Legislature(1995 - 1996)
05/02/1996 09:05 AM Senate STA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
HB 63 DOG MUSHING VANITY PLATES CHAIRMAN SHARP brought up HB 63 as the next order of business before the Senate State Affairs Committee. Number 555 REPRESENTATIVE JOHN DAVIES, prime sponsor of HB 63, stated he introduced the bill at the request at some people in the Fairbanks area who are involved in dog mushing. It arose out of concern over some of the attacks against the sport from out of state. There would be a $50.00 fee for these plates, with any excess revenue authorized to be appropriated to statewide dog mushing programs. HB 63 would allow Alaskans to show support for the state sport, and give non-mushers an opportunity to bolster the mushing community. He asked for support of HB 63. SENATOR LEMAN noted that 155 sets of license plates will have to be purchased to break even on the cost of producing them. He assumed there would be at least that many people interested in purchasing those plates. REPRESENTATIVE DAVIES hopes closer to 1000 sets of license plates will be sold. Number 587 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS made a motion to discharge HB 63 from the Senate State Affairs Committee with individual recommendations. TAPE 96-32, SIDE B CHAIRMAN SHARP, hearing no objection, stated HB 63 was discharged from the Senate State Affairs Committee.
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