Legislature(1995 - 1996)
02/21/1995 03:37 PM Senate STA
Audio | Topic |
* first hearing in first committee of referral
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
+ teleconferenced
= bill was previously heard/scheduled
SSTA - 2/21/95 SJR 14 CONFIRMATION OF MEMBERS OF PUBLIC CORP Number 015 SENATOR HALFORD, prime sponsor of SJR 14, states the topic of the resolution has been considered numerous times by the legislature. It has been considered in relation to the Alaska Railroad corporation, the Alaska Permanent Fund Corporation, and Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, among others. Senator Halford thinks if the framers of the constitution had envisioned that these public corporations would be in charge of the resources and assets of the State of Alaska, they would have made legislative confirmation part of the confirmation process of the boards of these corporations. SENATOR HALFORD states that during the Hammond administration an attorney general's opinion was issued which essentially said, without a constitutional amendment the legislature cannot require confirmation of members of public corporations. He thinks any commission or entity which manages any state assets should have members confirmed by the legislature. There is a $2,200 fiscal note, which is the cost of putting the question on the ballot. Number 060 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS supports SJR 14, but asks why the resolution did not receive a referral to the Senate Judiciary Committee. SENATOR HALFORD does not know why the resolution did not receive a referral to the Senate Judiciary Committee. Number 070 SENATOR LEMAN asks Mr. Halford if he could get a copy of the list of public corporations which would be affected by SJR 14. SENATOR HALFORD responds he will get Senator Leman a copy of the list. Number 095 SENATOR RANDY PHILLIPS makes a motion to discharge SJR 14 from the Senate State Affairs Committee with individual recommendations. CHAIRMAN SHARP, hearing no objection, orders SJR 14 released from committee with individual recommendations.
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