Legislature(2015 - 2016)BUTROVICH 205
03/03/2015 09:00 AM Senate STATE AFFAIRS
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Audio | Topic |
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HB43 | |
HB1 | |
SJR12 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 1 | |||
HB 43-JAN 9: AK LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS' DAY 9:15:13 AM CHAIR STOLTZE announced the consideration of HB 43. [CSHB 43(STA) was before the committee.] 9:15:30 AM REPRESENTATIVE BOB LYNN, Alaska State Legislature, sponsor of HB 43, explained his family background in law enforcement and his job as a policeman years ago. He related that law enforcement technology has changed over the years, but the job itself has not changed. He spoke of the risks of being in law enforcement and shared a personal story. He opined that law enforcement deserve a special day. CHAIR STOLTZE asked why January 9 was chosen. REPRESENTATIVE LYNN replied that his staff would explain the reason. 9:18:45 AM JOANNA LEWIS, Staff, Representative Bob Lynn, Alaska State Legislature, answered questions related to HB 43. She said January 9 was chosen because that is also National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day and it would show solidarity with the national movement. CHAIR STOLTZE opened public testimony. 9:19:47 AM SARAH HIEB, President, Alaska Peace Officers Association-Juneau, testified in support of HB 43. She said she was a police officer for eight-and-a-half years and understands the challenges and dangers that peace officers deal with each day. She spoke of her presence as an officer in schools and how valuable appreciation is. She noted there is a Peace Officers Memorial Day on May 15, but voiced appreciation for a day to honor those who are currently serving. 9:22:14 AM TERRY VRABEC, Deputy Director, Department of Public Safety, testified in support of HB 43. He noted Commissioner Folger's support for the bill and the support of law enforcement across the state. He thanked the sponsor. 9:23:33 AM AARON DANIELSON, President, Public Safety Employee Association, testified in support of HB 43. He said he has been a cop for eight years. There are over 1,300 officers that work in Alaska enforcing laws, conducting search and rescues, and protecting the public. He termed it a tough and difficult profession both physically and mentally. He concluded that the bill is an opportunity for Alaskans to say thank you to law enforcement officers. 9:25:07 AM RODNEY DIAL, Lieutenant, Alaska State Troopers, testified in support of HB 43. 9:25:37 AM BRANDY JOHNSON, representing herself, testified in support of HB 43. She said she is the recent widow of Scott Johnson, whose job was that of a Sergeant with the Alaska State Troopers. She stated that she represents all the men and women in law enforcement in Alaska. She related that last year there were 121 line-of-duty deaths in the United States, two of which occurred in Alaska, and one of which was her husband and the other was Trooper Gabe Rich. She maintained that the law enforcement community in Alaska should know they are appreciated. She said they performs tasks most of us would never want to experience. She provided examples of positive and negative tasks. She shared how much appreciation means to the law enforcement community. 9:28:29 AM CHAIR STOLTZE thanked Mrs. Johnson. CHAIR STOLTZE closed public testimony. 9:28:56 AM At ease 9:30:12 AM SENATOR COGHILL moved to report CSHB 43(STA) from committee with individual recommendations and attached new Department of Administration zero fiscal note and a zero fiscal note from Legislative Affairs. There being no objection, the motion carried.