Legislature(1997 - 1998)
05/01/1997 04:04 PM Senate STA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
CSHB 50(FIN) BROADCASTING OF RAFFLES AND CLASSICS CHAIRMAN GREEN brought CSHB 50(FIN) before the committee as the final order of business. REPRESENTATIVE MARK HODGINS, prime sponsor of HB 50, explained the legislation allows the removal of a prohibition on legislatively designated sweepstakes to be broadcast on radio or T.V. Currently, the only designated sweepstakes that can be broadcast are fishing derbies. This will bring 19 sweepstakes such as the Nenana Ice Classic, the Kenai Snow Goose Classic, etc., into the same status as a fishing derby. He said basically these are community activist groups that are trying to raise money to provide scholarships and other benefits within their communities. Number 326 LAURA MEASLES, Executive Director, Kenai Chamber of Commerce, testifying from Kenai in CSHB 50(FIN), said the Kenai Chamber Snow Goose Classic began in 1993, and Tesoro Alaska has been the major sponsor in providing financial assistance each year to put this event on. A determination was made in 1993 by an attorney working for Tesoro that it would not be a violation of any gaming laws if they advertised over the radio the location of ticket outlets in their community, which they proceeded to do, and over the next couple of years the classic grew. In November 1996, the chamber was notified by the Division of Gaming that the advertising over the radio was illegal and in violation of the gaming law. Ms. Measles then contacted Representative Hodgins to see what could be done legislatively so that they could at least promote their activity on the airways. She noted that without the radio promotion this year, the classic experienced no growth, and it is affecting their ability, as well as others, to fund their goals of scholarships and various community events. There being no further testimony on CSHB 50(FIN), CHAIRMAN GREEN asked for the pleasure of the committee. SENATOR WARD moved CSHB 50(FIN) and the accompanying zero fiscal note be passed out of committee with individual recommendations. Hearing no objection, it was so ordered.
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