Legislature(2001 - 2002)
04/23/2002 03:45 PM Senate STA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 331-PRESENTMENT OF GOVERNOR'S APPOINTEES CHAIRMAN THERRIAULT took up HB 331. MS. LINDA SYLVESTER, Aide to Representative Pete Kott, said that the statute was drafted in a convoluted way. She explained the color-coded statute in the packet before the Committee. The yellow highlighted information was general language dealing with initial presentments made by the Governor to the Legislature. The blue highlighted information deals with the specific situation of presentments that follow later in the session, typically when the Legislature fails to confirm a presentment. The pink highlighted information is the general discussion about how presentments and confirmations are to be handled. HB 331 seeks to clarify and clean up ambiguities in the statute. It is unclear whether the Legislature can confirm an appointment during a special session. Based on opinions from the legislative legal department and other procedures from the statute, it is believed that the intent of the statute is that all presentments and confirmations occur during the regular session. HB 331 has cleaned that up and changed some timeframes that are in the current statute that put the confirmations outside of the regular session. CHAIRMAN THERRIAULT asked if there were any questions from committee members. SENATOR BEN STEVENS asked if the blue highlighted section was the only one being changed. MS. SYLVESTER answered yes. The bill takes out the timeframes, substitutes "five days" with "immediately" and removes a twenty- day provision saying the Legislature has to confirm a presentment within 20 days of receipt from the Governor. SENATOR STEVENS said that in AS 39.05.080(1)(B) the words "on or before" were being added and asked when the boards expired. CHAIRMAN THERRIAULT said they expire all throughout the year. MS. SYLVESTER explained that when the process was set up at statehood, each appointee was put on a schedule. Since then, the timeline was determined by when vacancies occurred. The only timeline that is in the statute pertains to presentment and confirmation. SENATOR STEVENS said the bill stated, "persons to be appointed to fill a position or membership, the term of which will expire on or before March 1 during that session of the legislature." MS. SYLVESTER said the statute encourages the Legislature to address the presentments during the session as early as possible. This includes all of the positions the Governor filled during the interim and all the positions that will expire before March 1. CHAIRMAN THERRIAULT asked if there were other questions. He said that he had not prepared a CS and asked if there were any amendments from committee members. He made note of the zero fiscal note. SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS moved to pass CS HB 331 (STA) from the committee with individual recommendations and the accompanying fiscal note. CHAIRMAN THERRIAULT noted that the CS was the House State Affairs version of the bill. CSHB 331(STA) moved from committee with attached fiscal note and individual recommendations.
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