective fire departments near the area where he lives. He cited Charles Von Gunten from the Butte Volunteer Fire Department and Cliff Gilmore from the Chugiak Volunteer Fire Department. 9:13:16 AM SENATOR HUGGINS moved to report the Senate CS for HB 56, version \W as amended, be moved from committee with individual comments and zero fiscal note. 9:13:29 AM CHAIR STOLTZE announced that hearing no objection SCS HB 56(STA) is reported from Senate State Affairs Standing Committee.
Document Name | Date/Time | Subjects |
HB56 Support Document - Written Testimony Kelly Nicollelo - Presented in HSTA 2-24-15.pdf |
SSTA 3/31/2015 9:00:00 AM |
HB 56 |
HB56 Support Document - AK State Firefighters Association list of fallen firefighters - provided by SSTA.pdf |
SSTA 3/31/2015 9:00:00 AM |
HB 56 |
HB56 - SSTA CS Workdraft version W - 3.27.15.pdf |
SSTA 3/31/2015 9:00:00 AM |
HB 56 |
SB24 Backup Document - Legislature Contracts - provided by Sen. Gardner.pdf |
SSTA 3/31/2015 9:00:00 AM |
SB 24 |
SB24 Backup Document - LB&A Current Contracts - provided by Sen. Gardner.pdf |
SSTA 3/31/2015 9:00:00 AM |
SB 24 |