Legislature(1999 - 2000)
04/06/2000 03:36 PM Senate STA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SB 120-DIVISION OF ELECTIONS SENATOR ELTON asked, because of the unusual circumstances, if any amendments offered would be held for a later meeting. VICE CHAIR GREEN replied the remainder of the meeting is for the purpose of hearing public testimony, and to recess to the call of the chair. MS. GAIL FENUMIAI, Election Program Specialist for the Division of Elections, stated SB 120 was an identical bill to HB 163 but changes have been made. MS. BROWN stated a proposed committee substitute for SB 120 contains some of the changes made to HB 163. SENATOR PHILLIPS moved to adopt CS for SB 120 (STA) (version H) for discussion purposes only. SENATOR ELTON objected for the purpose of making the following statement: debating the merits of SB 120 v. the merits of CS for SB 120, SENATOR ELTON removed his objection. MS. BROWN explained the changes made in CSSB 120. The use of stickers that was adopted in HB 163 was incorporated into CS for SB 120. Jury service exemption was included in CS for SB 120. Sections 63-70 were deleted from HB 163 and CS for SB 120. On page 6, line 25, Section 12 regarding seals and emblems, have been added. Sections regarding run-off elections and redistricting have been added. MS. FENUMIAI stated general support for CS for SB 120. Some provisions in CS for SB 120 the Division of Election (DOE) does not support. The use of stickers DOE does not support, also section 45 regarding run-off elections DOE has concerns about. Ms. Fenumiai referred to the 1998 election. DOE has concerns about the certification process for absentee ballots, the estimated cost of a House District run-off would be about $18,000 and a Senate District run-off would be about $37,500. The effective date of CS for SB 120 is July 1, 2000 and DOE has asked for a delayed effective date. DOE would like to have an effective date for sections 51-52 of January 1, 2001. SENATOR ELTON asked for a list of legislative races, in the last decade, that have been decided by less than 50 percent of the vote. Number 1790 REPRESENTATIVE HAL SMALLEY referred to HB 155, regarding municipal assemblies forms of reapportionment. Representative Smalley expressed concerns about CS for SB 120. He proposed an amendment to delete sections 86-89 and part of the title that refers to that. SENATOR ELTON stated opposition for the 50 percent requirement, and expressed concerns about other provisions in the bill. VICE CHAIR GREEN stated CS for SB 120 with the proposed amendment would be held in committee.
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