Legislature(2009 - 2010)BELTZ 105 (TSBldg)
04/08/2010 09:00 AM Senate STATE AFFAIRS
Audio | Topic |
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HB225 | |
HB24 | |
HB251 | |
HB225 | |
Adjourn |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
= | HB 24 | ||
HB 24-PROCUREMENT PREFERENCE FOR VETERANS 9:34:32 AM CHAIR MENARD said the next order of business to come before the committee would be HB 24. [CSHB 24(MLV) was before the committee.] MS. KINEMAN said HB 24 sets out a 5 percent preference for Alaska veterans up to $5,000. Most procurements would be under $100,000 so the $5,000 limit would rarely be applied. Statute currently contains several other preferences and the sponsor believes that veterans need to be taken care of by giving them a push into starting their own businesses. 9:37:04 AM VERN JONES, chief procurement officer, said he certainly is not opposed to HB 24. However, HB 24 does nothing to solve the problems with the procurement code, but adds yet another preference. That makes a total of 11 or 13 preferences. HB 24 will not be difficult or expensive to implement but HB 225 attempted to streamline and solve practical problems. CHAIR MENARD said the committee recognizes that Mr. Jones is in a big dilemma but more work and time is needed. SENATOR MEYER said a more comprehensive approach could take place over the interim working with the state Chamber of Commerce and businesses. He thinks the procurement code can be made less confusing, lawsuits might be eliminated and numerous groups will not need to be excluded. He recognized that HB 24 does not solve any problems. SENATOR PASKVAN said he understands that something that appears to make sense, as applied, is actually anti-competitive. 9:41:34 AM He said HB 24 is easy to support but a global analysis of our procurement code is needed to ensure a competitive process, based on objective standards, and to track spending in each preference category. CHAIR MENARD commented that the state's lack of electronic tracking is disappointing. She told Mr. Jones the committee is not against revamping the procurement code. SENATOR FRENCH thanked Mr. Jones for providing him with examples of how the offerors preference works. That information made it clear that something the offerors preference is resulting in the state spending millions of dollars for projects with only a tenuous connection to Alaskan employees and companies. CHAIR MENARD said we are looking for a streamlined tracking system and what to do with the offerors preference. 9:44:01 AM CHAIR MENARD closed public testimony. SENATOR MEYER moved to report HB 24, [26-LS0135\S], from committee with individual recommendations and accompanying fiscal notes. CHAIR MENARD announced that without objection CSHB 24(MLV) moved from the Senate State Affairs Standing Committee.
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