Legislature(2009 - 2010)BELTZ 211
03/03/2009 09:00 AM Senate STATE AFFAIRS
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SB58 | |
HJR12 | |
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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SB 58-MARMOT DAY 9:03:59 AM VICE CHAIR MEYER announced the consideration of SB 58. MICHAEL ROVITO, Staff to Senator Linda Menard, Alaska State Legislature, sponsor of SB 58, said the bill is about local hire and would establish February 2 of each year as Marmot Day. It was first introduced 20 years ago by Senator Curt Menard when he was in the Alaska legislature, and his wife, Senator Linda Menard, reintroduced it. She looked toward the marmot to represent local hire. It is an abundant animal in Alaska, especially in the Hatcher Pass area. Marmot Day can be observed by schools, the zoo, or anyone else. There has been a lot of support from the Mat-Su school district and the Anchorage Zoo. He spoke of educational opportunities for students and a layer of Alaska pride. A marmot is a big rodent that is unique to mountainous habitat. The hoary marmot's range extends from Washington to Alaska where "we certainly have no shortage." MR. ROVITO said some newspapers say it isn't a serious bill, "but I don't think you have to always have a serious bill." A Wasilla man said, "The more we can do to imbue our community with a depth of history, the more the Mat-Su ... becomes somewhere where we can be proud to live." Mr. Rovito said that is the whole idea of this bill. There are no groundhogs in Alaska, "so groundhog day doesn't work out so well." 9:08:25 AM MR. ROVITO said eight students at Polaris school in Anchorage sent a fax supporting the bill. CHUCK HEATH, Wasilla, said he was calling from the Menard's house, and he noted that Curt Menard just died today. Mr. Heath suggested changing the bill to make Marmot Day on March 3, the day of his death. People laughed at Curt Menard when he introduced this bill, "but why not have this marmot day. The kids all want it." Adults want it too. He works in the schools and the kids support the bill. 9:11:19 AM VICE CHAIR MEYER said changing the date sounds good to him. SENATOR FRENCH said the suggestion is touching, but he doesn't want to undermine the sponsor. The bill goes to another committee, so in honor of the late Senator Menard, the committee should move the bill forward and hold off on the change until Senator Linda Menard has had a chance to reflect. 9:12:58 AM SENATOR PASKVAN moved to report SB 58 from committee with individual recommendations and attached fiscal note(s). There being no objection, SB 58 passed out of committee.
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