Legislature(1995 - 1996)
05/02/1995 03:36 PM Senate STA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SSTA - 5/2/95 HJR 39 NORTHERN SEA ROUTE DEVELOPMENT SENATOR SHARP brings up HJR 39 as the next order of business before the Senate State Affairs Committee and calls the first witness. Number 350 WAYNE MALONEY, Aide to the Special Committee on World Trade & State & Federal Relations, reads a written statement relaying information on HJR 39 to the committee. HJR 39 supports international shipping along the Northern Sea Route. Opening the Northern Sea Route would cut the shipping distance for Alaska cargo bound for Europe by up to 60%. It is also the shortest route to London from all ports north of Hong Kong. HJR 39 was passed unanimously by the House of Representatives last month. SENATOR LEMAN makes a motion to discharge HJR 39 from the Senate State Affairs Committee with individual recommendations. Number 380 CHAIRMAN SHARP, hearing no objection, orders HJR 39 released from committee with individual recommendations.
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