Legislature(1997 - 1998)
03/31/1998 03:32 PM Senate STA
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* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
CSHB 362(STA) - AIRPORT MILITARY LOUNGES CHAIRMAN GREEN brought CSHB 362(STA) before the committee as the final order of business. Number 314 DON STOLWORTHY, staff to the House Special Committee on Military & Veterans' Affairs, presented the following remarks on behalf of the committee: "The presence of a facility for military personnel is beneficial to an airport's operations. It eases the congestion in public waiting areas, and promotes good will between the state and military personnel. "The committee is pleased to sponsor HB 362, a bill which ensures the continued operation of military lounges in Alaska's airports. "In 1996 and 1997, more than 20,000 military personnel took advantage of the Anchorage International Airport's military lounge. "Operated by the Anchorage Armed Services YMCA, the Anchorage International Airport's military lounge provides a valuable service to our dedicated men and women serving in the defense of our state and nation. At no cost to the state, this lounge is staffed by volunteers from squadron booster clubs. "House Bill 362 will guarantee that as long as nonprofits are willing to operate courtesy lounges for our military service men and women, the state of Alaska is willing to provide those spaces free of charge when they are available. "House Bill 362 does not require the state to provide the space. It only requires the state to provide the space at no charge, if and when available. "House Bill 362 passed the House by unanimous vote. "It is the committee's hope that the Senate State Affairs Committee will approve this bill and let Alaska's military community know that this Legislature is committed to their cause." Number 334 SENATOR WARD asked why the legislation is needed. MR. STOLWORTHY explained that the FAA requires an airport to maximize its revenues, and one of the things airports do is lease space. Offering the lounge at a $10 yearly fee without the authority put the airport director in a precarious situation with the FAA, so the legislation provides the airport director with the authority to do what he has been doing. Number 362 TOM MORGAN, testifying from Anchorage, said for many years the Armed Services YMCA has been quietly and competently serving the traveling military through the military courtesy lounge located at the Anchorage International Airport. A safe and secure place has been dedicated to the Armed Forces at no expense to the state or to the military. Alaska continues to be of strategic importance in the training of the military and the defense of the nation. He pointed out that existing statute does not allow the Armed Services YMCA to provide these services without a rental charge, and HB 362 cleans that up. The legislation will allow the Armed Services YMCA to continue their work and, at the same time, authorize the Anchorage International Airport to offer the space rent free. He added that this arrangement would then be consistent with other military lounge airport programs run by the Armed Services YMCA and/or the USO nationwide. Number 388 BONNIE DORMAN, representing the Armed Force YMCA and testifying from Anchorage in support of HB 362, said the supervisors and families utilize these facilities in their official and leisure travel. They volunteer as a squadron; they are able to take one month out of the year and volunteer up to 480 hours to the lounge. This builds morale within their organization and promotes volunteerism. Number 396 RICHARD FOSTER testifying from Anchorage, said he represents all the enlisted men and women in the Third Wing at Elmendorf Base. He said all members of the Armed Services utilize the lounge, and it is a great opportunity for their members who are departing for the Far East, or even to the Lower 48 when they deploy out. It provides opportunity for the young folks to get out and promote volunteerism throughout the community. He urged the committee's support of HB 362. Number 406 DENNIS POSHARD, Legislative Liaison/Special Assistant, Department of Transportation and Public Facilities, stated the department supports HB 362. They worked with the sponsor in making one minor change that makes the bill much more acceptable. Number 416 There being no further testimony or questions on CSHB 362(STA), CHAIRMAN GREEN asked the pleasure of the committee. SENATOR WARD moved CSHB 362(STA) and the accompanying zero fiscal note be passed out of committee with individual recommendations. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered. There being no further business to come before the committee, the meeting adjourned at 4:05 p.m.
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