Legislature(2003 - 2004)
04/08/2003 03:40 PM Senate STA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SB 146-COMMEMORATIVE VETERANS LICENSE PLATE SENATOR GRETCHEN GUESS explained SB 146 establishes a license plate that any Alaskan could purchase to support veterans. It is modeled after the current Children's Trust license plate. There would be a $100 one-time fee in addition to the $35 renewal fee. It's a simple bill to help Alaskans show support for veterans. The goal is for the money raised from the sale of the license plates to go to veteran services. The fiscal note is small and would be covered by the revenues generated. SENATOR JOHN COWDERY asked if this was a tax bill. SENATOR GUESS responded a tax bill is one where the government requires payment; this is optional. SENATOR COWDERY asked how many other states offer this license plate and are the proposed charges comparable. SENATOR GUESS replied the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) could answer specifically, but many states have multiple license plate options. She was unaware of any states that offered the plate in support of veterans. She didn't know about comparable costs. The charge for the proposed plate is modeled after the Children's Trust plate. SENATOR COWDERY asked if the fees would be in addition to standard fee or in place of the standard fee. SENATOR GUESS replied the fee is the same as the Children's Trust plate, which is in addition to the standard fee. SENATOR COWDERY mused it is a tax. CHAIR GARY STEVENS asked Charles Hosack whether he had anything to contribute. CHARLES HOSACK, Deputy Director with DMV, stated the department supports the bill as a way of supporting veterans. He confirmed the fees are in addition to the regular registration fees. Each year a $35 fee would be paid in addition to the one time $100 fee. Other states have a number of specialty plates and since September 11 some states are proposing laws similar to this to commemorate or support veterans. He didn't know how many had passed or the fee structure. The $100 one-time fee is the same as the $100 one-time fee for the Children's Trust plate. There were no further questions. SENATOR COWDERY made a motion to move SB 146 with individual recommendations and attached fiscal note. There being no objection, it was so ordered.
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